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<br />"-'-T'-:- ~-r ~--r ~---T-r----- <br />I :1 .....:-, 2 I : I ~ t~i3J ~r ':JJOI, <br />I ~..' 'I E . 1 I E .,..-;0-;1..<1....'.'"..,... ". ...v....,."'z(,f <br />!l I t I ,,'~.~,.: .,' - ""I' '" <br /> <br />D~ I! z ~ I It., ~ Ei !i~;' I V <br />~ r \1 i.. ~ ~ i Co Q c.~ tl ~ I>, <br />.cr; .:1 -l"'.olj 1"--. .?~........J <br /> <br /> <br />. i ~\ ~~. ,q I I: ~ i ;r::r 1,1:rH4;;;' I <br /> <br />~ ' '.' t.: 3 ," x....... X' ~, i I <br />!'1 L ,.'~' : 1 "' <;! i-;;;"'771~1! ! <br />~>_ I~~" I i E., t-rt l (:c'r~~l)j"' I <br />~----_.~~-,.::__..._- --- ,.::~~,,:Q;:::,tl.9_II <<:-. ~a . ...........-1,1 ;....... <br />, 'ON loowo:lO(l SIt ""'U3 1 <br />! <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />(6) That in the event any awards are made to t.he Mortgagors or the1r Successors in interest for takIng or damaging <br />by the exercise of eminent domain the whole or .rmy part of the mortp;aged premises or any easement therein, the sald <br />awards are hereby assigned to 'the Mortgagee; the Mortgagee 1s hereby authorlzed to r.:ollect. receive, and receipt <br />ther~ror and to apply the same 1n payment ot MY tndebtedness. matured or unmatured, secured by this Iflortgage. <br />(7) That 1n the event Mortgagors defa\llt 1n the ~ayment of sa1d prlno1pa1 sum, or of any installment thereof, or <br />of any interest t..hereon. at the time when the same shall be dUP-, or with respect to any covenant or cond1tion here- <br />of-, then. at the option or Mortgagee, the enUre indebtedness secured hereby shall forthwIth become due and payable, <br />sball bear 1nt<lrest at the default rate descr1bed !n said note, and the Mortgagee may !nunedlately foreclose th1s <br />mortgage or pursue any other ava.lla.ble legal reme<l,v. <br />fa) That In- the event actlon ls broUght to foreclose thIs mortgage, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to lmmediate <br />posseSS!on- of the mortgaged premIses, and the court May appo1nt a recelver to take possessIon of said premises, wIth <br />the u:Stial powers ot receIvers 1n llke cases. <br />(9)_ That failure or delay of Mortgagee to exercise any of 1 ts rlghts or prIvlleges shall not be construed as a <br />waiver thereof; t.hat any act or- Mortgagee waIVing any spec! fie default of Mortgagors shall not- be construed as a <br />wa-!ve-r- ot any future defaults; that 1~ case of default in the payment of any amortization Jnstallments or- interest, <br />or 1n case of payment by Mortgagee of any lien. judgment, tax, insurance, cost or expense, or rents, fees or charges, <br />said Mortgagee- sha.ll have the prlvllege, without declaring t.he whole indebtedness due find payable, to !oreClose-' an <br />aCCount of such specific de-fault for such sums as are in default and such foreclosure proceedings may be__ had 'and <br />the- land described herein may be sold, subject to t.he Unpal!l indebtedness hereby secured, and this mortgage shall <br />cont1nue as a lien for any unpaL1 balance. <br /> <br />Cl0) That the Mortgagee may extend and defer the maturl ty of and renew and reamorttze ;:;ald Indebtedness, release <br />from IJ abl 11 ty any party llable thereon, and f'elease f~'om the 11en he!"eof portions of the property covered, hereby, <br />without affect1ng the prlorl ty 'hereof or t11e 1 tablltty 0f Mortgagors or any other -party for the payment of sald <br />1ndebtedness, all such extensions, ::1eferments, renewals, and rearnort1zatians to be secured hereby. <br /> <br />(11) Transfer of Security. It is agreed be'.:ween ti)1? parties hfTPta, ~,rlelr he1rs. legal representatives and assigns, <br />that the integrity and responsibility or the Mortgagors a part of tlle consider-atlon for the note secured <br />hereby, and that in the event We Mor'tp;agors Sheill sell, Lransfer, or convey the property described herein, the <br />Mortgagee may at tts oPttOD declare tIle entire indebtedness lmmedtatHl.v cue and payable and may proceed 1n the en- <br />forcement of lts !"1ghts as on -any ather det"aulL In the terms of the note and mortgage. <br /> <br />(12) ASSignment of Proceeds or MIneral Lease. Morr.gagors hereby transfer, set over, a..'1d convey to Mortgagee all <br />rents. royalties, bonuses, 3.nd delay moneys that tnli,y from nme t.o t.1me become due and pa.yable under any oIl, gas, <br />or other mlneral lease of any kind ;10W exlst:ng (Jr' triat may ll-ere3.rter come lnto existence, coverlng the above land <br />or any part thereof. All such sums ,so received by :'10T"t2;agee :;hall be applted to t.he tndebtedness secured hereby: or <br />saId Mortgagee may at lts opt-lon turn over 3.nd deliver to the Mongagors or t1Jelr successors in Interest, any or all <br />of such sums wlthont prejudice to r',r Morcgagee t~ rights L1 ta.l<e .f!.nd retain future sums, and without prejudice <br />to any of 1 ts. other rt~t~ under mortgage. Thf:' tr~msf8:- ,'!nd ':0flveyance HEr'Junder to Mortgagee of saId refits, <br />royalt1es, bonuses, a..'1d (:elay moneys shan be construed be provIsIon fOT" the payment or reductIon or the mort- <br />gage debt, subject to the 1'1ortgap;ee IS opt1on as hereInbefore r;:'l1vlded, :nclepenie!1t. 01' the mortgage lIen on said real <br />estate. Upon payment 1n full of t,he mot'cga;;Z;e Jebt and thf> n'le,':!se ('.! this ~'}!~tgage of record, this convey?..nce Shall <br />become inoperatIve and of no :tiJrt-h€:; force and Affect. <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br /> <br />(flo--n'1s ar.d phrases hereir., i'!lCL';i/iin.p the llcknOlt.,L,d(1Jr,-.'nt <br />r.'U/ltbe-rs and as :i'lasc'U [,il'..e, :'f>-min i1'".e . 0'" l'"'- pe-rrie7', <br /> <br />\0EAL} <br /> <br />~'--,~/ m~ <br />~anor ar ens <br /> <br />:5E;\;.. \ <br /> <br />,.sEA!~ ) <br /> <br />SlATE OF <br /> <br />A/c:D.e/l ').t-A <br />J--h:tL.L <br />.. <br /> <br />} "', <br /> <br />CO!.)NTY J, <br /> <br />on thiS Shnay or /!PICIL. <br /> <br />. A.D.. .1~l,gJ, t>Jfc!''O' ;1':0', a t--;atat--y P;~bl1(' in and for ~:;ulti Count.y and <br /> <br />State, persona.lly a-ppeared <br /> <br />Delbert L. Martens and Eleanor Martens, husband and wife, <br /> <br />to me known tobe the persons named in a-n;j who ex('-c-utr.j the fore_-;olng ln8tr~H'1eHt. .:indackn-ov\led.ged that tl1ey execut.ed <br />t.he same ,as their volun . '-\ deed. <br /> <br />MY commlsslon e-xpLres <br /> <br /> <br />/."/ <br /> <br />~~~ZJ~~~ <br /> <br />{Typo: or print t'3ree- unde-r signature I <br />N'Jtary Publ~C" in :lnd for sale C8unLy and St:tL-0 <br /> <br />H <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />';.j <br />;~ <br />II, <br />F.'..I <br />H <br />;'i <br /> <br />" <br /><> <br />.. <br />III <br />'" <br />.. <br />.r <br />'" <br />% <br />.... <br />o <br />.. <br />.. <br />=> <br />.. <br />.. <br />... <br /> <br />.... <br />~. <br />If'l <br /><'> <br />o <br />~l <br />~t <br />I <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />.. <br />:; <br />! a <br />. ,! <br />I ~ ~ <br />;, .... j <br />~,... 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