84 --p0~~x o4
<br />I ender'. wnu+n agmement ar applicable law. borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner pn,vtdc.i under paragraph 2 hereo[.
<br />Any amamts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, wan interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />~ndeMedness ;+f Bnrmwer staved hvv this bton¢age. l: nlecs Barrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amn€mts shall be payahlc upon nrnice from Lender to Borrawer requesting payment thereof, and shat! bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement ai the rate payahlc from time to rims o0 outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amoants shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissibts under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or Lake
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />S. Iaspeefion. ! Winder mac make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that I~nder ;hall give Acrrnwsr notice prior to any such inspecnm specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />~ntsrtu to the Property.
<br />9. Condemnation. The pnxeeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or conssquen[ial, in connection with any
<br />condemnation ar other taking of the Property. or part thtrtmf, ar fret con vevance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />nnJ ;hall he paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking ;,f tree Propern•, the proceeds shall he applied to ihr cams secured by this Mortgage.
<br />•s-ith the esccs :( any paid ..+ ftormwe~ In the evsm of a partial taking .+f the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />~vhesu•isr agree in wrinng..here chap f,e applied to the cams served by this Mortgage Such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as ,< eyuoi ro that proportion which the amnum r+t the cams centred 6v this R~lartgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears m the [art market ~-aloe of the Pmpertc ,mmedmtely pricer m the date of taking. with the ba}ance of [he proceeds
<br />paid to &urnwer.
<br />If the Proptnv is abandoned be Bcrrnwer. or ~f. afre~ notice by Lender m Barrower chat the condemnor oHen to make
<br />an award nr settle a claim for dama¢es, Borrower fads t. respond to Lender within ?0 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, I_endcr rc authortred to coflect and apps. the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of tilt
<br />Piopertp ,x to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />L; arose Lender and Barrower athcrs~rcc agree m writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shal4 not txttnd
<br />or postpone [he due dare s+f she momh3y instattmtnrs referred to in paragnphs ?and 2 hereof ar change the amount of
<br /><uch instsllments.
<br />I0. Iorrower Not Rehased. Fxtrnston of the ume far payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />tau the Mortgage _granted by Lender to any surces_N:r :n-interest of Borrawer shall not optrate to rdeass. in any manner,
<br />the liabriirv ~> the originni Borrawer and Barrower s sacetssors ,n inerrest. I~nder shall not tx required to commence
<br />pr,xstdings aga;nst such urccessar ;+r rektse to extend time for payment or ntherv•ise modify amortization of the sums
<br /><acured by rhrs Mortgage by reason err ~;,~~ demand made by !hc ,sngmal Borrower and Harrowers successors in ipterest.
<br />I1. Parbesrasxe by Ltnder \nt a Waiyar. qnv iorhtarancr he Lender in exercising any riehi or remedy hereunder, or
<br />.,thcrw,se aftardsd by ,appiicahie law sbat3 n+; hex wan~er .+t or preclude the extreise of any sorb right or remedy,
<br />The prcxurrment nt insurance ,+- ihr , avment ~~+f to see ar tether !lens or charges by Lender sha13 not bs a waiver of Lender's
<br />ritfit to acmhrate the maturity :, the ,ndehteciness =ca,tid by tbs. Mortgage
<br />1:. Reiwedits Crtmulative. 1I? rrmechcs pm<,ded :^, rose mortgage are distinct and cumu£ative to arty athtr right or
<br />remedy !;ndtr th;e Mnngagc r:r atL<trdtd by 3:e~~ .,r e,;s.ity :.,rid may h c+tre,csd concurmntfy, indeprndenety er sncrxxsivety.
<br />13. Sueressnrs aad Asx~ns Botrnd; Joint and $esrrai I.iaLiiBry': Captions. The eovenams and agreements herein
<br />~ontatneci ,hail E+inet. and tnc r+ei,ts hrrcur,drr <naii ,n;tre to. tot tccaecuve successors aced assigns of Lender and. Borrower,
<br />+ubisct t..: the pmvixcens of t?arayraph !' hsreos. A41 cavrnants and xgreentents af~ Borrou~sr snail be joint and stverat-
<br />Ties c;+pt,ons and lrcadrngs [:€ the paragraph. ,tt this ~4nrtga¢e are for earvtmence only and are not to bs used to
<br />rt,terpmt or define the provssronc boreal.
<br />ti. `olive. Exctpr for soy notice rtgtnrcd .meter .appli.ah3e law to be given in at,satfrer manner, fat any notice-to
<br />Barrower pray°rd.°d for :n this Gianguc~ +hait he g:+vn Izv roasting such notice ray certified malt addressed to Borrawer at
<br />the Property Address ,x st such .+ther :address as B,ver•u•rr mac desrgnatr by native to Lsndrr as pravidtd-herein, and
<br />{61 any nonce to t.rnder +ha3; h,- g:.t:+ hi ,-rrt,fieti ma,l. return m:e=et rrgctesud. to Ltrder's address stated hsrtin or to
<br />such ntbtr address as Lender n:a: designate r. nrtrcc t, Borro•-vcr as pmvidsd hereu,. any Holier provided far in this
<br />Mortgage shad hr drr_msd to ha.~a '~xr.- given to Borrower ter f ender whan given in the manner designamd herein.
<br />IS. l7nHorm ~turt[tipe; Goxerning L.aw: ~rvenhil#y. i hie t<+rm of mongsgs cambirtrs anifotm cavenanis for national
<br />use and ;um-uniform eavenams ~+ith I mated ;.;roan. n~ !,y ;urexe£;ctien to <onsinuts a uniform xeturify instrument covering
<br />real property- 'This ltortgags shai3 Ix grn ernsd by eta taw nt the iunsdtctton is which the Propetty is £ocatdd• In the
<br />event that any nravrs+an or e3au.;e .+£ thts ~•to,^,tage ,ter tha 1~,,te c;.~ntli.:as v+ith app[i,:atslt iaw• such conflict shall-not a(feM-
<br />a€her prov,sions of th,s Mortgage er the ':otc whtvh c.nn he given rtLecr wishaut the conflicting provision, and to this
<br />end the pravtsiars s,f iP,r klftattgagr and the \,.rr arc ,tieclared :<~ ge sevsraL+le.
<br />Ib. Borrower`s Cnp., Barrower shall he furmshrd a ccant`ormed copy of the Nttt and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of exec orlon or alter rtn;ardatian htreat.
<br />IT. Trawsfer at the Property; .itsumption. i' a.k r,r atn' part of tttr Property or an inisrtst thertin is sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower without Lender's poor ;vrnten consem. excluding [at the crcatian of a tier ar tncumbrattce subordinate to
<br />this Mortgage, th} the creation r+f » pur~l,sce tn.+ney ;rcunt:• ,nscrest for heusehoid appliances. 1c1 a transfer by dtviae,
<br />descent ar by^ operation of law upon tht death z+! a lemt tenon[ or .
<br />L.rnder ma}~, at Lrndrr~< opnett. declare art ins sums secured ray this Mortgage to be
<br />,mmediattty dot aced paynble_ Ltnder shah ha.e wars~d arch npuon ro accs£srsts tf. prior to the sate ar tr$nefer. Ltnder
<br />and the person to wham the Property is to hr soil or transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person
<br />:s satisfactory ;a Lender and that the tmerrst payahlc on ihr sums se+:ctred b5^ this Mottgagt shall be at such rate as I..ender
<br />sh,•tt£ ttgrxst. 3f L.etrder has w'atvtd the ant u,n t,~ accelerate pravtdtd in this paragraph I?. and if Borrower: successor in
<br />.ntesesi has caseated a wnnsn assumption agreemem acctptrd in :vrinng by Lender. Lender shag release Borrower from all
<br />obiigat+ons under this Mnrtgagt and the Note.
<br />if Lendtr exercises such ontron u, aceeieratt. Lender shnit mai3 Borrower nottoe of acatleratian in accordance with
<br />naragnph 13 hrrtof. retch Hauer shat! provide ,< penod ~}r not less than 3U days from the date the Holier is mailed within
<br />whir:h tiormwtr may pay the sums dtciareri dur. }t Borrower faits ro pay such gums pric+r to the exp£rstinn of such peritxt,
<br />Ltnder may. without further Herat or demand oo Barrowrr.:nvake any remedies perm,tted !ay paragraph i g hertnf.
<br />NtttvIixtsatrta C6v~xrteTS. Barrower and Ltnder further cavenan! and agree as follows:
<br />I6. Ascsisrsiow: Resexifes. Eirspt ~ prorided in paragraph I? hereof, upon Borrower's loosen of any ca.eaawt or
<br />aBesNent of Borrower 3s tfiis ~lortga*a iusiudi.gi tLu eo.euruts to pry when due any saint sssured by th6 Mortgage,
<br />l,~isi pier to arcetenriew snail mail twticz to Barrower as provided in Prradraph Ii hereof spesifyits6; ill the hmacfit
<br />f2).ths sctiew rtrtpdred to cure each bresrfi: fat a dots, m.t less than JO days tram the date the mstke iff tootled ro Barrower,
<br />btrritisll atiefr Herten scar be ruted+ and idt that failure fa core such breach ue or before ins dais spceiiied in the sserke
<br />ew7 ttswlt itr ascaisrNiow ut riot suss scooted by that ~farsllstRe. fiusetosure by Judicial prasrediitt attd sale of the Ptoperty^
<br />Tice Areirt shsN ftttNier itAnrs Borrawer at the ritiM to rcitisMe after acceleration and tote tiRfil to assert in the faroelosure
<br />prssaeditsBUse tntw•erltasnwe of a default ar any nthcr defense of Bmrnwer to xcekrNinn and fareciosure, if the breach
<br />fi wet cviecd net s betas the date epeci8sd In the tswtiea [hider at Lender's uptiim mar dzrlan alt of the suwta sesurld 6y
<br />cells MstrttpBe W be itaiwaUately due cud payabM without Purtber demand and Huy fatrttose by Judhisit praceeditsR, Lender
<br />+.lusB Ise ewtitied to rnUeri its sash prnceediwtt alt exprn~+. ref foreelnetue. ?vcit+diatt, trot not limited tn. rrssls of dncumeMafy'
<br />r=vviiewcr, abursrur and titre rt'W*rts•
<br />#$, Borrower's Right to Rriwgate. '~otwutsstan<tr:,q £ rssder's a<setrrauen ;:€ it?r, .,uns aecurrd 4y ;his Mortt,agr.
<br />itarrnwrr short have the ritit+t t,, ha+~e anti trrs~c-edsat;s Ix-g:ere ~; f crxder :: zs, t.uc:,r.:F,s \±,rrtyag+:.IZSS~'artt.tt.ard xt any t:»r+r
<br />