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<br />84 ---- ~, ~ 114 4 <br />9. Cnndemnatitrn. nc~ procee=!, of an} -award ur dour for damages. dtreet or conseyuenual. m eonnectian with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Pro{terry, or part thereof. or for - •oveyaacc in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Ist[der. <br />!n the event of a total taking of the Property, the pr[?coeds shalt he applied to the sums secured 6y this peed of Trust, <br />wit![ the excess, tf any, paid to tiorrgwer. !n the avem of u partial taking of the Property, anless Borrower and Loader <br />otherwise agree m writing, there shat he applied to the sums secured h}' this peed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />.ts :_ <yu_, ._ .~_. ~ hi. ne ~' _c T ~tst .mr..: .c^ nr . , ~~...e ..r <br />~•.,irn.,iign •+: i:i'i: a~i" "S"":t t.# ;fir. :' i':i C "i.rcd hJ ' =l r <br />taking$ea[s to the fair market value of the A"=upeny rmrsudiatefy prror to the dace oC taking, wSth the balance of the-proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />!f the Ftopeny is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after nmire by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor otters to make <br />an award or settle a claim Iqr damages, Borrower fails m respond to 1_eader within 30 days after the date such- notice is <br />mailed. Lander is authorized tv cgllert and apply the proceeds, ut l..cnder'x option, either to restoration or repair of'the <br />Property or to the sums secured l,y this Aced of Trust. <br />Unitas lender and Bonnwrr otherwise agree in wrung, any such appitratian of proceeds tq principal shall notrextend <br />ur postpone rho due date of the rngnth{y rnsta#Imen[s referred in in paragraphs t and Z horeof or change the -amount of <br />such installments. <br />1®. Borrower Nat Rclessed. Extension of the time for payment err mndi6cation of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this peed of "foist grasued by !..ender to any sucazessgr m inrerrst of Borrower shall rtoi operate to release,-in any manner; <br />the liability of the car-[ginai Borrower aad Borrower's sucrrssors in interest. !.ender shall: not be required to commence <br />pmreetlings against such sucress[x or refuse to extend trine for pa}inert or otherwise modify amortizatian'of the sums <br />secured by this C?eetl of Tntst by reason of any demand made by the original Barrgwer and Borrower's successors in interest: <br />i 1. Fnrhearnncc by Lender Nm a 41'uiver. :\ny forbenran,^c 6y 7..endor in exercising any right or remedy~tiereunder. trr <br />otherwise afforded by appiirahlr law, shall oat t>e a waiver of or prrcIndo the exercise of any such right or remedy; <br />Che procurement aP insurance or the payment of taxes or other lions or charges t,y lender shall not be a waiver of Lender`s <br />rlgh4 t0 aCCCiCt'ate the nlataTity CYf if7e it7debtCdnC.4s secnred by this peed Of TFnst <br />t2. Remedies Cumulative. Al! tertedics provided ur this bred of Trust are distinct and cumulative t^ any other tight <br />nr rerttedy under this 1}ced of T'rnsr or :rtfarded isy law err eyuity, and may be exercised caneurzentlY, indeptndtn8y of <br />sua:.essivety. - <br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Janr and Sevtrai I.iabitit}; Gaptintts. The eavenants attd agreements herein <br />cantaiaed shall hind, acid tht rights hereunder shat! loan io. the respective succrvars and assigns of Lender and .Borrower, <br />sublert to the pmvtsigns at parngnrph i? heRrc,t. Atl envenoms ;end agreements of Borrower shalt tx joint and soye[al. <br />The captions atzd headings nC the paragraphs =,i this Ch`ed nt Trust are for ranvrnieneo ott}y and arc nob to he axed. to <br />iaterpret err dct3no the provisions herenf- <br />Id. Noriee. E`.xeept ['or any notice regwred under applecals7e Law to he given m anothor manner, €,aI any notice to <br />Borrower provided far .n this f>eod a( Trust sha17 t,e given #,} mailing such notice by certified mail addressed iq Borrower-at <br />the property Address or at such other address :=s Btwmwer ntay ilestgna*.e i,v nonce to Lender as provided heroin, and <br />tbl any natire to Gender sfta[7 be given by corttfied maik, rotum rceetpt req[tested. h5 Lender's address stated herein or to <br />wch other addresx as lender may siesignate by natire to Bgrmwer as pmvrded herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />l>ted of Trust shall t+e deorne[i ro have teen ¢iven to Bgrraaver nr Lender when green to the manner designated herein. <br />15. [?'niform peed of '!'rust; (:owerntag later; Se,-erability. this lorttt of deed ut trust combine-s uniform covenants Cqr <br />nauar[ai use r=ad non-uait^rm eavcnants wnh 6m+ted =snn[+ons h}- ~uns:i r.nan to c~onsututc .4 um €orm security instrument <br />covering real prnpert s-. "Chis peed ut ~frust h -~- ~ cr _ d h} nc~ law „ the ;urrsdictwr. itt which the Property is located. <br />In the event that [uty pravrawa a: wiausc o, ,fi+s (~.. Gr7 f f r mr or ibe 4,ae ~rut7Lrt> with applicable taw. wch crrnflict shall <br />oat affect other nrovrsinctx o7 thcs Ueed :'7 Tnt:s ,•i the sw arc. w-hr.h .an `; t;~vea ettrct w;thaut the ennflieting prarisign. <br />and m this end the prous,ons ~t t t u ed o: } , c st .end h • ivate nn c nn~.i f>E -evercitie_ <br />if. 1larrawar's Copp. Btirraair -h.,ui ~x #t,tttrshed ; ~ert7armed cap} ut th[. `tare aad of shin peed q€ Trust at-the time <br />aE execution or after rccordatio^ hereaf- <br />17. Ttattsfet of lbe Properly; Assutttpiian. ti all ur any p_ut of t#te Prepcrtg ns' an interest therein is said-ot transferred <br />t,y Barxower wrthou[ l..ender's Prior wr;tten r«rscru, c:<citu#sna :ai t#:c crcata.m of :~ bun er ctar:umPrrance subordinate to <br />this peed of Trust. th! the creation [,t a purclt~sc sr-rsuc secucoy ur:nt~xt fcr huus::haid a{x>kianeos, tct a transfer hy_davier. <br />descent or by aperatiort of law uFOn the deer*.h t ~ r-riot ;t r+ant nr ~ - - - .. - <br />Lender crag ..-rt t,endcr. cpttz~n. Jeciarc >ii ihr: sumx secured 6y th& tSoed of Trust-tnl>C <br />tmmediateiy due and payalr s. €-ender shall itaa~e waivc,i :nett „pr«nt t, accrterate ,f, prior tt, the sale or transfer, Lender <br />and the person to wham rho Property is ic, bs ,;old :'t trasfoarnd reach a{trorment to wetting that-the credit of sttrh-person <br />is satisfactory to t_ervder and that the interest pa}=a#aar ,t^ the stains ,..cured h„ this peed. of Trus€ shall t>e nistsrh care as <br />k,erder sitafl rr.yuest" if Lrndor hero ts-aived [lx: optirin m ai•~rlerate pmv,de-d ,n this paragnrPlt t 7. and if-Bgrrower's successor <br />itt iniore-st hss r=ecutao a weutrr. assumption agrerruerst s~spted m „s+ta?g by t ~r?,der, t_endet' shad r'eloa a Bortawan from <br />all aitligauaas under Skits peed of Trost and the 't=rte. - ._..`. <br />If Loader exoreisrs such upuan t, acct~`er.±te 1 ender shtil maxi ilarrawer Hance of aecelocalidn in"acrgrdancc a~th <br />paragraph iA ltoraaf. Stt~t ntxicx sttal7 {ugvrete a peric,d t,f not less than 3U days trntn rho date tht' ndttre is mulled wtif~3n <br />which Br~rrawer may pay the sums doxaared due_ it Bt,trowe: farts t , p:r; ouch aum~n prior to tiro-efip}rztioa gf~ueh~prriod°'' <br />l.ettdcr may, withnW further ngtare or demand on Brxres,ver, :n+c=:.c unv remod{ea perrnutrd by paaagraph !$ h~reof.- <br />Nox-la z«tFaa+s L'avexa.ivT4. Burrower and Lead>-r further covenant and agre!^ t+s follows: <br />l& .Acrelcrrfi[m; Remedies. Hitrrpt as provided in paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's hrcach of any coYeoaat or <br />of Bamlwcr iw this peed of 7'rast, inetnding for ca,rnants to par ,when dire atey earns seeared by this peed <br />-'Trost: lender prior to accdrrritan shall ntaif naticr to $armwrr as provided in paragraph l4 hereof specifying: il) the <br />hooch: (2)-the action reryairrd to cure such breach; t3l a dart. not tees than JO days tram the date the roller ~ trtailtd fo <br />lnrrowrri try whisk such breach mtad br camit aad {~) that failure to Burr such breach on or before Iht drie speeitied <br />Iw the defier may resydi in acceleration nF the sums secured key ibis teed of fetter and sate of the Property, The notice <br />shad ftuihrr inform Borrower of the right to reinstate aFttr an-eieration and for right to brhtg a coact action to assert <br />Nta natw,baiaem:b of a defauh err sop other defeme of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the breach is not cured <br />trit err Detare -tht dale speriftrd in ihr Holler. l.rndrr al lxadrr's option may dectarc all of the Sums serurcd by fhfs peed <br />of Trtws to De immediriely doe and payable wilhaut further demand nerd may irnake ihr power of sale and any other rtmedies <br />prawrilled try applfeaMe law. l.etrdrr xhall be endued io collect ail reasanabie casts and eaprmes Incurred in pursaixg fhc <br />eernediesprowided iw this-pnragrttp4 tit, Incittdirtg, but not limited ter. retsranabie aitomry's fern" <br />FF fire po er of sak is invoked, "f'rttstre shall rr['ard a naticr of detauit #n each wanly in which the Property err some <br />pwt YltrtceF is IocatrA amt skid! mail copits aF stu~h natire in tkr manner prescribed by applicable taw tq $orrower and fo the <br />utiter paoo~ prescriDedby appllrabk law, Afire the tap=s of surd time as Wray be required 6v applicable law, Trustee shall <br />~~rsss pttMic notict of sak to the persons and m the manner prrse.riDed Dy applcable law. Truster, without demand nn <br />BsrFOSrer, sbttRsrii-the Property ai pa4ltc auction to ihr highest ttidder err the time er[d pWce and under the rectos designried <br />In the nalke of salt in one or mart parsers and in such order as Tmstee may determine. Truster may postpone sak of sR <br />or aw-parcel-of the Property by puMk annoaroremrm at ihr finer acrd place aF eery previously xhcduled lair. I.ettder or <br />l.tndN!a draitwrr tuv -ar['hnr iDa Properly ri Any sale.. <br />[dlr+M rereipl of partwent of the prier bid, Ttvstea-shri1: deNv<r to the patch:see "ITttslee s deed conreyirrg fhb Property <br />snlY 71a~Terilab in the Trtttlre'a deed a1nY'-br ptbna_-arie rvideace of the tru(D of the striemenis trade thierrin. 'Tirottee <br />Iitr6-ap/y the praatedrr rN the eerie htlDe fQlinw order; (ai #a sp reatonaMb rests and. etrpeaues of ihr sak, inchlrRgR, Dot <br />t1at.Mtoit[tl b. Trttrter'rtfdta.ak-:ant tower tint ~ O 3. 5"r of fha grows sak peeler. rrn~tnabk +ttarnry's trey ud: eo[aa uF <br />-i to ail snyratrr;etsrrii-ity this peed aF T'rma;: aid frl the eases[, it any, ro ihr person or persons kgtdly entkird <br />- 1'1• lurrotrrar`i ktRAt la Re'braate. I~otwathstaoding lenders strre7er^artun of the .sons secured hg the, peed of Trttst, <br />fWarrwcr ahti#f taYr tht~ right [a haver r+ny pecxording= t?rgan by' Lender ta= anforct ifais C7erti a>t "Trust ~fisccantintted -t <br />kny nine peeler tie th+t ear}i¢~ta ewc`ur csi €i# the fltth daR kfxie'e thti+ salq nE t'tr PraprnA' pursttaru res rho power rtf safe es*ntamed <br />;a this i~rr.1 tat Truttar left etdt'}' of a ia+t4gsttatx[ cvrfaresng this faced a,f Toast ,f. i'ab fiorrow^rc pa,s l_eudor .tit some watch would <br />tz liter :},~ +,,,,.-ter t3tli i?,xrd +,i'frust, rho f~kate ~amY notes n€et~r,nt; f^tuure Adramcrs" d a,ny_ hart ea„ acca#esaArr,n ere-rurrrt#- <br />ikr) liar rx.,.~r .:.:rcr afl~ bfsaw'3tca of any t,4~r aevanants ~:, :urrc[nor,:-, ,.t ltorrtawv^r ,:^atainrd tg this L'n:cd of Trttsi_ <br /><; !ka-r.-~w<r w.,, all rraxautalatr cxp~a.c, ,~:;;urrc¢7 hr l-t~rar.~r :~,+,t 'l'ra,stee ¢n enfart,nag ihr covenants and sgar.-rxnants „f <br />® ;. ru+,c ~t =., :his brad ief -Y'fartl :+~`cl :[t ~rrfr;t' I ..v.}<,r I Trxs,rcc'°: rrntcdtr~,x .ra e~-:F;rtcf +n paraKra ph 1R <br />ia~ascstf =w.;ria.c- te:e ,~ f;nttird &i, rr ~.+.. •i4:nrnrrris}''s ttx~_ ,:,a td, YWr;u,vrr i,tkr<x «arh ~°se.~r, xa 1 exrxicranay rt~vw,+nahty <br />rcqu~e Ns aswa=^, e,,: [kur r.•rit €r~€ t!sas iJerd nl t,..tei ! rAtirr: tat~~rest ;n stn 1' r,~r•,ti anti ik,€raw°t^r< .,#fig,a€tc,r, ;;* c-as~ <br />