<br />
<br />83_002812
<br />
<br />?firh
<br />
<br />
<br />,19
<br />
<br />THI!) TRUST DEED; made this
<br />blHllldbetween:
<br />OVlNRIGllT
<br />after called "Trustor" whosemalling address is
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />MAy
<br />
<br />83
<br />
<br />, whether one ormore, herein.
<br />
<br />1709 NORTH TAYLOR
<br />GRAND ISLAND, ME 68801
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />addressis . P. O. BOX 428, GRAND ISLAND, ME 68802
<br />
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />and
<br />
<br />P 0 ROX l~hfi, GRAND TST.AND, NR 6RR02
<br />
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address Is
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, In consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whel'eoflshereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with pcwerofsale,the
<br />fbllowlngdescrlbed property, situated In HAT.T. County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />Thl:lintentlon being to convey hereby In absolute title In fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, togl:lther with all buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each a~reement and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />apdthepayment ofthe principal sum ofTEN THOUSAND TWEN Y AND Dollars ($ 10.020.23 ),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory notebearihYJ,yJh date at the rates of Interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth'n said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate In writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />pald,shall be due and payable on the 26th day of May ,19 1995 .
<br />
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />
<br />1. -Wllffanty,oI_TIU",rrustor is lawfUlly se:ized ot the Property; It hasQOOd right and
<br />I~W,ful.ut~rUY,IO e,elt and con~ey the Properly; the Propertllls free and clear 01 aU
<br />lIen$_~u1d-encumb,anci!uJ, exCEt!)_t liens now of r&cord; and Trustor will warrant and
<br />,detEml;f,_.t~&- t1~le, to, the Property, unto the Tru$tQ6 an~ its successors and assIgns
<br />forever, agalnl$t the c-'alms of ,lll.I,person$._ Trustor, allts expense, will maintain and
<br />pr6Sel"le the lien of this Trust Deed as a lien upon the Trust Property subject only to
<br />~l:'_~ml;l~~c$s 8x1liloting ,lilS of the, date hereot, will cause, t~ls Trust Deed, and each
<br />~ndJll8n_t ,~r- suppleme:ntJhtlfC10" to be filed -and reCQrded as a mOl1gage of the
<br />Tru.st.P~per:ty In 8ij.,v.~ ~nner and In slien place, and wIll take such other aCllon as
<br />In,the opinion ot Trustee-may be required by any present or future law In order to
<br />perf~t. l1.l8inta.l_D a(\d p_r(l!tfJ9~ the Hen,of this. Trusl Deecl, as {he same may be from
<br />tlmQ}~ Uffi$,~f1d,f!d or ,supplemented.
<br />
<br />3:__~a,tlof.l_,.~~M'..!JIte_~ of_,Pr~y. iruslor will npl-commlt 8f1Y waste
<br />~,)fi~J!{~_~V_a,Qd, ,wJJ.I., a_~ all ,times. ~In_taln the same "in good -order_and
<br />qon~l.t(oil and:w!fl_ma~e. f~ tltri""to _tImet a_II repairs, "mewals, leplacemer.fs,
<br />
<br />Qf demolistted
<br />
<br />6.. ,~:t,.toI:' 'jfTr_iJ~t6~_IS- if t:O!'J)9fa.tion,,~t will de an ,thJr'i,1~ 1'let;;~'J1jl1i1)' iQ
<br />P!~lt8 oorQ:ota~._ !x!8'te,nc~, !l:Qhh tloO prliUaOEtS under !he laws or In\) -.,;I.ate o:;;f
<br />1~,~~~tJan.
<br />
<br />~,f~,: Tl'l,Ili1~, .at i:$ \j-l!p!#'~1P.I', W':lf, ma.f"'t,~i'-' "",it,') )r;.-Svft'l~ it~ro..-~,j_ by
<br />~~'JY; tl'l$Vf~~,_--Ht):A~1 t.o tt4:_1mp-n'Jy(trr~l!(-ct!l:_ AM ~rw:m;lj;f PUiP""~'i"
<br />~~'1l9 me_ P~y aQ8I-n3t k7s-~ Dy_tite, ~N!nj{l~. wr,-,adu, a~.d tl'lhltf pt1:'hl
<br />~:b1-~ _.~t~ ~(l~~~ ~:~~~>'t,,~, fn an__ 4mc.-iJr,t ~t1!,H 1(; ~_I
<br />~(on:. ~~ _.et-n-1 of t!Wi ~t!'M: flffi<\4-\'._J,fNfnl ....'!lfW v.w~.vt. ~~d m_il{.!tii.;-t:11
<br />~~~ s.uttI_~hAt~i;1t_4N,j it] S-t~c.."l lIM!;,1'J'f'J!i'!< ~ t?a-~1nl1--lH'lry.t"/~',Il!'d. tit o--wr:-t!~$
<br />~,~aiQ('tI 1)-f &~llar !)f~It;t:~ and_ if_"5 &~'M!;:(;Jf't ~;,y ;~\f,jJ-1. _k" '<ii
<br />~~, 1,.;&lOr Miff "~pt'i .Hfi "!,l~,1', ~~;;:O;! 'e'1,t:r~':O-1~ "ii-_ tkm~-'~11ii1" m;;.-,
<br />f1tm'111P.J. '0 1ifMI rtitll,~1 t-(j.l 1t;.e ~4m9tI..:.-~ Df <"""j'i,04'_~ ~) tM jt>l~,,,,,"1 Qt 1"",.0
<br />
<br />respectjye parties, All Insural'lce poliCies maIntained pursuant to this Trust-Deed
<br />shall name Trustee and Benejjciary as Insureds, as thair (8SpeOUl/a inletests may
<br />appear, and pro\'lde thaI lhere shall be no cancellation or _modllicaljon without
<br />fifteen days prior writlen notification to Trustee and Beneficiary, tn Ihe 8~ent any
<br />POlicy h&rsunder is not renewed _on: or before Hlteen days prior to Its expiration
<br />dale. Trustee or Beneficiary may procure such insurance and the-cost thereof sh.aU
<br />be_ added 10 the loan secured by this TNS! Deed,and shaH beat Interest-at the
<br />greatef 01 the interest rate specllied therein or the highest interest-rate authorizeO
<br />by the laws of the Stale of Nttbr8sll.a. Trustor shall delil/er to-Beneficiary the original
<br />policies ot Insurance and renewals ttlereof or memo cop1e.s of such policies and
<br />renswals thereot. FaHure to furnish insurance by_ Trustor, or renew.als as required
<br />hereundot shall, at the option ,of Benaficlary,-constilule a default. All unearned
<br />premiums are Mtebv aS$lgned to Trustee as addltlonal security and a sale and
<br />con'Jeyance of the Property by the Tr~stee shafLoperale 10 conl/ey 10 the purchaser
<br />the Trustor's interest in and 10 all policlo$ of insuranc6upon the- Trust Properly,
<br />
<br />7, TU8$ and As_~~nb. Truslor-shall pay all taxes and spacial assessments
<br />l~vled or asse6s_~ aoaiJ)st or duo upon the Property before delinquency, aod will
<br />deliva' to Benetlclary copies of receipts showing payment of suCh taxes_ and
<br />special 3ss8ssme_nts.l! Beneficiary shall 50 lequest, Trustor agrees thai then! shall
<br />be added to each periodic payment feqt,lired to be made hereunder an am.ount
<br />eaUmate,d by Trustee to be suffiCient to enable Truslor 10 pay, at least 30 days
<br />befols delinquency, all t~es, assessments or Olher pubhe charges- against the
<br />Trust Property, The Note secure,d by ~hls Trust Deed, or upon account ot thq_debt or
<br />the Ih,lf.1.of this Trusl Deel;l. logether wilh plamjulfls for insurao,ce required to be
<br />oro..iQed under Jhis Trust. Deed and no interest sr,ail be payable to Trustol In
<br />rtlSpe.;1 tnereof. Upon demanq by Trustee, Trustor shall deliver to. T>usiee such
<br />additional sums of money as are necessary 10 make UP any delicl.ency in the
<br />amounts nece!lSary to enaole. Trustee to pay any of the foregoing iTems,
<br />
<br />8. Addition.! 1I6M. trustor shail make all piiyments of lnI8r&$t and plfnelpat and
<br />pdym~l1t5- of any other chalgas, fee~, and expanses contlacted to be paid to any
<br />9datlng lie,n holders Of pfior benaflcl.arlea_JJrldar_any-prlor Trust Deed, Mortaago or
<br />other security agreement. before Ihe data_they afe delinquent and to pay any olher
<br />claJm. whicn JeopardIzes the ~fK:urlty gl.Emted harein.
<br />
<br />9, Proloctlon of p.n.fI~lary'. s.ctJtlty. ShOUld Trustor fall to lI1ak,e any paymenf,
<br />taU to ~o aoy act liS -/1tl-rein proyld6d, Of It IfI1Y aellon or procetldJ"g Is commenced
<br />whJeh ma,terlalfY,sffects Btlt1:efic18f"j'S' inl&rett h, the. Property; lllcludll"!g, b~t not
<br />t~mJ~&:d to, emi-f'!.en-t domain" insojv~mc,.. arnulgemi!tnls or proc."diog:. lrw-olvlng a
<br />varllt.rupt or d~fld6nt, ther; 6enofkiary ;)1 T(uslee bul wIthout obligatIoI'! lo do so,
<br />arl-a wlt/\Qui notiCfJ 10 Qf 1)6maM tJpcn Tru.sIW, and wHholJ! reJeaslng:Trul!ltor. ff(Jrr,
<br />atly ot;lJi\1<ltl!X', ~H~t1(1C~(, ~y tr\-<u<:" Of ita ttle 1ia!!te, ~r\d nlBY pay. p'JrCIl;\j!~,
<br />q;:'};\!tU.t 01 CO.!fH;!t{;-el~~ ~(1Y ~mc",mbnH,ei;<. !;nargt'l or he-no whiCrl in th, j<Jdgf;l:;n@)l! or
<br />"llher -app'.!'",t:-; 10 alf'l!,ct :!!~i1:l PfO~rt'y; ;0 !I)l$rd.1llr:c ~jW sUG.h pow!!!r~ the
<br />tkntHdll\!!-, N 't....'l~ m~f I~Vf 9111' iifb-iHly IIIr,rl f'xplCtnG what(?'i~f ",mOlipll!,
<br />'(,cJWi~ <j\MJu1'f.e\""-~'1t" (<I fi>if~jJ<1<ltJi", 1ill!()rn<ty'!,; !l1~ll', ~-"d;;;h ;,-~ Hlil''' aWJh.j(..
<br />f}i~fj!1lot<_ 'fiit] be "'~'}$-J;\!;t.;'~ !r< ItllS l!!o":!;HH l""\l;! rfu~i~! ..~...n i('t,i HI W>)r:;.J'l'I
<br />jn"tlrtit~~ <,u t...' pay I~-,\'H,. "''-,<1 ~;-X'I:~"! 4t>8<i':U.I1li>."lt... 0' ',"1 iI'~~!l <I'f~ u,~..m~"l-~ 11)
<br />~,'~ti""a ,,,' iJ(jN !io!i;" "'c(.',;~~rl> n' n.,,.-,tj"'('k"dj}!<, 'h~ ~t)'l!!'G("';'( ,(.;); ,""';-;.!'~ i:-lWh
<br />j"',~-,,(.!l;'~.... {iiV;- 1"'''-<_'',0; .,,,,r f' :"jJl'''';! "'f~~ Ail h."r'~ ,,'tc,'!-,:,-J ')I it. "~"'(!,,J ~~'i ~>)!'.(.! '{._'>li,
<br /><' ~"-lM"t1 !j\ ;JJ;,:,,;''j.a''1.'" .~,d~', 'f-.:,;. ~''')'''~'"i',,~ '-' H''''. r'Ver ~'_f,,,,,,! ;<f" r-;...u,-;,-,J 11~'~-tJ.
<br />