<br />I code; ~, ~.r:a_., a::rernrrnl .,: aplrli; :hlc law-. Borrower ,hall pny the amount of ail mangagc insur.urce prcmiume m the
<br />uuurnrr pt uvrirJ corder paragraph ~ horeof.
<br />4ny amounts ,lishucseti by Lender piervnaM kt :his paragraph 7, with intcrcst thereon, shall hccome additional
<br />nxfehtcdne~.. of Bnrmxzr uctn'ed 6y thi, Aton ~agz. 1'aiess Borrower and t-znder agree Mother terms of pavmenf, such
<br />umonnts shat hv.: pavabh• upt,n notice from Lcndcr to Bnrrowzr rcyuesting payment (hereof. and shall hear interest from [hr
<br />date of Jishur.zment at tiro rate payahk fiam timz t,, time on n;naanding prncipal under the Noie unless payment of
<br />interest at such rratc wank) be canirary to spplicabic taw, hr which event such amounts shalt hear interest at the highest rate
<br />ncrm[ssihle and; r appli::ahlc taw Nothing contained in this paragraph ' shall require [.ender to incur any expense ar take
<br />:my aetian hereunder_ _
<br />g. (crspection. I coda°r may make nr rau,e to he made reasonahle entriee upon and inspections of the Prnperty_ provided
<br />chat Lcndcr ,haft give &rrrawzr nn5cc prior x, anq such incpzcnnn specifying reasonable cease therefor related to Lender's
<br />intzrest in the Pmpcrty.
<br />4. Candemnntian. 'Lhc proceeds of anp ::ward or eta+m for damaecs_ direct or consequentiah in connection with any
<br />candenraatien nr other t;rking c,f thz Pml±c^rt c. ,~r part thtreof. or for ton. cy:mcc in lieu of condemnation. areherehy assigned
<br />~n.t ,h:di he paid to f ender.
<br />In the ccc+rt a( ;. tatat tnkinC of ;Fc pmr,rrt_v. Nor pnrcccds =hail bz applied to the sums steered by this Mortgage.
<br />„i[h the re::~~~ 'f ant, n.nd t,~ &+rmwer to the rrcnr of a partial takine of the Prnpcrl}`. unless Borrower and 1-ender
<br />.,rherxi;a^ nrrec in w-nrnr- thete• ,h:d( he applied r,, dra ,um; treated t+v this Aortgage each pmpnrtion aE the prgereds
<br />as s agmai-u, tfsat t+soMrrtion +ahirh dre amount ut thz sum. scented by thi. ?s~fortgacc immediately prior to the date of
<br />iskmg Fx.vs +„ the Farr ma;}.et ~ ahae a,f [he Pn,pzm in:;nedcuelc prier ro t!u: dote of takine_ with the balance of ihr proceeds
<br />ix:id tto Borrou•ir-
<br />If the Frntreric i, .,hUndn:~s~i hr &vn,w er. ,=r 4f. after ncrticc by t elder m Burrower that [he condemnor nffets to make
<br />award .,r o-trtdc a cia+m t:x d.anaees. Hnrmesz: fo;l.s t:, ; capond ur t ender within ?0 days after the date such entice is
<br />rnaited. I coder is .;uthcrr:7ad to :.:,ilea ;cod apple the proczeds. a! 1 endzr'v option, either to rrstaratian or repair 'of. the.
<br />Protx etc a,r to !hc ,one, ,.,:urcai i-c this Atnrr_nez
<br />l.'nks, ! cn,ler .:fad Hoer, air nett-zna;,z agrc2~ ir, eritur•_ ana' such applicatirnr of pn,cezds to principal shell not extend
<br />,u p.>,tpone aw due Sat: of iha monthit isu:Hme;;ts referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereaf nr change the amount of
<br />v+ch ,nst::Itarcnic
<br />?tl. Harrower VM Retcwsed, f~stensi,rn rr the !,era for parmeru or modification of amnrtiaatinn of the sums secured
<br />L±v the tvtertcage i:ranted hr [ender t.. ;env ,errceu.re i;r fntcn-rt of B,•rnrwc•r c}tali nn; operate to release, in any connect.
<br />the l;ahdirs .:+ the ximnnl Bc>n,rrarr and Zorn,wer', ..:..c;,or. +n intcrzrt- Lender shalt net he regnirrd to commence
<br />praczcuings agamv ,: rh ;. .a .-- nr rtfirt to oxtcn,i tame f,*r pacmc;xt e,r o4teru•isz modify amortization of the sums
<br />,ccerzJ hr this \1„rtga=gr '^~~~~recty=n nt .i„} de. n.:nJ tnaJe hr the oricmal K;,rrnw-er :+nd Aormwer's successors in interest.
<br />77, Fauhearance bt Ixodcr ~'ot ;+lVai.er. tn. £,=rheatancr i„ ; ,-odor in escrurmg err: rigin or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwix• .:lla rde;t i=r .+pnG;ahie i + -h.,lt :. -_ .. u-:r:r.r o <:c i,ruiudz thz exerrisz of env such right or remedy.
<br />Chc nta..uremzn! ;ai h,:errarrr e,; ;h,~ t'::: erem ~.+i t..,., .:,r .abet ?u-nc ,^r rharet--~ he 1 ender ,hall tart he ;t a giver of Lender's
<br />right ; ;rlcrur the m:d::+itr , : th; ~.~.i~h;a-d:a - ~ .i hr th„ Atru;c;rg;r
<br />72scRemrdirs ('umulativr.~ its '-tnxdic~ "° ,=:!ed ~ . , .- Ai nrtcer. .: r :1i,tinrt .rr,l .umul;-Ui,=c to anq rnhcr light ni
<br />rrntc+iv rode. ra.< ..tone :, .: s-i d..::. ~ .. _~. ! ~ . _,. rJ :. ; r..n mrlependend}• or succcssivcty.
<br />it Sacrr.c,rr. amt ~>+it:n. Bn+md: Joint and tie.rral Ltahilit>; t'aptinn;. ratio- -- assn ;nd .rerrmarents herein
<br />tnntaute:i ,hat hi,;u.. nd .t.a ~.~ :, „ , , ut,.r _r.d! alto±a ._~ -_~ t-:.c-- s ,...., , c rs gad ,,, ;z?n.: k Lcndcr :cod Borrow~rr.
<br />.~+h,cst :. , - :xis,-.;,,n i .. - .: -l r; _, .,: ,., ar_rr. rt Bnrn,.e ca ,h.d~ I+c taint and several.
<br />hh+-• ur{?u,xa, an.l `:u-3-rte. a; ,1 - _ ~r,h, - ,,. At ~_._~u. , . ~. ., nr mru.c anh ~,*:I err Trot to hz used to
<br />~;; tcrprrt „r dcfir,c ! -: rn,a ~.., v,- +-.. _
<br />14. '.k Mier, 1',. v'pt i• -.t=r ., _. -:',1 ..._ '`:>-. b`~ :.. -~ hr _ -r. n .ur-~it,er manner oil ane• notice to
<br />Bartow-rr p, ,dra ;. ~ -e th;~ At t_.+;.a •,..: ~. ~.. - i,,,r:~. - , .rrnfird ma91 .:ddres,rd !o Borrower at
<br />the Prcr~•nr ~?:'dec., ~ r .. .r;,re. .?cSra -.~G,=. ._ :,. ..._ c h- .,.,r ;, a Jcr a. ;•; ov idcd herein. and
<br />tht am non« :,, 1 .n, ~ _ - ~ .r.. .... , .. a _ -.:µ« t •.t :. i cr -. .,ddress anted herein nr to
<br />loch ,+rhe+ ad lrz...~, t . du ~- :_.:.u. -. .- }t, ~., r..,, ,, r.+~ <, ~ 1 ~~:_:r:n '<,rv ~,,a:;. • pmrnlcd for in this
<br />'r3tr gage ~f:,e,t t.e ,.. c~mau +n ~..,, ... ,;:. t. ,, 9i, -. ,.; i , nd. ~. hen ss.aa^t ;r the n.+..;:rr dcsiknatcd herein.
<br />tr. CnNurm itnngt+i:r: Goa rrninC I aw; Srr rrabilih. (t,;, ;-,: n, ~.i m.,n c;age:amhines loaf arm ,:arrnrmts far nstional
<br />ux:.tmt na,n-writ: r.n ,. -c. a.... _t- l.n:;a~i ,i.-r.~ -....... , t.- ,, n, -~ a murbnr: se2u rrtY instrument covering
<br />teas pea}+6rz+- Cho Ai;s,; ra. =.r Fx _., ..e :h. -; ~ th. ,eriuii2ti-a m u-hirh O.c Propzrq• is incated, In the
<br />avast that .urn nt.rv;ae. ct ,.._ ...yi1 = ~::., .~ .,. ~.*nh ztq=utat>ie --n , ,uctr con;i;et shag not affect
<br />>ther era? , a t errs 'ti, rte.:;. :~a A, . .,. _. _ -,:. ..ct ,danrt the ,anal k'tine pr ca tsiot?. a:rd m this
<br />evil thz fin-:rn4..m .,f the 3t s. terser „m! the \ ~:r : ..cc far eat t~.: ,,. .cr.ih!e-
<br />t6. Borrow-er's (°apt. Brr r="act mss: :ii ha• fur n..hcd , ..::tt:,r,r:a~d~ r:+p+~ of :he Pc`a;e ,;na .^F star 'startpage at thz time
<br />.,f esr: utinn~or ,titer re. rrdauarn !rerr.,t.
<br />77. Transfer of for Prupsrtr; .*,n;omptioo• t! .eU ,~r a.r-. ;*.. t :-:i .h; Pmpa~rty cu an interact thcrzin it ,old or transferred
<br />by Bort,:wcr ,.ith.n,t tctrdzrs nr.rr airine=: .•va.v:+:- ee.'ard:nx? :.;, ;he .rr;rtion c, ,: lae•;: ar encumkxanx subordinate to
<br />thrs MwYgagr. thl the arcat:ott~,,f purahacz money .•+u;aa ;eta-ras; for f:,+usehoid apphsncrs. id a trnne.ter by devise.
<br />dsscrni a?r tzp c+peratian of I<+a ;:[*a~n the rirath ,+t ., .,~:n; r:_nau; ~~r -
<br />Lrnder ma).~a! (rndca~+,,~pu=rn. dectatc ail the some secured by [hit Norigagr to Ae
<br />immctiiatziy~ dt~,rnd payahlz t ender .bait hate oat. ail rush „poor, u, accz3erare if, prior to ihz .ale or transfer. [.ender
<br />and tilt perwn to whonr the pn>pa°rtp- i, ±o he sold nr transicrred reach cagreemznr ur writing that the credit of suer pzrmn
<br />is saUSfa,ton .=.r Lender sod that the inirreet pa}abfe :~ ~ the nnnra .coated h}~ rte, Mcrctg;+gr shalt hr at su:=h rate as L.cnder
<br />shalt reyu~t. If Lender has war-ril Iht .+ptran to .,;,:eler,tlz pre+attisrti ~r. fh,s paragraph i ~. and ff Borrower-: successor i^
<br />interest hat zxreatri a wriurn assump~u?n agreement ac.eptcd m er nt+ng hq iXOdl'r, t-zttJcr chap role asu borrow rr fcom all
<br />aAfigations under this Mortgage and the tints.
<br />If Isnc~' zxercises :~: h • - ? 'ruroitsv2z. Len:4r -..ail malt Bntrarwct not:o_ .,f _eleratia=n i r accordan._r with
<br />paragraph Sd trrrral. &rclt noocs hall pa>•+_de. r pznod c t : a.t Its, th::n 3Cr daF, fr o;n the da to the ne lien is matted within
<br />tvhi+ah &ir!x>wcr may put the soot-s dskared dex- if Borrc.+rr Earl.; ao pav snch rum, pear to the a'spirstion of such period,
<br />Lender may, eritAttut further nohrr ,~r .k°rnaerd oa Barrruer. ~ncoE.r ash rc+nadies permetcd by paragraph t~ hzrrof.
<br />Ptiar+-tS*tteattst Cotannt rs Borrowet and 1 ender #ur*,her ,o,~enam :end agree r==. fc,ilow,~
<br />ig. Atreirrattoa; iirrntdiss. Except m provided in paragraph 17 hrreut, ripen Burro»er"s breach of any cuvenaM ar
<br />of Hortowtt hr itds 'silortlfagr, Includitrg the carrnants to pat when due any locos secured br this MoKg~s,
<br />farrier prier to ateeisr~itrn shag ttrsD nntke to Borrower a>: pnrvided in paragraph 11 hertat specityinQ: { t) the breach;
<br />t2i for rttiea rid to cure surA hrtat:h.` 431 a dais. trot term than 30 days from ihr date the notke k mailed to Barrowsr.
<br />by avllisfrgtrb 6rttrch mart he rurcdt gad td1 that Friturs to rws snch breach ua tu- before the date specified in the notict
<br />~?' esrWt br arxefrratior ut the sums s'erursd by fhb ~torigatts, fortelasure by judkiai prwerding and sole at ihr Property.
<br />Toe arRkr tdui! twfhrr inform Harru+rtr of ihr right to crtraMUte after accsleralioa and the rtiRht to assert in ihr forrrkuurr
<br />pttaKaadity the traar~xL#aa+tt of a dsfaaM ar rul ether dsfatsu of Harrower sn accrirrattan aad farectasurr. if the brewh
<br />is eet coved »a ur bsfarre fits 4rtt specifrsd hr iht msfice. Linder at t.rndtr`s optian may dsrlarr aB of iht sums secured by
<br />t4ir k)prgpty4 W br immrdiateft dot end payrbkt »gtwut further dtwrnd arrd may fnnKtasr by judicial ptnccedirgf. t.endtr
<br />sladf As ~athird is rofkrrt bs such prnrtsiing nit taptnaiw pf facsrtnaxut, inrludEng. Ant ncn tirrrited to, costs of darnmentan
<br />t>•-hl~t°r. a~rfaalla ;#r~ fitk rtpnrf+.
<br />ttk Maroatis Iti~ift k+ ftsia*tyts. '«'+withrtaae:tAe?•k t ecci:*s'= ...fi.ietatac*r: ,.; ehe -~srr:;s .re-ttac•ri ha ihr. titirrtg.tge.
<br />fhxr ea>ai+ *hs+s kayo the 't~'sxt '--u# x,c a=.a'<~ g„~a. .dm~s in:~ai; oy i--sd~-* i.• r,.:r.r Js,- ~ tt~~hr .:o ,,, ni.r.. ..t .- s- Irma:
<br />