<br />and. wlthoot demand, shaH lie imm~i.l!ltely dut!- ai'll'! payable by Trus10r and shall
<br />bear interesl at thl'! maxl~um all~able lp.ga1 f~.ta: pro~ided. howljver, 10a1 at tt'le
<br />option of BeneflcIarv Of-Tr'IJs,lee:'-SlJC:h_-SlJm~may ~ addetl to ttle P'!\'lCfp/!1 balance
<br />of any Indobtedneu seCur\h1 hereby and shaH bear IMp. Slifflfl imeresl as -such
<br />!nd~b!ednesli and shall 00 payable rl:ll~b!y over Ihe re-rniilfdng ferm tha-rf!OI
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />10'. AnJgnm.nt of Rpts. B~"Etfici<l:ry &I'l./lH rll:h'ot! the right. !!I'YwM olnd authority
<br />~:;!-~~;;~~U:'O~~::;~:;~~yl~o:;~tl~;;:,~t~it~~~~~:t~:~~~~~
<br />~d::~:,~y!n:ri:::ri~tf~f~~~ r=~;s:~=s Tf:~~o; :~j~~i t~~=;:~i:~
<br />
<br />8fJne~lc_jafY, hOotit~,'_~f&p_r ConsEUlls to the Tru,.tfir's toB-eclion and ret~(ltlOn of
<br />such 19-riht IssUe, and 'vwflts- as !~ accrue- -and -becOfl'l~ payable sn long all!
<br />Tru;tOf, I~ no!', _ill &{tC~ f;:,?(!~'_ m d€'f.auH .....ilh 'e-s~ct 10 Daymef1! of MY
<br />itidebtedftE''!S' S&Cured htc'reb-y Of '<1 the ~rfo.mafi~8 of any ilf}f&itmef't fH~feur'!der
<br />UPcm any !i:-uehde1aul_', Ber1-efichn)' w..-!:-l' at any jim!!!, e1tMf in p-erSQrJ. by aOEm!. or by
<br />lJ r~tve' lO be appointed by if ems!t,. wltt'lout :v.;!lce and W!1t!C\Jf regard to the
<br />ad<<luaev of aOY-MCl,Irity tor the Indeb1<!?dMs~ hefet~'1 $~jjHtt!. (a1 ert;~f upon and
<br />loak" posHG$loo of 1~ Property or a~y pa.rt lh~reof, and W 'fS own f'lam-e SOO for or
<br />o~l'Wlh-CoH.et su<;h- rents, IS!lU9$ an'd profits, 'l'lcllJ('JlnQ lhO$e pul du~ and
<br />unpeld, and apply 1he lJ/tme. tas!. costs and ~.o:o"'nseti 01 operalmn: aJ1d cOllecHon,
<br />Inlj:looinc)"rttaMnable'a-ttomey fties-, upor; al>y lndehledi1eM ~eeu"ed hf!rfiby, and!r\
<br />$UCh- Of_d.' -as ~f~laty mll)' d&teffflin€': 0;) pert()fm $U(:~ a<;ts of 'epa!r Of
<br />proteefton as may be:'MceSlli!ry or proper to (:I}ns~rve 1M yaJ-.-..l@ Of I~ Property; lc!
<br />leA96 thl!; 'Same-Of aoy part therOJ()I !(lr suCh rer;IJ\!. term" iJnd upon $j;jct> co.ndl!lof'iS
<br />as ilS_1u<fgernfnt may diet,.te_ U:nle.s~ Tn;$.lOT ~f\d ~np,ffcia"r agree \)lh~fw~se In
<br />woHng. any appllca~ic" of rents, ISStI6!> c-'! ,,'eft!:'! l(I ;H';y j'\cl~\,..qn~:!lS S>K;1;tflC\
<br />hereby shaH not e.;o:tsnd or ~lpoo~ tr,~ ctllil' ,jaie Of tr,i!' 1:1~1.'lPmBnt pa-yrtw<1ts as
<br />PfO'i'l'ded in said' p-romltl&OrY not*, Of C:'i;l;nQ@'thl!! IAIfI-ounn)1 SVCtJ i"~tall!'f>el'\!~, The
<br />8fl'letlng upon and laking pos~ftSS}(l" o! U'll!" Prc!>t'rty_ \Pt' COlf(01;t!O.ll Qf $tjCh II!'l'!ls
<br />lu-u.s-and. pr~f3t". and the awlieati.:m !~~t lU; <lft>teos:a-.d. :;halt -not wehre 01' ~u~e
<br />any default or MUce of defAult N;fe'i..l"O(>'. ('rf !:\vaI1darf'_ afly ;.:Eel \10i'HI' PUI!iWil"'t \<:l
<br />tveh noli<al'" T~V$'ot also ~"~gn$ !o &>i":!:'hciaty. :is !ullht1' !>ecurHy IQr the
<br />ptJIrf-onnllftCt'I 01 fhg oo.iO,allol't$ ~'!'Curoo h*:~~f <IN ,1repaifj '~~1S- am:! i;l; 1'r>Cl'lies
<br />whlc."l mayhav~ bee" otmay ~eafl'H bO! d~:po<ItIM w'll'> 5-3"j rl\.atoi by arlit !~~~
<br />of 1'Nt Property, 10 se<:';.re IN:-- piIt,.m!'!''''l "I ",fl'. '<:1'1:_ ",,,-..; ,;;'l{ln >fe'a.vlt '<1 t"'~
<br />perf.,rman(:l!! 0.1 :any (lJ me P!O~I!;icnil h;;;t;;.o! !'[j~H)' ,l~r~~ If> "",-c.r. ,,,,,,,tll
<br />and depositS !rJ tr\e 8El~ticill!Y Ol',,!,,~')- 'lf w"n",,, "Ohef' 01 l!'of!
<br />e"r(:lse 01 Itle ,-1911IS qral1te<i t;t'\">tln a"" 'l"!\ff'1t
<br />be sutflcien1 !O l"NWir'" sa;tl 1e!'\~N 10 poll.. ~;;!:",,1 """1 ;"rHte.r
<br />net!c""
<br />
<br />rl
<br />C':l
<br />W
<br />C\l
<br />,::;l
<br />"
<br />("'t)
<br />00
<br />
<br />11. L-..cIP~ Witt<!n W da~$ IIlhfl;r <'l&r1'--aM, ~ru~l!':\( :tt\a11 tllmlsn ti) rr\JlI~
<br />. lJCheduje certffteo to l)6 tr~, ~i!lttl~ 10!1t'l lOll 'M4.U O{ :It!-aC$ 111 me rrt/Ii!
<br />Property 1hwn jr;. "ffeel. foCiVOi'V, ,,.., 9liCt'l {:JiI_. U'~ ""'7l'lf ot 1m, tltflanl$. ,,"nO
<br />ocetiJYnt., Ii dascripHotl Qf If'!f! Sp&i:f' ,xCVpt$(l b) 1Iu(::'l !lfroar.: and occup.nt_ tl1e
<br />,.mal ~yat)l. for sw:;tl SPace. illrW !kJ(;~ ath$l _'11!ormallot> "1"'0 O1A;l,HN'"'.'J 'l'!'lt:,
<br />rnpe<:1 10 suen lMSQllInd 18n.ti1Cl!!l~ ,U_ln. "f,.u"!~ may fllql..>tllJt
<br />
<br />Without tho arlOt .ri1\an {.;)r>sont (,~ Tn.!"'!M" r'-u'H()f sf'laU n-ot Ulf>tK:HV ;),
<br />fndir8CUY, -.vlth J.aoect \" an). 'fla~ n! ll.oac& '''I trlf\' ,J."c;:nc.o t}l~m"8. ....-t\!JlOOI
<br />auen 18U8:!a fl:0'fIJ m h~..ihu "ll!i,u"'l""'c-t' tlll 1lCf:8tll ~~r tJ<<tlmH lllly ;,:rOP4'Y'l1fl~l
<br />dtltCOunl Of $dV.hGiI rent p,aVaDle lh~....I'~!_ 'tlj ~afK;.1 f~ !$tl1l\t'ialfl ihe 'Sam",. \It
<br />tlCCept any cMeetlatwn:, 18fma'&:!lQtl' in '!j,Uffl'lnde< 11'M!>f~f_ 01 ;.'iMmll atlv f!yeflt I,~
<br />occur whtch \tfOUidoMlt!e the .." !~;"t_U~ 10 !wmm.t. or can<::~n the !;;tfnft _ ICI
<br />amend 01' modity tno "m~ $0 .u TO ,ti1-lJ\:-iJ I~~ t(:!rm thet'~, r~ I.Flt.! "lIyant<<
<br />t~. or ta dq;nQIt.ny ~ ur00$l'on. \~...... CQn'UI.~; l'dl w..v. any
<br />default r:hete\iMItt I)r tJfaat;h tM~~~~ 1'&} QI"rtII 1I;~v .':'Of\M!-/'lI. ,UllHtl' (II S1j)f)fGV._;
<br />~ O(,lfIQ lIIfi" Dff!tI' a<:llOn In t:()f~~t1Oft '~Wltf\-, Qt....,th a 11tS'"
<br />~, wtftoh .--cruk! to... 100 ilt~O!;;l ,,-" i!;Yl_D*"f'l'<Q !~ ",,,iUB (11 !8i;1lQr ~ 'tttlffe:tl
<br />1_tM,intMf, -()l:i tn. P!'I)Oetly Ii-;.;b-;$C! t~~iO, m '..Ii im~ll";~>;: I~ position or Hlle-t..,
<br />of tM T'IU$(M Of B40.It{:"ia.-'y, en jn ....it_ "'t$'lttP v;..d~, ''><:::ing~ n. {_'trlo'!n"'~
<br />c1tapoellf, rn ~u:mb$t, 'l, mtMtI$t I~lllo!'" ....",:1\ f_M...." IU'-'i '~l., .;".\1.11; G'f' ptohHi
<br />Juuifl\lJ)r .Ilfi~ tntltk.lno.f
<br />
<br />12. ~8oft, i! ht~-1C;..."'l' ~.(I,).1 t~~~t'f~hll"~t"~ 1.1'; !;':~!t!'\.11$
<br />~ by noM-l)f *1Th!loShl ~I' or ~l.f ~i..~, !\r ttl'l..t l:1tI ~ \JfItMr
<br />ttlrH.1:, gf condfJlMatfQft, .if .*.,0., ~~ &t\d p.-q(:~ IN. ~I.a,- .$e;o~
<br />and _IJhI:U be l)ald tu Bane!~I.ty 'A'r-o $~I' lU!p;} ~:#.-;h Ii"'ate., 1.1!>4.~. .1\4
<br />~ \ot,*-hn>.ht"~ftoiny-l"*-lr~"t~, wilh I~."'..I!JQ. H4I'!r,P~ 1l)-th4l
<br />Tru.tur, 1nJ.lo. <<HI j)"Oirtjlt\.';, .".j>Q "",;{11 "y. ,1-itlO1>>f\;:::~_ ~~...i!. ~ll.I...a f$llhH$ li-lt!
<br />ftmalnl~ I>I.fI m l.ht, h,,~ P~t) 1-0 ,Ill \i)<fI~ Cl""'\Wt~'1(l hOlJtanIJ",q'y w ttle
<br />b.tetlt thai ~ne ~~ mOlT he 1US't.iS if_''l<J S(> ,,~ 1<:/(C'!l(iol;1d., JI <:,,,ot'l.p'ltil. .,.0 I,':\~
<br />unit
<br />
<br />13. F....~ Upv-;' ,1~iHI1 "~I i:,f:j(Oi, ~.~\t:~'j, ~(~tefj(:1lI1.,'" wli'.m,
<br />prlQt \0 ~,,~.n.:~. ;:<l t~ Pl~<h!(' (hlJ 1'<",.\-(;1. "".~ ,'\':-6". ;U!;i!V .d"4f>i:." \0
<br />
<br />~~~o:: :U~l '~:~~:i~=l~:~~,;:~~~;~~'~~."~::~:-:;~,':.~~,,:7 :~~~'~,:~ 1:1[:
<br />
<br />1IltCUltlld hol.-b-y, prlh[(j.N thi,r" .; ..,~, nn'.. ",n..;! l_t'..,. 'lP..,;\O<":: P'"u:,...,OI" t;J!,,'.
<br />*,y~..... r.ct i!~l\l\:lj!l\l ~",... ~;hlIJ1<Ov I,;. .""i-t;<.;! ~h.i )"':.u<d,_ "'~C'lHN \lj,.,.
<br />rlYllOr.ct ~".ntiHll;I.I...} ',}l \n., "'j;glo"\.i,p''''l'~_! 1l"">Q:..itlt" ~...:".~ ;..,ttI.).,-
<br />
<br />h
<br />
<br />'... ~eu_.~ Ail r~l~ pj-p~"Z~;.....t~..1'Ub.t o..J ..r. -J,.IIOGt.~
<br />OWllv,-tl~.. t.::i al'I)' ol~ flyt1t or TtI~). 1"~ HHli 1""-51 ~ ". atrQ-n)-.;! t>~ I.. o.
<br />.quit.,-, atIQ '!nI.jI bG ".0;,((.;..0 ~,m",-"II.nth, '~~/'IQ~U.,- 01 t1<.l1':.:.niR')'
<br />
<br />l&. ~tkIb;: RiNtMd", -fWt.I., Uj.o<;:Hl- ~.uH 1J.y- -f'l.Illi~W in In. p.ai1l\O!1t t,l VI,
<br />~~ $eCUl'W n..;e-b)' Gt I!': lfl$ ptlolt(.\l'ma~ of any ;lQ11M>1\ti>1 M'Woi~,
<br />___~ m&)' Qlt(lw.Nt.1i ~m4 $iK.Uf~ '-otlyl~.~!li ~ afl(j p*yaol&~'
<br />~_ t9 l'fualH- of *nt1tl>~ ,r.d...r.tlnn of Mt.m.. fM tfl"."," a~l! MW. jht;
<br />~ of ~ of ~ ~tJ I1Jl(;i \f iklUlfk+tfJ d41tfM ttuJ ~~tJ to DIt fQtd, it
<br />
<br />==:~=t~~=~~:~$~,~a~~;.~~;:u~~:O:-=;~
<br />
<br />'~of dtt&l.i:-n aM .Mlctlon 10 \':'aw'W !NI Ft~~)' to bet $Oti1, and fN Tf\lS(H in
<br />tum ~,P1lf:Pt.f$. .-tmH...r SOU... il~ lho f~ f~_I~ 1;.y ttw, jI\l'!'1j~h IN.:I n. !1l.lty
<br />ri-IeotOfl1tCOfdl>>'Trvtll-'
<br />
<br />it.} .tJ\af tM,~~_ Qf 31.;PI \il'fW -IUi ''''*) bti f~<1'T~ tl)' l.'Ii tQ-1J~iIIf;,'g Hi. fil!{.01(1
<br />..~iOn of h~ ...otk:!l- or dlf.....il and '~~k--e vt' defa.iJlt ~ :;;c.UU Q{ $,&1$ h.\i'i~g
<br />_~ $I~,on _ U_ ~~i.!~.:..-:t h:t !f;~'~ _rt~!ll,", iIl:'!\hw! ~.~ 00 'l'rl.;s!{>>,_ $n.a!! #ell
<br />tt\6 ~_on tl1t ~~e ,M-U a.l_tl'ot: U1'"!:tt- and P><tcot ~nf.!~ i!l;ll*Xi n<<1c4 of
<br />..Je,_ at _~.wlk, a\li;u;ltl I.. !~ ~!~j;f.~l bJ.'I11d.c t~ PUf:CN" p;:k-. p.)'abJ.e: IrJ
<br />l"*f~ ~ 01 t"f U~II~ Sta'iM lit f,. llma~' ~~ The ~!5Of\, COOdl.l-t\\f'Ig
<br />~_~~ ma;yi t.v -tin, i:J.".-.hfl-d,"l'!{l} $X~~t, p.vtt~ In., i.ie H~ Umt
<br />~_~ UfiUf tt sh.n !>>, e:om~\.l.~ ";\0,1, ~_ ."Itf.J' !lIl\,h Cll~_ fli)UC& of pt>I!il-PQiW
<br />~,~lt ~ ~~ tit_ pub!!>; ,j~'.r.lkt"_ t~f ~ sY:t:!'\ p&ft>~ tt l!\e time
<br />llI'4-~,-_.t ,~nt~ tOdhe.-N\o&,' pr~(Y~ I~ t"- saie t~ ~~.'Of
<br />to~_ ,1~_~11 tJey ~Md tt\<Q 44'1 dfl.'''-~~od _11\ t~ !'IOttce (If "~ ffiW~
<br />t~ ~UtMl::Ql~n ;t\.,HH~: ,afl~-{\"~-fiM".tt ~ !)fl1,l1!'\a'_ t>Ol~;;:ti IJ_' -IUl:~_
<br />
<br />ilW&* 'Nli! ~.$CttM ltr.ct d&;i"-"" ll,) U!f,) jJ\i~J:i!\..!t$:~ tiiS: o.w ~h'.;-I~ H.,.
<br />~tt)' ~,t:,Jt wil~)>J~ "ny ':;(;o"~f'.."ll ,).! ,,"'.r--allty, (lll:;t"-&, 1;11 JIt!-p_I!cd, T!'I$
<br />I~ m Ihcl bud '91 &-.'1'f ;'l'",utm' ~ 1\l!:!' ~t!: be cl)fI(.ilJ~ prt:!;Ot Of 1n.
<br />trntntqi~c ttMIieo1, ,41'1;:.' riW-'Vfl\ !m;;l';.le';,tg ~!t-r,-fV1_ m'J.1I O'..it'tlha", .f the
<br />_:'
<br />
<br />tb) '~iN~'" ..ai., pur'-d.tl.~.tO tt>AP pQWtll19 ~tJ" tn. Tb..,~ ~f:t-,H .-pv;, to.
<br />pt~ Qf t~ Q.le t-o- tJl;y~~ d tN ~1flI_trld U(>$",*f.lI 1')1 ~J;lpr:tfl.ij;w fh$
<br />~ia. -j~ht~-nl'il thJ pJltrne-~1 o! H1tl r~,,~t1M:'-5 F-e.n
<br />~ "_."____.~' '.,-_c"::.~':.:of thto ftp!e_pt'kll, .M t'n.r. Jf,l
<br />telirH~Qf$'f_,~,.~!ed_
<br />
<br />'l'l ftIDpt,,,t.-tbJ tt_!1'lf,I $IiIJ~_ Hi; ~llfu-.t~. or
<br />ttltta:QfJ~~~,Arnt-ftil! ft If'rO we '" f/If(ltliafl-f
<br />~ mwtiwtt' ~_~~ ~_ ui. ~0lH ttated
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />~of,~~.Q'lt1u.:_~~If!~CU~'~_'i'<W"<1:_;i\':Xl_$;i\!"<l.Nt"'!
<br />~~~4,~i' -,
<br />l"M~,JhtflJt;'t,o-lt~~"'tj~,!!j.~~~H'-'l!'l<'
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />16. Outlot and ObJJg.tlont 0' TfUlt.,_ 1,&) fM duties and ooHgatlons of Tft/'atee-
<br />snail be d~term!ned 'Solely by the e1prtl'.!J8 provisIons ot the Tru'St Deed andTnmtee
<br />~hall nof be !!able e,..cept lor ttte pertormance of sueh duties. and oWgatlons as-.!nl
<br />specifically set forth hereIn, and no impi!ad covenants or obHgatlons shall be-
<br />Impo3ed upon T luslee; (b) No pI0.,islo" Of thIs Trust Deed shall require Trustee to
<br />expend or risk hl~ own funds. 'Or otherwise incur any flnaoclal obligation 'n the
<br />performance of any Qf Its dulle~ I'lereunder, or In the 5XfHClse o!'alinY of Its i'lghfo(-
<br />powers; I' it snail have groul"d, 101 belleylng Ihat the repayment or such funds or
<br />adQ(fuale Indemnity against !!<Jeh risk or lIability-Is not reasonably 48$ured ta It; (e)
<br />Trustee may r.OIlsult with coun5e! of hiS own chOQsh,g and the'advlce 'of such
<br />counsel shall be tuil and complet@ dlilho-rlz-atlon and protectIon In the respect 'Dr
<br />any action taken- or suffered by It hereunder tn good fa1th and reliance thereOn: (d)
<br />Trustee -shall not tm liable for an,! actiOn tlW;l'In by him 1n -good {allh and
<br />oel1eved by him. _10 be &1Jthcrlled or within the dlscretlon or r~ghtl'l of powers
<br />conferred upon It 0.,. fhl~ Trus-l Deed,
<br />
<br />0', Addtttonr:l's.eurUy In.trom~u. Trustor, at its 6l(pen98, wI!! execute-and deliver
<br />10 ttle lru-slee, promptly upOn deman<!, such !;I.ecurlty Instruments' as may be
<br />requIred byT1ustee, In form and $uba18nce satisfactory 10 Trustee; covering any of
<br />the Property conveyed by this Twst Deed, which securltv InsfrumMts shall be
<br />addltkma! s&r;urlty for T~u$l{)r'5 faithFul perfQftnilrtee of all af th$ terma"coveNlnta
<br />and e-ondltlons of IhlS Trust Oeoo: tile proml$&ory nota-secured hereby, and:AnY
<br />other $8C\J,lty iO!ltruml'JoIs t'tJlecvled In col'tnBCllon with' thls-lranaactkm,---SuCh
<br />Jnstrum9!ll!- stlall ~ r&COf6f!d 01 Moo, and re-r~orde(rand ratlled, at Trustor'.
<br />expense
<br />
<br />11:1, M....,....neout;.
<br />
<br />tal In 1he eve~t any ona or mOf~ of lhe ptOVj!.WM contained in this TJUtll Deed or
<br />tM oro-ml$~ note or any othef tI<<lUrity lnstrumentglvernn connection With
<br />!hls 1t1ill-sacUol'l llhan lor any reason be held 10, bo lnvall_d. lIlegal- Of
<br />!J~njorC@itb~ In any 18Speet, suen In....Udlty. lU8Q~lty. Of unenforoeablUty
<br />shall, al II'le op11on Of Beneficiary, not atfeet any otheq)rovtskm of this Trus.t
<br />~, but lfllS Trv.sl DMd snail be construed u If such InV-lUd, Illegal. or
<br />unenforceable pr()vll'lon hltd tlever bMn corttatn.d herein or theteJn.
<br />
<br />/bl H,;l~ flUSI Deed 1l~1l be cQ!'!$truect according- to the laws-of the State of
<br />Nebr$.ka
<br />
<br />r~l' Tn,J": o.ed ,I\illi itll,Jre to 3M3 bifid the heirs, levateee, doYl.....
<br />aoml"lslrafQl'l!- e_8Cutofll, SllCCiI!lSOfS and a.salgns ot tf\epattles-h.,.to,
<br />
<br />,OJ Trustor SNiil pa., lSiI I.ltu 'eviced upon this T1'\Ist Ohd Of the dabt eecuntd
<br />r.flr~~y, t~her Wit" a.ny ot"$( IIUes. 01 UMutnents which may be-le'ilfld
<br />IlUall't$tlh~ TlValee or Ben.W:lary or lhe legat hOldtr of 'aid prom'fI$ory not.
<br />='<'l 4CCQIJnt or ~ne IfH:J.Ole<Jflt'lSll o'o'toet'!eeo 1hef6by.
<br />
<br />1~1 Wl'lt'lne'H' used ~f1"tl1l'I. loe slnoular !lumba' shall InclUde t~ plural, the
<br />...m~l)l.r, the use tit an,; g.~r Sflail DtlIIPplmableIOall-Q9ndera. and tho term
<br />8eneflC1ary" ~h.lJ I....Clli(H~ .11)' N1'(fHf 01 the indltbtltdneu heNbv MCurtd or
<br />,1.ny tlSrtt'lN 1"'"r*o1 Whether tlv Qr..ef.tlon 01 !a1NOF Qlherwlte.
<br />
<br />19. SucceuorTru.... Bero.lie-Ia", ma'1 Irom tlf1~ to lime aubatitute .suo~ or
<br />:tlJcceslJOi'lt to any TtuSI-MI".med t1t'lI~lf'I ()t .<:!inQ flefwllder t-o .1IIocute Iftl. Trust
<br />o.edc UQon '\.K:tl .PPOI"tfr*fll .I"ld w'l~l convey-anC4 to the ....cc...or Ttust...
<br />tM latter IIlla# tl+ ...Ied .;th all IIH., pow... and dullo ~ -upon- any
<br />1""-iJlI<<e :'\.f.l~ n.",.o Of .e~'~ tler.UI\4eI. Elich aueh apt)Olntment end
<br />wbsttlultQl"l ,n.ll b4I mil\je bV ,,",llten inatrunMnl by s.n.t~, containtnQ
<br />r.tl<<.n<::e 10 Hl!s r,;,;t.~ ~."" It' piece of r~. which.twm ~ in tM
<br />ofrlo. q.f tfte Aey..t.f of o.eolo Of me ~ly Of count'- In ...hlcm ..kl property_.
<br />!lJlu.'ed shall no conc!\Js11i$ &tfOQt QI PfOL'4f ~ifltmenl Of tM .u~ Tru-.t..,
<br />r~ !tliego1.!'>\1 pOW1tf 01 $~b-:stlI\llion aNi to. p1QC:.ht~ ft\oeletot. ahaii not be
<br />'1UCluti..." 01 l~ -V'V*.I "t'M:j P:fQC&Clvf. pu.wkMd tQf OJ' 1tI"" 'Ot uw aubtUtuUon of .
<br />Tr",,"Of 'ff\,l.t... In t!"4-plllQe oJ",- TrUsl",
<br />
<br />20 f-odtMlaMt: b" hMllottHy Of 1,,*," Mot . W...... AllY tOi"lOMfattM bY
<br />8.n.Uewy {)t Tt1alW m tu.,,,itJng iM1_ tj,gftf Of riN'fWldy: ~.-Of othetwlM
<br />..flor-o.cl ~ .~.b{o J.w, Ifn.H nol bot. >NatTer 01 or pl"ludo INt ....-elM of tnl
<br />rlgtli Of r.-n~'I' Mfel.ln4oft' UIK._iu.--Ihe."'vw b1 e.n.ttol.ry Of T~_ Of -.ny
<br />"'61"",,! of T!'..lOlol uf~ \"'15 tntflt o..d &!lall not be d.-.mecJ 10 b&. walftt ot MY
<br />tJthf>> ,,~ 5h'mi.' del.",ltlllN~~Hy Q(;.~/IJOQ
<br />
<br />;n r~ Hot ~ h1-6f\S:i<ln Ql I~ n-Me IV>' p.ayroeht Of tf'IOl1lf~t!on-or
<br />.a.;H\"lortiu-l<<m QI I.,.,. _\4'1'" Ni..'ifGlJ by !h,. l'rutll 0Md gr.nllld by hn.UOiaf)' 10 an)'
<br />j;ui;.~j I" ';lHwo.l 01 'J n.u~lw _hall rn:<t ~.l. I{:> 10lMM. In 1,1\1 rnMlWf, tM
<br />jl~tlt)' ull'" ""11.1<1"; ,'u.h./ {1l In..I~,r-l1> li;,o.;e-U-.w in Il"er..t. 6eMtleiiUy-"a1l
<br />I't)l ~ 'ml...\I~ 10 u"miful"... p-rOC..uiflQ. il.1J~;.;'\.1 .I.i~" liut,;i;:.u.ot ill r.tu.. tQ
<br />.~lllI'~ \!l'JWo lOr p_y.Thr.nll..j .o-1l'!JI''IF< m.ldll) aJ\,ocHlatlon of tno, IUlna iU!tGWtlU by
<br />Htl. Truat t~ by '..;t0$\ of .!1) 09(l\a~~ ma.i4t by In. \)f.gtoaJ TntalOf and Trut1o..-'.
<br />'>iJ:<.,..aO:liin "lllt'li"l
<br />
<br />n o.thlL /I ,'\\itt. 'fla~\ t.. II 11tH....!! uM6f 11'1~. 0..0 01 Trl.l4t or uNMi' ."~ prlQf
<br />~""to"",., If'lt. a:6f.-t.l,:.at) r"'~'r CUll. :lijJctl- diJfollult, arnJ the '!nOUn" adli"~ by,
<br />And OlMf ~v,ta ana ....~n-$O, t.'f tn. bot\1Ill(;lary HI cvt1ng llK:h def~t. wtlt'!
<br />lfl1.!Ut *Ill"fa aetil;ll11 rilhli <,;....'Al&l~ it'< l~ Nu~ $8(.UUlod h....~ from li14 tUne of
<br />lr.til ad....rte... 01 P_if/T*H, .h....U toll. t,ljd-4fd to Inti indeotedneu tKured b'f \hI, n"..t
<br />n...a ana m.ty f.l.4I colt<<tea h"-$fJn<;Nf at ar\)' um. .It$! tha, unw._ct weh .avaR<*l
<br />01 ya~mtmt'.na af\4.i! ~ d6trne<l to be HC~t,*, n.tltby.
<br />
<br />
<br />~~=:t:='!~;:~t~.;~~~~~~:,=~~a;-:~~
<br />
<br />t~ fOl~kif.\,tH" Of tnOItoa~$ 00 td! pr(l:Oefty.
<br />
<br />2" Tl\ltWI R~ 4bMnt o.tault. ],jnUJ Jlfl)' tt.fau!t in lhe payment 0-1
<br />!r;dabtedflO$$ f.r.1ttry ~lJfoa 01" I"Illtillhf: bt&llC-h Qf &ii, (;Qftt\an: herOin ~ontl,ln.o.
<br />1f1e Tt-v.$If;l,l.ll_ ~U<:'(.'."tv!'ll -afll.1 a:!siOfl5, ~ha;t ~.... ahd ~o-1 lhe property, .nd
<br />'tt.::.eJn !~ ren.t. .t~ Pfo-ta. It'..tehom_ l,Jpon Pil'imtflt of .It $UIfIS J~ by this
<br />hU'll'1 Deed, ~.~icl.rf ~h.\! 'tQU8'$l 1tuu~ lQ ~Crt~ In. PfOO9rty and shaH
<br />!rurrltrx)~r I"J8- T'usll)e&<i iII!H.3 Ill!! ClOlea evtden;;:.fli,i ind&bted!1MI ~Uffld by thi.
<br />If..,1 D~ to lr;.j.!to& rfU.$!~ $hllll !'t!C-r)f;Y*,y lh& pr~rt)' w.!thout *wltny.M
<br />wHhQut ctl;trr-ge to H,- ?It/$M' l&Gall) .nlJlt.d lhetcto, T,.. Gr.!')l.. In atll'
<br />,l;ti;.(ltly.yJnee "'~) t1 ~$;::tl~ " '<the ilf.fSOfI eM peofllOn.l OJTttt~ tht1eto,'- .nd
<br />m~ f&:ltals lMrj)in \if iln}- m.U-e,t5 & 'ilct~ ~t\4Jj bt: cooctutl.... ploof of tht
<br />!r.,;!~h"If'\Q$1 t~lt'Qf SUCh p~nl-on (It ~llIiO~ ~t),!lU pal'.n cQttSco' l*>>td'nu. U any.
<br />
<br />a ~U<<lln I~ E~t Of T'aNf., m ltle e~.jt 1M t!t"- 10 UKl r..loai.at. il
<br />mlMterroo, Dr contrad..d 10 t~ l!\1oj"\!Jleu~t rrom In. tln<1.r!-1g~ for .1'1\1'....0>> Ol'
<br />b-:-, 8t:)' ''/'!.~t~'l ...!1~aOO1it'r. If'ltllwlir. cr;i1<:'~a! 3.Wt\ A!l-ij 8';;Crl./td If'll""l $h;tll.1
<br />onC'!t tl&C-om\'l (full 3nd pAyaO<.e Illlr'-4J ;,'\\-9C~h:J.n Q~ lne a.,.,."HClify_ Fallout l~ ...aten,
<br />mill oplion b&c..ISO or l!an~~A( ot PH!! itS apc.,e ~h.l~ in on. ms!a.~. .~II r'I(l1
<br />C"Of\$t1Iutt ~ ~.N(lif <:If tt\(> rtg.M I,,! .ualcl$4l!ht!> $~ II'> tm. &v$fil U' Any llube.equ.nt
<br />hafl~!fj(
<br />
<br />.. Thlt ~ oJ ha! rl jUl'11.....r 10 "no aalN
<br />
<br />..x4l<jvlofllJ t1y Trv,lc1 f0
<br />
<br />T-NlI..,
<br />
<br />~,ur!n\i ~ p-r'1'lt'JP*'; r;o~ti t(i~
<br />
<br />Or.>Iialt .,~ flltli,.'! ftV ~"::Oa1Ifrlll\ VIG ReQl"., Of ~1!1 ;\.r.;j ltl4lrtl~~'.o.. fQt~..
<br />