<br />$4 ••~` 001;;0
<br />Uxtpottx Covexnrtts. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />i. hyeteit nt Pdneipl rttad (Merest. Barrawer shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />an any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. )€tuti for T~=s t[tai Itassriwee Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Rorcower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable tinder the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein "Fonds'°) equal to ant>tweifth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents an the Property. if any, plus anc-twztfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus ano-twel8h of yearly premium installments for mortgago insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />tune to time by Leader on the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />T'lte Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which era insured or guaranteed by a Federal ar
<br />slate agency ! inetttding Lender if Lender is Bach an institution). (..ender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground reins. lender may not charge for so Folding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and hills, unless Leader pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and applicable taw
<br />permiGS lender [n make such a charge. 13s:rrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that imerest on the Ftmds shalt t:e paid to Borrower, and un3ess such agreement is made or applicabte~law
<br />requites such interest to be paid, Lender shall net he required to ps}' Borrawer any interest ar earnings an the Funds. Lender
<br />shag givt to Barrawer, without charge, an anaua! accounting of the Funds shewutg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose far which each debit to the Funds was made. lira Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by 1_ander. together with the future mamhly instaiiments of Funds payable prier to
<br />the due dates of tags, assessmcou. tnsurance premiums and ground ants. shat) es;:ecd the amount required to pap said taxes,
<br />assesurtens, msurarez premiums and ground rents as thzy fail due, such ezcass shall be., at Borrowers option, either
<br />pramptiy rzpaid so Bormwet ar cradttzti to Borrower on monthly installments o€ Funds. If the amount at the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not M sudicieatt to pay taxes, assessments. insutanca premhmrs and ground rents as they fait duo,
<br />Harrower shall gay to Leader any amount necessary tv make up the detitiency within 3Q days from the date notice is mailed
<br />try Leader to Harrower requesting paytnert thereat.
<br />Upon paymen: m full of all earns secured by thrs Mortgage. fender shall promptly refund to harrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph l;;' hzrextr thz Propzny +s sold or the Praozrty is otherwise acquired by l.anticr, Lender
<br />shall apply, rn, lacer than [mmediatefy pear to t:,e sale s+f tirz Propzrty ar ns acµuts[t+an by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender st the time of application as a .redo agamss thz sums secured by tF+s Mortgagc_
<br />3. Ahtlizntioo of Pnymants. tiniess appticable law pros-ides ea[hcrw~ise. alt payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nate and garngraphs l and : hereof shalt to appia;d by (.cutler firer m pa}~mznt of amvunts payable to Lender by Borrawer
<br />under paragraph :hereof, than tv interest pay'abic on the tiotz, then t<r the pnncrpai of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />prracipat on any Future Advances.
<br />S. ChvRes: Lima. Bvrcewer <italE pap :d! [aaszs, a.+.essmznts and other charges, fines curd impositions attributable to
<br />the Propeny which may anaia a pnattty c,var this Mortgage. sad lt~aschapd papmcnts or ground rents, if any. in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph ~ hares[ or. ~t net pz:d in uu<h mannr.c. by Borrower making payment. when due, directly to rho
<br />payee thereof. Harrower shaf3 prampti} futntsh [:r t ender ail trvnces of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event
<br />Harrower shall matte payment duecti}. Barn?wrr shad pxamptpy turnrstr to Lender receipts evidencing streh payments.
<br />Harrower xltatt promptly dis,.harge any lYen wSrrch has pnvttty o~=er this A4artgage: pravtded. that Borrower shall-not 'be
<br />required xa diarharga any such lien sa Song as Bvrrvwar shalt agree in vrrai:rg to the payment of the obiigativn secured 6y
<br />stub lien rrt a manner axtptabla to [.,ender ar shat( in gtn*d faith carrtrst such heo 6y, ar defend eafarc$mznt of such Han~in,
<br />I¢gal prtx:aedittgs whielt operate to przvant the eofercetrrzm of the teen ar forfarturc of the Property ar any part. thereof.
<br />5. tlasard itanrnnce_ Barrawer slta33 keep the tmprvvznrena nt.w existutg ae hzreafaer erected on the PrapertY insured
<br />agavrsi tars by Etc, hazards lneVudzd wttltrn the turn 'cxrendz.f 4`avaraga`, sad such other Faaards as Lender may require
<br />sad ra sorb amounts and far su::F prrxxts trs Lender tnay rYgrrrrc, provided. that Lender shall eat rzyrnirc that the antaum of
<br />srmit coverage exceed ttrat amount of cavzragz rcqutred ux pay the sums seertrzd by this Mortgagc.
<br />The insurance carrizr pmvMing the in5urattee she}[ tx c6asctt by Harrower -+ubyect to approval by Lender: provided;
<br />that such approval shag eat tae unraasanably withheld- ,All gremiums a.n insurarut. paheies short bz paid in the meaner
<br />pravtded tinder paragraph 2 hereof ar, ti eat peed in sucfi marrnzr,r_y Harrawex making payment. when due, directly to the
<br />insurance cattier.
<br />AH insurance pa3ictzs and renewals tlterai shah Mt tit Icrrtzt ac+:e#,tabte to I.etrder and shall include a sasmdant mortgage
<br />ctattse in favor of and m farm aospta4,ia t++ Lander. l.errder sltatl havz the right to Fatd the policies and renewals tharrmf,
<br />sad Batmwer shall promptly fittntsh w Lender aG rz.^,cwa1 notu+is and apt tecaipts trf paW premh[ms, In the event oC lass,
<br />Barrawer shall give pranrpt notice to the insurance carrtar ;utd Lender l..andce may make proof of loss i( not made promptly
<br />by Borrawer.
<br />I7nlass (.antler sad Harrower at3rarw-+sa egret rn wrueue, tnsurarscz ptaceeds shelf 6r: applied to restoration tar repair of
<br />the Praperiy damaged, provided such ras[eraUan or rapau .s aconamiealiy feasibiz and tM: security of this Mortgage is
<br />trot themby impaucd. II sxlr restarattotr or repair s not eevnrvnicapip feasible or +f the seeurttp of this Mortgage would
<br />ha impaized, the msuranca prtxaesls shaft ba app3iad u? tFa sums ,secured by this Mangage; w4th the excess„ if any, paid
<br />tv Baxrowcr. tf the Praperzy is tttzartdons'si by Barrawer t:r ri Harrower €ads to respond to Lender within 90 days from the
<br />dale notiu is nxaded by Ltndar tt> Harrower chat tfle [nsuranez <arr+zr tillers to settle a Chaim far insurnnaa bene#Jts, fxtrder
<br />is autbori7td to collect and apg3}, the rttstuance proceeds at t.endzr's option either to rastarauon or repair of the Prape[ty
<br />ar ~ ttrE sums sctgartxl by this Mortgage.
<br />Un}rss Lander artd Borrower atiserw=tx agrez rr. wrrnng, any such agpli::ation of proceeds to pnnapal shx3l eat cztand
<br />ar postpone the due data of tlra ttuutthty installments referred to an paragraphs (and 2 hereaC ar change the amount of
<br />sriclt itutaHmaats. kf under paragraph xg hereol iha Property rs acqumed by Lender, ail right. title and interest ct Harrxvor
<br />in acrd to any tztsrtrance poli:7rs and in and to the Sxaczeds tttateaf resulting from damage to the Property prior to the safe
<br />ar acgWSihon sha3! pus ur Lzader tv. [fee cxis,nt at the scans securest by this \~fertgaga line:ediatatp prier to such rata ar
<br />acgA~itami,
<br />f. 1'tetarva8ett ai Attdnhnancc at Pruptay; Leaasebolds; Condominiums: Planned tr'ni[ Uerclopments. Borrower
<br />slxalt.kasp the Property in goad repair and shall not uxmrnit wash «r parmtt impurmetrt er deteriaratrotr of the Property
<br />std.-ab.13 apmply with the pmvistans of any lessee if thin Mortgage s an a ieaselta3fl. If this Mangaga i5 oa a unit in a
<br />?~ium r=r a plan:tQd uatt devzlapmem;tt- Borrawer shall par[nnn x31 of Borrower's vbligatians under tlsa dzclaratirut
<br />eu s^cmreuanis cxeati#g or gawxning t#rt csxxitunmium of ptannzd snit devzlarpnretrt, the lay-laws and regulaiiorrs of fhe
<br />wrdammrtgtt ~ planned unit dex^aiopmznt, and constiixrenr tJtxunrants. tf a c-andvminium ar planned unit d..-veEopment
<br />nckv :+ executed by Hattnwer and racardad together with this Mongaga, tFz cavcnatrts and agrtamems of such elder
<br />sgaii tee me~+rparatal title taut-shall anitttxl and suppkmetrt the cavznants. ;rod agrt;ematas oi' this Mortgage as of the rider
<br />+.crc.a p'.rt hereof:
<br />7. rtussetiw-tit ~asiarrs b'eaxuil~: If Borrawer falls to pzrfcrrm ilia cavauantx and agraamants catrtainad in this
<br />Moniapc, rr ii .ny acua[t rsr prac°aaditag is scrttx[naaccd w3lrch ntaxcrially aflacts (.cedar's rnteraxt in tlta Property,
<br />9,¢clu[tta«, but nr4 ttmittd w_ amJnettt dopraf~a, iastlkvenay, Coda anfnrc;artt~anl, ar attatrgantauCs or prcxxad~tngs irtvolvdng t!
<br />t>anLrvpt or ducdent. [hen S:artder kt LrttdaPs apta<itr, upon ttoteae eat Harrawtr. Wray make such agpearantes, citxttitrsa srx:Jt
<br />sums find t,t{t,e- x>H.A action at is ~ to pre±tcrt Lcardar`s artrtest, rnzlttdirtg~, but eat [imttad ta, irsbursamunrt trf
<br />i'ait[o~ttabpc attarney't ices attd~ atrtry ttpan she l'rtspetty' to retake repairs. SS Ixadtr rav7uirect rrra~rtgage ursuratsu as a
<br />ctitrttiitat~+s +rf r+utltatt~.- iiut 3aatn wtcuct.~ b}' this Mattgag$, BarPi?svrr sha3# pap tltz premiums requrrarl tit maintain suwh
<br />iraatritu+cs irz afTrz3 tsntll sclera teta~ a§ t3ta raquiretraattt fat uu=h tnssrcance tarrninates xn arc-ardanca wttfr Bxrrri,wcr's axed
<br />
<br />