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<br />I <br /> <br />83-002691 <br /> <br /><{:J$ U~.i <br />.. <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />4~ As ad~itional ~urity. T:f1.lstor hereby-give.~ to and confers upon Beneficiary the right, power and authority, during th~ contin~ance <br />of _these Ti-UstS to-'colleCt___the' rents, 'issUes and 'profits of-said property, reserving unto Trust{tT the right-i_plior to any-d~fault by ,TrUstor <br />in. pa}"ttle_nt' of any jndebte<ine8.s' performance of any agreement hereunder; to 'collect- and retaln such-'rents, issues <br />and, profits as they become due. 'and.- payabie; UPon a.ny such defaUlt, Beneficiary intiy at any time - withiJ~t noti~~ ~itM,r- _in' -pe..--sorl,-'hy <br />~. ()~-bY-8 r<<tiv~r to, M_,-appOinted by a.'eourt. and without reg~rd to the adequacy of any security for the-inde!>t_edness'her-eby-~,u~. <br />enter upon and take possession-, of said p~perty or any -part thereof, in ~js own name sue_ for or otherwise collect 'such-'-~nts,----issu~-'",and <br />profitsl including-those pl\9t-due and unpaid, and apply thE' same- upon any indebtedness secured hereby, and- in such. order-,:as -Beneficiary <br />may det-ermine. The entering- upon _and taking r...ssession of said property, the conect.ion of such rents, issues and profits and-the application <br />thereOf-as- aforesaid. shaH not cure Of_waive -any default or notice- of default hereunder or invalidate any act' done pursua,l"!~ to $Ucl'l:_-ilotice_-: <br /> <br />5: UPon defimlt by, Trustor in the payment of an! indebtedness $eCur~d here-by or in the_ i>erformanee 'Of any agi'eem~nt containe~ -he1'~~n'. <br />all su:ma secured hereby shall immediately becume- due _and payable -at' the option of the,_ Beneficiary. In .such event and upon-Yn;~te~'_requ~est <br />of "Beneficiary~_ _Trustee- shan sell the tru.<;t prope.rty. in' aceordart~ with the Nebra~ka, Trust Deeds Act; ,at public auetion' to,:the highest <br />bidder. Any, person -except TrustM may bid ,at Trustee's sale, Trustee' shan apply the prOl!eeds of the--saie' as follows; OJ -to the :expent;e <br />of the sale. ,including a reaAAnable Trustee's fee.; t2) to the obli~ation secured by this Deed of Trust: (3) the s.urt'lu.~i if any, shall be -distributed <br />lathe ~"" entitlod theret". <br /> <br />6-.- T-ru$tee" shaH -deHve-r to the purchase!' at t.he sale it$ deed, without warrant.y, which shall_ convey to, tl].e purchaser- the interest ':jn <br />the property:-whicb Tru:!ilwr had or had the pOwer to convey at, the time of his ex~C'-ution of this OeM -of Trost, -and -such as: 'he m.ay have <br />ac.qujn!(rth~fte:rc -TnlStee~s- d.e-ed shan recite th~ facUt -showing thAt tht> sale was conducted in rompliarice _with aU -thE'.r,:requ,iremen_ts <br />of law and of this Deed of Tnlst. whkh recital shall h.1 prima ftlcie t",;tidene.e (If such compliance and conclusive evidence thereof in" favor <br />of bona- fide purchasers and {.ncumbrancers -for value <br /> <br />7. The power of sale conferred by this 1.leM of Trust iH not an (~l(clusivf?' remedy: Behefidary may cause- this- Deed of Trust to be:roreclosed <br />as a mortgagt>. <br /> <br />8, - In ,the ~vent of the death. incapacity. disability or resignation of Tnul.tee, Beneficiary may appoint in writing _8 successor trustee, <br />and upm\ the fc..->eording of such B.ppointment in t.h~ mortgage records of the county in which this Deed of Trust is recorded, the-successor <br />trustee-'shall be-vested with all JXlwers of the original trustee. The trustt.~e is not oblij{ed to notify any party hereto of pending saleounder <br />any other lleed of Trust or of any 1lctioo ()r proreeding in which Trustor. 'frustee- Qr Beneficiary shall be a part}' unless such action 0-1' <br />l'ro<:eeding i. brought by the Trustee, <br /> <br />9. Thitf Deed of Trust applies ta, inures t.o the benefit of. and is hindm~ !lot only on thl~ parties hereto, but on their heirs, devisees. <br />iega~, adminmrntors. execuw-rs. sucee9f'U)rs and as-.'iigns. The term Beneficiary shall rHean the holder and owner of the- note secured <br />he.reb}", whether or not Beneft(:'jary here-'tn. <br /> <br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. 00 not sign this paper before you read it. 2. You are entitled to a copy <br />of this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at any time vI,ithout penalty and may be entitled <br />to receive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law. <br /> <br />Signed this <br /> <br />day of u <br /> <br />.'.";\' <br />.-,-\,~. - <br /> <br />.,AD 19. <br /> <br />;"-.. <br />) <br /> <br />?t'~,ti <br />. .. /._wm.~.#~.=:=~=~=== <br /> <br /> <br />On this __.S2",.~._ _"_. da)t of __.~~3:~:'..-~,__,_. ,,_ ._._ .. .~. A._D., 19.__. _.,,~~.., hefore me. t.h~- un~er;si~ned_~ a, Notary Public. duly <br />~~iol!ed ~d 'l~ified for and r<'llidil\!! in l<lIid county. pertlOually came :'.'c}'~1~.~l..,i"'.~'u..i(~El),~~,liQ1d!tlj;Fon <br />_:E!..~~~-:L"':2'~~~9~ "'f~~~ ._. to me known to he the identJcat ~rson whose namei~._m affixed to the foregoing <br />instrument-as Trustor and ucknowloof{e-d the same to be ~';1t_1_~~..___,_ __'"._.><__ vol- <br />unwy act and deed, <br />With""" my hand and Notarial Seal the day and yt>ar last above <br />My CommiSl!iun exp~ the .,,~...:.3..L...,... day <br />of _..,j:'J~l{'/l<:2,-.L._ ....0.... ........ . 19"J::~_. <br /> <br />STATE OF' NflBRASKA <br /> <br />\ <br />1 -t;g, <br /> <br />COUNTY <br /> <br /> <br />STATE OF ~C'_'__'-_'_'___"_h_'_.__'. , <br />} ss~ <br />'~_.__.._.____. County 1 <br />Entered ill Numericallndex and filed fur record In the office of the Register of Deeds of s/lid county. the __'_.'___'. <br /> <br />da:y of _____.__._._.,_.'...' .. __"C..'_"" . 19_... , c, at _ . o'clock and __.'._'_'__.'.__'__"'_' <br /> ___.__,___._,___.......m__.__..,.... M., and duly ref;Orded in Book ____,~._,__. of ___.__,.,...._____'~ <br /> <br />~s. pap. .__,_.,.._...__,______.._......__._____,._.._...._.__,............_..,'__.._._.__,_,_,____., <br /> <br /> <br />Register of Deed$ <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />.-J <br /> <br />L <br />