<br />83- 001604
<br />
<br />and, withOut demand. shall be lmnwdlalely due 8M payable by Trustor and 81'10;11
<br />bea1lntO/est at the maximum allowable legal rate: provided. however. that at the
<br />option of BeneficIary Of TrUl,tee such sums may De added to 1M princIpal balance
<br />0; any Indebtedness secured hereby and 9h$1I bear the same f!lleresl 85 !!ouell
<br />i.ndeb~ednesa and shall be payablB ralably over tl'M:! remaining term thareot
<br />
<br />10. AHIgnmetlt of Rent.. Beneficiary shall ha...e the rlghl. power and aUlhorlty
<br />during theCOlltlnuance jol thIs Trust Deed to collect the rants. tsWftS and profits of
<br />the Property and of any personal property located thereon with or WIthout taking
<br />poquaJon of the property sHeeted herMJy, and Trustor hereby abSOlUtely and
<br />unconditionallY assigns all such rents, i$SUfl and profits to BenefiCiary
<br />Baneflolary, hoW$Y81, h$reby (:on5enIS to the Trustor's collecUQn and retention 01
<br />such renta, Issues and profits 8S they aacrue and bBCOmi! payable so fang Cl8
<br />Trustor Is not, at St.:ch times, tn defaull With respec1 to payment 01 any
<br />If'ldebtedAesS- securvd hereby or In the oerlormance of any agreel1\flnt hereunder
<br />Upon any $uchdefault, Beneficiary may at any time, aithl'Jr In per80n. by agent, or by
<br />. -receiver to be- II.ppotntlM1 by e court, wlthoul notice and withoul l<1Uard to the
<br />adequacy ot any security for the jndabted~38 I'lereby secured (al emer up(/n and
<br />take posaeaalon- ot the Property or any part thereot and in its own name sue tor or
<br />otherwise collect such renta., ItlSU8S al'ld profits, Il"lcludlng Hlose past d\Je and
<br />unptlld, and apply lhe sam&, less costs a"d e:l"penses of operatior. and colleclion,
<br />InclUding reasonable aUorney fees, upon lliny Indebtedness secured hereby, and in
<br />such order liB Beneficiary may determine; (oj perform such acts of repaIr or
<br />protection as may be nacessary or proper to conserve tne value o! the properly: lc)
<br />1ea$8 the same or any part thereot far such rental, term, and upon such condJtions
<br />as Ita judgemanl may dictate. Unless Trustor and Beneliclary agree alherwlse In
<br />wrltltIQ. any application .01 rents, iuues .or profits to any indebtedness secured
<br />hereby shall not extend or po!l1pone the due dale 01 It'!e mstallrMnt payments as
<br />pl'OYlded III saId promls.sory note or ctwnge the amounl of !ouch If/slallmen-J.s The
<br />entering upon and taking possession ot the Property. tile COllection (If such renls,
<br />Issues and proflls, and the application thereof as alorss-sJd, snail not waive or cure
<br />any default or nollee Of detaul! hereundef, Of inva!ldate ;'Iny act done pursuant to
<br />such notice. Trustor also a~sjgns to Beneficiary. as lurthe< seeurity 10f the
<br />perfOfmance of the obligations secured hereby. all prepaid rents. aod all monies
<br />which m,y have been or may hereafter ~dapo-sited WIth S_3.1d Trustor by anI' lessee
<br />ot the Property. to se(;ute the payment 01 any fent. and upon delaull In !l1-"l
<br />performance 01 any at the prOVisions hereol Trustor agrees to delC\o"er su<:;n rents
<br />and deposits to the Beneficiary. Delivery of wntten notlce 01 the BenefICIary's
<br />exercise 01 the rights granted hereIn, to any tenant occupymg said preml.,es shall
<br />be sufficient to r&qUlre said tenant to pay said rent to !he Bena-ficlary lImll further
<br />notice
<br />
<br />11. L....:f pqm..... Within 10 days after demand, Trustor shllli furnish to Trustee
<br />a schedule emitted to be true, (;ettlng fonh all leases Of space tr1 the Trust
<br />Property then In effect, inCluding, In each case. the name of the tenant3 and
<br />occupants. II. de&crlptlon of the space occupied by 8ucn tenent ana occupant. the
<br />rental payable fO( ~uch space and such oltler information and documants with
<br />rMP$Ct to such leases and tenancies as lhe Trustee may fsquest
<br />
<br />WithOut the prior wrltteo conse-nt of Tru.stee, TrlJt'l10f shall not. C1irectly or
<br />Indlrectty, with respect to any lall$e ot 5pace in the descrIbed preml!Jes, whether
<br />such lease is now or hereafter In exlstence: !a) accapl or permit any prepaymenl.
<br />dlacount Of adVance lent payable thereunder; (0) C3nCfll or terminate !he same. or
<br />accept any cancellation, termlnallon or aurrender Ih&I&of, or ~rmll any event ro
<br />oecUf whiCh woukJ entitle the lessee thereunder to term mate or cancellhe same: Ie!
<br />amend Of" modify the same 5.0 as to reduce the term thareot the rflntal pilyable
<br />thenlunder, or to chartge any renewal provisions therein contained: (d) wafve any
<br />default therwrnier or breach thereof; tel give any consent, waiver m approval
<br />thereundttf or take any other action In connecllon therewith. or wltn a lessee
<br />thetwnder, which would have the eHect ot Impairlng the value ot lesoor.s Interest
<br />ther8under, on the Property subject t!'leuJ!o. or ot Impairing U'le position or mterest
<br />of the Trustee 01 Beneficiary; or (I) Hit uslgn, pledge, mortge"ge or otherwise
<br />dlaposeo', or encumber, Its Internt In any such lellse or any rente, I,"ve$ or profits
<br />laauJng or artslng thereunder
<br />
<br />12. COndIlmnatton.lf tltis to any part 01 t~ Property Shilll be til~en In condemnaHon
<br />proc..oinOt:, by riCht of emlnenl darnllln Of similar actlCm. 6-r shall be sold unoer
<br />th.....t of condemnation, aU awards, damages and proceed$ are hereby uslgoed
<br />and ahall be ptl.td to Beneficiary whO $hall apply such aw.rds, damages and
<br />proceed. to the .uma secured. by the Tru-:st Deed, with the exces.s, if any. pa.id to H1e
<br />Trustor. Trustor witt promptly, and ';lOlIh due diligence, repair. altef and restore Ihe
<br />remairnnQ part of the Trust Property to its former 1;OfIdltl-on substafllullly :0 the
<br />extent tflct1be same may be feasible ",no so as 10 constltut& ii com!)lete and usable
<br />unU.
<br />
<br />13._F....... ~ Upon t'&quest of Trustor, Be.netlClary, a1 8enelk:iary'1S optIOn.
<br />prior to reconveyllRC$ of the Proparty to th$ Trustor, may make future advances to
<br />the Trustor. Such future advanc"-o With intefest U'mreon, shaH be Meured by this
<br />TNat Deed when evidenced by promissory notes statlng Ihat $aid notes tlr~
<br />MOU~ hereby, provided that at no time shajj th$ secured princlpa!, luture
<br />advanoM, not InclUding !$ums advanced to protect the 88CtJrlty, ellceeo 0%
<br />hlJf\dAd percent (100'f8-) 01 the anginal prmcipai amounts Secufttd Il;tf"eby
<br />
<br />t4."--" CunulaUn. All remedies prO\'il.1ed hi 1111s Trust Deed are di.stlOct ano
<br />cumulative to -.ny other I~ht or I'8me(Iy under this Ttl.t8t Deed or IItforaeo by iaw 0'
<br />equity. and.,.y be .xetciseo concurrentty, Independently or IUcc8ulveJy.
<br />
<br />15. ~ ........... s.-. Upon default by Trustor In the payment Of an.,
<br />1ndMt.... -HCUred hereby Of In the perfolmance 01 any ~reement herwndtlr.
<br />Benef~ may dec-lace all sums QCUred hereby Immediately due and ~yaDle by
<br />deIMry to T~ 01 written declatf;tton 01 default. Tl'Kt TNat-ee &hall heve ttle
<br />powet' of .... af the ProJ*tY and If BenefiCiary dUlrn the ~y to. ~ 3-o.ld, It
<br />ahallOepoau with Trustet this Trust 0Hd and all ptomiuory not" and documents
<br />~ expendltur.. MCured hereby. alld $hall dal"" to Trust.., a written
<br />~ 01 cMIault end election to. cavae the Property to. be SOld. and the Trustee in
<br />turn abali prep.tta a $imiw Notk:e In tl\& form required by ~w, which shan be- dlJl,
<br />flMld for teOOfd by Truet.o.
<br />
<br />(a) An. the ~ (If such time .s may be required by law tOUowrl(lQ tt\e record.
<br />aUofl of HkI notice at default, and noilctl o.f def~lt and notiCe of sal. having
<br />been givwlat Atquirttd by law. TN.t..-, wlthOt.lt demand Of'! Trustor, shall Mil
<br />the PtopMty on the date ana at the time and pface deetgnated in setd notlce ot
<br />..... at pubHc ~tJon to the hlgh"1 biddef, lhe PUf11hase price payable In
<br />tawtut moMY of lhe United Stat...t tho lime of saN. The- petlJQfl canductlng
<br />tM"" ~._ for "'1 CIlVM he dMms expedJent, poa-1PQne the _10 from lime
<br />to-t_ ,",W" anall M COI'ftI>>eted alld, In every SUCh -GeS&. notice at ~
<br />IMnt ahali ~ gl'Yen by pub!k;: declaration thereof by suef1 penon "t the lime
<br />and .place Jnt appointed tor the sale;. pnwt(Jed, If the Hie Is postponed lor
<br />~ then (~ da1 ~ the da.y deSlgnat.d In the nonce of h", nollce
<br />~ abaft ~pen ltl 1M f&fJM man"., u the original notice of $&Ie.
<br />
<br />Trut,M -thtU 4tQCUt. -and dfii'IW to tM put~ I'tb. 0...0 co~ the
<br />~ -tOkl. but without any t::OMnan1 Of 'ilI'attanty, upt.... Of ~, Tne
<br />recttMt- tit the o..t. of 4If'I)' ~ or facta a~U .,. conc;lu$ivt; proof of the
<br />t~ lhlIrllOt My penon, InclUding 8enellelary, /MY purchaH at the
<br />.....
<br />
<br />tbt WIWt rt'Uata~ ~ravant to fM poweta heNm, lne Trust.. fN.\1 IPPty l:M
<br />~_Qf 1M Nit- to paymMt of the ~ and ~ ot .".tcWng th8
<br />
<br />==:,;:=~~_.~~:~~~:':~~
<br />tN...tn~_~jnthtOi'dWrt..$tfot.c..
<br />.. """'MIn$_i\tIM~f..tI\~{b)ift~taJeft;byTru.t.... Of
<br />1M_",~",,,,_CQidll of ~&OO ....ll theaete II DUfJU.....t
<br />~~~tM;lI'~ot..*"'-fllMi~'f!th&o<<htr'l.t.a
<br />..~_ot
<br />;t). ~-&nJ......~t..~ltI~I)on*ltn-$UC.llW.d:M01
<br />.,-.....~
<br />. AlI,tvmfUW\~;.-..,..
<br />.. n.~.dt.WJ,llO_PWtQ\"'Pif'ttmt;l_lMf.iv
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />1A DuU.s aM Ol3llgattona of Trust... (<I! fhe dutlef5 .and obHgeUons of Trustee
<br />shall be determln4w 80lely by..the Il'I.Xpr,s, ptovil!lons 01 th~ Trust Deed and Truatee
<br />&ha" not be liable e.llcepU,br.th6 pSrfg,ma.ncfl of !luCh dulles and obligations 8.S are
<br />specifically set fort" herein, and no ImpHsd covenante. or obflgetlone shall be
<br />Imf)Osod upon Trustee: {h) No pro..ISlon of Illla Tf\lst Deed shall require Tfl.lstee 10
<br />expernJ or riSk hiS own funds. or otherwise incur any financial obllgatlon In the
<br />performance ot any 01 Its duties tlereunder, or In the exerclu of any of Ita right or
<br />powers, It II shall hav8' grounds lor bellell"lng that the repayment of such funds or
<br />adeqU8t4 lndart!'nlty against sucn riSk or Ilablllly IS not reasonably assured to it; (c)
<br />Trustee may consurt wilh counsel of hIS own choosing and the ad....lce af such
<br />counael shall be lull and complete authorizatl.on and protection In the r88pect pf
<br />any action laken or suUered by it hera\Jnder In good faith and reliance thereon; (d.)
<br />Truslee mhali not be liable for any action taken by him In good faith and
<br />believed by him to be autf'lOrlZed or .....ithin the dlsctstlon Of rights of powers
<br />conferred upon Ii bytt\ls Trust Deed
<br />
<br />17_ AddItIOnal Security IM'rum."t.. Trustor. al Its expense, will execute and dellv8f
<br />to lhe Trustee, promptly upon demand, such security Instruments as may be
<br />required by Trust"'. In lorm and substance satisfactory to Trustee, co....erlng any 01
<br />the Property conveyed by this Trusl Deed, whICh securIty Instruments shall be
<br />EWdltlonal security for Trustor's faUhf\J! performance of all of the terms, covonants
<br />and condl1lons of this TruSl Deed, 1he promIssory notes secured hereby, and any
<br />olher $ecurit'l instromenlS eleecuted In connection wllh thIs tranaaetlon, SUCh
<br />Instruments shail be recorded or filed. and re-recorded and temed, at Trus1or'.
<br />el(pense
<br />
<br />18. Mlseell.neou-..
<br />
<br />{al In lt1e event any onEil 01 more ot the provisl.ons contained In this Trust Deed or
<br />the promis9ory ~o1e or any other security Instrument given in connection with
<br />this IransacUon sf1a1l lor any reason be held to be Invalid, Ulegal or
<br />unenforceable In any respect, such invalidity. !IIegaUty, or unenforceablllty
<br />:.hall. at the optlon 01 8eneflciary, not affect any other provision 01 this Trust
<br />Deed, but lhl~ Trust Deed shal! M construed as If such Invlllld, Illegal, or
<br />unenforceable prOVIsion had never been cont!lln8d herein or therein.
<br />
<br />fb\ Th!s frost Deeo shari tis construeo according to the laws of the State of
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />(ej This Trust Deed snail mure 10 and bind the heirs, legatees, devisees,
<br />admiOlstratol"S. 8l(ecutors, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.
<br />
<br />(d) Trust~ sholl pay all taxes levied upon this Trust Deed or the dabt secured
<br />hereby. together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied
<br />against tM Trustee or Beneftclary or U'Ie legal holder of said promissory note
<br />on <iCCOi.lni 01 the fr.deDtedness 6vldanced thereby.
<br />
<br />ie~ Whene..er used harem, the s!ngular number shall include tns plural, ths
<br />singular, Ihe U5e of an.... gender shall be applicable 10 all genders, and the term
<br />Beneflclary-- :'than loch/de anv payee of the Indebtedness hereby secured or
<br />any transfer l'1ereol. whell'le< b.. ooeratlol1 ollew or otherwise.
<br />
<br />19_ 5uc~..Ot TN.tH. Benel!c!ary may Irom time to time substltule a successor or
<br />successors to any Trustee flamea herem or actlnQ hereunder to execute thlt!! Trust
<br />Deed. UDon sucl' apPointment and without conveyance to the successor Trustee,
<br />th&- latter shall be 'o'esl6d "",uh aU tItle. powers. and duUes conlerred \Jpon any
<br />T'ustee herSHl r'!amed Of a-Cl!Ilj;/: nereunder. Each such appointment and
<br />suoatltutlon shell 00 mlloe by ...rlUen Instrument by Beneflclary, containing
<br />r!tterence to thIs Trust Deed and 115 place ot record, which when recorded In the
<br />office of the R9glstar 01 DeedS ot the county or counlles In which said property I.
<br />situated srl.1I be conClUSIve proof of proper appointment of the successor Trustee.
<br />The foregoing power 01 substlluUon and the pn)(:edure therefore sMII not be
<br />inclusive of the [I0W9f And procedure provided tor by law for lhe substitution of a
<br />lrUl!Itee or Trustees in lhe pIQC~ of 11'l6 TrustM
<br />
<br />20. F-on::......n..-. by hMftclary or Tru__ Not a W....... Any fotebearance by
<br />Benellclary or Trustee In e-xerclslng any rlgt'lt or remedy hereunder, or otherwise
<br />aflordtKl by applicable jaw. shall not be a. waiver ot or preclude the exercise 01 any
<br />right or rvmedy hl;treun;;1l;lf. U!lewise, the wal~8r by Benetlclll.'1 or Trustee 01 any
<br />default Of Trustor under tMs Trust Deed snail not be deem8d to be a waiver of any
<br />other 0: slm!lal celeulls suDsequenlly occurring.
<br />
<br />21 TruslOl Hot R....Hd. Ell:tenslon ot the Utn6 for payment Ot modification or
<br />amortization ot the lIums S8Cure(l by this Trusl Deed granted by Beneficiary to any
<br />succeSSQ( !fl lnterHt of Trustor shall nor operate to releaM, in any manner, the
<br />liabWty of the oriQmsJ Trustor 01 Trustor's succenor in Interest. Benetlcjlfry shall
<br />not be requirea 10 cotntrl$nce proceedings egalnst $ueh lluccasaor or flllfuae to
<br />adend time fm paymenl 0< otherwIse modify -amortization of lhe: sums secured by
<br />tl'1!, Trusl Deed by reaso~ of any demand made by the orIginal Trustor and Trus10r's
<br />SUCCIlI$S()fllln mtereSI
<br />
<br />22. o.t.utl It there ~t\.!i be a. dtJfauil under this Deed of Trust or under any prior
<br />mortg.ge, 1M B$-nellclMy may curf.t such detault and the amounts J.dvanced by,
<br />arnj other costs and uperuses of the beft4fielary In curing such default, with
<br />tnt..flt at the delault rilte cantlldned In the No1e secured hereby from the time of
<br />the. advances or payments ah.1i Of! added to thf.t indebtedness secured by this TrUllt
<br />Deed and may be coHecteo Oflfeundlllr at any time after the time 01 such advances
<br />or p.l;yfT1$lltlJ and Mlall be deemed 10 be aecured l\ereby.
<br />
<br />23. Option to FoncloM. Upon Ihe occur.nca ot any default hot8Undef, BenetlClary
<br />shall have the option to IOfeclQse this Tl"Jst Deed in the ~nner provided by law for
<br />Into t-ofecloaufe ot rrrortgaglls on r881 property
<br />
<br />24. Tnultor'. Right&, A.bMnt o.'au't. Ufihi any default In the payment of
<br />it1O~ledMss Ilf!utby se<;ur9l1 or until the bteach of any covenanl herein contained,
<br />ltle TrUSlor. Itfl Sl.."Gce"ors aod aaalgns, sha,l posselJs and enlay the property, and
<br />receive t~ rents end profits therefrom, Upon payment of all sums secured by this
<br />Trust Deed, Benefielary she-Ii request Trustee to NtCOmey the property and shall
<br />~unend61 tNI!I Trust Oettd .no aU noles evidencing !ndebtedn8$8 $eCured by thIs
<br />Trust Deed to Trustee. Trustee S-tlaH reconvey the. property without warranty and
<br />Wlthoul chl!lr(to'l 10 !I"\e perS01'lS leg.Hy ent!Uoo thereto. The Grantee In any
<br />rflCOnveyanCe mal' t>!:l tlei!criood aa .'the p&r~on 0: perllOrul entitled therelo," and
<br />the recltais thef~n of sr,,!, matters or lacls ,hall be conclusive proof of Il1e
<br />truthfulness thll'Utot. Such p6,;wn or p6f!lOOS 5haJI pay all CO$lsot recording, it any.
<br />
<br />25, ~~ In the EMnt of Tranaf.r.ln the@vent the \lUe to uld real 8$tate is
<br />transf.rTltO, or contracted 1000 Hsnslerred. trom tne undenlgned fOf any leason or
<br />by any melh(l(l whatsoe\i9f, lhe anlire prirtcip,af sum and aCCfU8Q interest shall at
<br />00Cf/ t>acoJrntCtl6 .no payable-Ill tl'\e a-iactlon of (t".. BenefiCiary. Failure to e-lIercl.e
<br />I!'HS option oecaviiti ot tnH\slur 01 Ill!'" It$. atlOv& stated in 01'H! instance shall not
<br />constitute a wiilver of the rlont io .r,,-efC\~ !lie $.ilme In the evenl of allY llubsequont
<br />uaq;.fOl'
<br />
<br />a Tht.dMldof t\Vst I. junior to 004: dated __
<br />
<br />"~"_1iLA.__ _"______.
<br />
<br />h~~..:I by : fl.l.llX 10 __
<br />
<br />_ Tru.lN,
<br />
<br />MCiotl'I.ng.. prtOOpal oot"lQf" .
<br />
<br />/)(Hl--..toO tl~ 10' I~Q(il...lftll"" R~l.t., 01 Coed. and IcN-ntlf'-d.. t04~:
<br />