<br />r
<br />
<br />:en:; r:.1::r~~~ :~~h-::;~~~~:J~b:~?et~~~jU;a~:'~pf:~~: ~~;~~:~~;:8~da~~~~
<br />
<br />opllon of Beneficiary or Trustee !Iuch sums may be added 10 the prlnclpat balancf'i
<br />of any IndebtedM5$ secured hereby and shall bear the same Inlere131 as ~iUch
<br />Jndebtedoei!l8 and shall be payable ralably o....er th(, remaining term thereof
<br />
<br />10. A..ignrnent of ~nts. Beneficiary shall have the ~iBhl, power and authority
<br />during the continuance j'" this Trust Dead to collect Ihe rents, ISSUffS and proflts of
<br />the Property and of any ~&rsonal property located thereon with or wl~hol.ll taking
<br />posseseJon of the property affacted hereby. and Trustor hereby ",bsolufely and
<br />unco"dltlonaliy assigns alf such rents, Issues and profits to Beneficiary.
<br />BeneficiarY, hoWever, Mr.eby consents 10 the Trustor's coUacHo" a,nd retention 01
<br />sUch - i"entl5; Is'sues' -and -~raflt5 as they accrue and become payal:lIe so long as
<br />Trustor is not, at such times, in default with respecl to payment of any
<br />Indebtedness seclIred hereby or In the performance of sny agreemenl hereunder.
<br />Upon any SUCh defaull, Beoeflc:iary may at any time, e~therln person, by agent, or by
<br />s'recelver to be- appointed by a court, without notice and without regard to the
<br />adequacy of any-securlty for the Indebtedness hereby secured, (a) enter upon and
<br />take-posseSSion aOhe'Property or any part thereof, and In its own name sue for or
<br />otherw!se collect such' reots, issues and- proms. Including !hosa past due and
<br />unpa_ld, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operallon and collection,
<br />Including reasonable attorney fees, upon any Indebtedness secured hereby. and in
<br />such - order as Baneflciary may determine; {ol perform such acts of repair or
<br />protection as may be necessary or proper to conserve the ....alue of the Property; (c)
<br />lea~ the same or any part thereof for such rental, term, and upon such condftfO!1$
<br />as-Its-Judgement may dlctate,-Unlass Trustor and Beneficiary agree other....lse In
<br />writing. any application of rents, issues or profits to any Indebtedness secured
<br />hereby shaH-not Elxtend or postpone Ihe due date 01 the Installment payments as
<br />provided in said promissory note or change tha amount 01 such installments, The
<br />entering upon and taking possession of the Property. the collection of such rents.
<br />Issue5 and prOfits., and the application thereof as aforesaid, shall not waive or cure
<br />any defaoll or notice of d~fa'.JlI hereunder, or in....aHcate any aCI done pursuant to
<br />such notl~.- TrustOf also assigns. to Beneficiary, as further security for lhe
<br />performance of the obllgations secured herlJby, all prlJpaid rents and all monies
<br />which may have been or may hereafter be deposited with said Trustot by any less,*,
<br />='f the Property. to secure lne payment of any rent, and upon del au II !n the
<br />performance of any of the provisions hereof, Trustor agrees 10 deliver sllch rents
<br />and deposits to the BeneficIary. Delll/ery of written nollce of Ihe Beneficiary's
<br />exerciSe of the rights granted herein. to any tenant occupymg said premises shall
<br />be sufficient to require said tenant 10 pay said rentlc the Beneficiary until furttler
<br />notice.
<br />
<br />11.lMaed Prwml.... Within 10 days after demand, Trustor shall furnish to Trustee
<br />a schedule certified to be true, setting forth all leases of space In the Trust
<br />Property then In eHect, InclUding, In !:lach case, Ihe name of the tenants and
<br />occupants, a description of the space occUpied by Such tenant and occupant. ihe
<br />rental payable fOf such space and such other Information and documents with
<br />respect to such leases and tenancies as the Trustee may request.
<br />
<br />Without the prior written consent of Truslee, Trustor shail not directly or
<br />Indirectly, with. respect to any lease of space In tl'le described premises, wRether
<br />such lease Is now or heretltter In existence; (a) accept or parmI! any prepayment,
<br />discount or advance rent payable thereunder. (b) cancel or terminate the same, or
<br />accept any cancellation, tarmlnatlon or surrender thereof. or permit any event to
<br />occur which would entitle the lessee thereunder to terminate or cancel the $erne: (cl
<br />amend or modify the a.me so as to reduce the term thereof, the rental payable
<br />thereunder, or to change llny renewal tltOvislons therein contained; (d) waive any
<br />default thereundar or breach thereof; te) give any consent, waiver or approval
<br />thereunder or taka any other action In connecUon tMttlwilh, or wilh a lessee
<br />thereunder, which wou!d have the efht;:t of Impairing the \lalue of lessor's Inter6st
<br />thereunder, on the Property subject thereto, or of Imp.lrlng the pOSition or interest
<br />of lhe Trustee or Beneficiary; or {f) sell, assign, pledge. mortgage or otherwise
<br />dispose ot, or-encumber. Its Interealln any 'Such leas8 or any rents. Issues or profits
<br />Issuing or arising thereunder,
<br />
<br />12. ConcMmn.tIon.lt tltla to any part of the Property shall be taken In condemnation
<br />prl)CMdtngs, by nOh! of eminent domain or similar aCtion, & shall be sold under
<br />threat ot cond~mnallon, all awards. damages and prOC(Jtlds are hereby assigned
<br />and sha" be paid to Benetlciary who shall apply such awards, damages and
<br />proceeds to the sums aeoured by the Trust Deed, wUh the 8xcesa-, i1 eny, paid 10 the
<br />Trustor. Trustor-wUl protnpU'I. and with due dHlgen~, repair, alter and restore Ihft
<br />remaining part of the Trvat Property to its IOflller condUlon sub3lantl$.Hy 10 th$
<br />extent that the same mey be feasible and so ss to COfIstlhHe B complete and useble
<br />UN!,
<br />
<br />13. FutuN:Advanoea. Upon request of Trustor, Beneflciaf)', at Benefichuy's option.
<br />prlot to reoonV8)'8Jlce of the Property 10 lhe- Trustor, may make luture advances 10
<br />the Tru8tOf. Such futura advanees, with inter&S1 thereon, shall be secured by this
<br />Trust Oeed when 8'i1rl$nCed by promls$Ol'Y noles Slating thai said notes Ilrs
<br />secured hereby; provided that at no lime shaH \he aecured principat, future
<br />adv~ not lnoludlng sums advanced to pr-otect (he securily, eXCeed one
<br />hundred pmcent (100%) of the Oflglnal pllncipal amounts 5eGureQ hereoy.
<br />
<br />t.. R4NMcAM CUmulative. AU rerrHtdles provided in thjs TnJ!ll Deed arE! distinct and
<br />cumulatiVe to any other right or re~y under this Trusl Deed or afford&d by law or
<br />equlty.- and may beexerclqd concutrently, IndependenUY or successlvQly,
<br />
<br />...
<br />
<br />15:. ~Iton; Remtdltel; Sa_... Upon default by Trustor In the payment of any
<br />Indebt~neu aecured hereby Of in the performance of any agreement hereunder,
<br />~f1~'ly'ma)', d80late all 8ums ,secured h8leby Immediately due and payable by
<br />deIJvory,to.rf~~ee of written declaration of default. Th\1 Trustee shall ha'J6 the
<br />I)OMIr of ..Ie of the. Pr~rty and I' Beneficiary dQlrea the Property to be sold, It
<br />shall ,<<MposJt.wtth Tru.t" thlt Trust_Deed and aU p.tomlsSQI')i not&6 and documents
<br />lI'fld:en(:lng expenditures ,secured herebY, and shall deliver to Tru8t&6, a written
<br />noUce of det8i.l1t "o<I electiOn to cauH the Property to be 801d, and ihe Trustee 10
<br />tum,t4lJ1 J)repar,&. similar Notice In the form required by law, whtch shall be dUly
<br />tiled for recO<<1by- Trustee.
<br />
<br />{aJ. After 1M lapse of S~Oh time as may be required_ by law foHewlng the lecord-
<br />atlon of said notice of default. and notl08 of default and notice of sale- having
<br />bM:n given as reQuired, by law, Tr\lsloe, without demand em Trustor, ahall sell
<br />the Pfoperty on the date and at the lIm~ and place de:slgnated In said notice of
<br />aal_, at public auction to the- hlgtleal bidder. the purchase prlce payable In
<br />~f,#_ ~ of tha United SlateG, ai the tirr>~ of sale, The- per.Jon conducling
<br />the HIe may. for any cause he deems &X~je.nt. postpone the saJ6 from time
<br />to ~tme -until It ahall be completed and, in every such C4$e, notice of pO$tpone.
<br />m0l'l1 ~hall be glven by PUbHc declaration ther601 ~ such person at the time
<br />~- pt.~, '"t apPOinted for the sale; PfOvk;1&d'. Jf the sale Is postponed for
<br />lo~ t~ (ll.day i:)eyood the da~ Oe$lgn8ted -'n the notice of ~aI6. notice
<br />t~l shelf be given In the same, tnatlner as the original notice of aale
<br />
<br />Ttu~*_.haIl 8l!.ecuta_and,delher to the purchaser /'lIs Deed conveying lho
<br />p~ aOid, but whhout.anJ' coverulOt or warranty, expren, Of Implied, Tha
<br />reel$!. ,In,_ the Deed of any martlts_ or feels lIha1~ bf conQluslw prool ot the
<br />truthfull\ft$ theteof. Any person, Including BenefiCiary, may purChaae at tne
<br />.....
<br />
<br />(Iij Y!~ TfUtU" fl.Jle ~($uant _to the PO*er._ here./l1, the TrU$t&@ "hall apply the
<br />~'_ of- t"',_~ to P*Y~t of tl:\e C03ts_ .tt<;I_DkJ)&-n~e8 01 9.'(erolslng the
<br />
<br />=m:~~':I~~~_~~BQe:=:~':rl~~~~:':n:~~~
<br />tbt,~I~,~-(c)Jn the,ooieff:~'~ilI18l:t_
<br />-~ ~ PIY.~JhtJtem:&.pee.,~~ '.'aw~h ib}H t~ sa!~ i, by Trust", or
<br />,:-~==:'~-~=,::t-:=~-::~~: :$~Sd~~~~~~~
<br />1O"'~""
<br />(l) CQJt01_fU"J\W~ot tH:S&pr~'~ in~IJOfl wfth lJUCh ~$!~ i!ndof
<br />, ."1~.I~~;
<br />@), A!f~t,*,~,"'fad~ebJ~
<br />~ fM~,.tff1tt.1.eth1!~~t11!IJJ!1ifjectt\8~tlI~
<br />
<br />I
<br />83_002812
<br />
<br />lB. Dull.. end Oblloatlon. ()f Tru8tee. jal TM duties and Obligations of Trustee
<br />~nall be determIned lloleJy 0, H-H! tuP($!H! provisions of the Truet Oe&d end Trustee
<br />shall not be llab!eBxcept tor j~,e p"rtormance of su-::h du!les and Obligations as are
<br />speclflce.lly set forth hareln, and rlO implled covenants or obligations shell be
<br />Imposed upon Trustee: fel No provJslon of 11'l1, Trust Deed shall require Trustee to
<br />e:lpend Of rIsk his own lund9, or olh!)rwJse !ncu( any financial obligation In the
<br />performance of any of Its dulles hereunder, or in the exerclse_ of any or Its rJghl or
<br />powere., 1111 !hall hMe grounds for believIng that the repayment of such funds or
<br />adequate Indemnlly against such risk or liability is not reasonably assured to It; (c)
<br />Trustee may consult with counsel of his own choosing and the adYlce of SUCh
<br />counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protecllon in the respect of
<br />any action taken or suffered by II hereunder In good faith and reliance thereon; (d)
<br />Trustee shall not be Hable for any action taken by him In good faith and
<br />believed by him to be authorized or within the dlecretlon or rights of powers
<br />conferred upon It by this Trust 08:f3d.
<br />
<br />17. Addhlona'Securlty IOlltrummtt:, Trustor, allts expense, will execute and dellyer
<br />to the _Trustee, promptly upon demand, !Such security Instruments a8 may be
<br />requIred by Trtlslee, In form and substance satisfactory to Trustee; coverIng ani' of
<br />the Property conveYfoid oy thIs Trust Deed. which security Instruments shall be
<br />addlUonal security for Trustor's fallhful performance of ail of the terms, covenants
<br />and conditions of this Trust O&ed, 1he promissory notes secured hereby. and any
<br />other security lnstru~nts executed in 'connection wIth this transaction. Such
<br />Instruments shall be rJi)Corded or flied, and r&-recorded and reWed, at Trustot'a
<br />expense
<br />
<br />18. Mllcelf.neou..
<br />
<br />(a} III the event anyone or more of the provisions contained In this Trust Deed or
<br />the promissory note or any other 86curlty instrument gJven In connecllon with
<br />this tran15action shall for any res$On' be held to be Invalid, lIIegal or
<br />unenforceable In I1ny respect, such Invalidity, illegality, or unenforceablllty
<br />shall, at the oollon of BefIEIflclary, oot -aHect any other provlalon of this Trust
<br />Deed, but this Trust Deed -!!-hall be construed as If such Invalid, Illegal, or
<br />unenforceable provIsion had never been contained herein or therein.
<br />
<br />(b) ThJ9 Trust Deed s!'1aH be con.strued according to the laws of the State 01
<br />Nebraska,
<br />
<br />Ie) This Trust Daed stlaJl Inure LO and bind the heirs, legatees, devisees,
<br />admlnlstrators_ executors, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.
<br />
<br />{d) T'rustor s11aH pay all laxes levied upon this Trust Deed or- the debt seoured
<br />hereby, together with any other taxes or UseS\!iments whICh may be levied
<br />agalns-t the Trustee or Beneficiary or Ihe legal holder of said promissory note
<br />on account 01 thelndebtedne5s evidenced thereby.
<br />
<br />la) Whene....t"lr used herem, Ihe singular number shall Include the plural, the
<br />~Ingular. the Lise 01 any geMer shall be appllcablato all genders, and the term
<br />. Beneficiary" shall inClude any payoo 01 the Indebtedness hereby seoured Of
<br />any trans'Elr thereof. whether bvoperallon of law or otherwIse,
<br />
<br />19, &Icc...or Tf".I.t... SenelJciary may from time to time subslltute a successor or
<br />successors to any Trustee n.llmed herein or ectlng hereunder to execute this Trusl
<br />Deed, Upon socn appointment and wlthoul con\lElyance to the succesaor Trustee,
<br />the Illlter Shiil be vested with .11 title, powers, and duties conlet'red upon any
<br />Trustee here I" named or acting hereunder. Each such appointment and
<br />substitution shall be mace by written Instrument by Beneficiary, containing
<br />l1:Iference to this Trust Deed and Its place of record, which when recorded In the
<br />office of the Reglstar cf Deeds af the county or counties In which aald property Is
<br />sItuated shall be conclu51....f.l, prcof 01 proper appointment 01 the successor TruallM.
<br />The foregOing pOwer 01 substitution and the procedure therefore snail not be
<br />exclu~lve 01 the pOWElr and ptoc8dure prO'Jided for by law for thlll substitution of .
<br />Trustee or Trustees In tne place of the Trustee.
<br />
<br />20. Fomu.ra~ by O",,'lcIary or Truet.. Not. W.IMf. Any forebearance by
<br />Benetlciary Of Trustee In eller"lslng My right or rem$dy hereunder, or otherWise
<br />afforded by applicable law, shllllno! be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any
<br />right or remedy hereund9f, likewise, the waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee of any
<br />del au It 01 Truslor under t111s Trus! Deed shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any
<br />other or l;lm~lard(1laulls SUu56Ql./enUy occurring,
<br />
<br />21. Tru.tot' Hot A.Iea.~. ExtenSion of the time for payment or modltlcaUon or
<br />amortlzallan of ttle sums 8Elcured by thIs Trust Deed grantEld by Benefloiary to aoy
<br />successor in lt1t~re5l of Tru$lor u"'&/I not operate to 'elease, in any mann$(, the
<br />ilablllly 01 !h~ original Trustol or fruslOf'a S-UCct'lse.or in Interest, Beneflolary shell
<br />not be requJred to commence proceedings egalnst such successor or refuse to
<br />extend time lor payffi6nt or OHltUwise modify amortization of the aums sewred by
<br />.hls T/1Jst Deed by reason oj any demand made br the orIginal Trustor and Trustor's
<br />e.UCC8&-&orsln inleJ(tsl.
<br />
<br />22. Oti'.ul\. If IhSJe shall 00 a default under this Deed of Trust or under any prIor
<br />mortgage, Ihe Elenefh:::laf)' may cwe such dtt1ault, and the amounts advanced by,
<br />and olh&r (;O$ls and 8l\peHses of the benellC:lary In curing such default, with
<br />Interesl alth. default rale contall\6d In the Note secured hereby from the time of
<br />the ..d....ances or payments shall be aOded to the Indebteclnea8 HC\Jred by this Trust
<br />Oeed and may be co.llected hlueunder at any time an$! the time of auch advances
<br />orpayme.nls end ahall be dgem6d 10 be secured her.by.
<br />
<br />23. Option 10 FOhCloM. Upon tt'le occurance of any default hereunder, Beneficiary
<br />shall ha'te the optJon to foreclo59 ihls Trust Deed In the maMer pro'Jided by law tor
<br />the fOf&Clo\\lJre of mortgages 1)0 real propElt1y.
<br />
<br />2_. tN.tor. ~lghtt. Abl.nt o.t.ult. Until any default In the paymant of
<br />lndebtedness l1iMeby ~ecul&d Of unlU the breaCh of any covenant herein contained.
<br />tl1e TrustOf, Its SUCCeS$OfS ana 8$slgn$, shall pOOSIJ.$lI and enloy the property, and
<br />rseelve the rGr,ts Via I1roflts therefrom. Upon payment 01 all ~ums secured by thla
<br />Trust Deed, Beneficiary shaH r$qU9S1 Trustee to reconvey the property and shall
<br />$l.Irra-l1d$r thl$ Trust Deed and all notes fl\'idencing indebtednes.$ secured by this
<br />Trust Deed te Trustee, Tr\Jslee shall reconvey the property wIthout warranty and
<br />without ;:;/(.\1.."6 to the p"rscn$ legally sntilled thereto. The Grantee In any
<br />r~on...e,.afic6 may bf:I descrtb<td as "lhe per:mn 01 pElrsona anttlled therl!IO," and
<br />thEl recltsls therein 01 !'any matler~ or facts $hall b-El conclusive proof _ of the
<br />fruthlolnas5 theroof. Such person 01 parsons &hall pay aU costs of r_ecordlng.lt any.
<br />
<br />25, Aoc:e-!fiatjon in the Ev.nt <1! Tn.nat8(. In. thtj 6...-o$nt the tltlEl to :laid real estate Is
<br />IrsnSlerroo, or ccntnicleQ to bt: (r.\lns-farred, from the undersigned for any mason or
<br />oy any method Wnlil3>09VE/r, the slltira principal sum and 8ccruO{1 Interest shall 3t
<br />once b-scome duti' and payable~! U1-$ r!'lectkm of the Benaflclary, Failure to exarchie
<br />Il1is opl!cn btic:aust!' of transfel of HUll" as abollE! :stated in one Instance shall not
<br />const/tule a Wall/Dr of !he rlglil \0 exetdStllhe sarna in the event of any subsequent
<br />Imo:\!!er
<br />
<br />za, !hI. deed of tw.t Je j;J!1!O~ w ~nc 114104 ___ .riLf2.___._~.__,.~___,_"_^.,
<br />
<br />.)(~ut6C by Tf\.l:stQf !o Trust..,
<br />
<br />W4CI.Hlng.. prjl1(;~par f\,)te fOl
<br />
<br />/)oHara and lll..:l f:;>! ID<;C-r-D wlth:t!tt AeQUlill:f vI o..od:s jt;'K1IooflUft8d aA foHowa.
<br />