<br />83- OOi2
<br />
<br />9. c............ The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with' any
<br />condenmationor other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are herehy assigned
<br />and sItalI l>>paid to Lender,
<br />111 tbeevent of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the _, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />~ agree in writing, there shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />takingbeara to the fair market value of Ihe Property immediately prior to Ihe date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower,
<br />H the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, afte, notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor otters to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails 10 respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized 10 collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, eilher 10 restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, .
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal shaU nol extend
<br />or postpOne the due dare of the monthly instaUments referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such inStallments,
<br />10. IIonoWft Not R...... Extension of lhe time for paymenl or modificalion of amortization of Ihe sums secured
<br />by Ihis Deed of Trusl granted by Lender to any successor in inlerest of Borrower shall not operale to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in inlerest. Lender shall nOI be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse: to eXlend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest,
<br />II. FOI........... by leJoder Not. Wai....... Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any righl or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the ..,ereise of any such righl or remedy.
<br />The procuremeot of insurance or lhe payment of laxes or other liens or charges by Lender shaU not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of lhe indebledness secured by I his Deed of Trust. ,
<br />12. R~ C........t1,.,.. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are dislincl and cumulative to any olher nght
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equily, and may be exereised concurrently, independently or
<br />successively,
<br />13. SoI<<eDon.... AsIlpaa Boallll; Joint lIDli Several l.iabIIity; Captious. The cm'enants and agreemenls herein
<br />contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure 10, the respeenve successors and assigns of l.ender and Borrower,
<br />subject 10 the provisions of paragraph 17 hereol, All covenanls and aglttmenls of Borrower ,hall he joint and several.
<br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed I..f Trust are tor convemence (lnly and are not to be used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />14. Nodte.. Except for an)' notice reqUired under applicable jaw to ~ given In another manner. fa) any notate to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall he g.ven by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed 10 Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or al such other address as Borrower may deslgnale hy nouce 10 Lender as provided herein. and
<br />I b) any notice 10 Lender shall be given hy' certified mail, return r",,,,ipl requesled. '" l.ender's address staled herein or to
<br />such other addlUS as Lender may desillDate by nOli"" to Borrower as prov.ded herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shaJl he deemed 10 have heen given 10 Borrower or Lender when gIven on the manocr designated h<:rein.
<br />15. U.... Deerd of ~ GoftrniDc Law; Srnrahillty. nl1~ form of deed (i( trust combines umform covenants for
<br />national use and non~uniform covenants with limited VanaHOn:\i hy lurisdi~tmn h) constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />covering ,ea1 proprny. This Deed 01 Trusl shall be gowrned b,' the law 01 the lu",dlCllOn in which lhe Property .slocated.
<br />In the- eVeDt that an)' proVIsion or clause of thiS Deed 01 Trust (if the N\.'lte ~onflict5 with apphcahte law, such. ,,:onfl,ct .shaH
<br />not aftea other provisions: of Ihis Deed of Trus.t or lhe NOle '4hu:.'h can he ~t\'('n dIeet without the conflictmg Pfl')\Ttsion.
<br />and 10 Ibis end lhe provisiOttl 01 the Deed 01 Trusl and the NOle dre de.,lared h' be severable,
<br />16. """'--s Clip)', Borrower shall be f!.lrn~ a ,~)Iltormed ",'py '" the NOIe and of Ihis Deed of Trust al the lime
<br />of <<ecution (" alter recordation hereof.
<br />17. n-t.. of tIIe~; ~ U all or any pan of Ihe Properl\ ," an inlerest thereIn .s sold or Iramferted
<br />by Bo:rrower without Lenders pnor wnttm consent, eWuding I oJ:t lhc .:.reaHon ()f a hen ~r t':Dcumbrance s.ubordinate to
<br />thl' Deed of Trust, Ibl the creation 01 a pun:hase monev KCUnty IIlteresllor homchold applIances. Ie I a lransler by devise.
<br />descent or by operation of law upon the death of . lOlnl len",," or I d J the granl 01 any leasehold inleresl of Ihltt Y'ears or less
<br />not L'Onlluninl an option 10 pure~. Lender maY'. .1 tender's opl,,'n, d""lale .lIlhe.ums secured by this Deed 01 Trust 10 he
<br />tmmediately due and pa,able. Lender shall have ,...,,~ such "pilon I" a<.'Cderale .f. prior 10 the sale or transfer, Lender
<br />and the penoo to wI!om the Property is In he >old or Inmsfered reach ~I III wriung thaI the credil of such person
<br />is ...list_cry to Undet' and that lbe inten::sr pa}-able ,'n lhe ,urn. ,"""ured by .bis Deed ot Tnnl .haIl be al such rale as
<br />Lender shall request, If Lender has wa.ved the "plK.'" to "'..."'lera.e pro",okd 10 Ih.. paragraph 17. and if Borrower's SUL'Ce5$Or
<br />on io_t has executed a wrilten _ption agreement acccpled !n wnunlt !>)' Lender, tender shall release Borrower from
<br />aU obIiptions under lhis Deed of Trust and the N<>te,
<br />I[ Undet' e.x.CI'Cises such option to 3a:de:ratC'. Leodc-r ~:lH tn.-Ii Ik~-c:r UOlIce: of .acceleration in at."Cordance wit:,.
<br />~ 14 bereol. Sudt t10bCe shall provide a perll.>d of ,,;,>I t<>.' lhan .to Ja}S f",,,,the date the nolice IS mailed "'llhin
<br />which Borrower may pay lhe wms declared due, If Born""", b.b '" pa. ...} ,uclt """" pnor to the ex",ralion of such pem\<!.
<br />Lender may, without funher notice or lkmand on a..'ffi>wcr, lOn'''e am remedlC> permuted by l"'ragraph 18 hereof,
<br />N.....UN/FOIlM CoveN.....n. IIorrower anoi Lendef lunher ,...wenant attd ....... a. tollo,.,.,
<br />II. AcuJen~ R-*so f:xeetrI........... la.--. 17......... .................. ....... 01 UY' ""_ ....
<br />...- 01 ........ la t" ...... 01 T.... iIIdIIIIIIitIc tile ""_ to .., ...... due IItI)' _ IIeeIIfttI by tbls OeM
<br />of ,....... ....... ....... Ie .u..... ... ... .... Ie ......._ .. ......... Ia .......... 14 ........ spedfykla; Cl) tile
<br />___ (2) 1M ... ...... .. ellft lIIIdt "'-tI: t.)l . .... _ ... ... Je ...,. f_ die ... tIM tlotlee ill IIIIIlIed to
<br />......... II)' wIlldl udo ...... _ be ... .... t41 dlIII ftIhN Ie <11ft .... ....... 011 or """'- tIM date sped6ed
<br />la ... ... ...,. ...... la ............... 01 .... __ ......... .., ,.. I..... 01 T.... .... sale of tile ..........y. ne tlotlee
<br />.... twtIlw ""- ~ 01 tile ...... Ie ........ ...... fI(........ .... .... ...... ta ..... a <OUIt II<tioa tn _It
<br />1M _ nhllR /I .. . ...... or IItI)' ...... ...... ol ............ to .uele..d.. &lid sale. If tbe ....... is aol eared
<br />011 ... W_ tile ..... opociIelIla tile IIDIIee. ........ at .......... ..... _y .,...,.., aU 01 die _ IIeeIIfttI by IIIiI Deed
<br />.. 1'IWf ..lie I n .'11II~1'" .. .... ~ ........ t.m- ......... .... ...,. .'We ,lie ,.....,. of sale .... &II, oilier ~
<br />........ II)' ~.... ........ 1M nrdIIM Ie ~ aU ~ .- .... e....- I""'""" In .......... the
<br />...... ......... III ............. .1. ......... .... _ ....... .... .--we _y's '-
<br />If... .... ol ale is ......... ~... __ . ... of lief.... ill eadI ....., Ia wIlldl .... ..........y 01' _
<br />.. ......, is....... ........ ... aIfles of lIIIdt ... Ia tile _ ~ by .......... ... Ie ......._ tuMI to the
<br />...... .... ..........., ........... After tile ...... ol...... 11_ .. ~. be ~ by ......,.... ..... Trtatee shall
<br />.... ,IIW, .... ol" ..-.... ..... .... . 1M _ ...--... by ............... T_. witllout de-.l on
<br />........... ...... ... ~ at ..... ..... ... .... ......... ....... .. IIIe ,.. &lid piau &lid .....su the tfl'lllO dalaut<'d
<br />III ... .... ol.. III _ ... _ ,.,.. .... too .... .... .. ..-- ...,................ T_ 1118)' ....... .. of all
<br />... lIlIlI' ...... ol... ........, .., ..... IIIlIU l H' ,_ aI tile u.e &lid piau of lIB)' previoIIIIy ..W..... seIe. Lctsder or
<br />.............................. ~ aliia)' tale.
<br />"'- __ ol....... 01... poke .... ~ .... .-.- to IIIe ~ ~... deed -)'IlIa 11M ..........y
<br />..... file ndIlIIIlII .. n..... .... ..... lie ..... f... .......... of tile ........ .. tile _ .... t......... T_
<br />...............ol..... III tile .........."'If"1.. Ie.. ~.-.... e...... 01 11M We..............t
<br />...1IlIiiIlIIrJ...~.....ol__.... ~rz 0 .. ..................-.-.... _y's f_........ of
<br />..............._........,..DMIIlol~ ....Iel.... _1I_y. Ie tIM...........- JopIIJ flttI(lttI
<br />......
<br />It,. -.-.................... NcM...ltl$lllttdifts Lender', ",,<:deration of the sums .....red by Ih.. ~ of Tw..,
<br />-- IllaIl .... ... ri<t to .... lIB)' ~. bosun by t..... 1(1 <nfo"'" 1M Deed "f Tn..t ,I.>conllnued .,
<br />Ul7 "-,,,,,,,to _.....10 _..., ell tlw IIfttI day Wore the "'.. (lIthe I'~y pu.....nllo lhe f1<'wer (>I >ale <'<>Dla.ned
<br />... tllit.... of "'- or (iit.....,. (II a i..--. enfS'rciftl this Deed uf Tn..I." ial a..>r_r Pll)" tender a\l $U"" wh...,h ..."...ld
<br />he.. _1tIlItIr .. n.d <II TfUIiI. tfie Note otod ..- _u,,'" Fut"'" ^dvan<.~ If an)', !lad no ac,,,lerallon occurted:
<br />lbt ~ _ all ........ "f MY othttf _." ~ of BofTower c""tained on this Deed of Tn....'
<br />(c) __ ,.,. All ...... ....... '-""d by I..... lIDliT,,_ in mt<'>'C.", the ,-o\'Cltatm and "&rt'OntCnt. of
<br />___ ~... .. Deed ..., Tl:uM and m .f....,..., tftldu'. and Tn...tee', ~ .. pmvnltsl In Pll'lII"'ph I ~
<br />--. ~ llul_ ............. '-'* tI/lOftIt)". f_; and ldl ~ ukes _11 act..... ... I....nder ma\ re."",,,l>h
<br />......... to _ Iloat 1M Ilea of 1M Deed of Tt1at, t.",,*,'. ._. In I~ I'''>pen' ."d 8<"""0"'" obl;,al."" I" p"
<br />