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<br />83- 001268
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<br />tIIis~ofTl'UsNhallcolltiMleuninipaj",d;. UP'1n such payment and eure by Borrower,.tllis Deed of
<br />, ..' .seci1red'hCrebt~lli'<lmajJljnfullforec aodcffcet as if 00 aec:elerationhad oceurred, . .... ...'
<br />:Of:~A . '. . 'OfR""eIver,~btPOaessiwL.' As a!lditionalsecuIjtyhereun<k;i',Bor!'<)wer
<br />. . . '. '. '., provided!ha! Bore.ower sball, prior to accelerarioil.r,mder parlWl1PK' 18
<br />.t\Il>. ri$bt' to ,collect.' and 'retainsueh rents. as they becom,,<iueand,pl!yahle:
<br />hefCOfQl:allandonmeJlt of the Property, Lender, ioperson, by aW\tor.:' by
<br />t~l,~-~JiO~'-_ ~~~-:_~....- o~':"'_~ ~.ge, ~-__~_ .,,"n,,:1~_r-nllP~~,:~hI:.
<br />Allrentse~i~by Lent!; o;th;' ';cei;'er shid1'be~piiedirs-;IO P;.y;n;;.t
<br />i~jonofients, includillg, bJlt not limited to, rece1vet'sfecs,prcmiums
<br />.teeS,and then to the sums .secured hy.this Deed of Trust: Lendcrand.the
<br />a<:e;lUl\t~ior tliOserents aCl11ll11y received.. , '. .,. ..' .... . .
<br />'...... '. .... .' P"l\~UWJl~uest1:lfllolTower; Lender, at Lender's, nptton.pnorto full reeonveyaneeOftl*PrO~
<br />~Y"~to~,m.Ynlakll'Fnti:tre.. Adv_'toBorrower, Such' Future Advances, with .interest lherenll,sbaU.be
<br />~.'.by....t.h. is. "Deed.'. ..... . .'W.. :Tru. .st'\\', .he. '.' It. e...v...ide.~. li.ypromisso.. ry nOtes. stati.ng that said. .n. ales... are. '. .se<:U.' redh.erebY,.At n,.....o....lim.
<br /> eShal.1
<br />tRpriQclpal~ofthe,iDMbtI!dDess. ~ by this~' ofTrost,not including.sums adva4lJ:5lffi~re herewith
<br />tO~the$llClUtty of this Deed of TIUst, exceed the ong",aI amount of tbe Note plus US L,.....,.....................u.
<br />n;.....0i)..... Upon payment at all sums secured by this Dcedof Trost, Lender shaU request Trustee. to reconvey
<br />the~ aoo'shalhurrender this.DeedofTrlJSl and aU ntlles evidencing indebtedness secured by this, Deed of .Trust
<br />loTrustee. . Trustee shall reconV1l}' the PfupcflY vhthouI warranty and vhthout eharge to' the person or . persons Jegally
<br />ettritled~o:Slicbpersonor persons ?J:J:Y aU costs of recordation, if any, '
<br />%3:.:, ~ TnIstee. Lendet, ill.. 's option, may from time to time n:move Trustee and appoint a SUCcessQl'
<br />tnISIee'toanyTrosteeappointe<iheretmderbyan instrument recorded io the county in which this ~d of Trust is recorded,
<br />WdbOutconveyam;eoftlieJ>roperty,the successor trustee shall succeed to aU the title, power anddUliesconferredupon
<br />the Trostee hel'einand by applieahle la...,
<br />%4; ~fw Noticea.Bonower requestS that copies of the notice of default and lKltlce of sale he sent to Borrower's
<br />addtils$ wllicb' is tbePtoperty Address.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />~". "-"~~,
<br />C/ . ,~'-' . _<--1
<br />.. Lar~: ;' Rt!Pt.. ...... ................. ~
<br />
<br />,- 1
<br />"l:'llnr"~'2.L:b ,fY), C1\J/>~#.'1
<br />.' U'_"" "'d'" ,7J,t,.. ,TI,~'~w.."""" "
<br />.....rga e ar er' -8offcwo<
<br />
<br />SrUEOI' NEUASICA,. .. .. , , , , ,liIU.l, .. , , .. .. .. . . .. . , .. , , . , .. , . . County ss:
<br />On this"", .15""". ,day of" .~"."",. 19~... before me, the undenigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personally came, ',......,..."""'..,.",,..,'.."..'
<br />,lArn'. 1'1." ,l!4rll.I:', .a.tlIl.~flll.t'At. ,!J. ,1;lal:'liAJ:. .~\I..PllAA ,~tl4 .'tHe""".".. to me: known to be the:
<br />idmtieal person(s} whose name(s) are.sub:scribed 10 the foregoing insmunent and acknowledged the exccution
<br />tbcrmf to be. ,t.lltl~ r .. , , , , , , , voluntary act and deed,
<br />Witne$s Illy hand and lIOIarial seal at. , , , , , , ' , , , , , , 9r~, ~~" ,~~ , , , , . in said county, the
<br />date aforc:stUd.
<br />
<br />
<br />..'c-mm--IJ:::ra:~';':>~ p.. P P P p... P
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />To Tausru:
<br />
<br />The: ~ is the holder of lhe note or noccs sccun:d by this Deed Of Trust. Said note or notes. together
<br />with all other incIeIJtWness s.eeured by Ibis Deed of Trust, have: beat paid in fun. You are hereby directed 10 cancel
<br />said note Of notca uti this Deed of Trust" which are deliveml hereby, and 10 recon.vey. wilhout warranty, 1tI1 the
<br />CIItiIte _ held b)' JOU lIlldcr this Deed of Trust to the person or persons IcpDy enlil1ed themo.
<br />
<br />Duo:. . . . , , . . . .. . , .. , .. , .. .. .. .. .
<br />
<br />1__TlIoiat.inoo_F...~__
<br />
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<br />....... __1 _1OJMIlt OpportUldt7/Atf1~ttve Action &lIployer Mfr.
<br />
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