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<br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FII'IANCECIlARGE, Ev';' though I do not have to pay more than the regular scheduled i'n<>nh.lY paY'l'ent, !Have ttie'right
<br />to P."epuy the whole amount owing to yo.u in f. ull at any time or in part from timel<>time, If the lending institution or bank.k that buysm"~~trac.. t comp. utes the fIlIance charge
<br />dOlly, I know my finance charge wiH be less if! mak" un early payment, and it Wil.l. be highe, if! pay late;; r also recognize thataill"TleCeSSllrj1ll<li\Jstmen. t,WIIlY t'?ta1 fiqnc,e
<br />charge w.Ubereflected.mmy rmal bill; I also know that the amounts sltownon the reverse Sldeforthe Fmance Chatg1O;Total ofPaytlleIlts; imlftbccTotaJ Salellrice are esU-
<br />mateli based on the assumplion that you will "",eive each of the paymepts exactly.on its due date; and!Jmow that there will be nO refund ifIprepay1lecau$e tbere.i.nOllting
<br />to refund if I am eharged onadaily basis, If the lending imtitution or bank does Dot compute the finance charge daily, and if I prepay the Whole amount, you will refund
<br />to me the unearned ponion of the finance charge (i2.erestJ by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method; and the amount of my rebate will be figuted on the
<br />schedu~andamountS of my nlOnthly payment and not on the acroal.dates and amounts of the prepaJll!lents that I pay to you,J know that a.refuncioflessthan $1,00
<br />wiU"'*bem.4e,.... .... '. .... . '. . ..' ... " . -, '- '.'
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<br />83-JJOll';"'5
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<br />Ba~=D~~::E~1m.0W8t::rp~~~~Rg:~~~~~~E~~h":S'Su:~~-~:=~t
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<br />(b)l will and should.read, in detail, theseparate .. LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this con_t, It explains thecooditionsand circumstlii1ces in which
<br />themanufactured productswiUbe repaired or replaced. I take notice of the limitations on thewarranly, andl particularly recognize that any implied warrantywhiehapplies
<br />(0 the goods lasts only as long as the warranty or service contract. - ,
<br />SPECIAL-ORDE:it GOOnS: 1~",,1hat )1l.h.ve~myhoose and its openings so thal you can make !be products to fit my particular house, r talCenoti<i-tluiithe
<br />goods thalare manufactured for my 'pecific house probably will not fit any other houses, andunde...uch conditions. I know that I cannot Cl!Il<'Clthis c~ll! anY time
<br />after the period of time given tome, by law, in which to cancel. Afterthallegalperiodoftime,lknowthatlhavetheobligati<mtopayiou in.tUUtheBmountowe.k"'''. ....,
<br />OBLlGA nONS PERTAINING TO MY REAL EST ATE: I . I promise to keep my hoose in good repair and to keep it insured for at least 8O~of itsreplacementval...
<br />by buying a fire and extended coverage insurance policy. The insurance company must he approved by you, and !be policy .mustbave u,andanl trust d.eed beneficiary clause
<br />which-says that you are to be ~d if there is a loss. The insurance company must agree that it will not cancel my policy without first telling ~ r authbrize.the i~e
<br />i:"lW:ra'llJ:Y~::~io~=':'":f;e~~n~yC~":te~~;,;:~r';;ri::i~i~~,~=:::;;n:I~':,y~se~:::'~andX=~~"'mPf~=
<br />when due, 4. I promise to timely make all payments on my prior loans secured b"my real estate, I also promise that I will not extend, reneworchange.priorloans..\vithbut
<br />your wriuenpennjSsion., 5. If! do not in. sure my houseo. rMfill my other obligatJ.'ons to my reaI....te. ,tbenyoucando it for me if. you. want (bu. . t you 00.. not., ....1Ia1... ...veto...
<br /> ),.If.....YOII
<br />da pa. ,y an. y oftliese obligations for me, I agree to. pa . y you back on demand plus interest at an annual rate three pen:enmge points (3"") greater than the aunnaI percentage
<br />ratesbawn on the revetse side, Until I pay you back, these amounts will be added to my debt to you which is secured by my real estate and hoose,l know1hat if you decide
<br />to buy insurance for me that }'ou. do not have to obtain any homeowner or liability insurance.
<br />
<br />SALE OF MY HOUSE, I prom... not to sell, lease or give my hOuse to anyone until I have fully repaid my debtto you, or, until I obtain you,wrinen pennissioD, If! would
<br />submit to you someone to laIce over this contrro<t, I agree that you may review their qualifications. If you approve them, you can charge me ......icefee forcbanging records,
<br />You can also inaease the interes.t rate on this contract by as much as the law allows: If you do. you ~not to bold me responsibfe for thisdebt.
<br />
<br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contracl if:
<br />I. I don't makea payment when due; or
<br />2. I brr-ak any promise I made to you in this. contract: or
<br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I donot intend to pay you as promised; or
<br />4. I defauJlon any obligations for which I am using my home 8." collateral: or
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens yourrigh~. if an)' . in it.
<br />
<br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: My hooseand real estate can be sold by you tapay my debt to you. Before my house is sold, ~oo will doevetything that the law requiRs, Anyone
<br />can purchase my house and real estate at !be sale, including you, and, you can give the purchaser a Trustee's Deed WIthout any warranties, Howe...., you !'ll""'that.you
<br />will not. ",II my bon", and real estate '.f.1 pay all overdue payment> and correct any default before the sale, Or, ;'00 hav.. the right to sue me and foreclOse this contniCI as
<br />if it was all1Ortgil&1O. If you hire ...._y to assist you to "'I my house. 01, to sue me, or, to proleCt your rights. J agree to pay you for yourrearonableauomeys' r-
<br />and forother relaledexpen!OS .uchascourt"""ts, title searches and __y you expended to """"'" my house,
<br />
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to enforce any of the rigMs ~"j", :hi. l'OnllaCt as often as we want ""thout losing them, Or, we can delay enforcing any of the righlS,
<br />wilhoullosmg them. We can also use any rights now OT in the future given to us by law.
<br />
<br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts OJ install the prodUCts I am porchasing on my hoose, but I also ~ that in some situationS you mI,y encawlIer ,
<br />delays that an: caused by strikes, weather condiuons, delays you have lD obtaining materials. or for other reasons 1hat are beyond your control, I undctstand that you wiD .
<br />not be liable forsuchdelays,
<br />
<br />ARBITRATION: III have a dispute or claim with you co",:crning the quaotity, quality or performaoce of the product>, lundentand that my dispute may he submitted to
<br />and settled acconling to the mediation.arllitnllion program that may have developed in my community or by the local Better BuslDess Bureau, I also know tlm any decision
<br />madeby an arburlmr(s l WQuld be eDteredm t:be coUrt having JunsdlCtlOO over me and )"00.
<br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know that !be wlndo",s, woo<I_, and other IlIa\<ri.i. <hat ha.o to 0< ","",ved bY)'OU for tl1.. i__ _llIhaIngevaNe,-"""'"
<br />move them. you can have lhemforwhaleverpurposc. you want.
<br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS, Oat:: to tbo uniqueness of """'" ofthe products that yoo sell, I undmtantl that in special situations that rour Regional Office may have to rev~w
<br />and ac<'epl this contract, I .lso understand that thIS sale o",:um:<! ID my home and thaI }"'U and I may not have had all the <:<>rm:llnformatton 'mportant to thIS transacllOll
<br />at ourfingertips; I give you my consent \:0 c~-. any obviousem")rs Uutl may ha''C"~-cuned when thebla."\ks in lhiScontrBCl \J.'efecompleled.
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<br />INV AU!) PROVISIONS: If auy provisiOll ofthts contract VIOlates !be I.", and isW1Ollforceable,tbe _of tho_ willllO vallil, !fmy partOfthis'Xlfttrllluequires
<br />payment of more i_ than tho law pennits, thett you will OIIly have the right 10 l'Ol"'1 from me the .......Mof i_ which tho law allows yoIUO collect.
<br />
<br />COMPLETENESli.OF TIUS CONTRACT: I caunol revoke the ltUSt \hit 1 have cteated by this eanuact. This contract can OIIly be changed if both YOll and me agree in
<br />writi..,
<br />~.._ ....,~<'~i?~ ~ ~~p ~ my attention ,the rilhts that) ha'ie even..'hen this 1."Ontr'at.'1 is <<lid M a fin.octal in<tilUtinn tlr 14 h,,"\: "nd' ~h.'>...1.f ......;.... .l..... .1....
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