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<br />I <br /> <br />,___. _._~-'-"-_"'__.___UU1^"" <br /> <br />._........_ ........t..........'"ft.m-.~__Q\'lMN,UJ 1~~llflCCmtenpolnt. OOJa race type: <br /> <br />NOTICE 83....f)'Ol175 <br />This Cf8dIt~flnllnces. apurchaN' All legal r1gllW which th, euy,H'h"agalnsttheSellerarl~rnJ <br />outoMhlsotran~.lncludlnganc"lm.. and.defensesiare also valldltgJllnst any holder ofthlsc'ontract. <br />The right to recover money. from.thahofder under this proviSIon Is IImltecfto theamou~.~cJby the~ <br />under tblscontract. . . <br />A,;c;...m,...a..legtltly.valld reason for sqlng the Seller, . A defense Isa legally valid reuon'tornot;paylrnJ. <br />tt.le$8ller.A,..hofdet';J...anyone trying to coI~.tcrthepq~" .' ......... .'. .... ". <br />~A!ii&CANCEIj.A;I10N:lf!!lave reque"",,! insUrance.i~ th\spurchase, I may c""-"<ol such '"'Iuesl for insurance for any reasonwithln fif!A:e~(l5)daYSfrom~~ <br />.....daIe of thlscontract.hY11<>tifYinPOU. or the hoc Ider of thlS.conrracl m wnnng, I know that the cancellatIon of my coverage will be arranged witb thel'llSUtal1CC Currier(S)anil.'. <br /> .1. . <br />!a fuUrefwtdofmy preiDium(s) tOgether with applicable fUlllllCecharge willbe credited to this conrract, ". ;..' .... ;. " <br />'WSE NOTE:lfl have requcst~ insul1lllCe in thiS purchase, I will receive wilhin thirty (30) days a certificate nf i~ more fully desdiQi';g~illSUnmceco""",g[J <br />:.lkn.o ..w...I.ha.t..,..f.there.... I.S, an. t. .".Ihe..... co.verageor th.e language ofthecenlficateo~lns. urance. andthe.fOll~. ngNo. ticeOf~... . ...Insutance.. <br /> ..thatllllllcov......eted............o.. .ril.....!l.... t(H' <br />meell1lOnt$lll(edfntheJoIlOWfugNOllceofl')'oposedlnsurance,lillsokliOwthatlhaveil~sui'anCecoverageorilyiflhavebeencb8ijedforit,: ... .. . .."..." ;';.c' <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I take noti"e tbat eithe..Credit Lif. orCredit Accident and Health lnsnrance, or both, will be applicable 10 thisSalesConltllCt on thO ~~ .14e;0 <br />it bysi$"ing the request for such insurance, This insurance will only cover the p'<J'SOn signing the requestalthe.cost for each type<>fi~slIowil.:~u <br />-bv tbe ,"suraoce company, the insurance will be effective lIS of today ,,!>dwill cnntinue only fortheltllJDller of months afte,theeffec;tive dat!f"ii <br />niontllly paymenlS. I undcnrtand that this particular Insurance may not provide coverage for my last few paymenls, and that duringthlitpclriod .oftin\t <br />insurance co",",&<' All benefits and pro..'Ced. of the insurance will be paid to);Ou or '0 a financial institunon or a bank if it ltasestheSaJ... COO\l1lCt <br />intereSts and any balance will bepuyabte to me. The inirial amount ofCrerliI L,fe Insurance is the amounlmjllfred to ropay . <br />decrea<t:s hy theamountof each nwnthlypaytnCIU on. scheduled 30 day basis, If! am jointly obligated on the Sales Contl1lCt with'aCo-Buyer and we haveholh .ig\ledthO <br />request forCreditLife 11lS11fatl<'C. death benefits will be parllhleonly with IeSpeCt to the first one of uSlodle, Subject to exclusions, 'elimfnati_orwaiting.period;stated <br />in the InsUrance policy or cenificatc , Credll Accidenl and Health Insurance is for the benefil amount of 1!3Otb of each month's paymenlforeachday that.l amWtallydisabled <br />due ">an injory or sickness while I owe any paymen' '0 you; however, I undcrsrand that I have to be prevented from working due '0 such total disability.for~.1hant"",. <br />leen (IJ) consecutive days bef"", the InsunutCe benefil Is paid back 10 the filsl day of my 10tal disability, 1_""'" that. IClUlIlOt obtaID aD)'........-. . . . rr-. .' . .. .~.. M.I <br />am nver65 ), aud I also _.. thaI thelDsuranee roverage provided tome maytoDtIIn a nwdmlun_ofmv.....whIch will Ilatpay 111_ <br />~. the ~tire _that I \llft you. Due 10 the ~irntl1Tl amounl ufcoverag. stated in the insurance policy, I '?tow that any"!'J"'id "\""11'" in e-'i~,of~Jll$!I!8ll'J" <br />coverage will suU have to be Jlald. If the Sales ContracllS ptep"'d 10 full pnor tn the last payment date, any unearned IOStmlDCe premnnns wtU be.rtflindedlO.ine m:thl!maii- <br />.... .prescribed bylaw. Withm thil,1Y (30) da).., I wi~1 receive the certificalc of insurance more fully describing my inS1lf:ll1C<: coveta&<, If the insurance;' nili8<:ceptcd.bjr <br />the insurance c.ompany, I will receIVe a reruna ofthe inSurance premiums I h-'dve paid_ - ~ <br />BUYER: Tbe next t\\'O paragraphs contain warranties relative to this sale given by us to the iinanci.ahnstitution or bank inorderforit to buy-thiscontJ'aCt. <br /> <br /> <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TAU <br /> <br /> <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Seller hereby sells, assigns, conveys, rraosfels and deli.... 10 ' <br />(AssiDeel JIll of its right$, rille.and intcresl in and 10 the Deed oITrost and Installmenl Sales Con , together with all Ii existing to i.",payme.'nt,and. the jlroperty <br />_utiibcmlbereby, Auis- lSbCreby sobstituted ..lleneficiaJy under the Deed of Trust pmvisj6m of this contract, Seller warrants reptaOtlCS; (l)h hu the rijh!1O <br />mak.,this assignment; (2)Allstarements and figures in this contract and in the Buyer',. statelMftl atematerially true and corr~t; (3) This contractOtose fnlm the bmi fide <br />sale of the f!.oodaand setvicesde5crihed herein; (4) The cash down payment .bown in lhisronlnlCl wasactllally paid by Buyer anilno pa:tofsaiddoVlllpaytttel\lwasloeDed <br />direc'ly or Indinlctlv byS<-Jler to Buyer. (5) Each Buyer is legally competent In contract; (6) This contnlCl is not and will not be SubjeCIIO any claim, defense, demand or <br />rightof offset; (7) 1be execution of this contract and the underlying sales transactlOn gi~ing rise thereto did not \'ioiate any federal or Slate law. directive. rule or regulation <br />now In effect; (8) In thc-c-v~n{ that thiS contracl or tM underlymg sales transaction IS subject to a nght of resciSSion or (anceUatio~_~Lt!1_~!!~. such rcscissionorc~. <br />.ion period h.. <<pired and neilher the .ale nor Ih.. <ontrac' h . been cancelled '" rescmded THIS COIlTllACT IS SOLD BY SEUEIl WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br />IN TESTIMONY WIlEREOF, the undelsig"IS ;~~tive ot the Seller and bas signed below on be!la!f of the Seller on this <br />da,,- ,,)f ~ )< ,19_Ll2 <br /> <br />T~ loregomg ,nstrument was lICkllO\\ledged betnre me on ~- fJ PACESZ;~DUCTS. I~" <br />'-~/;5-- V / ",--/. d ^ / <br />~" ~ ' l~ Bv . ..., ;C~:., / ''Le.~ L,-A1.-" <br />b)the..thonZedas<'ntotSel",,-~h?..!(al~_ ~e.(C ~7 ' <br />My commis~ion expires: <br /> <br /> <br />',.r,~ , <br /> <br />,.--~ <br /> <br /> <br />~; ,...~~A' <br /> <br />"'~-.:",.,-- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..J <br /> <br />L <br />