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(- <br />~'-r--+ 001 r~ 0 ~, <br />applicable law requires such urterest w he pard, Lender shat! not be required to pay torrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall <br />give to Borrower, wrtnout chazge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and [he purpose for which each <br />debit io the Funds was made. The F ands are pledged as additional serurny for [ht sums secured by this lleed of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the tuiure monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due dates of taxes, <br />assessmtnts, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall ezeerd the amount required io pay said taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and <br />ground rents as [hey fal# due. such excess shall ne. at Borrower's option, tither promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited to Borrower on monthly <br />installments of Fonds. if the arnount iF the Funds held try Linder shall not 6e sufficitne to pay taxes, assessmrnts, insurance premiums and <br />ground rents as they fail due, Borrower shall pay uz Lender any amount necessary to makeup [he deficiency within 3U days from the date notice <br />is mailed br Lender to BaROwer requesnng psyntent therm(. <br />Upin pavmem sn tali o£ sit sums secure6 ny this i)eed if Trust, Lender shalt promptly refund «> Borrower any Funds held 6y Lender. if <br />under paragraph !d hereof the Property a ;old or the Property is atherwtse acquired by Lnndar, Lender shall apply, no later than immed#a[ely <br />prior td the salt ei the Property c:r us acqusiaon by Ixnder. any Funds Held ny Lender o: the time of application as a credit against the sums <br />secured by' this tJeed o£ Trust. <br />~. Applieatlou of Parmenkv. t. nlesc app!rcante ?au provides athens~se, all pamren[s received by Lendtc under the Note and paragraphs I <br />and 2 norm! sna13 nr appittti nv i. ender lies; m payment of amounts payan±e to !.ender by 8orrowtr under pazagraph 2 hereof, then to interest <br />payable on the Notr, thin to the firnctpal n•, the Nate, and then to interest and principal on any Future Advances. <br />a. Charites: !atria. BoROwrr shah pay ail taxis, asstssmems and other charges, tines and impositions attributable to tht Properly which <br />may attain a pnonty o.•rr lists Used nG !rust. and Itasenoid payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />ur. ti nit pa!d :r. suth manner, bs B++rr.;wrr makrng payment, whet, due, directly to t}tt payee [htrmf. Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />{.ender a!i noncrs of amounts due under ihu paragraph, and in the event Borrower sitatt make paymrnt direcity. Borrower shall promptly <br />Inmtstt m Lender rrc•_tpu rv=.drncmg Bern pasinents Birrawer shall protnpt!y discharge any lien wntth bas priority over this Deed of Trust: <br />provtdtd, that Bt3rowrr ;Hall nos t,z +o disaharge any such boil so long as Birrowcr shall agree in writing to the payment of the <br />obhgattan cecvred he such lien :n a :z;amtrr acceptabtc :o Lrnsier, at shat: in good faith contest such !iris b}, or defend enforcement of such lien <br />tn, regal prcicrtdmgs watch opc•cate to r+rrarm the rntnrcrmcn[ vt list lien. ar torfshture if the Property or any part thtrtof. <br />5. tfaor6lasurantx. #krrt:wrs !hail keep tn, isnprrven:entx now existing x hereafter reacted on the Property insured against loss by Gre, <br />Hazards tnc!:idrd •xitntn ; he term ~ `extended ra+eragr". and such loner haurds as Lrndcr may require and in such amounts and for such periods <br />:u Lender may r_•qu;rr. pr:+s +drd, ;hat L.enticr sn:d! nor : rgmre :hat the amount et such coverage exrced that amount of coverage required to pay <br />tier sums +nu: cd ny this ikrd rat ! ~usr <br />Phe rnsuraner ~urrtrr txaic:[i;n~ tt:^ ,tssarransc shall !we chasrn ny Borrower sun)rea td approval by Lender; provided, [hat such approval <br />.halS not ix unrrasananiy w:tnhrid ,: prrmiuins or; insuranae txihctrs snail tx paid to the manner provided under paragraph Z hereof ot, if not <br />f:.ttd in yuct; rnannrl v lion nwrr s;ak,nx pavn;rnt, when due. directly to the insurance turner. <br />iii incurxn.r ; Yrh„e's ar*.,' rrr:rwai•. ;h, rrz>t shah ist• :n t.r;;n aiccptaAte te+ Lender and shall int'lude a standard murigage clause in Cavor of <br />ar,d to h>tm :a:rplan!r „> 1 rrarz i rrurr +nai! ia+•, else ngnt t.t bald pt>hacs and renewals tntrmt, and Ba7row•C shall promptly I•urn#sh W <br />t'nurr a!! rrntwai n<rt:trs ;3;.+: 31t ;.:'rtt:±5 ,, hard ~tral:urns. 1n ttiC [sent iii taSx, hirrawtr chili give prompt notice t9 tYFC inSnraACC carrier end <br />#. ender ! ettdrr srs, miler gt exit ~,t 5ea ss ar made iv, amptig h}_• Bprmwrr <br />Gates Loader and &zrrow-a' ex nrrwRSr agr+-c irs w€itsng, [nsurancr pt salads shall he applied to restoration ar repair of the Property <br />cfsmagrd. prt?vtdrd each rrstoxatacsrt or -tpacr t, cmnontaca!ty trastb!r and the setvrity of Chis DtYd of Trust is not [hereby impaired. if such <br />rrstiratton ar ,rrparr :s not rrunamxalFy teauntr et it the srt-uruY of tins Lkrd of Trust would bt impaired, the insurtma proeada shall bt <br />apphrd r.? tier stzrrt) srcurex: by tins !)rs_ut art Lruzi. with list excess, :f any, pard to Borrower. If ins Property is abandoned by Borrower, of if <br />harrower tarts ts? rmix>nd t.: 1_en.;rr wttnrrt fti days frirn tnc date nitrx is matitd t,y Lcndtr to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to <br />tittle a claim fm [ :swan r txnetits, !_tndrr rs suehor,t~-d to cottrrt seat app1Y the insurttnts practtds at l,cnder`s vPtion tither to ttatora[ion of <br />repair of the f'ra;rriy ar to t;:t s:znts stca>tcl trp this Ucett of Trust. <br />L aicss Larder and Bar; a+-urr etnerwi~.t agree in wnF!rtg, any such appirtianon of- prcxstds to principal shau not extend ir' postpont the dix <br />dau of the manih#y ,retrdimrnu referred to ~n paragraphs 1 and 2 hcetui or cnangt tht amount of such instailmrnis. if umkr paragnph L8 <br />hfrrif lilt P!'3prFFy :s d.'AU)rtd ny Lrndtr. elf right, ttLe and mtCTrst cf Bt?Ri wtr' in and to any irLxnCailtt p0#1Cit9 and in and iQ tht proceeds <br />thtrei)i rrsn!Ying tram dan)agr to rise Yripeny firwr «, the sate rx acyutsition shat! pass to Linder to the txtent of the slims sewrtd 6y this Died <br />at Tretst ttttnttdiately prow to such sate ar acqurs$u[n- <br />6. Pr~ervatWr and Naiaterarrt of Proptr[y; E•euaaoida: Cordomluirau; PYtared l7ntt Dt.daptrertr. Borrower shat{ leap the <br />Prot>trz? in good rat)uir and ahai# nit rummrt wash or prtutit rmpairmtnt tx deter#aratinn of tht Propeny and s'hatl comPiy with the provisiatta <br />of any !rase d this C)ted of 7~rast i> ,.,n a ieasehoki. ti tnss (?cell of 7 rust a on a amt in a condominium or a planmd unit devdoPtnrnt, Borrower <br />shah periorm iii of t3oRiwtr's >biigatiins urnftr tht drduatiin or ctrvrnants <:rtating or governing the wndatnin#um of planned unit <br />deyclopmrnt. list ny-isms and rtgutauans of the romlominium or pianttrd unit drve3opmrnt, and constituent dacumeots. If a corYdoininitim ar <br />pfamttd amt deveiipmrnF nder is rxec:rzrd ny Barrrnvrr and rrrirded tigrtnes wsth this Decd of Trust, the covenants end agrternrnts of such <br />rider sits!! f±t in.^irporatrti tutu anal snail anxnd and supp!rmtnt the covrnants seed agreements of this Died of Trust as if the rider wtrt a part <br />htrtat'. <br />?. ProtttYiosof I.eadtr's !xcerity. if &xRawrr faits to prrtornr the rovrnants and agreements containtd in this Dad of Trust, or if any <br />nt'tttm ar , rtraedrng is catntnrnccu wnrcii matrraaity affects i,endtr's tntcrrst in the Property, including, but not limited to, eminent domain, <br />tits!#vtncy. !aide enfarcrrnrnt, irs arrangtmtnas as pricredings inva#vmg a bankrupt ar detxdent, then Lendtx et tinder's option, upon nudce <br />to Bnrrawzr, mar make ssscn at'Rraranccs, dtxburst sucn sums and take Burn action ax is necessary to protect Lender's interest, ihtttuiing, but <br />not iimrttxi ii, disburstrntnt of trascsnank attorney's tors and entry upon the Properly to make repairs. if Lendtc required mortgage iruurarice <br />as a condition t)Y making ibc €oan sarurrd try ih;_ Cktsf cif Trust, Aarrawcr sha0# pay tht prtiniums raquirrd [o maintain such insurantt in effect <br />::tell! suer; time as ~hr rrquxrrrrreut r.>t sutra tnwrarnY ttrininates m acrirdansx wttn Borciwcr's and Lender's wri¢rn agreement w appiieable <br />.taw. ffczrrowrr sha#I pay list artntuirt =sf sit nsc tYgage tnsutan.,e pr'rmiums rn list manner Pr'ovidtd utaiar !)aragraPh 2 Cttrtof. <br />Ant arrYOUnss distruratd nc L.ertdrr ptrrsuanY to [his paragraPn ~. w~ttlt intrrtst therein, she#i ntcomr additional indtDtedness of Borrower <br />s~.erra3 8y 23a{r a Ck~st of Y'*ust. L!nkas &arrxwv and Lcgtder agree ti i!ner terms of Payment, such aawums s1ta0 be paYah{t upon notice l7am <br />t.rrxirr tea Fri,.ir' r=ciur,:trr7g t'~yrnrn) incrtt)F, arxS chat: bran tnterr3t from the dart at drsnursrment at the rase irayabk from time to tame on <br />rnstsYarWirtg prt[etrygti ttntkr the Nttt unkso paymtm of ttttrrtst at such raft wctuid tzt +.ymtrxry to aPPiicable law, in w~h!ch !vent sudt amounts <br />`•Aaf# least arttrsest at sir nig.tirss ra€c ptrms~ssitrLt cinder appitcabk #aw. Natning cintaiYrtd 3n thjs ttaragtaP#t "; ahaA require tinder to !Haiti arty <br />efpanst c~+t ta#C# any ~xion tbrrrundtr. <br />R.. laapatffo+t- Grader tyrar tnakc nr r.auat toter mad! retsonank~ retries utxxt sad insperoorts if the Property, provided that Ltrtdtr shall <br />i5)s~r t~rwcti7+-c"r neatwzn ta'fex ts:+anf t~ttrn dtsprs~4itrva rptcdf?9ny retscsnan#t cytusn [hartfir eriattd to L,tada'a tnicrr~tt i~n the YroptttY. <br />9" t-o~tlLr~. T'F.t firt,~aretn cif '3ng aware! :x satin left damages, dert`.~F ?rr raristxturnttai. to conrstrts>n wish any' candtnurauan Fir <br />vtrhsw takltag xnt the Estrxtertty, :n parF tnraea)i, of Ern eortveysrrr_r rn lieu red c<xndts~tataoin. art harttzv assrgrird and s!xail ix pard m i~tstYrr <br />7d iht estz~ c:d a tvta# t~k€?Ig ref t~ttr PrcfC+trt3. ?hr yxos,`€tds x#`.a## F+r app#ird t~i trtr sums att:urtKl bF this I2frKt trf Trust, wuh the r~xc~, if any, <br />~drt 3t, }Ctsrrq)tros- #;y t$kt rxx•n! of a ;sartaai ¢aksng taf the Prnprrry, tir)tcss ikx~rawrs and Lrndrr tx3trxwi+e• agree to wruing. there aim!! ix apphrd <br />'s she sxxrr~ s~tarer# E+v eh{s Lei ei ? turf swr~# trtutt:tarstcen ;ri tfr.€ z. =~~crosYa a-r ix rattat a - ^xt ;>sssyvsvaxx*sc wtush the amount o8 '-he su€~ seu~uecat <br />