<br />"02516
<br />83.....'
<br />
<br />This form is used in connection
<br />with mortgages insured under the
<br />one- to four~family provisions of
<br />the National Housing Act.
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS MORTGAOE, made and executed this 18t h day of fla y
<br />19 83,byandbetween Charles E. Fox and Mary A. Fox, Husband and Hife
<br />
<br />,A.D.
<br />
<br />of tlleCoonty of
<br />tbe Mortgager, and
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />Superior }brtgage, Inc.
<br />
<br />,and State of Nebraska, party of the first "art. hereinafter called
<br />
<br />acorporatioo organiudand existing under the laws of Ne br a ska
<br />party of the second pllrt. !-.creinafter called tbe Mortgllllee.
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: Thatthe said Mortgagor. (,'r and in consideration of the sum of F if t Y Si." Thou sand One Hund r ed
<br />and ~1o!10Oths-------------------------- Dollaut$ 56,100.00 ),paidb}'theMort-
<br />gagee. the reeeipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and bv these presents does. Grant. Bar-
<br />gain. Sell. Coovey and Continn unto lhe Mongagee. Its ,ucce<sors and aSSigns. foreveT. tbe followmg-tlescnbed
<br />real O$tat.. situated in the County 01 Ha U . llIld State
<br />of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Seventeen (17), N)nner View Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />of .the Slxtb PrindpuJ Meridian. C()nt~trnJnJ! Ul aU
<br />il'Ie-nt ,Uf\<ev;
<br />
<br />aat."!i. i!l:cording to Govern~
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pIC"""'" .t,.:.,, uc""bW, "uo alllne appurtenoo"., Ihereunto heh.ml!lhl!. a",1 includillg
<br />~U he41ting~ ph,f,mb$~..g and _kghti-n& tiJ(tur~~ ~nd. equipment nuw uf hereahcr hH~,hed tH or u~(:d in ,unnecl.<<m with said rea.i estate
<br />tifl-ti) the Mortgqt:(~ and- to it, }-Ucc-eSMlr" and Ol~s.igJl~~ {ore-liCf, Tnt: MOftpguf repre~nh ll}, ~wd ,o\'enanl~ with. the _Mortga-
<br />f.,'ee. that the MQftPI-Of has gOtwJ right tn ..,eU and (i)fr\'-e-y ~..\id pfemi...es,; thai they are free from encumbrance; and tha1 Ihe
<br />Mortl3ltlf' ~in WlirT1UU lind defr-nd the- same aptns( the Ja\\.ful \.:ia.im.s. \!{ ~tH pr-r'-on'\ whofn\()("Ytr; and Ihe s.aiJ Mortgagor here~
<br />~. ,..,lillqlll'ibe. all rights <If h<"""st~a<l. an.! ail martial o;lnl', ",Iher m 10'" <>[ '" <eqUity. .nd ail l>lher wnullgellt interests of the
<br />MorlPl-Qf in-and it' the abolfc...dey;,ubc:d Pfem!~-~" the intC"nttoo hting to t.:oo\'ey hef~by an abs-ofute litie~ In fet s.imple. mdud-
<br />mgall-n;Jhh (t1 h(Jmts.le~d. iUJ,d: otMf ng.bbdnti mteft:~h a:\ -dh)fC'~.
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ALWA YS, and the", pie","\> at(: e",,'ulod.n.! ddl'.,ed upon the I"llowmjl .:onditiolls, (0 WIt:
<br />
<br />The- M()f1pgUf .;,tgr<<~ to p-.y to the- Mon,gu,gec:. ..If ~)fd('f. t~ rnn~Jpai ~um of _ F ift Y Six Th}usand One
<br />Hundred and No/lUOths------------------- Cl(.llal> I~ 56,100.00 I.
<br />
<br />with UlkH!st tWIn d-4t~;u the fjl<- Of Elt,:ven ~ln-u Oue--Half pel ,,--i.'mum (
<br />the "_;0 bftiar><:t ,ultil paid. The ",id pflll(;.pal and ,ntetest ,hall be pa~abk althe olliee of
<br />
<br />11 . 5 ) pcr anoum on
<br />Super lor Hortgage, Inc.
<br />
<br />in Grand Island Nt: . or at )uch other plac( a~ the holder {~f
<br />!htoolc,nlil~Je"l#N4leillwritillg.illmooilily"'>tallmelll'<1f Five Huncit'<.~ Fifty Five and No!10Uths-------
<br />___________________ DoHan (S r, 5 ",". . 1, cnflunennng t.H) ~he ,nrSI tiay.of
<br />Sul y ,}iJ 83: .tr\a\_\h\~ hrM u.ay (..II .ca-Lh rr~~mlh thereafter uoUl the pnn":-lpaJ anu m-
<br />ttie-Sl -arc_ rID'll Pfi.id_. e->;.~~ept dmt the final payment of pnnclpal -dod intcre~l. If H,-lt ~OiJner p...iu. shan be due and
<br />P&ya,bk.Ofl tbe fit$! dity of June,. 2013 ,aU 3((otding to the term~ vr a certain PHHl)i~.
<br />_y 1lOI~, "r e,<", dal" !It;te..itn ..""uted h~ tn.: ,.ill MOfllll'll<)f
<br />
<br />TtMt--MUf-lMUJ in l.'rdt~J ITh.lle futh' In prtJte,"t the st:e-urn)' (~f fhis Mong.agc~ agn:~s
<br />
<br />L 'fI1at he ...ill pay tht 11lJe~d~., as herdnbelore pro'ide\!. Pt.,,"e,t is to",,,'ed l<l pay the debt 10 whole. or ill an
<br />~!l4eq~roo:neor lll"''' moot.bly payment> on the printipal!halll!e next due on the 1I01e, Oil tht finl day "I any monlh
<br />plJ4,)f-Jt> ___.):: PnHtMtJ", bq~-:Cl't/~ Tbat WrtUetl notkt of an uHcntkm to cXt:f(is.e "urh pri\'iiege 1'" gt"-'en ~t feiJ'\t thlny ~30)
<br />day. prililt .1" pr"pa,'uwlll.
<br />
<br />2 Tll..t, t~l~ "'II!!, all<J in iod,liliun to. !hem'llltbly paym~nh (.( prindpal and IlIkr.,s! payable U",i(1 the telm' "j th~
<br />"''''' "".;_,tlltiff>Y. the; 'M~')f will l"'y 10 the MortPlte, on the iiI>! d;ty ,,( <each mURlh unlillhe saill ",He is lully paid, the
<br />f~ill&"'llk:
<br />
<br />l..) A..lIWfll mllkWnt \.. I'HMdelne b"l.:lel heleof ...lib lund. '" pay Ihe next lllorlll'lllC imula",:" p,cllllum If Hll.
<br />m~trtutlo.fU ilt\d - -t'f\c: nut~ J.et.'11rw he-f~by ,afc; -jl1$U-r<<i~ 01 a tlwn-thty '\.~h~ugc (m Urn D{ a mo-rlgagr- l.l'l.fliranCt~ prr.
<br />>1IiIim! Iflhgy o.",.h<Ild.i>y the &wt.-laf)' ,,( l~ll and Urban rJe...lol'"1<'It!. .~ ""HOWl
<br />
<br />i,n H .~ lJ.{l' It):n~ ,\i:!1- ~W rH,ri~ -uf r1(ct't u.a.w and thi'K iJ\ilH40~lH ifttt lHSUH"Od O~ .1\"'I;" !,;<tnWffll BHth.'} -ihe pr;:)
<br />~ of dw- ~t~~ no-U1itlt;, A(:;t- ;\0 JlfitootU- ~ufrJ\,.~tlf -hi &,;(um\ibJt m the h;UHh oJ the ho{dt_t' nne-
<br />
<br />~t--hA tl~, ~~ ,~- -Hill t~ lkl-h~ ~'f It t,~ll.~t",j
<br />
<br />ST... n Of' IlillllflA.llK^
<br />HI.Il>42H)N! tlFJllI
<br />(:;ff tt:t'l:(t){J '~.:Ol
<br />