<br />r
<br />
<br />25th
<br />
<br />
<br />cay of
<br />
<br />Ma rch
<br />
<br />83-1)01718
<br />,19 83
<br />
<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this
<br />bea/1dbetween:
<br />(A) Marcus J, Snow and Pamela H.
<br />
<br />Snow. Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />-i
<br />
<br />, whether one or more, herein-
<br />lR?O SO'lth A...th'lr, h...~nri T<:l<lnri,
<br />
<br />aWn called "Trustor" whose mailing address Is
<br />Nebraska 68801
<br />, John A. Wolf
<br />
<br />(B)
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />and
<br />
<br />(C)
<br />
<br />address Is P 0 Rov 4?R, h...~nrl T<:hnri. Nphr~<:b heeO?
<br />Fir<::t Niltionil1 R;ink of hrilnri T<:lilnrl, hrilnri T<:l~nri. Nphr~<:k~
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address Is
<br />
<br />P,O. Box 1768. Grand Island. Nebraska 68802
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1,00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby aCknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated in Ha 11 County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />See Attached Exhibit "A"
<br />
<br />The Intention being to convey hereby In absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING peiformanc~ of each agree~ent "OflcftW~"AWh 'lSal'tetpr herein contained
<br />andthepaymentoftheprincipalsumof Fortv-S1X Thousand FlveDOliars($46,!iOO.OO J,
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and Interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth In said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the BeneficllJl,ry or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid,shalibedueandpayableonthe 11 day of npt"pmhpr ,19 R,
<br />
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Wanantr of 'flUe. TrUStor IS lawfully seIZed of lhe Property; It has good. righl and
<br />lawfulautboflty to Mil and COO\I1ty the Property; lhe Prooeny IS ffee and clear of .11
<br />lIel\. and encumblances ..c:ept li1tns now of record; and Trustor Will warrant and
<br />dt!tland the UUe to Ihe Property unto the TlUst" and its successors and U$igns
<br />fOf8Vet. -oalnst the (llalm$ ot an per$Ons. Trustor. It it1S tUtptmse, will maintain and
<br />p......-ve the lien of thl, Trust Deed as a ~n upon the Trust Pf'Opefty subject only to
<br />encumblanc:n ..tating as.of lhe date n.tfeof, will C'~H this. Trust Dud. afld each
<br />al1\endment Of supplemont the,.to, to be filed and recordN as a mortgage 01 the
<br />Trust Proptrty in auch manner and in such place, and will take such other action as
<br />In ihe opkttaA 01 Trustee rmy be required IJy any present or fUlure 1.'0111 In on:t6r to
<br />pedecl. matntaln and protect the lien ot this Trust Deed, as the sa~ may be from
<br />tll1l4t to time am.nCktd or sup~6menhtd,
<br />
<br />2. Pa~ of Pdnctpel and ~ Tru~(Ol' snail punctually PAY the prlnci~1 01,
<br />and in..,. on, Hid promiS$Ol'y note Including any advanctl$ thereto as provitMd
<br />hWaIn Of\- ttle dates anQ- at tbe p!aee and In the menner provided therein linG: will
<br />punctutl.~ ~ ~t agreementa, conditiOns and p.OYISlons of ..ny other security
<br />InlItnIl;Mnt.gtdn in connection with this transaction.
<br />
<br />3. ~ .nd....... oI_Ptopeny. Truslor Will not commit any was.te
<br />upon ttM Property and will, at all times.. mamtatn the same in good Older and
<br />condttlon_and wut make. from time to time, all repairs, renewal$.. replacemerds.
<br />addlUcna -and- ~~t.. whic:h are f9U0nablt required to priJ'i.nt waste,
<br />fmpaUtnenJ. Qr.ueteOoraUon of Hid- PfOJMM1Y. No building or improvement f'!OW Of
<br />herMftaf;: IN'OCted upon the Pro~rtv Shall be allered. r"molled or demolished
<br />wj~'U.pnor.flt_ con&IIIntolgerlef~ry.
<br />... ~,to ~ tn ease 01 any damage to. or destructIOn of. the buUdtng$,
<br />l~ Q( petlVJMl plOp6fty conamutino pan of the Trust Property, whetheJ
<br />~,-- j$ COwOf8d by in-sur.ance Of IQt~iw. TrustOf, .at ils sate- cost and
<br />........ .hl ~IY -<<t~_ r~i1, r~ and .rebt.#td tn. same as nNfly &$
<br />Pf_~t~ to Its cond-iJ1on l.nmediately pilQ< to SUCh damagit or dastrvction or with
<br />-such_ c:t\ang46 and .ac".UOll$ llS Truster may deem apl>fopri&te ptovided such
<br />~ _.net ....ttol'la c#o not maleri&li~ lesMrl t~ v&lu_e and utility of -lAIc-h
<br />~ ~t$ and-peraon&lily from that ..iStlng imrM-af&tel~ pnor to
<br />sl$b ~ or OMtNCUon.. trustOt en.lI be_.nuUed to r.imb\.~~ent from the
<br />t~_to_1htt,~tQf t-he ~ inw!'ance ~ r-eq,i..o bV Trust... but onty to
<br />tfte:~totl"'-aet'* :Wm..~_1U1dot thiS Plomion.
<br />5o,~....,.,..... ttT",stot t. .. COfClOJ_t1on, it wm do aU things ~li&ry 10-
<br />OIlIMM,~,'COfpOf.tte "-lSl~. 'IOhts I1Id: pri.Uegn UoMt 1"el."$ 01 tM slale of
<br />",i~
<br />
<br />e, ~, T~, at ii.. eJlpIlnM, 'lfl-tl maintain WIt" IM\iIQI$ appn:netl by
<br />.....~._~~ ,With ~ to t"- tm~m,.1\-4 ~$Qoai ~,ty,
<br />~_.. ~ 1Q<\tS_,loM bw t~ i~tnu'Q, tOt~t''-.1\O t>thfr pvtll.\
<br />~''''_~_''~~.~I,_m-&1-'-amounttq\,;:-at tQI.t
<br />..... 0fltJ'~ ~,ot iN ~ raol'I~ m_ t~ecl; an-d i.navra~
<br />~t-t~~~.and In fV(;hamoun_t., t'(:\l$h'~n.sriJY c<tnOtif by OWt\ef1l
<br />~,,_~,d ~ ~~_*Ad n hn,efJ,i;-Wl" m.J' ttoQl.tlff fl)t if.
<br />~~ T~ .jlf_~fl" &l;l"-'l QtNf !~~lh: n BMCfl1ciaf'; (1';.,.
<br />f!IQil\, t:tM m 1lfM- .tqW.~ 10r 1'- ~~ b~ lMwarw;.. o~ :h8 t>'l$4JIOIn Of tM
<br />
<br />re$DeCtive parties. AU insurance policies maintained pursuant to rt\IS Trust Deed
<br />shall name Trustee and BeneUela!)' as insureds, as theIr respective interests may
<br />appear, and provkH that there shall be no cancellation or mOdilicatlon without
<br />fif'-n days priof written noUfic.lton 10 Trustee and BenefiCiary. In the event any
<br />policy hereundet ~ nol renewed on or before flfteen days prior to its expiration
<br />dat., Trust" or 8en.ficiaf)l may procur6 iiuch Insurance and the C05t thereof shall
<br />be added to the loan secured by this Tf\lSI Deed and shall bear interest at lhe
<br />gr..ler of the intetest rate specified therein or the hlgtleat Inletel/;1 rate authoriz.ed
<br />by the laws of lhe $t,te of Nebraska. Trustor shall dellller to Beneficiary the original
<br />pellc," of Insurance and ren.WIIs. thereof or memo copies of s~h policies and
<br />renewals thereof. Failure to furnish insurance by Trustor, or renewals as required
<br />hereunder shatt, at the option of BeneUclary, consUlute a defauU_ All unq,nect
<br />premiums are hereby assigned 10 Trustee as additional security and a sale and
<br />con1teyanee of the Property by U'I8 Trustee shall operate to convey to Ihe purchaser
<br />the Trustor's interest in and to all poltcies of insurance upon the Trust Property.
<br />
<br />7, Tax.. and .....1fMft... Trustor shaU pay ..II tal(es and special a-asessmenls
<br />Ie-'I'ied Of assessed againsl or due upon the Property before delinquency, and wUl
<br />deity&, to B.nefiClary c~ies of receipts showing payment of such laxeS and
<br />special assessments, If Beneficiary shall &0 request, Trustor agrees that there shall
<br />be adde4 to each periodic paymant required to be made hereunder an amount
<br />estimated by Ttustu to be sulflcient 10 an.able TruslOf to pay. al ~ast 30 days
<br />before delinquency, ..II taxes, assessments or other publk: chalg" against the
<br />Tf\lSt Property, the Note secured by !hlS Trust Deed. or upen account oj the debt or
<br />the lien 01 this Trust Deed. togf1ther lNith premiums fOf insurance- teqwred to be
<br />provided under Ihis Trust Deed and no interest Shall be payable to Trustor U'l
<br />respect thereof. Upon dement! by Trustee.. Trustor shall deliver to Trustee such
<br />3dditional surma of O\Ofl8y as are necessary to make up any deficiency in tha
<br />amounts necessary toanable lrUluee Ie pay any of the for8ijOing items
<br />
<br />8. AddIttoftaI Llana. Tru5tor shall make "II payments of inlerest and priO(;jpal and
<br />payments of .ny other charges. fees, and "J.penses conltecttld to be paid to Qny
<br />existing hen t'IOl~ or prtor benefielaries IJndef any prior TNst ~, Mortuag" Of
<br />other ,ecl,1rlly agreement, beflill'e lhe date they are delinQoent and 10 pay any oUlar
<br />claim which J~fd.lze. the ""urlty ;ranted twNelfl.
<br />
<br />9. ProltcUon of ......Idarf. Seourlty. Should Trustor tail 10 make any payMent.
<br />tan to do any &<:1 as. herein proviged, Of it any action or proceealng Is commenced
<br />which materially .ttecu. 8ef\4lflciary's lnter.s'ln the P~rty, inc1uo1ng, bOt tlOt
<br />limit.u to, eminent domain, In$QIVltncy, anangament. Qf plocefldJng.s involvlnii a
<br />ban.rupl Of dtced$Ol. I~ Beneficiary or TlU.t.. but without Obugatloo to do 10,
<br />.nd *'thout i'Wti" to or demand upon TruetOJ'. and wut10Ul (.,IGaIllng Tru.1Of hom
<br />any obligation f'ler~mMr. may make ur do the aame, and may pay, purch",e,
<br />con'''l or compromise any enQumblance. chafge Of l~n. whlct! In the judgement ot
<br />e-n~ '~a to affect ,aid propetty; to 1!1t.tcl1,InQ any $-\)ch PO'oll8/'1. tn.
<br />Beoa-tlc~ry Qt THai" rrnly ine~H an, liilbility and expend ""hale...er amo-unts.
<br />mclUding di-sbur..m.nts ql f.."onabie ltlOfll.Y'.1l fo,",. wt'tlch Ul Iheit &b:wlute
<br />dl-tcr.tkln. may n. n~I."'.ry. If\ "'I. ov~t that TfU&tOf shall fail I(l prOCUfIl
<br />il\SWance or to pay taJj." .no $p6C:lal auellstnfml. Ot (0 Il'Ill~{l ari~ p-8Vfntmls to
<br />fl1(1.n~ Of pliQr IItlrt hOldera Of bttne-tlcia1ies, tno 8e~H{'.'MY rfl~'f j.'!;l)C"It! Si./cll
<br />i~t"nctllIn(J~. aUCh Pil-ym.nb:. Au "1m$. illCutt&('l Of il!!),-p..o\-1~<-l Qr 8{I,MhcI.r~
<br />~ ftu.t.. H'l .C()w-daR~e with 1M i1-!o'o-J-$.iOtlll o,f Iht1lo hual ~l .r~ se\.IHI':Kt l'IefClbw
<br />