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<br />I <br />83-001718 <br /> <br />and. without demJind. shall be Immediate!y due anQ payable by Trustor ano shaH <br />bit.r intareat al ttle milll:lmum allowable 18gB! rale- provided, however. thaI at Ihe <br />option of Beneflciaf" or Truslee SUCh sums may be added 10 me prlncJpal balance <br />or lIny IndBbledness secured hereby and sl'1all bear the same mierest as s.uCh <br />Indebtedness and shaH 00 payable ralab!y.over the remaining !arm thereof <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />10, Aaa!gnment of Rents. Beneficiary shall have the noh-I. Dower and aulhonly <br />during the continuance jol this Trust Deed to collect the fefltS. Issue!> and prolils 01 <br />the Property and of any personal property loealed Ihereon wllh or without laking <br />possession -of the property affected hereby. aod TruslOr hereby abSoil/lely and <br />uncOnditionally assigns aU sue'" rentS. Issues and profits to Beneficiary. <br />BenefiCiary, however, heret)y consents to-the Tfuster's collection and retention of <br />such rents, Issues <lnd profits as they accrue an-d become payable so long as <br />Trustor is nOI, al sljt;h limes, in dataull ....lth .especI 10 paymenl of !Iny <br />indebtedness secured hereby or III the performance of any agreemenl hereunder <br />Upon any lIuch detault, Bellsflcta/y may al any tl~, eltner ln perS(ln, oy agenl. or by <br />a receiver 10 be appointed by a court, without nolice and wlthoul regard to Ihe <br />adequacy of any security !or tMe !ndebte"ness hereby securoo. (al enter upon ana <br />take possession of Ihe Property or .;lilY parI thereol, and Ifl ,IS o.....n name sue for or <br />otherwise collect such rents, issues and profils, jl'lcludlng those past due and <br />unpaid, and apply the same. less costs and expe"ses of operation and collecHon, <br />Including reasonableallQrney fees. upon any lnt1ebtedness secured hereby. ano in <br />such o:"der as BeneficIary may det;:!rmine' [bl perform Stlcn acts of repaIr or <br />protection as may be necessart or proper to conser...e the value ot the Property; leI <br />lease the-same or any part thereof lor such renlai, term. and upon such conditions <br />as Its jUdgement may I1lctat8_ Unless Trustor and Beneflc.ary agree otherWIse In <br />writing, any application of renlS. Issues or OrchIS to any Irl(Jebtedness secured <br />hereby ehall nOI exlend or postpOM the due !jale o-J the tnstaHment payments as <br />provtded In saJd promissory note or change the amount of s\~ch inslallments_ The <br />enterh'lo_upon and laking possession 01 the Properly, tf'<e colleclIon of suCh rents, <br />Issues and profits. and the applicalion thereof as aforesaId, shall "at W81...e or cure <br />an)' default or notice of default hereu1lcer, or In.alldate any acl done pursuant to <br />such notice. Truslor also assigns 10 BenefiCIary. as further security lor the <br />performance of the obligalions secure<! tlereby, all p.epaid rents and ail monies <br />which may halt'e been or may hereafter be deposlled with said Truslor by a'lY l..ssee <br />of the Property, to secure Ihe payment of arty renl and upon defeult m lhe <br />perfotrTlaoce of any of the prO'i'iSIOi'lS hereof, Truslor agrees 10 deliver such renlS <br />and deposlls to the Beneficiary Delivery 01 wrlHen notlc.. 01 the Bene!lclary's <br />exerCise of the rights granled ne'em. to any lenanl occupymg saId premises snail <br />be sufficient 10 require said tenanl to nay said rent to ttle Benellc.a~ untlllurther <br />notice. <br /> <br />11. Lund PJWft'l.... WIthin 10 days after demand, Trustor shall furniSh to Trustee <br />a schedule certltled to be true. selUnQ forth all leases ot space III the Trust <br />Property then In effect, lnch.:dlng. in each case, the f'lame of fhe tenants and <br />occupants. a descrlpllon of the space occupied by such tenant and occupant, the <br />rental pay.~e for SlIch space and such other tnlormallon and documents with <br />r"peet 10 SUCh leases and tenancies as the Trustee may reQuest <br /> <br />Without the prior written consent o! Tru$tea. Trustor shall "ot. directly or <br />Indirectly, with fl'Jl.pect to any lease o! 5pace In the descrlb6d premises. wnelhef <br />such lease 1$ now or hereafter In e.xlstence; tal accept or perml! any prepayment. <br />discount Of &mance rent payable lhereunder; 'ot cancel 01 termInate tne same. or <br />accept any cancellation. termlnalion or BUffender thereof, or permit any eyentto <br />occur which would entitle the lessee thereunder 10 terminate or cancel the s<lme; lCI <br />amend or modify the same so as to- r&duce lhe term thereof. the rentlll payable <br />thereunder, or to change any renewal prQYIsions therein contained; (dl waive any <br />detault thereunder or breach thereof; fel gJ"e any consen!, waIver or approval <br />thereunder or take arw other action in connecllon therewith, or wilh a lessee <br />thereunder, Which would have the effect o! impatrlng Ihe value of lessor's Interest <br />ttMtreunder. on ttle Property subject !hereto, or of impairIng the DOstllon or mlerssl <br />of tho Trustee or Beneficiary; Of ~fl seii. assIgn, Pl&<Jge, mortgage or otherwise <br />dispose of, or encumber, ,1s tnterestlh any sue" lease or a.ny rents, Issues or profils <br />laaulng or arising lhefeonder <br /> <br />12. Condemtuitlon. If HUe to any part 01 the Property sl1all be lll\ltan In condemnation <br />proceedingS-, b.,. right 01 eminent domain or simHar action. 6r snail be sold under <br />thnlat of condemnation. an awards, damages and proceeds are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Beneficiary who shall apply such awards, damagq and <br />ptOCeede to the sums securw by the Trust Deed. wllh the SlIceSS, If an..., paid 10 tf'\(l <br />Trustor. Truster will promptly. and with due diligence, repair. alter anl1 reSlore the <br />remaining part of the Trust propert... 10 ils fol'm@f condition substantially 10 the <br />extlJf\t that the same may be feasibls ana s.o as to constitute a complete and usable <br />unit. <br /> <br />13. Futur9 4dv.~ Upon reQuest ot Trustor. Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's option, <br />prior to reconveyance of the Property to tns Truslor. may make future advances to <br />the Trustor. $uct'l future advances, wlih IOtere5t thereQn, shail be secured l:Iy this <br />Trust Deed when "videnCe<! by prOmlSSOf)' notes stllflllQ that said notes .re <br />SKUred hereby; provlOecI Ihal -8t no ll~ snail the secullila prlnclpat, tuture <br />ad'V'~s. not InCluding sums advanCEI(J 10 protecl the securlly. ell.ceeo one <br />nuodfed ptlfcet't (100%1 oj theonglOal pJincipai amounts secured herebll <br /> <br />1..:RamedIaa Culh\dallv.. AU remedies pfOvloea In tillS T fUSI Oeeo are alstlnel ana <br />cumulatlw to any other rlont Of lem8(Jy uMl:lr tl"lIS Trust Oeea or affQtdea by law Of <br />equlty, and may be ..x.fcised concurrently. Independently or auccl!:ISlllvel.... <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />15, AcoMenItlon; RecMd.... Sa... Upon default by Truslor jn 1!'Ie payment of Any <br />InQebtectMU SOCUred twneby Of 10 the parform.nce of any agreement hefe"lndW, <br />aen.llcla.ry may dtK;laf8 all sums S$Cured herltbv lmmedlalely due and payable by <br />deUvery to Trull" ot wllnen a.clar&lion 01 detault. The Trustee shall h... tM <br />~ ot ..14) of lhe. Pfopot1y and it Beneliclary desires the Propertv to be sold. It <br />sNltl~1t with TruslM- Ihls Trust Ooeo and all prOml&8Of)' not....nd docu/'TMInla <br />cwldenclng expendlture-s 8~ured, and shAll deli...... to Trustee. a written <br />nottoe of de-f.u" and election to oe;ause the Property 10 be aold, and the Trust.. In <br />turn &hall P~fO a similar Notk;e ii"'< tl'le torm lequlr&d by IllW. wtUch &1'1411 be d",ly <br />tiled for NCOrd by Trustes, <br /> <br />(al After tn. Iap.H of such Urn. as may be !&QUII80 by law tollowlng the recofd. <br />atlOn 01 &4id :lallce of delault, and nollce of default and nOllce of $8_ having <br />been given illS required by lew, Trustee, withOut demand Of\ TrustOf, shall sell <br />the Pfoperty on the 'l1ate and at Ihe lime ana place designated in saki notice of <br />.a" at publlc: auction tu the highest bi~, the purchue prtc:-e payable in <br />lawful mooey ot the United Statu &t 1he time of sale-. The pef$On \;onductlng <br /> may, t~ any fWI deem8.lU;pedlenl. postpone the sale from Ume <br />to tbM unUlIt shaU be completed .etld. In S'iltfY such caae, notice at postpone. <br />mMt &halt be_Ollien by publiC ooclallUon 1~8Qf by 5-UCh p&~on!i' ___ time <br />and pt~ last -appoJlltDd 10( 1M &.iI!e; pfOVIded'. If the saie is postponed fot' <br />tonQef m-.n (1) day beVOnd the doil)' desIgnated In the nottce of ..... notk:41 <br />ther~ shall bI$ Q"'~ In the #ame ftliInner as the Ol~lnal nollce of sale. <br /> <br />TrultM s".1I e-xKute and d:elhtlif Ie tne purc;haHl his Deed conveying II'Ie <br />Property .sold, but ..ithoul any ;,';OVM&nt <X warranty. expJ'US, or Implied. The <br />t1M:ltAJt In: the Deed of 4r>)' maU.n Of laclt $ball: be cooclWliiY. pfoof of the <br />ttuthful~ (t;efe.Q'- Any ~j}fson, ..r.cludil'lg &ant:l-fk::~ry, may purchase Al thlt <br />...., <br /> <br />(b) wr.o Trvst.. Mill pursuant to trIe powers Ml.m, lhe TN!;!" $haU ilJIpfy the <br />prQQMda of the .... to p*ymem ot thft costs and U~SI!I& of 1lI:..ercis!ng Ih& <br />POW* of .... and of tM Mht, hlCludlflG- '" p.)'fMnt of In. TrUllt.'. F.. <br /> <br />=*~:,n:,~~:~ti;'o;;;-u;;,;~~~he"f. pti;a, and then to <br /> <br />te) A.~ paJtnQ thlt n... tJ)tJCttl4lCt tn 4UbPf,rlQl'ap~ (b} II tha $41& Is by Tru$t", O-f <br />tM~~fl anQOtMtwtt$ottOf*"~and sa~ it Ie. PUnl~1 <br />tt)~~. tt\t,ptO(.MdaofHlllhall be"P4'lfi$..! in lh&a!'tiefatattd <br />.If,l tfIa ;.Qmeol ot <br /> <br />(It eo.&. of anv_b~ ~ m_ S>>~1fd In conn.c;llo'll ~i-H\ !(.li-CO w'- ana of <br />NWr~~ <br /> <br />ftij- "~~~_Vf'.,n.'8Y: <br /> <br />.(tilt The~.I'anJ,~-o-t",*'$U<'l!t!QAilVtNlti1l&4U\",,&;t\ <br /> <br />16. OutMo. and ObUo_tlonll of Trullt.. la) The duties and obllgalJons 01 Trustee <br />shalf be determined solely by lhe express pro...lslons of the Trust Deed and Trustee ,.. <br />!lhall nol be !laole e)lcepl for the performance of such duties and obligations as ara <br />speclUcally sel forlh her~in, and no implied covenants or obligallons shall be <br />Imposed upon Trustetl; jbl No pfo...lslon of this Tlust Doed shall require Trustee to <br />expend or risk his own lunds, or otMerWlse Incur any fInancial obllgatlon In Ihe <br />performance of any ':It Its duties hereunder. or In Ihe exerCise of any of Its right or <br />powers, if It shall have grounds lor beHevlng lhat the repayment at such funds or <br />adequaftt Indemnity agaInst ~ucll risk or liability Is not reasonably assured to It; (0) <br />Trustee may r.onsult with counsel Of his own choosing and the advice at such <br />counsel shall bo full and complete aulhorlzatlon and protection In the respect of <br />any action taken or sutlered by it hereunder In good fallh and reUanC6 thereon; (d) <br />Trustee shall nOI be liable for any aellon laken by him In good faith and <br />believed by him to be authorlzed or wllhin Ihe discretion or rights of powers <br />conferred upon If b~' this Trust Deed. <br /> <br />17 Addltfonal Security In,trum.,-t.. Tlustor. at Its expanse. will execute and deliver <br />10 lhe Trust". promptly upon demand, such secutlly instruments as may be <br />required by T'ustee. In torm and subslance satisfactory to Trustee, covering an~ of <br />the Property conll8yed by thIs Trust Deed. which security Instruments shall be <br />addltionalsecurlly fOr Trustor'S faithfUl performance ot aU of the terms, covenants <br />ano conditions of thiS Trust Deed, the promts-sory nofea secured herebY, and any <br />olher security Instruments executed In connection with this transaction. Such <br />Instruments shall be recorded or flied, and re-recorded and raflled, at Tru.tOt'a <br />e.xpense <br /> <br />18. MI~neou.. <br /> <br />(a) In the &ltent anyone or mOre of th.. prOVisions contained ~n this Trust Deed or <br />the promissory note or llnv olner security Instrument given In connection with <br />this transaction sh.1t tor any raason bit hefd to be Invalid, lIleaal or <br />unenforceable In any respect, such Invall~lty, illegality, or unenforceablllty <br />shall, at the opllon of eeneflclary, not affect any other proYlslon of this Trust <br />Deed. but this Tf:.Jst Deed shall be construed as If such tnvalld, lIIegal, or <br />unenforceable provIsion hed never been contained herein or therein. <br /> <br />(bl This Trust Deed shall be construed according to the laws of the Stale at <br />Nebruka. <br /> <br />ic) ThIs Trust 088<1 shall Inure to and bind the heirs, legatees, devisees, <br />admlnlS-tratOr1!, executors, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. <br /> <br />{dl Tlustor snail pay all taxes leYled upon this Trust Deed or the debt secured <br />he/eby, together wlth any other taxes or assessments which may be jevhtd <br />against the Trustee or Beneficiary or the legal holder of said promlasory note <br />on accOOn1 of the indebtedness evidenced thereby. <br /> <br />(e) Whe"8VEtf used herein. the singular number shall Include the plural, the <br />5lf\gular, the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders, and the term <br />'Beneflclary" shalllnctude any pavee ot Ihe indebtedness hereby secured or <br />any tr8nsf&f thereof. whether by operation of law or otherwise. <br /> <br />19_ Succnaot Tru.I". Beneficiary may from time to time substitute Isuc:cesaor or <br />successors to any TruS:lee named herein or acting hereunder to execute this trust <br />Deed. Upon such appointment and wIthout conveyance to the successor Tru.t... <br />the latter shaH be vested with all title, powers:. and duties confened upon any <br />Trustee herein named or acllng hereunder. Each such appointment and <br />substitution shall be made by written Instrument by Beneflclary. containing <br />.~tElfence 10 Ihls Trusl Deed and Its place of record, which when recorded In the <br />offIce of Ihe R~lslar of Deeds 01 the county or countle" In which said property la <br />sltuateG Bhall be conclUSive plool ot proper appointment of the auecaslOl' Trull... <br />The foregolno power of Sl..ibstltutlon and the procedure therefont shan not be <br />exclusive of tM power and procedure provided for by taw for the substitution of a <br />Trustee Of T.usteeSln the place at the Trustee-. <br /> <br />20. ForbHrtnce by ......nclary Of TN.... Not a W....... Any forebMra~ by <br />Beneflcl.ry or Trustee In e:.:ercl!ling any right or ~ ~nd.... or otherwl_ <br />afforded by applicable law, shall not be.. waiver of or preclude the uerd.. of any <br />rtght Of remedy hereunder likewise. the walyer by Benetlclary Of Trullt.. of .ny <br />oofaull of Trustor under Ihis Trust Deed ,haU not be deemed to be a waiver of any <br />other Of similar def.ults sutlsequently occurring. <br /> <br />21. Trwtot Not R...... Extension 01 the time for payment or modltle.atlon or <br />amortization 01 !he sums secured by this Trust Deed granted by geneflcla'Y to any <br />SUC(;MSOf" In Interest of Truslor shall not operate 10 release, In any manner, the <br />llabllily of the original Trustor or Tru:itCf'S successor In interest. BeneflcltD'y .hall <br />not be required to commence proceedings agall\8t s~h sueceasor or refuM to <br />extend time tor paymenl or otherwise moaify amorttzatlon ot the sums secured by <br />this Trost Deed by reason of any d&nland made by the original Trustor and Trustor's <br />successors in inlerest <br /> <br />22, DetaWl. It tl'ler& snail be a default undttr this Deed of Trust or under any prior <br />mortgage, the Beneficiary may CUfe such detault, and the amounts ad'V'anced by, <br />and other cO$ts and ot the beneficiary In curing such default, with <br />lnl..8St at the de'.uit rate contained In the Note $8(:untd hereby from the tlmtt 01 <br />the advances Of' payments tShall be added 10 the indebtedness Meured by thla TNI' <br />Oeect and may be collected heret.lnder .at any time afler the lime of sueh advancu <br />or Plyments and shall be dMmed to be aec;;ured hereby. <br /> <br />23. Option to fOflQfou, Upon the occuranee of any def.ult hetaundef, Benefk:lary <br />shail ha\'8 the opllOn to fOfeclose thb Trust Deed In the manne, pnwtded by law for <br />lhe foreclosure of mOf1gages on real property. <br /> <br />2.... Tru.tor'. RIgha. AbHnl Default UnUl any default In the P8-yment ot <br />indebtedness hereby secured or \intil the of any covenant herein contaln~, <br />lhe Trustor, Its SUCC8S30fS and assigns, sn.lI pouus and enjoy the property, and <br />reeel.... the rents and profits theretrom. Upon payment of aU sums secured by this <br />Ttust Deed, Benetlclary shall request Trustee to reconvey the property and shall <br />surrendef this Trusl Deed and all notes evidencing Indabtednass secured by this <br />Trust Deed to Trustee, Trustee shall reconvey the oropetty without warranty and <br />wJthoul charge 10 tile persons legafly entitled Ihereto. The Grantee In any <br />reconvev.nce may be described as ..the person or persons entitled thef.'o," and <br />the recitals therem of an)' matters or tacts shall be conclusive proof ot the <br />truthfulness thtlfeot. Such person or persona shall pay all coals of recording, If any. <br /> <br />25. AcceWaUon in m. Eftnt of Tl'1Inalar.ln the evant the title to said r..1 est.ta Is <br />transfeneO, or contracted to be transferred, from the under-slgned fOr any r8Uon or <br />by any method whatSOEtVeL the en tile principal sum and accrued lnteteal shall at <br />ooee become due and paVable at the election of the Beneficiary. Failure to exercise <br />lhl~ option because of transfer Of title as at)owt stated In 00$ Instance shall not <br />conslllute.. >Naiver 01 the fight to elterclse the .am. in the event of any subsequent <br />Iransf&!". <br /> <br />1'11. Tt'Il. d.-d 01 tru,t IBluntor to OM dated __.._ <br /> <br />.....~ut4KI ~ TrU.tOf to <br /> <br />_. .____~_._______~...__ Trutt... <br /> <br />MCI.Itlng.. ptlnclpal nole fOI <br /> <br />Oollar~ and tlItd tor 'Kord wltn {rle Reglater 01 Oeeda and I~ntifted ..Ioltowl; <br />