<br />~~°'"' llu1144
<br />L!vn oast i_bvr=Narvrs. Norrower and I ender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. Payment of Ptincipat and Interest. Horrnwcr :hall promptly pay when chic the 1^nnupal of anti intcrest nn the
<br />~nuchtcdms e+nhnced by nc~ Nate, prepayment and laic charges as pruvrded ua the 1nte, and the prinnpal nt and intcrest
<br />~,an an}~ Ft+turc :Sds.nxcs .erurcd by Ihn Used nt i r, rvr
<br />Z. Fonds for Taxee and Insurance. Subject !a appiicat:Io law ar to a wnaen waiver by [.ender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to ! ender nn the day month{r irstailmenis ut pnncruai soil rruerest are p+n able ender the Nutc. until the Nctc is paid in full.
<br />a se'n ti!ercm "Funds'[ tyual rn mse~twrtfth of the yearky taxes and assessments which may attain pnoriry' ever this
<br />1?eeil of Trust, and around rents an the Proptrt y, d any, plus one-twek Cth of yearly premmm installments for harzrd insurance.
<br />plus ono- twelfth of yearly premmm mstallntems fur mortgage insurance, tf any, aN as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time as Dine by Lender on the basis of assessments and hdls and rcasonabte estimates thereof.
<br />The Fundx shat( tee held in art msutution the dtpusrts ar accounts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal ar
<br />state agency ftncluding Gender i[ lender u',uch an inUrtuttont. t.tnder shah apply the Funds to pay said taxes, asses,ments.
<br />msmunct premiums and ground rents. Lender may eat charge for so hatdmg and applying the Funds, analyzing said aecoum
<br />ar verifying and compiling said assessment[ and bills. unless Lender pays porrowcr interest an the Funds and applicable law
<br />permus 1 ender m make such a charge. liorrusvcr ~ nd !.ender may agree m writing :u the bete of execution of this
<br />ITeed ok Trrst drat uvtrest nn the Fundx shad he =aard to Borrower. artd unless such agreement is made ar applicable law
<br />requuea zu<h emcees[ m be pouf, Candor shvl! not br rrqurrtd to pay Borrower' arty interest ar curnings an the Funds. Lender
<br />shat[ give to Borrower. wtthaut charge, ma atntual aeex~unnng of the Funds c{aau-mg crtdi[s and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each dtbn to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the soma secured
<br />by this L}cr! of Trust.
<br />7f the amount nC the Ftmdc held hr !,coder. together with the future monthly urstalintents of Funds payabh prior to
<br />~hc due dates of [noes. ati'_sc+smtnts, rasuranct premiums and grauntf rents. shall exceed the amount rtqutrad to pay said taxes.
<br />.rssessmems, ~nsttrancc perineum, :msi r,ntund teen a, they r.dl due. curb excess shall he, at Borrower's option, either
<br />prumpdy rcpard n, }knn>wrr ur credited a:-~ 8orrowcr on monthly irutallmcnts oC Funcfs. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by I ender shall eat hZ sutHctent to pay uaxts. a>xssmcn[s- nxecrance premiums and granad rents tts they fall doe.
<br />Borrower +hall pay tee Lender any amount neressarv r,+ make np the dtfinenca within 3(I drys from the dart notice is mailed
<br />by I-ender to Borrower requesting paymtni thcxu'-0f.
<br />t7 pt>n paymetrt in frtfl at aII sums secured b} [has flied of Trust. Lender shaft promptly refund to Barrawer app Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph Ik hereof the f'ra(+erty rs satd or the Property rs athcrwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shs#1 apply. ao lator than imrncdiaicty prior [+r the sale tit the Property ar see acyuisuion by Lender, any Funds held 6y
<br />i eirdcr ui t+ic iiruz of apgli,:s,i:;ii ,x. .i +.rcu'ii ogn.insi the >ums w:cured by this Ward of 1 rust.
<br />3. Applieatlon of PayroenK. t!rtless appitcable :aw prvrdcw uthrrwrse. aril payments received by Lender under the
<br />Sate and paregrsphs t and 2 hereof shall i>c spirited by f ender first Ra paymem of amounts psyable~ to ~..endtr by Borrower
<br />under parugrap{t 2 hereof, then to usterest payaalt em ilia Nuts, ;her. ro the pnnetpal of lht Nott. and then to interest and
<br />pnnetpal an any Future Advances.
<br />4. Chsttes; Liens. Hesrruwer c~hah pay all razes. asscssnttnts sod other charges. fines and impositions attribu[able w
<br />the P;aperty which may attain a prtanty <rver ihrs L1etd of Trost. and feasthalcl payments or ground rents, if any. in the
<br />manner praaided notice paragraph Z hereof ur. it Rsat paid in strcb manner by [dcsrrowee making-paymem, whc doe, dircrNy
<br />tiro payee steer eoi. war r~rwcr xrnii preveptiy , , .. n - , - arnoun{n due under [$ia lraragrapir, seed in rite
<br />event Borrower shall maize payment dutctiy, $orruwet•sh~tif promptly firrnrsh to Lender recmpu evidencing retch payments.
<br />Borrswer [balk promptly dtseharrt env face which !ass praru} n.cr tare [}cart pt trust; pravrdtd, that Harrower shag rot bt
<br />nxlmred to discitar},•e trey such loan .a 1:+ng ar Borer+wer .hail age cc m -~+ntu>* ur the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />.veh !inn sit a marr~r acteptab#c to Lender, err shall ,rt grad forth roman steels hen hy. err defend enturcemrnt of sueM lien in.
<br />begat ~,.r.~~..niirr.-~ w-htrn n~.ztt en nmrent rho e?.,r[._RteM ,.( the ?w,_ nr f.irle trr~rr e,f the Prt}mirky nr nv noel rh~t`E-Of.
<br />Haxard Insurance. Borrower shaft Icct -hc rRrprovenaems nuurzrxrsung ar hereafter erected en thtaPmngtrcv insured
<br />against toss by fire. ha2ards rrarisrdcd u~tristn rlec t.rna "ettettdeil a}verage'. end =uch ether haaatds us Lcntiar mar require-
<br />and in such amounts and far such irtnods as i_enUzr n,ay regttue: pmndcd. that i..tnder a91a{T eat regtrlre that the amount of
<br />such urversge crated that amrrunt a1 c'avtrage rxuued te: };;yv the sums secured by this Tierd a! Trttst.
<br />The insurance c^arrier praerdrng the insurance Thal( ere else-~aeu by tiurr;twa*x subjet: fo apprava{ by [,ender; oravided.
<br />that such aggroval shah not he unreaxnnairiy wethittltl. .~?! premiums ern tnsurnncc pnlicias shaft bi: paid in. the matrtter
<br />provided under paragraph 2 Hereof or, sf nut p:ud .n such tnarantr, by Barrowar making payment, when due, diceCNy to the
<br />:naurancc caterer.
<br />AB tmsurant;c pahctts and rertewalx thereat ck•.aft he m term acccplnbte sr± Lender and sfiaf! tnchidt a standard mortgage-
<br />ckaast ir. favor of and in loon acceptable to t_rndrr. lender studi ha+_e the: nght ter paid the policies and rtntwats thereof,
<br />acrd $orrowcr shs{¢ pramptty ftarntsh tc+ I~nder alt re-new ai ;xxnx•< roil sit ru~rpis at part[ premiums. In the earn[ of loss.
<br />Borrower shaft ges-c prompt nattct u= the msurattce career an+k 1. ender. Lender may make prriof of fuss if net made promptly
<br />by c`torrawar.
<br />Unless Lender and $rxt rower uthtrwrse agree to wrurng, rnsuranct pr;rcceds shaft he app{icd ra resmratian or repair aC
<br />the Prope~ny damagacT. psavtded rocs[ !rsttaraoc n ~ :spa+r e econaam -a{A~ icusttilc and the security of ihrs Deed of Trttsr is
<br />eat thertiay tmpairtil. It such rtstotsnan ur rrpa~ r not e- am%rnieatky rE. ~stbte ar ,t the sr-t:nrety n; tlaix LTCed o€ "Trost wcudd
<br />he rmparrtd, the ittsaranst procetris she`s{ ere applasd to tzse sums aeearcd by this iSted of !'east. wuh thetxcrss, if nnY. paid
<br />to Barra+vrr. If the Props€ty rs abandtarted by Boers+wer. +±r tf Bearrow¢r +.ads to respond to Lender within 30 daps from fhe -
<br />datt notice is mai{ed by Lender to Barrawtr that the ussuranct enr;rrer ot6era to settle a claim for insurance benefits. Lender
<br />is authorized to cadtcx and apply the insurance proceeds ar [.enders aptton cirhtr to restarauou ar repair a£ the Property
<br />at to Nta sums sscurtd fiy thes ['Seed of Trust
<br />Uniasa L,ttrder and Borroa•tr oshtrwise ogre[ rn writing. ; n} such :rppltcauan of proceeds to principal sha{I eat txtcnd
<br />or postpom the dtu date of the tnantttfy instaitmenis rcterred to m psragraphs 3 and 2 herea# or chase[ the amount of
<br />such testa#lritetris. If nnd¢r paragraph i K tetra+f t}st T'roptrty tt acyutred by Lettdcr, all right, tit}[ and in#ertsf-af Eotrowtt
<br />in and is any insurance pa{{eitt one! to acrd tcs the practtds thereof rtsuiting Pram damage to the Property prior ro the sa{t
<br />ar aequisstion sftail pass to Ltndtr to the extent et [tee swiss secured by this Dtc^d o{ 'T`rust imtuediately prior to atxh sale-ar
<br />acgttistfian.
<br />6. Ptgarrttgbw and 141ninlennrte irf Property, LeaseYuider; Condominfuros; PlanneA Unit IDevclolrtnenls. Harrower
<br />shat! ktep#ht Property in.g:xxt. rtparr and shslk not cammrt waste ssr permu itnpaitntem ar dtterioratian of the. Property
<br />and shall comply wtih the grovisians of any tease if this I?rtd o£ Truer is ors a leasehold. tf this ^ted caf Trust is an a unit iii a
<br />condominium or a p{atmed unit devtkaprtitnt, Harrower shat} ; etfarm alt of 8nrrawer's obTigatiuns under ilia declaration
<br />ar covanutts creatHig or gavtrnrng the comlominittm nr p}aantd unit davelagrirent, the lay-{awe and regulations of the
<br />etsndotairrittm ar p{atttted irmi deveiapmem. and cansutuetu ducumtnis. If a condominium tit pfanntd unit develupmeat
<br />rider is axactrtcd br Harrower and recorded tagtther wath this fSted of Trust, the covenants and sgrremenis of such rider
<br />shag be intotgomted eras sad steal{ attstnd and supp{tntant the covenants sad agreements of this Deed of Trrst as if the. rider
<br />vitro a ptM heeeaf.
<br />7, Peaaatfion of teniar'a Secodty. if $orrowcr fads to perform ifae covenants :rod ;tgrctmznes cuutaincil in this
<br />Ted of TLlt, or if any acefon err proceeding es cammtnced which mutrrsatiy afTans i.rndtr"s retorts[ in the Property,
<br />irrchidirryy, hW- rxrt lititzted -to, artunerst domain, msa{vr;rrcy, coda tnforcameat, ar atxangcmems ar praceedfngs inva{vitrg a
<br />haalttttpt ar decedent, t3ltti Ltaxlrr at l,ctrdtr's agtian, span notice ea Harrower, rosy make such a~rpearaneas, disburse such
<br />sLNttx seat xalte such actuta ax is neeas§ary `u grotaci L.ttider's tmtresx, mo{tiding, but not limticd tu, d4s{wrsament of
<br />raaaonabir ai;ot'ney`s tees atttl tatty [ipso tax Property to make mpairs. !f Candor required mortgage insurance as a
<br />rcrtntitiinrof tssakirtl} tht kuia~sacurtd Ley rhis~Tlatd of Trust. Harrower shag pay the premiums required to maintain such
<br />iatNN^aaat in t8eet. imeT atwh~tlttre-as the:tequitemtnt far st;~t insuranec ttrminatts in accordatter: with Borrower`s sad
<br />Laddsc's written alttecment or applitttbie law. Harrawtr shs{i pay iht amount of elf mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />matlnm prnr'iAeci tinder paragraph 2 hereaE,
<br />flay amounts drsbtitsed Try' Lander Tritxauaati to th{ti paraigraph Z, with tnttrest thereon. shag Irrcantc add"rtional
<br />insiehredrresr of Horrm+cr taxureti by r{rirt: t~aad.af Trres.t. lknless Bairritrec-and Ltmdtr agree to after terms at paynxat, such
<br />amaunfa shall he payable tipttm ruttier from Lander to Harrower rtquestirxg paynxettt [hates[, and shs{t htax intrust Pram the
<br />data of ditbrtrterrrcnt tit etre rattpayabk (ram time Lit time an trutstanding prrtt[igal trader the [Nate uttkess paYtstant of intcrest
<br />at wet, rate would he tr,rtrrgry to agpTletlhfe fats', in which evrnt tuck- attmams shall hoar fotetcst ai the highest rate
<br />patrnraaibb uraskr applacat'da tart. uti#fng.cLYnkauled in this paragraph J shaft requrrc T.rndur to inettr any rtipense ar take
<br />stky actµm hrrcuasrer.
<br />>!. laq.et{.w. : ender may rook:[ or rraase to Yet made ttastxnablt tnirae+ nprm end ins}rcern~rrs crf the PropartY. pros•idad
<br />thxi i_cndcr .Wait gix~a »;_,r,i*wta' rs€%htt pctru m ,any a B'~ptc#ir~ss specifying ccusc?,uah#e curter ihuctitt~ =e3ated m Ls.ndcrs
<br />-ner:lty* ire rhr P#tr~uttiv.
<br />