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___,__ _. <br />~. <br />'h t <br />9 <br />~' ` ADDITIONAL TERMS +' - ,M . <br />.„ + 's <br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: Evrn tiavgA T do not have to-pay more than.the regular scheduled moathly:paytiwu, I Ear r the <br />right to prepay the whole nawuot owing to you in fait st any time or in pan from iitne to time: tf the tendingmstitution or bank that buys my contract cemputestltefisagae <br />charge ly, l know my finencechatge wi0 be less if 1 retake an eaHY paymem, artd it will be higher if I ppaay late] 1 also recognize thatanppneeeasary~ad'usmtetn m mytafal ,: <br />finance cfiarge willbereflected in myfmal6ii1;7 also know that the amounts shown on thereverse side fortbe Futaztce Ctiarge, Total ofPaymems; the TdatSakPrii:rs <br />ate caUmates Eased on the assumption that yen will receive each of the paymrnts exactly on its ducdate; and I know Utat there well be no tefand rf I ptEpay bEcause there <br />is nothing;o:refund if i am clurged one daily_basis. If the lording insutntton or bank does not,comgirie the finance charge daU~ ands Lprepay the whole atnountt~ou 1- <br />fiaared on the.scheduied deice and amatnts of my monUUY pa}mtent and trot on-the acnwl dates and smounts.of the prepayments that t pay m yet. t~gww that a temaa <br />ltssthanS"i.B(Iwillnotbemade_.. - - - <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES:. <br />(s) Ws as SELLER HEREBY DISCi.AIM ALL WARRANTIES, P7(PRESSED OR IMPLIED; OF AAERCHANTIM• <br />BfLtTY-AND F[TNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS` SEtiER FiJR- <br />NISHES=BUYER- WITH'A SEPARATE" Wflt7'fEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR; SERVICE` CONTRACT IKAQE°BY SEI:. <br />LER ON ITS OWN:BENALf (WHICH; IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES-THIS' CONTRACT):. <br />(b) T have read, in detail, the separate "LIMITED W ARRANTY" which accompanies this contract.I[expla'urs the ednditions and diicttmstances in which the man- <br />ufuctaredproducts will be repaired or replaxd. I take notice of the limitations on the warranty, and I particularly recognize that any implied warranty whiehapplies tathc <br />gaodslasts only aslong as the warranty orservicecontract. - -- -- <br />SPECIAL-0RDERGOODS: Iknowthat you have measured my houu and its openings so thatyou can ioeke theproductsto fit my perticularitouse. FtskenoUeethatdie • <br />goods that arc manufactured for my specific house probably will not fjt soy othgrhwses, aril uabei suclYHcoaditiops: I know that i canirot canal this centrect atany time <br />aftertheperiodoftimegivenmme.bylaw,inwhichtocancel.Afterthatltgalperiodoftime;Tkerowthatlhavettieob~igationtopayyotiinfiUltheamouatowed. - - <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINUiG TO MY REAL ESTATE: l . I promise m kc•p my house in good repair and m keep it insured for ai least 8QAr of its repltuemeet vsitte -- <br />by Guying a-fm and exierrbed coveraggee insurance policy. The insurance comPan~ must be approved by you, and the policy must Save a beneficiary clause wbishsays that. - <br />yaa ate ta be tf Utere is a Toss. The insurance company must agree that it wi 1 not cancel my policy without fast telling you. I euthonu the irusuraoce mmpmty-to pay - , <br />you directly-for any lass. You can choose to use this insurance payment ta either repay any amounts I owe you or to repair my boast. 2, I also promise that { w am w <br />an a else ta place any liens an my real astern without your wnnen permission. 3. I pron~se m pay all taxes, asstssmrnts and outer charges on my real estate when clue. <br />S. I promise to timely make all payments on my pprrime loans secured by my r° estate. I also promise that 1 will not extend, rentvv or change poor loanswiUtout youi arcitten <br />percussion. 3. [f I donot:insurc myhouse a<fnlfili my othetobligations to my reat.tstate, then you can do it forme if you want(but yoodo not have to): if you'do pay any <br />of these obiigaUonsfa me, I egret ta pay you back w demand plus interest at the hrgheat lawful cantmct rate of interest. Until l pay you back, ibex amounts will be added <br />ro my debtto you which is secured by my real estate and house. I know that if you decide to buy insurance for rot that you do tro[have m obtare attyhomeowner orliability <br />insurance. - - _ <br />SALE OFMY HOUSE: I promise not to sell, lease orgive my house to anyone until 1 have fully repaid my debt to you. - - - <br />DEFAULT: I will be in defauktunderthis contract if: <br />I. Idon't makeapayment whin due: ur - <br />2. I break any premise 1 rnatla to you in this wntratt; ar <br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith thaz I do not intend to pay you aspromised; or - <br />'d. Fdefautto[ranyobiigationa forwhich tam using my hoam"asrnlkatenl; of - - "" _ - _ _ _ <br />5: SortteNinghappens tomy house which threatens your tights. if any. in it. <br />EF I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to foreclose the Mongage I have given to ou and have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if I <br />am N default under this contract. Before my Fluse is sold, you will do everything that the law requires. Ityyou hire an anorney to assist you to saki my house, or, to sue me, <br />oc, to prouxt yyro~r rights, I agile to pay you for your toasoaabic attorneys Pets and for other related expenses such as court cosu, title searches and money. you expended,. <br />toprornetmyhousa,[fyou are albwed tocollxtsuchamouais by taw. -- - ~- - <br />OTHER RSGHTS: Wecan choose not to enforce any of tM rights under this contract as often ac we want without losing them. Or, we can delay enforcing any of the lights <br />withom losing slum. Wt can also use any rights trove or in the future given to us by taw. - - <br />IIELAYS: i luww thazyou wi6 use your beat efforts to install the products 1 am purchasing on cop house, but I also understand that in some sic: ~•^~+ns you tnayexarnttr <br />delays that are causcdT}y: strikes, weather conditions, delays you have m obtaining materials, or for other reasons that ore beyond your rnntml. t •..ierstend that you will <br />not ba liable for such delays. <br />ARBITRATION: if I have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity, quality or performance of the products, I unkrstand that my dispute may besubmitted ta - - <br />snd sUUed according to the mediation-arbitration program that may have developed m my community. 1 also know that any decision made by an arbitrator(s) would be en- <br />cored in iheruurt havurg jurisdictionaverme ar[dyou. <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know that the wirabws, woodsvaic, and other materials that have to be removed by you for this installation bave N~ salvage value. When you re- <br />move them, you can have them for whatever puga>sc you wan[. - <br />SPBCIAL SI7IJATION3: !lire mthe uniqueruss of some of ilia products that you sell, { understand that in spxial actuations that your Regional Office may have ta rsview ` <br />and accept this contract. t also undersmrrd that Utrs sale occurred m my home and tltatyou stet Imay-cwt fiavs""find-all the cartect mfortnauon important m this tranasctioo <br />at ourfmgenips, l give yatr my consent to correct any obvious errors tEat rosy have accutred;wL.cnibe blanks in this connect wire completed. <br />INVALW PROVISIQNS: If an provision of Uric eonttsct violates Uu law and is utunfotcahlt. ttle,test of the contract wi6 be valid. if any pan of this contract requites <br />pay~gpetisf moceinteraatthantlre law permits., thrnyon wlBaaiy hartthe rigMtoegl{ect~ oxdre-a~ttatof cntettstwhich Uu law allows you to collect. <br /> <br />L~ <br />