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<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. made and entered into this_ 23rd day of
<br />
<br />March
<br />
<br />83- uu:l:420
<br />,198-1-
<br />
<br />n
<br />
<br />by and between J~S OGDEN AND GElALDINE OGD~Trustor. and TITLE INSURANCE
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />.__.__._ Beneficiary,
<br />
<br />, Trustee,
<br />
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant. bargain and sell. convey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />untotheTrustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now or
<br />
<br />hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in '__HALL.___._ County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Property known as:
<br />
<br />Lot Six (6). Block Seven (7). 1n George Loan's Subdivision. to the
<br />C1ty of Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Filed for Record _',_____ at
<br />
<br />_,M,
<br />
<br />in Book
<br />
<br />of
<br />
<br />Page__
<br />
<br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto said Trustee;
<br />
<br />TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the same, with all righrs, prIvileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee,
<br />his executors, administrators, heirs, and assigns forever. And the TruslOr hereby expressly waives, releases. and relinquishes
<br />unto the Trustee all right, ritle, claim, interest, benefit, and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and each
<br />and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of ,he State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption of
<br />homestead, And the Trustor covenants with the Truslee that he will fores'er warranr and defend the title to the same against the
<br />lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, lor rhe following described purposes: WHEREAS, Ihe Trustor did on this date execute a
<br />
<br />Promissory Note evidencing a loan for the principal amount 01 S_~~33~.?.!___._____.__....___" _____ and interest thereon
<br />according to the terms of said Promissory Note: said Promi"oT\' Note belllg payable lIlmonthly Installments at such place as
<br />the Beneficiary may designate in writing lrom time to lime. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein or in said
<br />Promissory Note to the contrary. if not ,ooner paid, all sums Jue and owing under the terms of said Promlssor\' Note shall be
<br />
<br />paid on or befo~ch ~!988 ____________
<br />
<br />It is agreed by and between the parties hereto Ihat until filing of Notice of Default, the Trustor shall: (1) pay all present
<br />and future taxes and assessments, general and special, against said propeny before Ihe same bCl:omes delinquelll or actionable;
<br />(2) keep all improvemellls ere.:ted on the land insured as may be required from time to time by beneficiary against loss by fire
<br />and other hazards, casualties and COntingencies, in such amount> and for such periods as are reasonable and may be required
<br />by beneficiary, and to keep all policies of su;:h in;urance in force or effect upon the properly herein described constantly
<br />assigned and delivered to benefi,iary, (3) pay and cclmply "ith all of the term, cllld condilions of any lien, claim or
<br />indebtedness that may be senior to or take pre;:eden;:e 10 Ihis I'rust Deed as soon as any such payment on such lien, claim or
<br />indebtedness shall become due: and upon railure tlf Truswr 10 keep any said agreements, beneficiary may pay such tax, pay for
<br />sucil insurance Of payoff such liens or claims or indebtedness as the case may be, and the money so expended together, Ihereon
<br />as provided by the terms of the aforementioned Prom"sory Not,', shall be se.'ured by Ihis Tru,t Deed, and the Trustor agrees
<br />to repay the same upon demand, and upon failure to do,o the balance of the atla;:hed nOle shall bev:ome immediately due and
<br />payable at the option of the beneficiary; (4) specifi,ally confer upon the Tru>!ee the po"er of sale as provided in Nebraska law;
<br />(5) retain possession of the premises and ,ollect the rems and revenues therefrom,
<br />
<br />
<br />Upon payment of all the sunh secured by this TruS! Deed, the Beneficiary shall request the Trustee to reconvey the
<br />properly and shall surrender this Trust D<'ed and all note, e\lden,mg indebledness secured by this Trust Deed to the Trustor.
<br />Trustee shall reconvey the property ",ilhout warranty to lhe person or petson, legally entitled lherelo; bul if default be made in
<br />the payment of said note or any part thereof or any of Ihe intereS! Ihereon when due or in the faithful performance of any or
<br />either of said agreemellls as aloresaid, lhen the "hok of saId note shall become due and be paid as hereinafter provided, and
<br />this deed shall remain in force; the Trustee or his attorney may pro.:eed to sell the property in its ,'nlirety or In parcels at the
<br />option of the Trustee hereinbefore described al public auction, 10 the highest bidder, for cash, However, the po"er of sale
<br />herein conferred, upon the Trustee shall no! be exerCised until I!) Ihe Trustee shall first file for record, in the office of lhe
<br />rqi&ter nf deed~ of each county whrr~in rot" Ifll'..t pro!,<<"'rfy or ,omr r;;trf nr r~rc~'f It'h''U''in j" ,ifl1~Wd, ~ notic" (\f o:t':'"r~ll1h.
<br />i(jenti{ying the Trustee by stlltinll the lIames of Ihe Truslor and names therein and giving the book and page where Ihe same is
<br />r<<9rded, a dcseription of the trust property. and containing a stalement Ihat a brea;:h of an obhgation for whIch Ihe trust
<br />Pf'(lJlefty was CQIlVcyed as security has occurred, and 'elling fonh Ihe naHHe of SUdl breach and of his election to sell or cau,e
<br />to, ~soklsllChpEopertYlosatisiy the obhgation; and (2) after the lapse of IItll less than tme mOlllh, the frustee shall give
<br />~i<< of54le as provided by Nebraska law, After notice tll default and lapse tlf nOlle" than one month, Ihe [emlee shall givc
<br />writlenl\Oti<:c()/'thcti_and place of sale particularly describing the propcrty to be stlld by pubhcati'lll of such nt)tlcC,;1t Icast
<br />flv4llm.1ls, 0lll1C a we-ek for five c'lIlse.:utivewccks, Ihc lasr publication to be at lea>! l() days but not morc Ihall 30 days prior to
<br />tltc~,insOlll4 llC"'spilper having a general circulation in each coullly tr. \\ tllch the plOpelt.y to be sold, or ,ome pOfI Iheretl!.
<br />ilisilvated, UJIQIl weh sale, the Tru,!ee shall UC(:UIC and deliver a Ilced of cOllveyance of the pltlpeny ,old It I Ihe purchasel ,"
<br />',..n:Aasef$ lkl"C'Of and any stat.emefU Of f~Jtai of' ta\:l in ~uch dee-d in {t"Jiuion to rht:' t'xt'ru.,,~ of 1he row~r ~\f :-.~llc and ;,;ale ~)f
<br />m. propcrt~ 4<lscribed tlletein, m_llldinj recllais c,m':Crnlnil any mailing, persLln~1 dehwll ,llltl pubh\'alltln tit the ,"lIIC" "t
<br />ckf.u..it.. aA:Y-"Itl3Uiftti"lla: the. ptlbliGatlof\ u.nd rH.J~ll-nj( \.If nOU(t> \11' )ale.. and the (\:HH.hh.:\ (~f ...-ak, a:nd ""ul,.'h re;,;nal..haB f\Jlbliluh;
<br />pr-i-ma'(~j('.CVtdCI1i,.,~ of \u,--~h \;:w'-lpbant.:{' and 'i.'~lndu').,.,,(' t'.'itS-er;\.'~ tbeft-{'J.t in fa\nr \~r OOth1 hJ\. pl.1H.:bi.1'!.er'" and t'flnHHbm.IlCcl).
<br />-oJ.v.c- and without OOtt\.~t"_ Thr rrU~.h:-t.",; de<<t -;;haH O[-tt!fatill to ~()ll"~~ ~(; the p\.if\':h.h~>'f. \..ith-oui n~li~ "i jt'Jt'mptH.lu, !ht;~
<br />
<br />~u.
<br />
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