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<br />I <br /> <br />(I) month prior to its due date the 'mnual mortgage insurance premSJn"Orcle9tQp~~dJ.S~h holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br /> <br />(If) If and so long as said note of even date and tbis instrument are held by the Secretary of HOllsing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge (i11/ieu of a mortgage insurance premium) which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one.twelfth (1112) of one-half (1/2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments: <br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any. next due. plus the premiums that will neXt become due and payable on <br />policies of tire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged ;>[operty (all as esIimated by the Mortgagee) less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior t;:) the date when slIch ground rents, premiums. taxes and <br />assessments. will become delinquent, such sums to he held by Mortgagee Ifl trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payment' to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall be added together. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />-each month in a ~m-gle payment to he applied by ;hc Mortgagee to the following items. in 111C order set forth: <br /> <br />(I) premium cha.rges under the ,--ontral..~t of insurance \\'ith the ~crctary of Hi)Usmg 311d - Croan [)cvelopment, <br />or monthly i.,"harge (in lieu o(nlortgajtc insurancc {m.>miwnJ. ;J:S the (JSC !Hay be: <br />(II) ground rents, taxes, a~S$m('n[s, ilfc and ntht'f haz.aru Hlsuranc~ premiUms: <br />Oil) interest nn the note secured hereby: and <br />flV} amOrl113tftm of the principal l.f said Hote. <br />Any detlcl-ency in the amount of any such aggregate 111lJ!lIh!y paYl1lt~nt shall, unlcs..., made good by the Mort. <br />gagor prior to the due date of the next \th:h pJ~mell\ ddlslttute:lll t....ent III Jefault under this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee may .:oUect ,1 ."tate charge" nnt tl) \'xt..'cc-J r'.n.: ~'l'nb H,.t) f1-r nH,:h doHar ($1 ) of i'3dl payment more <br />than fifteen (J 5) dzys in arrears to COVl"f the e-XfrJ eXptmse invoived in handling delinquent payments. <br /> <br />'L ThaI if Ih.. tOlal of th., paym..nh mad.. h\ tlw \lorteaenr und"f of paragraph ~ p........ding ~hall ('x('e,'d <br />the amount of paymt--lfll.~ a{.tuaH~ made b)" the \k)rt!tag(>~-" for uround ft'nt;"'. taxl'~ and a:-i.,",-ll.'-i::omenlS or jn~uran('e pre- <br />miums. ~ th... ca..."':i(l' ma\' he. ~uch excess, if [he toan i~ t:urn.'fit. .H the option of the Mortgagor. shaH he credlted b) <br />th~ \lort~t~ Oil ,..:.,ubs(:quPflt I,aympnts to fK- madt'- hv ih.. \'o-rt,2a~or. ur rt~fundt~d 10 thv \toftg-ugur, If. how{'\'t~r, tht:' <br />I'liIothly pl1yn"lDI" 1I>adc by (be Mor.gagor under i !' j ui paragraph " pr..c~'(hng ~hall not be suificicnr 10 p"v ground <br />rent.. ta.\:t'!"l and a.~~~&--Tm-ent-~ or in:-;uranet-' p,.:,mium:--;. ,\-- th.. {'U:;(' fniH tw, wtwn tht> .....antp ...,hal i bet'orne due and pay~ <br />able, thUD the \lortA"~ ~haH pay to thtli \.ort~J.ut"fl- any amount T1t'n'",:-,ar) hi ma~t~ up tilt' d(.rkit'IU~)'. on or tJl~fon' <br />thp daw when paytnt'nl oJ HlK'n ground renl=-.... llL\t....... .l~.~\.~~mt"tlt~ or In::i-urau("-(' pn'miunlM- -""hall lw du(' If at any <br />time the \'Iort~.}r ,...hall t(.~d{'r to th(' \h)rt~a~"'. in tl,<<Tontan('I' "ilh [fl(' pm' 1."'100:-- of tht. no((\ ~l~l"un'd h(>rt-'h~'. <br />full of th.. 'lOliff' incWhl..dnt.~" n'pN'~"nt...llh,""'h~. lhp \k'Ng"!!"" -hall. In ('umpul.ine the amount of ~udt <br />indetnt:dnt"~~. \"~redi( to the <,c\.'"OUnt of !he \'vrtg-dJ'tor ,111 p-a~mt:ots made tinder [ht' pronslOn-s (\r f '{' t.1f p<1ra~raph .? <br />htlnmf whit:h th!-~ '\ort~rag.}t~ ha.... not b,,"('omt-" ubli~aH~d ti) p:iy- to thi:' -"'pt:n.tary uf flou~in~ and l'rban l)<;,'velnpmcnt <br />and any baJann,' ftJInalnina in dw fun-d~ atTumulatcd undpf tht. pru\ I~Hm.'" Hi j uf para~raph 1 ht'reoL If tht'fll <br />~hllll be a dofauH under all~- of thl~ pnJ\J:'"-lOn:,< of tht... murt:!a~t' n'~ultinJ! in ~t p-ublitO -<tit, lif tilt' prenll,"'p:.-o; cU\l'r"d <br />ht"--robv, Of if tht. \t()rtlZa-$!.t"(' iU.:qUJft',):'-. tflt' prop...'rt\ Hl,ht'f"l.-i' ._lhp[ dt'fault. thf' \lOrt-~~ll!t".' ....hull apph. ,.it tht' limp HI' <br />t.he e~;mmoncem-t'>fH of ~t'h p:rO('~-tljnJ{s. ur at th..... {1m.., tnt, prufl...~rty J'" o!ht'f" '''(' aCtiU,H.d. It\(' t;ah;ntt-' tht"fl n'ma!n. <br />in~ in Un.! fund~ itr{~umuhu..ed under' of par:it~raph ;. pn'n..fimi;!.. ,!'" .{ n, l ;tga!lt_~t lht, ~mHJunf of principal tht'n <br />remajtlin~ unpiud und....r ....aid n~l{'. and -4tdH profwrh ;uljU:"'-1 .i-fl\ pa\nwnt.... \\Jut,h :-,hail ha,,' hN'f1 madt' llnot'r ((1/ <br />of plW~fllph 2. <br />,t, That t~ \-tort~;.ag(\r \\-iil r~'1~ gH!lmd fe-nt\, !~l'li.'-"". ;1.._..t::-'HH"nh. ,~ctk'r Llh:~, ~;nu ,-l[her .t!\ih'rn IlH,'Il lal or lTIUfll(fpa! <br />charg.c-s, fihC~, tJf impt;C\tltC)O"" for wtw..h PIU\l~1t\tJ h-d'l fhlll"e'l'n fH..:llJ(' hctcfnhei~HC. ;loli 10 Jet.HilI Ihere(l-f the.> \tort~~get: ma\- <br />pity the "ame. and th,iH 1M \-h)flg6i~(tr 'Ad!} ..idn'C'f !h< ,)thu~j i~l.:C-'pt~ :hl~{d,--1r [tIthe \ltH I.~~tgt.'~. <br />"'. The. Mortg-agl},f '.\lH rii~ ;1.11 ta.\{.~ \ m.t} No 1:;\i(,'\1 UP,,!) ihc \1ortgilge.;-'" HHt..'req lH ....'-thJ rt;.:d c~ta[e and HlipWV(.'~ <br />"\Cnts, and WhKh mat) he k\-jed ilptHl thl~ rn{.Hg~~e Of the i.h:..H ,e-:uft."',l hefe~~ ii-III i.,nl~ tu rht:> e\.ll:nl tlml ..udt IS fl,)! Ph1hihll- <br />ed O\' !aw .:100 \)ol;, to- the ('\[em tha~ ..u~h \'dll [' lUah' thh 1,~.Hl H'Uftou,l, PUi t~_\~hH-jing ;trH Ifl';OO!( L.1\., Stall' \~r Federal. <br />impt..;sed (ltl Mortg~(c 0 arhi '" ill tile tht.. \)mcu,l tt'....e-fp! ...h-p\\ mg ..u.;h 'hl~ Hlt.'"ol \...-llh Ih( \tflrt~d:gel' _ t' pon "lulallPfl tif lhi~ unu4:r. <br />taking~ Of if the Mon~a~lH i, phihlbued h~ ;Jn~ 1,110\ lh_~ l.'J hcre"ftt:r C\l..ung fnHn pit~ing [he \\hnk \'f an)' Pi.1rllt)(lUt' thl" afore,. <br />said taxc-s. l}f upun ttk ftnthni~ \l{ ,I.ll~ I.-ourt ~_k\:H"(" rnlhlt>HH1~ the pi:I' lnem b\ the ~t~}rlg.-t!wr ..If iln}' "U\;:h I;_n,~", t~r if "u\..~h li.iv, <br />or decree: plo\'lde:>o th8t ;.IIl} ;1l1l0unt "i.~ P;1.hJ t-~ lh~ \tOflg.i!iW ..haB ~ ...-ft'(l!tt'd on the murtg~t!!C dt.~t. {hc Mortgagee .,hail h;nt: <br />the right tu "he OInety Ja}S' \.\nHeOlhJhu:' hI ltk: U\\ilcl" ,d the mungagc:J rrCIHI'oC:-'. reqUiring the P;1}fllCIH tlf the !Ill1rtgiJgC' <br />debL If slk;h ootl<e be g.i\cn. tht \-.illd Jeht...h.J1! t't'\..-lllHC Juc, pinuhk ..lOJ \"l1Ik...:tlblt, at (he t.'....pir.ltion IJf ....aid nu~t) ~.tIY" <br />b. That ..h~)uld he f;til fo pa.~ .W) ..)t k(-~p- ,tll) <",'l..l\t~nunl, pfl.t\tdcJ hlf Illlhl'" \turtgag~, then the \-1ongag~c, ,n ih \,.lp- <br />lion, mar f\a~ (tf pc:rflUm the !>amt;':. ...tHO all :: \pend-Hurt':\- \\~ Hld.Je ...hnll b\: J,JdcJ h) the pri,h':lpiil ,urn lH1.-ing l\H lh(~ dblH l: nut,,-, <br />.J1aH be: secure-d heren), and ~h~H t~~iJ illl('tl"~t ~il the rate "...'! fonh In ihe ,:<.!id n..Hc, unol paid <br />:, That tK: h<n.h} ~_SSigfh, tran:\fe-r~ JnJ S,,"f!, ',)\Cf to the \tt)rtgagt;~. to roc dpplieJ It.HA..ard lh..: payment (If the Ih..!-lt.' .1Ild ail <br />s-ums s,e,,'ure.-d m:reb-y in t.:as.-t: of a Jeffiull in the pc:rl\J(man~e of ~ny 1)( the tc-rm~ :wo (Ondllion~ of thi\ !\-turtgag.e l)f lilt.' ...;~iJ <br />note. aU the rents. re\'-cnucs- ,md irn.:um~ to he JtflvcJ from the filongageJ rrcrnisc-.., Juring ~uch time d~ the I1h)ngilge mocbtcJ- <br />flei:!rl-shill re-main unpai4: .md the Moftgag.:~ ...hilI! hd\C f'i-H4ier h:l.iPPi}int <.ll1j agem I.}f .lgt."tlh it nw~' deslI\.' f\lr the pUrpl).,C of <br />rc-paUj~ said premises ;.and of r-t"nt-ins tht: ~ame i.tnJ: \:-tfJk("lin,g the renh. re\enuc~ .tnJ lnn)fHt;, and It rna~ f'iiy \)UIl)( ~;1jJ in- <br />-C'~e;; ;tJle:xpen'ie~ of repairit\J said premises ~mJ nece~~sr) \"'umnH,ssj,m~ ;:IOJ e\pensc:,> m\,:urred in ct:"nt;ng ..il1d mun~lging the <br />Si;lme and of i;olkctins- fC'ntah l1~fC'ft-om~ the t'tal.alKe remaining, if any. to. r.c applied to'-"ard the di~~hargc of said mortgage <br />iftdebtcdness <br />S, That be will k.etp ttw: impnn'tUH:nh O{Y',8 existing or hereafter crc,.:h:d on the murtgagcd pwpcrtj. in~urcJ i:I" may he <br />fe:-Quiftd rr(m'l ti-1J't.( to tm,e by the Mongage-e againsJ :ns-s by fire and other halard~. (",,,ualtje:o, anJ ("\loHngen..:ic:-. in "'tH:h <br />amQunt~ a.ud for su~h perioos 3~ mu) be !\"quJf~d h;- the \iortg<.igee and \\lli p~i~ rr~.Imptly, \l, hen due, an) rrcmitun... I_,n l,ul,.-h <br />m~aD(-e ptt}\'lsJoo for p~}'ment of whkh has oot been made nerembd('"n:'. AH in;"uf.lO-l.:t' ..haH he ..:arncd in ;':-t'mpaliic\ ..11) <br />pttl\'ed-1).y M-on~-c and-tbc p.>Ik-Jes ;md renewals tncreof ~haH be helJ f";:- the MOltg,agtooC ao\j have ,IUa,:heJ therdu td\\ <br />fW4ya,bk cb:uses in favor ,-l{ and in form a...~-ept;jbk tv [hf: Mongagee_ In t;'\-cnt of lo~'\- \-tortga~or \\ iil .trf';.~ imHlt'diate o,)tKt ~\ <br />mail to _the _M.OfCI-~, who m,a)' make pnl\.lf of fus\ if not miWe prompdy by Mort~;ig\}r. and t';:ll.'h HhlHWh....... l'I,HllP,Hl... '--'lln" <br />'(ffnedh. ~'(ht aulhor~,l('-d and \.h~-f.-h:d to m-ale paym('nl for ..u..:.-h In\s \.Hr~l..tiy tn the.Morti~~('C H1.lj.h;:a~j (If tll the \hlftgarto1 <br />lIDd lite M(ltt~e l<"lllly. and Ill<: llUUr~n,~ rf(x~ed,. <If ~I\) 1'.,1 th.:r~"r, lUll' h<' "rrlted hy Ihe M.'rtl!"lr~~ at u, opt;,,,, elth,,, <br />1:01Ilt.f~i,){ the: j~bledne:u bcreb~~ ~t,weJ 01 to the rt~tQ/atlon 'If repair (If the pr,,;puty dJm~igcd_ In t'\'{'nt lif flne.:-h~ <br />!Q,tfr ofl.flb _~t~ {~ p,thtr Uanl1<-t of ulk to t~ nlonpged propert) in t\tlngUf~htnent nr the jnd~b-tt-dn'....'l '\l.'o.:UfC'J ht'! C~\, <br />.n .r_~ tklt-'_~fuf'th.: ~~().t'tifPtI\U in atyJ W ;H\~ iO!i:utan-ct: poHde-s then in to-tee "hall pa"", In th(: rUf,,:h~i'el I.l! !!J ,11\t.;( <br />t, 'J'hilt M .uwt~ and {~oUater..., ~~uflt} for tht; paymetH ~A tht: fint(' d(;s;.;rlbe,,L ,Iud ail !d l'-e....-~Hl1C- ~ha: Ul1l.1t., thh <br />~_~ f~ .~~\)f -bt_r-e~) il:\~i.s<<1 to- U~ M<Jllgaget _;dl pf{lfi!~. re\cfHlC,"", foya~tk'\, riathl"< ~nd !'>Cue-fir... ~-I;d.t1-ill~ h~ tnt:' <br />Mbttp,fl-lf ~f ,aft_Y! I.1tLwdps f:e:~SC\ 1..1fl said -pf~miM:$, wlth t-ht: fi"t_~t h.1 ft'Ct':H'C .md fe'~t'ipt h" lhe \;UHe ;~f\d appf) <br />lftfm to ~ ~btt4_1lC'~'\.k\ wd1 hcf\lft. :it'"! aIlt"f default in dle {:{Juaiuon:,. ..;,1 tOb rnurtg;-ifl;t:,. ,\f1.\.I the ,Mf1(t!ti!g-t'e d~-malid. ...u(' <br />ftA{':tJt1d tf-~UVd. Ml~~ ~~ fl4ytrtenJ~ -i;tIb(n dM;t' .<.tnd p;Q.y~. bur :';chidl ~~t ht n:-qutfcd ...t hfr ;.h, Thi:," a"'''lgtHlH.'m hI tt"nniWdt <br />... bo;"<lIm fiIIll1lJld H>Ill ~'IU"leIlM <li th... "'NllllW:<, <br /> <br />if', :)-,@/14j!,,'\ J9i <br />