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<br />3S <br /> <br />J l: ," -,~.~ -~, <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br /><With Power of Sale) <br /> <br />83_002691 <br /> <br />~- <br /> <br />~~$20\76.62 <br />.......:;./.':f"'Sz: ....'.... <br />pnrlcij>alAlnonilt of Lo.iln.$"'v<X(P . pc. <br />'l\>t4r~~,..2a860.00 <br />~~:Pe>:ci:j,..~te~ <br />Jlltiint>ei'4MiinthlyImtabnento ~, <br /> <br />Agreedltate of In_ton Prinf.i8~-;e.~unt of Loan 1.16 % <br />Alnount of Fi",t Instalment $ . "'010. vv <br />Alnount of Other Instelments $ .486.00 <br />First Instalment Due -Date' July 1, <br />Finsl-Instalment Due Date June 1, <br /> <br />,19~ <br />,I92'L <br /> <br /> <br />TIriS~EJ) OFmu$T, made this 25 day of Hay <br />bet~:-,' Je:ra]:d _.L,,;. Ro~ertson and- .Kose,lee Robertson hUBba'rld <br />w~ mai~~:'~'i8-2Q8 E_Q:st _12tht _Hood:_ ,:River:~ Nep.:r'. .6888) <br />.';~rs.:- S-tew~rt 1}1itle _(;u~u'artt:~1' cOTIill?nY <br />~~ ritaili~,ad~-is-P..O.. Box_ 2029.. :rtnlston'4 T€X~6 '77001 <br />as:-~T and: NOnrest--Financial__~ebl'8Sk~,-Jne.. whose mamn~ a~d.re5S is 2337 N. <br />,P.O., Be>;: 137-3'0 G:r~..."d I $l?..;nd, ,Ne Qr.. :;[~P'O_1 <br /> <br />, 19:-~, <br /> <br />al:(iwife <br /> <br />_t'!e-bb Hoad <br /> <br />WI'I'NllSSETH;Tnlators hereby irrev..",bly, granic, bargain, sell, and <br />scribed-' prope:rty in <br /> <br />. 'as ~ BenefiCiary ~ <br />t.~Tru.tee in trust; with pOweroofaale,thefoIl6Winlrda- <br />County,. Nebiaeka: <br /> <br />l~ot Ten (1n), ~J OC1,( 'T~1ree (~) 1 ?5.~s,t i\(!d-~ ~--i or_ ~o the Village (n.o\'t ci.ty) <br />of Hood River, Hall CCH2nt:!r" Nebr~;u~ktl <br /> <br /> <br />Together with tenements. hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto betonR'ing or in anYWlse appertaining and the rents. issues' and <br />profitethereof. <br /> <br />TJrls'conveYB.nCe-Ia intended for the purpose of securing,the payment to Beneficiary,of Trustors-' promiS9Ol')' note of even date in 'the <br />amount s.tated above as '''Principal Amount of Loan". The agreed rate of interest per annum provided for in said note is the Agreed-,Rate <br />of Interest on Principal Alneunt of Loon statEd .beve, computed on unpaid balanc.. of Principal Amount of Loan, Said loan is repayabl. <br />in the number of monthly instalmenta stated above, The amount of the instalment payments due on said loan is stated above. The .flI'8t <br />and final instahnent- due dates on said loan are ataetd_ itbove, Payment !nay be made in advance in any amount at any time. Default <br />in making any payment shaU, at the 8eneficlsry's option and without notict} or demand. render the ~ntire unpaid balance or said -loan <br />at onre due and payable. I... an,y required ....bate of charges (interest!. <br /> <br />To protect the_8eCUrity Qfthi8 Deed_o(Trust.-. l'tustor rovenantB and agree-s; <br /> <br />1, To keep _the property in _gQOd condition and repair~ to permit flO wasw thereof; to t'Omplew any building, structure. or improvement <br />baing built or about to- be built the.reon; to TeiiJto,.. promptly any building, structure or improvement thereon wbich may be da.maged or <br />~royed; and. to eomplywith aU I....., ordinen_, nogulation~, cu',enents, condilio"" and ....trictiolllluffocling Ih. property, <br /> <br />2. To pay before.delinquenl.all lawful tax.. end ...........nl8 upen the property; lu keep lhe property free and dear of all other charges, <br />He.... or ~impajring lhe ...."rity of Wa need "fTrust. <br /> <br />3, To keep all bulldings .""... or he......rter wec\e<i on the property d...ribed herein COnUI\uouo/y ilUlured agai1ll!tlossobY llri>Qr,othel: <br />h.....,..t.. in "n amoll!ltJ\QIIOlll;.tba".th. total debt """ut<<! by this need of Trust. All polities shall be held by the Beneficiary, and be <br />'!J'<sueh c01il~ ac\ Uw, aenetkiary may approve find havt<) 100ii payable fil'8t to the Benefieiary as iis interest ma.y appear- and- then <br />t!>..the".~:.iI\8'lUXI<>Wlt culle<ted .under any insurance policy may be applied upan any indebtedn... hereby. secured in such ordet "" <br />t/l" Iltlneficiary 8I!al1 d'!~Sueh applicahon by U..Ben.ficiary shall not C8usediscontinuance of any p...,.,.,.wDfll' to foreclose this <br />~ofTtulFt'ar'cui:'(ot walve.any d~(ault or notice of dafault or invalidaw any act done pW'\lUaJ\t to .uch nOli.". In the .vant of foreclosure, <br />a11'right!!<>fthe Trustor in ill8__ polici". then in force .hall p.... to th" purchaser at Ih. fo....l",""" sale. <br /> <br />4. Tp obtain the. written _ntoC Beneficiary before selling, conveying or otharwi.. tranarerring the property or any part thereof and <br />any 8\lch_salet OOI)veyance 01" u'{uulier without the,Beneficiary's writtA;n consent shall ronatitute a d~fault Undfltf the terms her~, <br /> <br />5, To defend an,y action or proceeding purportillj! to affe<t the ,"",urily I\O.....C or the righta or of Beneficiary or Trustee. <br /> <br />6. ShQulf,t Trustor raU to pay when-due any taxes, assesamenta. ~nsurat\c:e P~m.iUtn81 Hens, encumbrances or other, charges against the <br />property ~ribed. Beneficiary may pay the .ama, .nd the .mount 1lO paid. with int.reat at t/l" rate set forth in the note <br />socut<ldbereby, shall ba addad to and booome a part of the.dabt secured in this Deed of.Trust a. parmittedby law. <br /> <br />ITISMUTUALLY AGRf]EDTHAT: <br /> <br />Lfn.the "vent an,y portion of the property i. talten or damaged in an .minent domain proceeding, the entire amount ofth~award <br />or such P:OrtlIlll, thereof aa may be necessary to fully ""tiafy the obligation '"'CUrtld hereby, .hallbtl paid to Beneficiary to be applitld to <br />I1l\id obligation. <br /> <br />2. ~.~;~nt,orany sum ~ hereby_after its dUt! dat.e._Bene.fici:wy doea not w"ive its right torequire prompt payment <br />w~ .<lu~, ot/lerswos "" llOCuredor to daelarederaullc for fai.lure to so pay. <br /> <br />3. The. Tru.atee shall reconvey aU or.any part of tha propert)' covered by this Deed of Trus.t lolhe _n entitled U,eMo, on written <br />request of the Trustor. and the Beneficiary , or upon satlataetion of the obligation secured and written request for reconveyan... made by <br />~~JCiI<ry or the P!ltaO;\\ entitledtbereto. <br /> <br />lIIll~I~1 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />-1 <br /> <br />L <br />