<br />I
<br />
<br />Truslee'j;rirleandall right, litle, inlerest anddaim of the Truslor and his successors in interest and of all persons claiming by
<br />or through or under them; in and to the properly sold, including all sUch righr, tille, interest and claim in and to such property
<br />acquired by the Trustor or hi, successors ill inlerest subsequent to the cxecution of the Truslee, The Trustee shall apply the
<br />proceeds ofrheTrustee', sale; first; to the to,t and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and of the sale, including the
<br />payment oftheTru~tee'sfeesactllal1y incurred not to exceed the amounl which may be provided in the Trust Deed, second, to
<br />payment of the Obligations secured by the Trust Deed, and the balance, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto,
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />And (he Trustee covenanls faithfully to perform the trust herein crealed,
<br />
<br />BENEFICIARY may from time to lime substitute a successor or successors to any Trustee named herein or acting
<br />hereunder to execute this Trust Dl'e(L Upon such appointment and without conveyance to the successor Trustee,the latter shall
<br />be vested with all title, powers, and dUlies conferred upon any Trust,'e herein named or acting hereunder. Each such
<br />appointment anrlsubstitulion shall be made by wrinen instrument and executed by Beneficiary, containing reference to this
<br />Trust Deed and its place of re<:ord, whi.ch, when recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county or counties in
<br />which said.property-is situated, shall be conclusive pr('}of of proper appointment of the I\w.:ccssor Trustee. The foregoing PO\\'CT
<br />of substitution and the procedure therefore shall nol be exclusive of the power and procedure provided for by law for the
<br />substitution~of a Trustee or Trustees in the place of the Trustee or Trustees named herein.
<br />
<br />The waiver by the Trustee or Beneficiary of anv default of Trustor under this Tnhl Deed ,hall not be or be deemed to be a
<br />waiver of any other or similar defaults subsequemly o~curring.
<br />
<br />This Trust Deed shall inure to .and bind the heirs, leg:att'es. (k-vi:-ee~. admini:.,aatoT\, execuror~. .$ul,;'cessors and assigns of
<br />the parties hereto,
<br />
<br />The Trust Deed shall be cons-trued accordill~ hJ the laws tJf the State t)f !'\ehra,,-ka,
<br />
<br />The Trus[or requests that a copy of any notice of d~fault and ('Ii any noti~e of <.lie hereunder be mailed to him by certified
<br />mail at the address hereinbefore ~et fonh and evidence of ~uch mailing shaH l,.'tHlstitute e";iden(e of receipt of such notice.
<br />
<br />Trustor represents and warralH~ that {he above descrihed r;:al \.'")wtc i... nOI u"ed hH an agricultural a(:tivIlY,
<br />
<br />\\'hert:ver the contexf so reqUlrC':i, ~,ingular word~ shall he l,.'L1n;,;lfued Hl iih.' plural ,lllJ \J.:c \er~~. and lh(' ma~(ulint? gender
<br />shall be ('onstrueo to include the feminine and ,il...'e \cr:-.a,
<br />
<br />IN \\'ITNESS \VHEREOF. the Trustor- has hereunto ~el 1:1' h,.Hld tilt: l.LI\ ,.1lhJ year fin,{ abo\e ,..rittcn.
<br />
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<br />Before me, a Notary Public, 4ualified by saId counly. pe\>()nally came _ _.. J~ _l)I!I~~,____,_.__.____. ___'._____ and
<br />
<br />~ald:bltl_OJcl.eu_________ ____.,__,_._.______ known l<> llIe to be the identical pe,son\s) who signed the foregoing IIlSillllllelll
<br />and acknowledged the eXl""ution thereof to be his, her or their \oluntar~ act and deed, \Vime" illY hand and Notarial S~:\: em
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