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<br />8~~---aoi~~oti <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />THIS REED QF TRUST is [Wade this 15th day of ~^]a rch <br />!9_ t+ .amon6thaTtvstor, 7ERDSt7E f. ~YOAJri~`ll+~i_ TFRRTI~y4 fJ K. Y"INS. h ~s'-~and sari ~aiFv <br />(htaein"Borrower"). N.REi4D, R, D-FthCi{, attorney _ - _ <br />(hudtr"Trustee"), aAd the Beneficiary, NOME FEDERAL SAVINGS. iLOAN- A880GIATION- OF ~DAND.:ISLAND, NE <br />acarpowta~organiratattdexistingunderthetawsof NE6RA8KA whoereaddressis 221 SOUTH I.0008T. P. O. BOX t00Y, <br />GIIAND LAND, NE tiMOZ (herein "Lender"). <br />BURROWER, in coruitkration of the indebtedness herein rented and the trust herein crated, irrevoably grants and conveyer to Trusts, <br />is trust, with power of sate, the following dexaritaed troperty iocarpf in the County of HRI- t , <br />State of hehraska: <br />THE 503JTH'RLY ?fiiRTY-Six :EE? S 36' i D~ Ll7T iiINE ,9) AND THE iDRTHEREY TWENTY-EDUR <br />Pd 2~:') DF CDT fL!i_aE.N (lI<, P t<~DCK'tiie~aFY-r~DaJR (2u), UNI`vERSITY pLR~CE, AN RDDITIDN <br />TD T!iE CiT'f Jf ~,RRh~ IS( RPvt;. HRl.L CD~ihTY. NESRRSKA. <br />whiehhaertheaddreersafw._.~..~..a~;rc ikt;ft,'r uS~E~ ;;dtlt~ islu~nj <br />{STRI:JwT) (C#TY) <br />.'S~~i ear?? _ f~e$U.~ _,._...,„___..~..~..._.......(htrein "PrattertY Address"): <br />f5'i'~1TE & 2iF COittrl <br />TUG$Tt[tsR with all tlu improvernants sow ar txrasfter erected an the prttpettY. and all aaanents,. tighter, appurletudas,-rents. <br />(subJact hawcver Ia the righu and tathuritirs givgt harem to Terukr to collect and aRply such rents?. #oyalties, tninertl al ad gat tudta iyad <br />pxoHis, wtuat, wrttx rightR std water star_it, and a!t fitttueer nay. or hateafter a#taahed #a the pxapcrtY. aA of whidt, in~ludinRrepVt~emptte apd, <br />addttiotis therata, shalt. be deesaed to tea and [amain a tsa+t ofthe pt'apartY caverad by this [kai aC'Rust; and atl of the taregoing,:together with <br />said praperix (or the kasehott! etas if thu Deaf of Trust is on a teasahotd) era herein rcferrad rasa the "Property"; <br />7'U SBCURB to Leadw (a2 Uta repayment of the intlebtedrraa evsdens;ed by Barowar's torte dated. march 16 , 1.9$4 <br />(hin..Neer"l,iAthaptincipttlstwof _ ~'~1R'Y F`1'~,DFt fHs:iJSAxr`~! fii~i #SC?~1D0______________~______.,_-..-'DaAara; <br />with inter thrraar, tuiing for titaathlY inttalhganis of prittsipaf and fnurat, with the halatrca of the iadaMndnets, U tort atwitter paid; due. <br />and paYaftlc an '?¢r i i 1~2ui~ __. ' the payment of silt uthererwms. <br />with la#arcet thareoA, advanced iA accotdatux herewith to txaaer the saasarity of this Deed of Trust: and the perfartnanca of rite-covtswttasttd <br />agraeutmis of Barmwa bstain aontauxd; and fb) the repayrndtt of say future advaruss, with interest thereoA, [Wade m Borrower by Tender <br />;aurwant tapat#gt+Nt 4t her~f (herefn ,.Future Ad+xa~nces"3. <br />Borrower aareaartis that Barrowu is tawfufiy seism of the estate harahy wnveycd a>sd hers the right to grant and mnvay the Property. <br />Wta the PtapertY is naensvmbaad, and that Harrower wii[ wurutt and deten:k IienerdlY the tick to the Propertx against all claims and <br />3nmapds, subyeu~ to rtty doc4uatiatw, easemtytis err restrictions tistrxf io a satxdule of exaeptians to aarerage iA arty title instuarice policy <br />iaausir~g Lwdar's ittt sn the Prapmty, <br />i„tk7iF4)RM t`UYEI~I~SI!ft°S. Horraivar and TeAdsa eorawun and agrsr as tofla+vs. <br />S. ~Y~a.ta~l PrlaeiMi att/:tar!srast. Barrawor shaft promptly pay when due the prirtcipat aC and intsrmt an the indebledttaa evidenced <br />by,ihe IVOte., prtpaymerit aed lea cttttcgtes as paavSded In the Note, arid the printapal of and intemton say Future Advances scored by this Lked <br />o€ Trust. <br />2. PttrrM fns Ttwr rtd , Sabjaa to appiiata`e iaw err to a written watrcr' by i.atuier, Harrower shall pay to Lander on the day <br />~ ttutaiis of ptrtitaprd andiatnat ate psrittfe undtx the Kota, until tlst Nate wig paad iA tul#, a sum thertfn "Futtdi") [utter! to tens. <br />twelfth of thr warty t+atsa.aetdarstmt>f which nary' attain priarity aver tlds f7eed of Trust, and g[outd roots an Ura Property. if any. plus ane- <br />iwafftlt a! Y~ t^t~ tsar lusattl irwwatxe, pros Yaariy prantum ~ for mortgage fnauratice, if any, art <br />wi rertocw,t>tyaairpatarl-~a+ut [[sera tiaae to then by f_anderan the innts of assntantatu and Mils wd reasarutttla estinsatd thereof. <br />'flrt twwdta#gfq its tl +st aA it~ldutt#n titedaAax[ir err arsaunta.of wiwoh errs ?nsxrred t auar3a~asi by s fadsr3l er +tare age~Y taAS!it+!iag <br />Lrndt ,t t.atldar la as utatitut~ignl. Teadrr arts,[[ appiY iha Ftrnda to perry grid taxes, a~arerncsnis, i,~tattratx^s trremitttns and graund recta. <br />Latsdat may errs[ cttsrpt #tp so alt-and a~ the Ytt+st[a, snrtYrhrg raid aawutn of varifYirat ataf atwitpiilag acid asussntents and tuffs, <br />rs8arr t rrwkr tYYS ikKro+nr intarattzao thaFtsa~.and app law rtarentttt Trntfer to ntatke suadt a charge. Harrawar and Tender taay atttra fa <br />wiNMa ~ rbe i xac .ef w~ of thk Iiiaed of lraot [tart Ik#t_§ra~t ant3k Ft+isdr stui3t tea f to Horeower, and unlaas .tact[ agreettt~tt is [Wade err <br />