s4 ---a a ~ r~ o~
<br />L'vtrartnt Cova~evrs- Harrower .md lender revenant mui agree as follows:
<br />I. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall pmmpdy pay when due tnc pnncip.d of .:rid :merest on the
<br />mdebtednns ev+denced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided m the Note.:;nd thr nnnupui ai and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this ~I ortgage
<br />2. Funds for Tares and Insurance. Subject to applicable jaw or to a written waiver by Lender. Harrower shall pay
<br />to (.ender on the day monthly mttallments o[ pn pupal and interest err payable under the Nate, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum therein `Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the ceariy rases and assessments which may attain prtoriry over thix
<br />Margage, and ground rents tin the Property=..f any. plus one-nvalfth of yearly premmm installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly prammm installments for mortgage insurance. rf any, a(I as reasonably estimated initia3ly and from
<br />time to time n}• Lender on the has+s of assessments and hdis and rrasonable esrmates thereof.
<br />T'he Funds shat! t?e held in an +r.sntunon the deposes or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />slate agency ± mdudmg Lender +i Lender is wch an mstrtuuon )- Linder shall apply the Funds to pas said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lendrr may r.ot charge for so balding and applying [he Funds. analyzing said account,
<br />or vartfv mg and compthng sa+d assessments and b+lts. unless Lendar pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender ro make such a charge Borrawer and fender matt agree m wnnng at the tune of execution of this
<br />Lfortgage that +nterest on the Funds ,hall be paid ro Borrawer. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />raymtns such +nterest to t>e pa+d, Lender shat' not t?e raqui red to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Ponds, Lender
<br />?ha6 glue to Borrawer, ~,v rthout char ge. an annual eec~urhrg .?f the Funds shawmg credos and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for whtcn each debit m the Funds was made Thr Furede are pledged as uddiuanal security for the sums secured
<br />ny this 'xtort_gage
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by t coder. t-ogether +rnh the future monthly mstalimants of Funds payable priar to
<br />the due dates of rases, assessments. +nsurance prcmtums and ground rents, shat! exceed the amount r@quired to pay said tales,
<br />assessments, insurance prenuums and ground rents as they tall due. such excess shall be, at Harrow;er's option, tither
<br />promptly repaid to Barrewer ar cradtied n, Borrower on monthly mstallmcnts of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />hold by Lender sha31 not i?e suRicfant to pay taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents its they fait due.
<br />Borrawer sha13 ,r>ay to Lender any amount necessary n, rnaka rp tfte detictency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />ay Lender to Borrower reyuesttng payment tncrcnt
<br />lipnn payment +r tn!! at al( sums st.ured hs flits Mortgage. ?ender shall }?rompily refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />hdd by Lender. ti under paragraph 1 ~ hereof the Propr rt. a k-,id or the Property a ethanvtse acgmted ley Linder. Lender
<br />shah apply. no later th:ui trttmediatrfs p--nor to ire ale n[ the 3'roprm• or ns acqutstnan by Lender, any' Funds held by
<br />Lender at the t~mc of appitcauon as a ,tsar[ aga+nst the sums secured by the ;`f ortgage.
<br />3. .A pplicatlon of Payments. t_a!c>s appl;eahk law nro.~des +,therw tsr. aft payments received by Lender tinder the
<br />tiate and paragraphs ' and ~ hcreot s!:all hr apel.ad by fendrr first .r. payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph ? hermt_ than to :nterest payable on the `:ore. then to the pnrctpa3 of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />pnnc:pai on anp' Future Advances.
<br />a. (-harees: Liens. B<,rrowrr mail pa+ +!! i.t xes :,.xxsmena .:rid other .barges, fines and mtpositions attributable to
<br />the Prapert;• whtrh may anatn :; pn=,nty .*ver ;h+c ~i ortgagr. and ieauhald paymenzs or ground rents. if any, in the manner
<br />provided under p:trngraph ? hrrc„t or i not p~+d >n each mtmner. by Borruwrr making payment, when due. directly to the
<br />nayce thrreot Borrower shalt prumpu} ra;rn;sn !,~ isndar all re?two c,f amounts due under this paragraph, and is the event
<br />~fSorrowea shaft :Hake pay men[ :i:rc~ti?. B+=r; c,wcr :had rr.,mpr!g turntsh ts, !.react rticipts rvidenung such payments.
<br />Barrawar sha3F promptly dixharge an}° i;cn which -na; priorup s,scr this ~~lortgage: provided, *.hat Harrower shall not tx
<br />reyutred to u'rscharge auy seen iten .,+ k;;tg .,, B,:rro.+er shat! agrrr +n •.. rung t r the payment at the obligation secured by
<br />suc-.h ban to a manner aceeptsbir to L.cndar. ;?r ~n alt in good tanit contrst sxkh tiro ht', ar defrnd ehfarcmam of such lien in,
<br />regal pracerdtngs wh;ch operate t., nrrven: ter _n[or.emem et the hen or farfetturc of the Property ar any part thereof.
<br />5. Hazard Insurance Borrawer shah ;eon the unprc•+-emr:rts nuv. estsung or hereafter erected on the Prnperry insured
<br />sgvnst fuss be fire, hazards m.fuded within the term "cstandeii ,:;.crake'. and such ether hazards as Landry may reyrirc
<br />and ;n ssxh antau:its and t.?r su.:h pen+nts a~ lender may reyu:rc-. , r.,atded. that Lender sh~}I nest require that the amount of
<br />such covrragr escrrd titer am+,unt +•f ;.>.erage ~ryuirrd t;+ ,Has ;hz -.,.tins ,e.ured 'ry this hfortgaga.
<br />The insurance catrrer providing the nsurancr shah tx chosen oy Born~wer suh)ect tc approval by Lender; provided,
<br />that such approval shal3 r.-nt ba esnrrssonahtr wetbhaid :~li premutms r=n insurance paiicias shall be paid in zhe manner
<br />nravtded under paragraph ? he-rent ar..7 not pasd :r, >uch manner, by Horrnwar making payment, when due, dtrectlyta the
<br />msuram-e csrrter.
<br />.4t1 insurane~c pe?ft<trs anti rentwa3s tnerr,Yt sh,rt- be to t+?rm ..~Le,xable to !.ender and shah ,nclude a standard mortgage
<br />clause to favor at and m farm acwpeai=ie to Iertder Lender chaff) ha<r the ngnt :o hold the polities and renewals [hereof,
<br />and Bm'rowtr shalt prornptiy tarnish t,? i.ander u;i r¢aewal ttottcos and u13 receipts of paid premiums. In the avert of loss,
<br />Harrower sha3F g»~a prompt noucr to the :nauraace ::ar.:er and Lendar. t. ender may make prang of toss tf not made promptly
<br />by Barrawar,
<br />Un3esa E.endrr and Borrower othrrw,sc agree ::x wr+tmg, tnwran.e przx:erds shs3! be applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Property .lamagad- pravu3rd such resterauan er rrpatr s reonomtcaity frastblc and zhe security of this Mortgage is
<br />not thttehy [mpatrrd. It such rrstdrat+ort or rapatt +s not ec:momtc^liy trasibEe or if the securty of this Mortgage would
<br />be imparted, the insurance pracccds shall be appitad to tnc sums ±ectved in this :Sfungage, wuh the excess, if any, paid
<br />to Borrower l3 the Prapert} as abandoned b: Borrower, ur +t Harn~wrr ;ails to rrspond a: Lender within 3U days from the
<br />data notice is tnatkad by Lendrr to Borrawer that the msutania settler o$ers is scale a axon for insurance beneRts, Ltndtr
<br />is authorized to eo3leta and sppiy the rosuraocr pec?.,aads at Lrnder s option atihar to r wcatotation ar repair of the Property
<br />or to fix sums secured by this Mangage.
<br />tJnlesc Lander and Barrawar othrrw sse egret +n wr:ttng, any .uch application of procreds to pnnctpal shat) not extend
<br />or pastpoaa the dtra data of the monthh tnstsBmrnts satern:d tr. m paragraphs 1 and '^ hereo ar change the amaune of
<br />such tnstaT{marts. tf enact paragraph !3 hereof the Property s arymred by Lendar all right, ut3e and interest of Borrawer
<br />!n and to any insurance paltctcs and m artd to the proceeds thereat rrsulting tram damage w the Propen.y priar to the sale
<br />or aegwstuon shall pass to Lender to the extent of tftr sums >ecuted by this !ortgage unmedrately poet u? such seta or
<br />acgtusiiron.
<br />G. Prtnemtioa and ~lainfrnancc of Propeny: l.eesrholdc: {'andonziniurns; Planned !.'nit Devdopmeoh. Horrnwer
<br />:.hall kacp zhe Prapeny in goer repair and shall not commit waste or permit ampatrmant or daterioratean of the Property
<br />attd sita3i comp3y wtih tits prortsrans of any tcasa :f this \lartgaga is tin a lrasrho3d. If this Mortgage ix on a unit in a
<br />condominrum or a planned unu devatapmert, Borrower shat; perform ail of Barn?wer's .~bhgatians under the declaration
<br />or eovanartts creating or gavarmrg the candemmutm .*r p{annad amt devrlopment. the by-laws ;md raguu}aeons of the
<br />can~amiwum ar planned urn dovaiopinant. aria canstnuem doc~tmtents. if a condetmmtum or planned unu dava3apmant
<br />rider zs etzecizt,rtf try Barzuwer and rrcorded together with thrs Mangagt:, the covenants and agreerncnis at' sorb rider
<br />sftall kx nncarparatcd iteEO sod sfsa3# amend and supplement the cas•ansnts and agreements of [his Mortgage as tf the rider
<br />w~ a hareaf.
<br />~, Preuoetiau of I.euAer'a Security. It Borrower tells to parfarm the covenants and agreameniwc cnntamed in chic
<br />blrutgage. +rr if auy aottatt or l:rtlcecdtrg +x commem-xd wtrrct: materially aiiects Lender's +oterest in rho Pmparty,
<br />arrcltuling. but trot 3[trrzed ta. atwnant damarn. snsceivency.. ,:+;zfa rnforcamam, or arrangamenta or {>rux~aedings mvaivtng a
<br />istmkrupt ar ctrctziastt, than Ltndtr at [.ctt+far'a opttr>t:, upon nat+ct '+? Burrower. neat' make such appearances. dtsbuar surh
<br />xutns and take szrcka avxton sa is axae~-nary' xa protest i.endsrs antcrrsi• :r~tc4trdrttg. but a#t+t 4om;ted ta. d6cbitrsensant of
<br />rcasionabfen atuerrtey'r foes errs torn upott atte Pn'?partq to treks repairs. It 3.andrs zccttauad m:rrigagr insatranca as :+
<br />;:raisditt+un ~cz[ nzaltrtsg t?~ Y>aai ta~urad itr ihxs M11c*rag~ge. Bea+xrv-cr st-.:zi3 hap ihr, ,rcmttuns teyutrad lc, marmmtt such
<br />:,Knaranea 3n a=,fes:,t tmttl ew;,h utrac as tf,a [~eyraxretneit! fc±r .itch rr±sutsr.e tcrnr;u,atrs +ta :f .~;?;dan.:r w;t3t B+,ra?weis and
<br />