<br />25th
<br />
<br />
<br />aay of
<br />
<br />April
<br />
<br />83- 00263.1-
<br />,1983
<br />
<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this
<br />be and between:
<br />(A)OWaY~e t. Pipal andl~~rcine M. PiDal. Husb~nd & Wife. Mary ~ill~r~eP1~3~I,Single Person,
<br />MarCla M. Eckert, A Slngle Person and Melvln Max Eckert, A ,whetheroneormore,herein-
<br />after called "Trustor" whose mailing address is ROllte 5 RoX q (;r~ncl T~l~ncl, Nphril~ka
<br />fiRROl and
<br />(B) John A. Wolf
<br />
<br />n
<br />
<br />address Is
<br />(C) Tllp I'"fr<.t
<br />
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />P.O. Box 428, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802 and
<br />
<br />Nntinn~l R>lnk nf (;r~ncl T~lrincl, (;rnncl T~lrincl, Nphra~kil
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />
<br />P.O. Box 1768. Grand Island. Nebraska 68802
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof Is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust; with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated in Ha 11 County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />The in~entlon being to convey hereby in absolute lItle in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each agree"1rR~ ~li?1'fPnant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principai sumof One Hundred Thousand 'Do~i'lirsl$'1no,ooO 00 ),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of Interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth In said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the Is t day of June ,1'1;;\ 2008 .
<br />
<br />Trustor and Beneflciary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1 WatrMty.o1 Tit., Tn,l.510r IS lawlully seilOO 01 the Proptirly, ,I h~$goQd light and
<br />lawful authorily to. SieH and coovey the Propetty. thil Pro~flV is h&$ and clear 01 aU
<br />Hens and eMUft\b"Hl~es 9J1Cept lIens nO\ll til !ecOIQ, 3.f1d: Trvstor ""!II wimanl anI:!
<br />detend the Ulle 10 11)& Propert)' unlo the Trulit~ ap.J Its Sl,.lCC&$SO!$ ;,iH\d &$&Igna
<br />1000'ffl, ~os.t the claimll 01 all persons. ThJstor, allt.s Ollpef1~. 1/o'llllnOlll'l-llliin ./loa
<br />prilMfVEt.t~ Ii.,. of lhi$. Trust Peed 6$ a hen upon thtl Tllolst Pt~fty subject OfIly to
<br />&f\cumtxancea 8Jl:ISliog...5 of the d.te h4i!fl;lOf, Will cause thie$ Trust Deed, and 9i.Ch
<br />am.ndment or &,upploment thereto, 10 be tiled and IOCOIQed ;\$ a ffiOftgage 01 the
<br />TUJ$t ~ft)' in $uch rnanOtil:t and In such place, and VIjllllake sueo. other action as
<br />ill the opinion of TfU~t" may be. required by ao>, prl)seot Ql future Jaw il't urder to
<br />perliICt. malnlaln ~nd protKt HII' lien of lnis Tlust Deed, aa the 1joime may be horn
<br />Umlt to time amended Of 5uwlefT\entect
<br />
<br />2. Pa~~__~ PrlaclpiJ and InttN..t. Tlustor ~1I punctuaUy pay the pllflc::~l 01,
<br />and 1~1~' 01\1_ O;ki promfSSOI)1 nolft JncluQinQ an." advances theleto as pro...idod
<br />her4in Q(l the, dates l.!ld al lhe. pla~ and In th. ffiW'lnel provided tl:\lilrein and wiU
<br />PUOQWoIIU>, p<<f~m all agu:tJ-m~Q.ts, CQndIUort$ and pro...niona 01 any other s~urlt'f
<br />i~kument given 10 -conoectl9n .wlth this tr~O$actiofl.
<br />
<br />3. ".......... and lIJIntelulnct of PfQpitrty. Tru-stor will not commH an\, w~te
<br />u~ the.. p~, ano, wUl, at all limea, maintain the SJ.me in good ardar and
<br />~Itkm &{\d: will rrnU<.e._ trom time, 10 time, aU repairs, renewals. replacemer1ts,
<br />~dUiQ'" aryd lm()roy~menta W.hiCh ale reasonably required to pl8Yent waste,
<br />impairment. or detetlmatlon of salt! property, No buiidmg 01 lmptovemenlI'IOw or
<br />1\e(~,1t( 8feG-le~ upon toe Pr-OpeIty shalt be alle-reo-, lemo~ed or aemolished
<br />w~t tn.pr.ior W,(men CQn:iGl\t o(BeneIlC.lary,
<br />
<br />4. ~_lo-~,-'n._Case,of a,n)',-aarTw;g~,Ho.1)1 de~ttucljOO ~f. the building:;,
<br />
<br />~:r~~t~:;.l F~~~~:~:~~~~~I~:~t~~~~;r~~!i~;Q:~Y~~:le~~~
<br />
<br />00i~- \f(Uf P'fCHt\Dtly fe,s,tolO, r.palf, rep!ac~ and robuild the same 11$ nearly as
<br />pracU-Cabie: to Ita c:ofldlhon imrnOOla,le.ly prIor io s-uch damage or cklstruclion or wUIl
<br />suet\- et\angCQ an(j alteraHofl$ 3$ "'vS.tQf may ~m appropriate provided suCh
<br />(:~'XHI-' and .af\$fllUOOI, do l\O! matetlally IQsun the ....Iv(\' i'J:nd ullfiti -of $!,lch
<br />b~I!dI~$, lmpro\imntrds ."t!. per.son.aHly from that ell,l$ting imma-diatuly prior Iv
<br />
<br />;~~~:~_I:~_~~i~~onoo~i:~~;:::~f~Ct):I~I~=~I~l~lTf~;I:n~:;~r:;;:~~
<br />I~ .~tln' ot,tfl_ actual aum upt;nded under this prQ~ls!of\.
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />~ Q~" Tr'f.l;I!1CJr. It lru!.t()( is Ii c.Qt'pOIallOl\ it wW do ar; ItHflOIl n-eceSs-luy to
<br />~~~~;rJr-a,t_e..ftlt".ti!l:!'I~6, r.l~l)-t$ al\J~j).flv:l.l!~s unq,a:r ,ltkr laws tlllhlllit.at(l of
<br />
<br />0. ~~~. TfUJ.!~r, at its ~)(pt'ltlse, ,",_Hi mUJol-9lfj with ;rl~uH.HS ap-prov~ll by
<br />~,~t.ty, )l"lsUl.f\(:~ with le$j)6<:f 10 tnl.t tmpro\l!'!m~nts iIlnd porSQr'lll propelty,
<br />ap'tUj_t~~Uno' t~: Proptttly /fj;li_lnl,ft lose by flrilt IIghll1!l'tQ, _toUlrH~~ and vIner ['NilS
<br />,
<br />p/ncG!_nf.a-f ffltl fW t8,J')Ia.i:emcf!1 'ilih,le th~HilDI; ahd in!l\H;lnGe
<br />uSt_CS_ 3_1tdH\ sv:;:l\ a.mount at Is CU.llm;aflt~.. f.ClnIM by OWn-flrS
<br />~rid' _ s:'fttii'!.r. prop8l't'" ;aM lIi$ ~t!~f!c!ar:r m~'l' TlY..l1-JlIe for JUI
<br />J*'tte~Uoll' l'V$lOl ~ii! etttnp_ly witn, st/{;h otrtOr r~Ql/jTt'!'mtHi-!!, .jl.t, BM:",1IdiHY may
<br />f~tmi_ ~ to Vrt\e tlK{<JU! tOt t11e- J)fml;lctlo!'t by 1)'\\1vr~nct" D~ lh1t jfjtfll~$l Of !hi!
<br />
<br />
<br />respectllltl pilrf1es. All inSI.lr/i1l11Ce POUCHtS maintained p-urSl.lanl 10 this Tr\lst Deed
<br />shall nama TrU$lee (ami 6eneliC:I~UY as .l"iSl.>ceds, as llleh resj)$(:U\le inhtf9ats Inay
<br />appear, and pro...ida Ihat HttWO shall bit no cancel1a{lotl or modlhqallon wllOOyt
<br />Illt$4ln days pUQr wntten noUlIC::ahOO to TrulOlee and 8eneliciary. In tl1. t1went any
<br />pche:,' llerEtl.lndet ls nol renewed on 0/ betOUI Wlun da:,'s prior to its expllaUon
<br />dttht, Trust" or BenellcijUY may Plaeur.. auch insurance and lhe c~t thereot sh.1l
<br />be added to the loan se<:::ured by this Tru,t Deed and sh~ll b6~ intefesl at the
<br />grutef 01 the Interest f&le liIpeQUled lhereln or the highest intetest rale .lJthori~ed
<br />by thet.aws ollh6 Slatlt of Newaska. Trustor shall dellv~1 to 8ene!iciatV the QIlginal
<br />poliCies of insurance and reneVlals theroof Of memo copies of such pollci4ts anQ
<br />renewals lh8r6Qf, Failure to lurnish Insuran<:e by Trustor, or renewal" as requited
<br />heleundal shill!, at the option ot Beneficiary, consutute ~ def.ult AU uneam&d
<br />prern;um$ are hereby a$$ignod to TtU$lee as. additlooal se<;urily and a $a.le and
<br />Coome,.nee 01 the Property by the Trusl" $hall operale 10 con\lQ)' to the purenass'
<br />thtl TruslOl'S Interesl tfl and loal! poliCies of InsuranC6 UPOfl tM Tevst PfOperty.
<br />
<br />7. Tax.. ,and ~HUI1M-nU. lrustor shaH pay aU laxes and special aSSQssments
<br />Je\lled or asse$_sed against 01 due upon lhe P;operl)' belore deiinQuency. alia Will
<br />oelivElr to Beneficiary copies _of IE!relpl& sllowing pa,ymant at such taxes aM
<br />special assassments. If BenefiCiary- sh~1l so request, TruSlor agrees thai ttlere shaH
<br />be added to each periOdic payment required to be made haroun<lar an amq/Jl1t
<br />El'stlmated by Trustee 10 be sufficIent 10 enable Trustor to pay, .!/;t least 30 days
<br />before delim~ullncy. aU laxes, assessments or olner publIC charges against lhs
<br />Trust Properh'. the NOle secured by ~hls Trust Oilcd, or upon acco\.lnl cllhe (fobl or
<br />tntl Hen of thiS Trust Deed. together wilh pH~mium5 tor ins,-:rance !equirtld to 00
<br />pro'ilded under lfli$ Trust Oood ZlnQ no inlatf;sl shall be payable- 10 Tru:s.lcr m
<br />respect thereof. Upon demal1tl by lluSIl}o!, Trustor ,hall deliver to Tr\lslee. $ucn
<br />~:1(fillonal sums or money as are necessary to make up <HI)' dtHlcJenc\, in Ihe
<br />amounls-necessary tovnabi~ Trustee ll..' pay any of Inll foregoing items,
<br />
<br />8. AddlUonall.ilm.. Truslor shall make ail payments 01 Inhalesll1l1d pnflc.ip.ai olnd
<br />payment,$ of. .ny other ChiJQ9S, tees, t1nd expenses- contracled 10- be paId to an)'
<br />exJstlng lien holders or prior benelicltn18S under afly pr~or THiS! Oeed, MO'lQ;iije Of
<br />olher slttority agr$ement, befQte the dala they 3r& d611flqli61l! ~l1d to _pay .vly olhef
<br />claim whIch jeopardl2es_ the seclJrlty granted _her~jll.
<br />
<br />9. Prow~lIon of.B.,nefle'.ty'. S1tCurUy. Should TrlJlIIor hUllO make any PilYlnl,l!11.
<br />fa.!lto do any act as h{fleln provided, or j/ QIlY acli(>(j or ploceltUlng Is commenced
<br />whIch milterially aff&cts Benetlclary's Jl'lleri!'$t 111 the PIbp<1rty, including, bul not
<br />limll&d tl'), emlnt)t1t domalll, h't$OI'fttf'lcy, ilruU\gel;'<ttII~ or proctmdif1gs hlvolvlng a
<br />l)ankr\lpt or "&cedent, ttlen 6lt11enclary or T1Uste~ b-Ut without obJlgal1on to. do so,
<br />.aM wllhoot nollee 10 or demand vfX>1\ TfI.I9!m, aM w!lhQut tt!I~a:~lng 'ilU610f /rom
<br />any Qbllgatlo-n he'eundlltf, may make- or do t~ ~~m{l, snd may pay. p,m:htl;tll!
<br />GOtlle$1 orcompromL,;;e any 0f\.CumblllnCQ, charge CH Hen, .....hlch i('l !hll judg~menl of
<br />9lth!)r appei.\rs 10 affect 5$ld PIoperly, In w,,~-Ci5i,,'il an,; such pO'Ne-!S Ih~
<br />8ef't&flCiary ot Tn.iSlee mil)' lnwr an.,. !let-lift,. and E!-Xpfm,1 whal""~'e-' ,,-mO\lnl~
<br />inCludIng dls'burlWmenh n-t r.,liftonable ollHl-"~'{' foes, wt!!(i't In tht'ir !Jl}S<:\!IJ!@
<br />d1SCf8titHl, may b~ fl9ceSIUH)' Ir'I the e'fl!lnl '{tlsl ttl.lslo-r ~tlatj li!lll If, nroc\.'r$
<br />insuram~'e or 10 Pili)" ta'l!.&s, and sP&clQlll$stll'l.$men!!l 01 to "!,,~h, ,"',' l"'~'trN:nl!l!O
<br />l.'''I$ti~g 01 p!liJI l1e-n hOlders tll O9lWfkIMftll!, *if1 8c,,~1w'(HY may phJ<.'t>1'l\ !\v-,'I'
<br />i('l";-rJrlmc-e a'h1 Ini!l:kt s\.;i':::'l pflymJtr>f-.!!. Afi 5ums J!1I:.;!"'tld ('-' !'_~pt>f'aCcf t>)' f:i.:;-r\ltH(:!;v)
<br />or fl'"stee In aC'::"QMiI(I(;'" 'WIt;' 1~l;1 NO~i!$!();'~ 01 tN:<!1rJ,!!;\ C>otl(llll't> !;l!'2\i!1t{; ih!I~I)~.
<br />