<br />84 ---i 00~ ~i3
<br />[,ender's written agmement or applicable law. Borrower shad pay the amount of ati mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph Z hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by 1_ender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt became additional
<br />indebtedness of Bormwer secured by this ,11nrt$age. Unless Harrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shalt be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of dlsborsement at the rate payable from time tt? time nn outstanding pr+"ncipal under the No[e unless payment of
<br />interest ax such rate would be contrary to applicable Iaw. in which event such amounts shag bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissikle under appiicahlo law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />li. It~psttion. Lender may make or cause m in made reasnnahle entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that f..ender shall give Borsawer tmtiee prior to any such inspection spcdfying reasnnabie cause xherefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />4. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation ur ocher taking tat the Prc?perry. or part thereof. or for comrevanee in Lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall he paid to Lender.
<br />to the event of a total taking n€ the Property^. the proceeds shall ha applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and tinder
<br />otherwise agree in writin«, there shall be apphod t;+ the sums secured by this ifotigage such proportion nF the proceeds
<br />us is equal to that pmpnrtion which the amount of the slims eecured by this din»gage immediately prior to the- data of
<br />caking bears to the fair market value of the Pmpcrh- rmmedtatcl}' prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />Tf the Property is aharuinneti by Borrower. +.r if, niter entice by I.cnder io &irrawer±hat the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim #ar damages. Borrower faits tt, respond zo Lender within ?fi days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. ar Lender's apxion. either Yo restoration or repair of the.
<br />property nr to tfie sums secured by ibis MnrCCaee
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing_ anv such apphc=+uan of proceeds to principal shaft oat extend
<br />or postpone ziu~ due date ++f the monthly irstailments rrferred to in , aragraphs 3 mod 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such ins2attinonts_
<br />!0. Rorrorsrr Not Rrltased. FEtrns;nn nt the t:me for payment nr modilleatk+n of amortization of the sums secured
<br />t?y tfits Martgag+_•ttrsnted by trader ic, any rtccessnr er, interest of Bnrcawer =hail net operate to rcloase, in any manaoi.
<br />the iiubiiity .,f thr arigioa) Borrower and Borruwei',e srr-ce4s<+~ +cr interest. tarsier shat} not be required it? cn[1ttMace
<br />prc+ceedings against serch suceessc+r or refrasr t,+ rxtertf tone. r~~r payrnrm or ornrt+c'ise modify amevtizutiun ai' the sutns-
<br />secumd he this 'stertgagc 6v racer=n of ,,:?u den?and +nadc by tfir ;=; icma3 Barrnwe-r xnd Barcower's suecessnrs In interest.
<br />t t. ~Rnrkearanee by Ixndtr 'Vnt a Waiver. An: ls,rhraran~, hy. i.::ndet in c<crcising anv right nr remedy hereunder, or
<br />t~+therwist asfnrded by aPpttcsi:le taw ;hn!i n;*r ?,€ a wnwer ~ t ;,r prec!udr the cxercisc of any such right or remedy.
<br />~Thr prcxuremeot t~f insurance cr the payment r,i :ua~~ .~r ether Siens ,,r charges by tender sha0 no[ he a wztiver of Lender's
<br />right t:, accstratc the maturity of thr rndet,tsYine`s >e~nrrd by thrs 'st:rrt$age.
<br />t2. Rtmedita' Cnmatative. Afi remcdsee ^res :aleci o-n this tisartgngr are distinct anti cunnila8s2 in any other right txr
<br />rcmtsciv under stns Morgxcuc <,: atTnrded by 'a+s ,,. erint,~ .,nd ia:i?' ix: r,erc:sed n+nc-urrcnNy. independently or successively.
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bunndt loiot amt Stvrral LrubiNtyr i'aptions. 'The envonanxs and agreements herein
<br />aimaiacd shah hind, attd the rights base-utter shall inure tu_ the respat'tivc sucuessr,rx cad assiens nP L.ertder and Tlotmwar.
<br />xtit>iefit to the prgsvtstcitts of pasu¢rapts 17 her~Sf Alt s°tzrA^x?atrts and agreements o(' Borrnwcr shalt bo ioiaC and seveYal:
<br />`The captiotat and ht:ading> of rho pat-ngrapfts .~ ?his ,'str..rti~ug.' arc fry coovenicnca only and ate ~nol [e be used to
<br />interpret ar deGae tlm prceyisit?ns hetarzf.
<br />!S, Notice. Except fr?r any ixxice rnquir<d unds:r atPptia:abic t.:w to be gjvc^n u? mother monitor. fa} any notice t4
<br />Barrawsr prtsvSded for in this Ma: rtga$e :ha#i he w;t.~eta by m;tiling such notice by terrified malt aatdcessed lo' Borrowxr at
<br />the? Pr:,+~rty Addresc err xt such othc. ;tddre.>+ as Burrower Wray dcctgnrre by netics fa Lunetcr as-praYld~d. hone-tit,-attLt
<br />tb} any t?calico to Le€v3ce shui# he girtn by esrttfted n3nit, return rcreat tcgaestad. r,'~ t_ander',c address stated he--rein or 'to
<br />Stich txkrr address as len+~r raray designate ;}~ n<*tica to Bt*rnzx~rr as preys.-ided hereto. AnY notice provided fee in. this
<br />Me!ttguge shait'>K dscrx~d to have tyeen gtraai to ilorncu-cr or i-endor when green in CMe manner dasigaatar4- horein_
<br />13. L1uB'nrm Monttge, toverning [.a.r: StvtrabNity. Phis i+,rm of mortgage cunstaines uniform cnvananxs for natiopal
<br />usC attd tnsn-unifn;m e+5seitan_ts s;-ith limitac; eartarinr,x f+e j:~ritd:€tmn tc crvmatitme n trnifam? soeurty insYrumant covering
<br />tool proparrp'. "Phis l4tort$age Shari be govezred >3•r She iv?s~ t-f the €urtstic-tfrn in whie'ti ti?a Proporty is incatod, In rho
<br />overtt Chat an}' pravir.,nn or clause -ri this ~fe*rtgtilee or ±he h<nte contliczs with applicable dew. such cnnRict shall oat affect
<br />nAter provislcros of this Mortgage or rM: 'tictc which can be strvcn ettel'i winc~xyt the contiittsng provision. and to this
<br />ettd the pri+visions of the Mortgage and Chr Nate rare dectaced tc i>e srtvarubla..
<br />tb. Enrrtswtr's Cupy~. Borrower siyuit t+a fumiahad a conformed ropy of the Nnle and of this M,nngage ae the time
<br />of eatecution is after reeordatic+a ttoret:f.
<br />l7. Tntatter of tiro pr+tPertl. Aawempiian. 1 t ati or am path of the Prnparfy ar an iotrresi therein is sold nr Iransfarred
<br />by Boriowor w°ittsnut Lemlcr's pricer w°ritten cx?nsiwyt, excluding ta? the creation of a lien ar encumbtanca snix~rdinate to
<br />this Mortgapa, fh1 tke cseatian s+f a purchase srtonsp >rcurity~ rntarest fcrr household appTiatu:tts, (cl a transfer by devise,
<br />desr:enf .~r kq oparatitxn a€ ices uPtut tba death of m #otut tenant ar tci; tlxe grata of any ieaichold interest of threw yoars or less
<br />nets csataining an optitytt m putifsase, Lender loop, at f endar's aptya7n. declare alt the struts ~seesred Lty this Mnxlgagp to ke
<br />imtaedi'diG1Y due awl ~payatrle. treader shall have waived se+c'h option ee uctelerate if, Prior to the Bata or transfer, Lander
<br />xatsi thz person t# whom Ckie Prept€ty is to L+o aexid ar trsnxf~-rr€d reach ngree~nenr in wriffng that [he +:redit of s>7eh person
<br />is satisfactory' to Lender clod that the inttrest Payaltit rrn rho *urias secured ht this Mnrtgttge shall be at such rate as Lender
<br />shai6 regttes#. If l.ercdtr has waived the option eo :ecaeksa:e provided in this paragtraph f7. andrf Borrower's saccasstar in
<br />itttonest hex saecutsti a wriAan assumption agteeman*, accepted in w riCing by Lender. Lender shalt relt;asa Borrower from all
<br />obtigatitnis utttltr tltis Mortgage and the Neue.
<br />if L,eadsr exercises stash optityty to aca*alsraie, i.i nder tihaii mail Bexrower cotter of uccateratitnt its accordance with
<br />Prragtraph Ed ?savant. 3uctii norica shall provide x periori o€ ns>t less ehao jf? days frerm the date tfim ucYtiec is madeti within
<br />wkick BCirrawcr map' pay flu Brims desiarrefi due_ tf Bornwer Eails ray pay such Sams pnc+r rn the +ntpiradon oP xuait period.
<br />l.tndtr nary, without fxtrttter rnatis-t or demsnd r4n Borrt'+wer, rnvoke any remedies pernuued by paragraph ill hereof,
<br />"itira-12iaat rust ('tlspt~;t~s, Bofirc?wax and Lsndac Further cavansns alai agrer ax fyiioww~
<br />lit. :\rrrtt-itliats: Ra~aes6ea. EareeN as pror7ds0 la psrritgraph 11 hereof, upun:8nrrnwet"s brcaek of any cntxaan! ur
<br />atproewtrar of sotcov:er ks- tbk Wnrtgaget itxetadiss~, Ats ywt~enaats to pay yrbtn d¢e ans^ same- sttartd ky ik~ Atartgtrks.
<br />l.earer prior la n>Yisraekw atlsati smil- sityt[es- to Barrarrar as prirvitkd in -paragreCpb Ld bettor spetKyistR; #.tj tkr breackt
<br />721 tM stilew ceraird to earlf;ttwek lrregcis, :(Sj q Bats, nut tcsa Assn dR dai•a frnra. the dart lkr aMk'e iS tootled tw &srrawtr.
<br />br wbka sash 6rracb moat bs,otsred; apd:{ail ibw~ faifws to lure task Areacb aa.nr keiurt ibt date tCpecl6td la Ike- imtice
<br />-~~ rrwN r• accekrMaiw of ike xM~+t. rr+ttW-tA 4'r lktc MPettl~~ foreekravrc 43° JCSd1G`ial proretdi~ yud'-s1dC aP• ibe Ptolted)?
<br />"[Tae a.tk: saaY Mlsrr ia(wm Sstrrarrrr s+f.tbr siltkt io~,rittslWe after xtcelrcw'ium and the. siltkt to asaen is Use fnrsc[iarars
<br />pawtniitR Asa wow-rattaewer o[ a,:dit.wtt ar ray. esker ,trren.s of Itotntiret tn-rt+esSkratiann-aµd forrCSkianrt. tt ibr brttirtt
<br />b .at t'rrd rNn a barest rile drte sprrilittA to the tuuirc, r rndrr rf lstsdsr'soptlsm r+say dectart alt ut the Sams Secured ky
<br />t-is M (tr nstasssilasrt? der and lwytsAle ~ hbrwl rurtbet demrml-. a mate tarstlanr ky jardieiit) praceedintt, I.,eader
<br />tkaM ar ralilki iu ruYra-r Fn crclt prtic rediwR.uN rxprnn~s of lirrreintiarr. Grrt4ditig. kai neN Natitsd tn. ean48 of dnepmtngiry
<br />tYi~Mwce, aMdnr W cad tMle retiurta.
<br />H: lgwrr.rer!n RyM w ReiaNatr, Vr.:w-it F.ttanaiis$, 1 ettr't rtt c-~+t+rrra33r_xn s±f the vstns sea:.ttrcd by this s~4orCgagv,
<br />P2rn'nec*t ?Asti, have thr right to haver any pct ~cti-dtnq. Ia~R a~a ~f+y t.i+n~r t~eixftxce shit Mocis dLsvsxnunaed as auk terttc
<br />