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<br />r <br /> <br />'83:=,)oi <br /> <br /> <br />S REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br /> <br />FORM FL8 208 <br /> <br />Date April 1, 1983 <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />! <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />! <br />! <br />I <br /> <br />Delbert L. Martens and Eleanor Martens, husband and wife <br /> <br />, Mortgagors. <br /> <br />of Hall county, Nebraska !n consideration of <br />the advance or the prtncipe.l sum reclt.ed in the note hereInafter described. receipt of which 18 aCknowledged, hereby <br />mortgage and convey to <br /> <br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF DIIAHA, a Corporation, <br />of Omaha, Dougl as County, Nebraska, whose address <br />is Farm Credit Bui Iding, Omaha, Nebraska 6B100, <br /> <br />Mortgagee (subject to 011, gas, and mineral rl11ht.s owned b,y part.1es other th~n Mortgagors; existing easements ot <br />record; reservations- In United States Hod State p-'3.tellt.:~; and Uil;} rIghts of the public in all highways). the followlng- <br /> <br />Hall coun:y, Nebraska <br /> <br />described real esr~ate in <br /> <br />SEC, <br /> <br />TWP. <br /> <br />RG, <br /> <br />E~NW\SW~ and a tract of land comprising all of the East One <br />Half of the Southwest' Quarter (.E\SW~), excepting therefrom <br />a tract of land described as follows: Beginning at the <br />Southeast corner of said E~SW~, thence Westerly along the <br />South line of said E~W~ a distance of One Thousand TWenty- <br />Three and Thirty-Five Hundredths (1,023.35) Feet; thence <br />Northerly, parallel to the West line of said E~SW~, a dis- <br />tance of Two Hundred Fifty-Eight and Three Hundredths <br />(258.03) Feet; thence Easterly parallel to the South line <br />of said E~W\ a distance of One Thousand Twenty-Three and <br />Forty-Seven Hundredths (1,023.47) Feet to a point on the <br />East line of said E~SW~ thence Southerly a distance of Two <br />Hundred Fifty-Eight and Three Hundredths Feet (258,03) to <br />the point of beginning - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - <br /> <br />W 6th P.M, <br /> <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />! <br />j <br />I <br />1 <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />! <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />j <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />: I <br />d <br />HI <br />II I <br />;11 <br />, 11 <br />:...'.......~.!... .i'.. ~lm;~~ 1~~~:v~t-h~i~1~~~~~~Q~~_o~~h~dt~ .J;~j~~t-ie~I,;1u~ ar?~~.~~'{:'iie~a, <br /> <br />P:tij'Ytit. 1~oottse-~ (}J" trt"J:..n~~; (1[' HD1'tg;ag~o it': r~q\l1r~d etp$"ntH;S <br />ttJ;:lJitnst,)-.&. a:n~1f)ttHn"" i':~~fo!S 1n ;'QnrJ~C'tl~~n "'Un U'tt~?i'l("'~ ~'~T'::tV'l;g~->" ~lj' ""~J..~ <br /> <br />.......' 1'.'.. ~ ~;~br:ci~J::t:i;1:j~~;jH1~-Sl ~~?tful~;:~.t~~l~::\h;:~ri~~ b;~t~;)~~J(r~t <br />" in: tM n~t{l1-~ <br />"c."~'t",,.h'.""" <br />. ~ <br /> <br />llN <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />- 10 <br /> <br />C'ont'1!nlng 94 ''''C'''', "Gce <br />'new owned or hereafter ;icQulret1-\ c.~ :rlE:' M[)rt J:fii,z-L':-S ~L <br />Dr appurtenar:.ces thereon ~1: ~lei'e8 fter t" lar;~.!j the reo!! ; <br />hereal tament-s, .:md appurtfmance-s thereto :l,il,j t..:,t) ~.'?n L,. 13::WJ:'.. <br />L.'1e Mortgagorsl r1ghts in the p11tllf" ':j()maln are requ!-:'t'J <br />lIcense-s. orpr1vl1eges. I.lppurtena..,'1t- or- :iQna.ppurt.enant f.,] <br />or renewed tn r.he M-ortgagors by the Un! t,pj :~tat.f'S QI' Ule :.:t.[lt.f' 1;1 <br />any departtnsnt. bureau, or ageue.r thereaf. <br /> <br />:;g-etrJeT wi th iJ.ll or the rllmt, title, add interest <br />~!1~lllj1;:g {!.l.L butldlngs, Improvements, nxtures, <br />!r;'h;11.t~on. '-md drainage rights; the tenements, <br />3.nd ;)~Qn ts arising from said lands: and (if <br />ror- seem'l r.y purposes) all leases. penn! t.s, <br />r-re:nlses, now or hereafter Issued. extended. <br />t.h~ abQve-descr!bed property 1s located or <br /> <br /> <br />11115 mortgage 13 glve-n to secure i1 -promissory nnte of eVt'n ~~:ltE' ~,t"'r't~wltll, executed by Mortgagors to Mortgagee, In <br /> <br />Llle pr!nclpal sum of TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND NOnOO - - - - - - - - - _. - DOI.LARS, <br />p~ab}e ','11th lnter-est 'lceordlng tL) Ute terms f"lf ;-nL: !:-::te, ttw r~n31 ::':iyme-Ilt !Jetng due and payable on the flr3t day <br /> <br />of <br /> <br />March, 1993 <br /> <br />n11~ '.~onve.Y:t.;!"t' ~it~;.~l be \"81.j upon thf.' p,\vment of said promiSSOry note. <br /> <br />thiS mortgage is subject t,o the rrovls1ons of THE fAHM CRED~T ACT :1no ~ill act.s amendatory thereof or supplemental <br />tbereto. The proceeds of the loan secure{j hereby w111 t'e use:j f;)r ttle purposes speclfled In the Mortgagorst appli- <br />cation tor said loa..'l and aut.horized by sald Act. <br /> <br />The Mortgagors, and each of nlem, 11ereby warrant that (,hey ,~-e fee owners of the mortgaged real property; that they <br />wIll defend t.he title agaln::it. all clalr.lants w!1o~soeve-r. 1:'X~',1 that sall: properr.y 13 free from all encumbra'1ces: that <br />they will keep all the improvements, fixtures. HZVj fln:U~'tenlllll'es \.'~~'~l.1pied end tn good repair a.'1d permit no acts of <br />waste; and they will rellnqulsh all rights of home~tea-C. ln ss.ld p:-emlses. and covenant and agree wIth t.he Mortgagee, <br />1S follows-: <br /> <br />{ll That they- wlll :pay when due aU t_cue-s. liens. Judgme-nt~. <"}; aSseS.:S111ents which may be lawfully assessed against <br />t,he property herein mortgaged. <br /> <br />(2) '!'hat they will tnsure and keep lnsul'ed bulltllngs c,", (lther l~provemenrs now on or which may hereafter be placed <br />on said premises- to the satisfaction of t.he Mortgagee. S:.rCf, lnsur::-mce polley shall be endorsed w1 th 8. mortgage clause <br />wltn the-loss thereunder to be psyable to) the Mort.gage.?:. Any .sams recelved may be used to pay for reconstruction <br />of the destroyed lm.provements: or, if not, sa ~pplled, m_~'. 3t the or'Uon 0:' the Mortgagee, be ttp'Pl1ed 1n payment of <br />-frJ1Y indebtedness. matured or unm~"itured, secure-d by ':hl.::'- ;7;,~!'"t>~~.'1,ge. <br /> <br />{3-}' 1'0' pay -all rents. fees. or charges now due -Or" t,{; t,ecome (;ue under the t.erms of each lease. permit, license. or <br />prl'\tl-le_&e- on the- publIc domaIn Which is appurtenant 0:' ~lGnlippurtenant to the mortgaged premises, whleh tms been <br />lS$UiJu. exte:nd-ed. or rene-wed by the united St-S:tes or the st(:ttf::. tn wtltch ttle above-descrIbed property is located; and <br />t.o 'P6_t'torm a.'ld oos--erve every act, '.)Qvenant, _condltlon, and ~tlp-ulat1on necessa.ry to keep each or the sarne 1n good <br />st.anding; and to take every- necessary step to secure t-rle reissue, !'enewa..l. or extension of eacH or the same; and t.o <br />a$slgn~ mt-lve-.. -pledge, or -endorse to the Mo["tgag~l? e~Gh l;,~:i::=;f}. r,prmlt, license, or l)!'lvllege i~ Mort.gago!"$' rights <br />In--pub-He- -1~ln are -requ!r~d by Mo-rtgg.gee tor securIty Pl1:"'P;':'S8S. <br /> <br />t4l- Tbat 1h th& E'vellt the MOrtgag-eq is ft party tiJ t!i{Bt.10!l ::trrectlng the securlty l1!' t:.he lten of lts mort'" <br />a;~-~' __lQGloo:lng any 'SUIt by tJw Mo-rtg3.gee to foreclose a3rtgt"ge or any t-~ul t In Which t.he t10rtgagee may be named <br />3_ -f:Mty- oot-en~t-ln Wh1ch It 13 OblIgated to protect r-lgnt::: or lien. l!i{)lmUng coo-:1ernnatJcn am1 bCluKrupccy <br />tf~-1l!;;-e-;Q--dtng.s,t rlW Hor-tgage~ may lncur -ex(.-renses nt1vaae\'! p'1.ymBnt ;Jf -!\b8.~:;'''!ct feE'S, f.\U:'-Or1Vi'Y fe-es ( t.G th~) <br />..:tt~t prob\bltet1 bY law), COSt-54 eX{.l>e-ns&s, ;:Lt);j <,tller f':l~l.,rg~:':. <br /> <br /> <br />il <br />!i <br />II <br />;! <br />II <br />I! <br />II <br />" <br />11 <br />I" <br />Ii <br />II <br />,I <br />II <br />!j <br />it <br />In <br />III <br />I, <br />II <br />Ii <br />II <br />I' <br />I <br />I <br />! <br />f, <br />l' <br />'I <br />II <br />Ii <br />11 <br />Ii <br />.I <br />II <br />II <br />II <br />H <br />II <br />'I <br />tt <br />Ii <br />II <br />H <br />\1 <br />a <br />jl <br />II <br />II <br />II <br />l! <br />!! <br />11 <br />II <br />if <br />II <br />n <br />if <br />Ii <br />'i <br /> <br /> <br />Ii <br />H <br /> <br />H <br /> <br />:i <br />'1. <br /> <br />" <br />i <br />; <br />q <br />