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<br />83- 001604 <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />TRUST DEED <br /> <br />,19 <br /> <br />THIS TRUST DEED, made thls-_ 22nd <br /> <br />be and between: <br />(A) CHARLES J, LONG AND MARGARET J. <br /> <br />HER OWN RIGHT <br /> <br />after called "Trustor" whose mailing address 15 <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />MARCH <br /> <br />83 <br /> <br />LONG, HUSBAND AND WIFE OF EACH OTHER AND EACH IN HIS AND <br /> <br />, whether one or more, herein- <br /> <br />11] NORTH ARAPAHOE <br />GRAND T~TAND, NF: 68801 <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />(B) <br /> <br />JOHN A WOLF <br />ATTORNEY AT LAW <br />address Is p, O. BOX 428, GRAND <br />FIRST SAVINGS CO~~ANY <br /> <br />(C) <br /> <br />ISLAND, NE 68802 <br /> <br />as "Trustee" whose mailing <br />and <br /> <br />p, 0, BOX 1566. GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 <br /> <br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, In consideration of One Dollar ($1,00) and other valuable consideration receipt <br />whereof 15 hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the <br />following described property, situated in HAT 1 County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />LOT TEN (10) IN BLOCK THREE (3) IN DALE ROUSH SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />SITUATED IN PART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (E~SW~) <br />OF SECTION FOURTEEN (14) TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) RANGE NINE (9) WEST <br />OF THE 6TH P,M" HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />The Intention being to convey hereby In absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and <br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the <br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property," <br /> <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained <br />and the paymentofthe prjnclpal sum of NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUN-P8~larS($ 9 491.14 ), <br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearirPdiQle"'~~rJ~tMIlr.neg oi1hter~st thereon which may hereafter be paid <br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according <br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at <br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner <br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 22nd day of 'lARCH ,19 91 <br /> <br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />1. W"""'IJ 01 nts.. TrUstOf 15 lawlully (If lhe PfOperty; It has gooa ngnt ana <br />lawful authority to $eU and convey the Property; tile PfOpeflY ;$ ff6@ and Cieat 01 all <br />liens and encumbf.nces 8~l;.ept lIans now of tecom; and Tn.lstor WIll warrant aod <br />defend the UHe to too Pro~rty l.Ioto the Trustee and lis $l.lCc.eSSOfS and il.S:!3fgns <br />forevet. ag<<inat the clllims 01 al/ perSOns. Truslor, at its expenM, ..-iIl mainlain and <br />prnetVe the lienal this Trust Deed as . lien upon Ihe Trusl Property subject only to <br />encvmbrances existing as of the date hereof, wlll CaUs.6 this Tru!l o.ed, and eaen <br />am;efldment or supplement tt\9reto. 10 be tiled and r8CQrd6(J .Ui El mortgage oj tha <br />Trutt Property In such manner and in such place, ..nd wllltatl.e such Olher actlOf11i1S <br />In the optman ot Trustee may be requited by any present Of future law In order to <br />pettee\,. maint.m and protect the lien of INs Trust 0000, as the saml:l m.y be from <br />tlm\lt to time amended Qt i!upplemeoted.. <br /> <br />2.. PIi""",t of PrlROIpaI and In""'\' Truslor $hall punctually pay me pnoclpal 01. <br />ami ~ton. said promils$oty note inC-luding. any adv$.ncu therelo 8$ pn:rooec <br />herem on ttMt daln and at U\e piece and in the manner provided thlW8ln and WIt! <br />punctualt}t pertorm ali agreements, .condltioos and prO\lislons 01 any othet secunfy <br />InalroMenl glVtm i.I"I oonoectlon with this transacUon. <br /> <br />3. """"'tIoft aMI ...~ 01 Prop4lny. TrU$lOl wil! nol oommit any wasle <br />UPOn U. ~'f an<i will, at all tunos., maim.m ttle Hmo ;0 v~ Ofd..- dEl;;! <br />eondUiO(l and will make, from lime 10 time, aU repairs. refl9wala. r;~Pta(;eme"ts. <br />addi.t~ and tmpfOYement-e whiGh arfl rU50flabJy r@Qtilr84 to PU!\'61lt waste, <br />~",,*nnenl,. or deterioration of Hid Pl"QOtIIrtY. No building Of tmplOWlment flOW Of <br />herafler .,ectl(l upon the Propert, sNiU be altltfBQ. f&meWed or demolj~ <br />without the Pltot .-ritttn ~t ol8tn&fiClA{)' <br /> <br />4. _....... tD~ In cqeof-a1'l)' da~ 10. or ~tt.rt::tlOO Qt, the buildings., <br />~. Of pMaonai pr"!'Iperty conllHtutinQ ~ ot the Tru&1 Prr>per{,;. wflethet <br />&Ueh 101.. is- cQVtted by insuta""e 01 othctr...,iM, Trustur, al lis sOle cost .md <br />~.,Ifj ~ly rerilott'. r~', ~epliul and r~jld lh;! "mlt M nea.r!y u <br />~ foite;OOPOWonfmmedl*-hJJr-J)4"lQ( IQ31JC~~..lf"Oestrtictio" Of wlll't <br />touch ~ and ai*atlons- as nuSIG!: mtlly omtm appfophat~ m(}vld$(l !Wen <br />~ and ..tt4lf.bQns do ~ m~uorlt;tt)' ~ l-ti~ \la!ue antl utility of such <br />~,- ~ And ~11 itom tMt iUt$lmg .mmed-uUctly tHlollo <br />twft_dama.gI (If oo.lf\JGUtMt. TfU$~or sha,t1 De eniitted to r-eunJ;)UfHm(tn\ frOll..M <br />1I"Wtwlotn...-.m of '1M not'inf.~lW:t ~ r~.o tv, TwstH. wt m'll., io <br />t,,*,,~04 tntw~,!Wm .iII.~ wmSet thi$J)t'~~ <br /> <br />Ii ~ r,..w. If T,vs!Of h. a. c~.titJ.n. it WIH d<J ~J~ H<<ng1i. ~"~'ia'\, to <br />P'lltMtW,;;f....~~\ H9hl!-~ j)-l'1\i!18li'll-:$ QI""t trw ;l!lW5 or ihtl.l..t~ ()! <br />tt"i4'WXIfl*'_"'~, <br /> <br />6, ~ fn,(u'$, .101 rtl;t 4U."~ ".,tJ ,h.~.'t.\n w\t~ i~tSillljf1i a,pp.uv<<S la, <br />~, ~~ lim~ tftipt;>;t to !~ ~~O\'-"tImfl!i!. a,-"j {.l4tt&QfWli ptt1lfkV11'. <br />~~-the""~ ~'4t 'lG..... th hli.t_ !l~f>m~~ tm~>,. l$r-t{j (..,.~ ~il!l <br />~-~~..:&;~<;~~....~~,)t. ffl.ii" lVtl'J,l,mt.t-\Wal w.a.i <br />~ otI:e ~ plp~t I)' tho; f'<ll\ iti!k.='~H n..{~ ,~-tI"'Io!. ",rnj ir\"'''f"~\;.fl <br />~filtl:t;~ ~ If",,~ m W<!~f<I~1.,i.,a:l>'~";"'i1H\t;";~!'I( -:;~fj'l~t;~ ow<...-" <br /><<'4 ~ #f ~'-" p~~~~ +'<l ~~ 6u~~,-p~--, ""'~il'r '<)I{.N'~ 1-,,;:.. ,!\\. <br /> <br />:::::\::: =':'t~~I:.::~-:~~'~~I;'::::;;';~" ~~~~;,::~_~7;,t;:: <br /> <br />respective partfl!lS. AU Insurance policies maIntained pUlsuant 10 Ihi '; Trust Deed <br />l>!'!aii nillTtl! Trust" ana Beneticlary 8S insureds., as their respet:tlve Interests may <br />apPear. and provide thai theJ8 shall be no cancellation or mOdillcatlon without <br />hfleen days prior wrl1ten nOllllcaUan to Trustee and 8enellciary. In tne event any <br />policy her.yOder is not renewed on or before tllteen days prtor to Its eltplration <br />dale, Tlustee or 8erMIflciery may prooure such insurance and the cost thereof shall <br />be added to the loan secu16d by this TrUSI Deed and shaH bear interest at the <br />\ffea!e, 01 the IntSJeSt rate specified therein or the highest interest rate authorized <br />Dy me lawlS olltls State of NebraSka TrUSIOf' shall deliver 10 BenelieiafY the original <br />IlOhclEtS of Insurance and lenewals thereof or memo copIes 01 such policies and <br />renewals thereol. Failure 1(\ furnish insurance D1' Truslor, Of renewalS as required <br />I'telltVndet Sl'laU, at tf'le optIon of Benellclary, cons1itute a det.ault. All unearned <br />p-lemllJmS arl:! he-feby assIgned to Trustee as addilional S8Curlly and a sale and <br />conveyance of tne Propartr- oy the T1ustee shaH opefate to convey to the purchaser <br />Inti: nustor.s mlerest in and to all policies of Insurance upon ihe Trust Property <br /> <br />7 Tax.. and AuMsII*ntL Truslor shall pay ail llllfes and special assessments <br />lev.ed or assessed agarnst or due upon Ihe Property 0010re de-linQuem:y. and WIll <br />de-liver to BeneflciaJY COI:lIes of receipts snowIng payment 01 such laKes and <br />sp6Cials,ss{!ossments, If BenefiCIary shell so f&Quest. Trustor agr~8- thallhere shall <br />!Joe dulot!a 10 l:lach periQlj.,;;. pUylllcnl r6f.l....IIC'<l Iv yet ma,je h",'(jIJI,,:h:tr .In "'-lllount <br />\:'sllmated by Trustee to 00 Sl.lfhCh~nt to enable TfuSlOr to pay, at least 30 days <br />t.'t;to'e delinquem;y, ail hlll:&S, lissass.mants or other public cruuyes agamst th\'l <br />r'ust Pioperty, the N()le $t'K:.U(6;j by :hls Trusl De$(!, 01 upon ilccount 01 the debt or <br />the tlen ot thIS Deed, tGgeU't6f WIth premiums ,or inSlJrance reQuiHI.:J to be <br />DfOVldtJd unO€1 Ihi'S TruSI Deed and no Inle/lit!';t shdll be payable to Tluslor in <br />fi'Spect 100r&Ol. Upon demand b1 Trustee., frustor shaH deliver to Trustee such <br />!iddltlooal sums of money <is Ilf~ neC6!ii5ary to mak_e up any deficiency In the <br />OImouotsneceossary h.) enA~ TruSt% to pay an.,. ot tfle 101890109 Itoms <br /> <br />8, Addttlonalllltfta. Trusto' !Ihall maliuli .11 pay-ments 01 inlcr&si and pflnc:tpal and <br />p-a)'m~flI$ Of .aily uttlef -et'lar\lftS-, 191;fs, aM expenStI$ cQnl,achld to- be paid to any <br />existmg hen holden- 01 priOr bftllilhCi-ilNls under any prior Trust Deed, Mortgag$ or <br />ot~ $illCoJI"ity agreement, b8fOfe the ~IB they are OeIIf'lQuenlaru:J to p.aV ilny 0lh8r <br />tlalm ",nidi jeoparUlU6 the security granted ner$lO. <br /> <br />\I -P~Uon of 8eMfid_ry'. SKwtty. ShOUld Trustor fall 10 ma...e ilfJ.y jayment, <br />fail to 00 aoy ~t as herein provmw, Of If any .cUao or pfCCiMldin.g is comlTN-oced <br />""Nell matettB!:Jy af!<!oCUI Bel'l&IIdIlf'Y'i.i' intllt(MlI In ltle PJoparty, mc!uolng. bul nol <br />liml1ed ll), .mlnent domain. ""-'O!venc'f, llltangeQ19nt$ Qr prQC~IO'Ol-S lnvoivioQ a <br />b~I1~llJPl 01 ~ed1Hll. t~en 9&fI(tiicI8i')' Qf 1"fuStlHll tx.t without obl!galJon 10 do so, <br />-and WI\noutIlOHGe t-/J' Of ~nd u.pQtl l'I)$\Ql,"no ..ithOui '.<MsII.'Q rrualor f'om <br />OJ'!)" ooj;galk.lf'l h$W~, miOt."r roak~ Of do !!lfJ 5tlml!, ilnd m.y (>>1-';, pulCt'llIlS8 <br />'.'ONto.t m CQro()IQfl'\l" .fl) lJ1'CUTf~.m.'6, ,,;;hal\}llI 0;' UtIln:, ....hl..::f1 tfl ttlf! l\1dUtmtem 01 <br />..,lrlO! .l'lptl-.:, t'O- .\IH\K:t IUlUl ?'o~ty, in JOox.leOling 11l1) SUt.1'1 P,"WOJ'II Hut <br />~t,c:w"t Of Tf<.l-S-h:_ ;"''''' t.....ettl Wf1'Y habdUy iIIrn:! '$"tlOll"Jd *MhtVWf li;mlAlota <br />"\J+i~IOl)Q t1.s()u1tlf!rtlfi,"'l!$ (~i teil~f\...,wl! 41iom-~",,'$ '"50. wrlK!'r ('1 thj;\" ~U!Jolvltl <br />i;:M"tllft;efl <T'l;lY t,.- ,.,~;.".,'Y 1(; j~ ,...-"n1 (l'1lt! Tn'l'tvl It'\.,\, !i1!i te P-'(J<;ltrf~, <br />..--,,',...f/il.ji"'lI ,~, 1.-, "',1ly !.~it1\ ,l"_d ~",<<'o!I' IM,!l!'1ISlli-ftI-..rHII~" 1\:' m.;,t"'l- 11;.... ~-'lll""""ntl'; t;;.> <br />'~A "'i),~@-"", ',:.' \h~ 8tt!';f:f,Ul''''' I""~ "n.~,u,"" ~v..n <br />:!<,,,,~t, f""'T"-..;o'11~ .;1 ta""",1'>;hI>d t,y a<<;~hcla''f <br />P.,'I-!'i'<i >I''!l 1lf<<.;\l'OO IT".,..t,,!, <br /> <br />