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84 ----- t7+~ t) 012 <br />L'vtt:,ast E'inen;v-t a. Borrower and Lender covenant :uul uer~e as lohtswst <br />1. Payntcnt of Principal and inhrtyt. B„rrowur sn;dl promptly pay w•hcn Juc the prmcipai ul and mtci~u un the <br />mdebn:dne>,., evidanctd by the Noic. prepayment and late charges as provided m the Nola anJ the principal of and interest <br />nn any F-afore Advances secured by th:< ~fortgagc. <br />2. FnnAs for Taxes and Fnsurance, Sub}cct to applicable Insa or to a w Hiroo waiver by Lender, t3orrowcr shalt pay <br />to bender an the bas nmmhiy irnutlments of principal and uuerest are payable under the Note, until the tinic is paid in full. <br />a sum {herein `Funds `1 equal to one-twelhh of the yearly tares and aycessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, sod ground renix on the Property, tf any, plus one-twelfth n! nearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus are-twelfh of yearly premium insndiments for tnortgacc insurance. iF any, nIl as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to tome by t.c-nder on the bass of asusements end bins and reasonable esumates thereof. <br />The Funds .hall tro hchi in an mstittnion the deposit, or ;ucoutrts of which are insu2d or guaranteed 6y a Pederai or <br />slate a€;ency tin~!uding Lender if Lender is uich ;u+ institution). i ender shall eppiq the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments-, <br />msuruncc premiums and _grtrund rcnh. i ender rue}' not charge lur wn holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />ar verlf}'mg and compiling said a-ssccsmenffl and hilt!, un;ess Lendt:r paps 6ormwer interest o^ the Funds wtd applicable law <br />permitx Lender t.--, make such ^ charge B,urower and Lender may- agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mart;age the! ;ntrrest on the Funds shat( he paid to Burrower. :md unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />rsyuirex such interest ro be p:ti<I, Lender vh:di not he reyuired to pay Botn;wer :uty interest or earnings nu the Funds. Lender <br />,bxl! glee t„ I3orrcwver, wttnout eharge..m ar.mcil acconr Ung of the Fn nds ,bowing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />pnrpcr,e :or -uhi~t. each debit la the 6uuds wn, made. the Fundy are ptedgaJ as uddttiunat security fur the sums secured <br />by rhr, Morgagc <br />ff the amount of the Fonds held by I_endet_ together w-ith ;ht rumre matthly installments of Ftmds pa_yabla prier to <br />the due data, of ;axes. assessments. msuran^.e premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the smonnt required to paysaid races, <br />axses~ement.. insurance nrermurns and ground tents as ihc}- t.dt der, such atstcs shall he, at Borrower`s eptiuq either <br />prumpt#y reptid tc Bormwer «e creducd ic, l3,rtrower on r;tomhtr mstalimtnts of Funds. If the amount uF the fiends <br />held by l.cndtr ;halt :tot he suflicicnt tea pay taxes. assassnsents, incur:trce premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrrnver shall pay to Le.nticr are amoum necestan to make rep she dtfictency within ~0 days tram the date notice is mailed <br />h}• Lender to Harrower rcyucacing pa}tnem rhercoi. <br />Upc+n palms-nt :n felt .+f alI sums sernrod i,v tlt~, 'xl nrwage_ !.ender shall promptt}~ nrfund to Borrower any Ponds <br />held by Izrdar. tt :ruder paragraph E= heron( ;hc Pt,rperr a; ,r_Id r,r tht Property iv otherwise acqutrcd by Lender, Lender <br />shat! apply. no later than nnmedtau•is ttnor to ?ht -slc n`, the i'ropern- or ids acquisiunn h}' Lender, an}' Funds held by <br />Lender :rt the „n;c of application .rs ., :. rcdit ag:u ttst tlYe sum. ,(cured n.' this Mortgage. <br />3. Applirat4wt of Payments. Unlcs appi~cahic taw prosrdes ntF,crwisa adi payments received by Lender under the <br />Nate and paragraphs I and ': hereof ;hall he appSed br Lender tint ur p.nmem of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph ? iu~reoY. thin Ic zn n•a~,t p:cF.rhit on :nr Naic then is rhr prmcq;al of ti:e Nate. and then m interest and <br />ennapai on nay- Furute ~ldsnnee+. <br />4. Charges: E,ians. fl,~n awe! ,hat! p::} ,it r.,,,. .. ,. r,..~r!a. =nd .,dire _h., rgc,. Snv _uui nnpesittons nitnbutable to <br />the Pn .pert} which ttxay :uctm .. ;~r,: rtty ,:vci !t.:. '<l,~: tgage...nd h•a~,rt;,+i:l p.,} ntaus nr ground rents. if an}', in the manner <br />pruvtded unbar paragraph ~ f:ereot :,.... ?-„t iwd ~;, ,a,le maw;.•;_ h. ti,:rr,rs r. makmc patmem. when due. thrcttly to the <br />payee thercaf. Purrc,wtr .hail t~n,mpr , u:rnn!- ~ , 1 cnd..r li .° . _, _ .unounts ,iue under thin paragraph. and in the event <br />Burro.+er -bait msk,r pa4 mat;; d,recri= H.°a t. ~., rr .t=eat ommpCs~ n,uti,h to t ~mder receipts evedanrmg such payments. <br />Borrower ,bait pmmp:h fi -.ergo .n -~,. ., n t:a, i,i , r-iy .-~.,:r t:~ts ~tan}.~-~c; t,roudcd. that Nor rawer chat) not he <br />required to din -t.:ege ant ~utir m- t ., ito= -,*...• ,; w .~ ter.: ~_ _ :nn}~ i,- .he pa>nxm +d ihr et+hganon secured by <br />,ueb #ren to a mauttcr acce rtah-t °:~ ! .,,d_,_ nr t ~~_ _n ~., nt •., ~r~ _,. u. _r, n he !,._ of artenti rnt,:rcemcni et such lien in, <br />iegat pr.,~ccdmce which n ~ ~urr :ec ~ n::-:rm., . .. ... tortrnura of ifu Pn,txrt`. ar ;mp part thereof. <br />i. Hazard fnsurxnit, Na+n on er .bail l.rrp :r:c =n,t=r.•=-cam .+r. ~:,~„ .-=. ntrr;g „~ h;:rcaita _: rated on ,ita Prnncrty Insured <br />against toss ± c = c. hn~a~ - :is..r.d c.:rh:u the - i,:; ,~, i -,, ,. _ ,. ,. :m,', ..-. , e,nrr t,arard, „s A ender ma} ret#uire <br />any rn >u": anrot,.,is .u:, ;~-:~~. ? .,, Kt, :, i ~,..,.: ,,, ,,, -,. •-.r,, ,uc... t.,,; I .. ,tc~ Ja,.i .rot rcy,~irt rite anu!un! of <br />seen r ;veragc exa'ed to ar am.-.::.? .. a _ tq:,.r c,; : , .:,.. ,;ru.d i ti :bn titan Lace <br />~ ` <br />The tnsur:uue cart set srovtdt:: nc ~r.-~:a. r ,... .- ,s. + Borr=~•., rr ,: beer to appnn at up lender: provided. <br />that n.tch aplra;~xt ,halt n,.r r.c :-..,_.r ._~,...:. a,t..n~,t7 ,<;m_ -t..n.,:, .. -.oilcan ,anti he paid :n the. manner <br />pmvrded under paragraph_ het. of .,r .~ n,,t p.r:.l u: ,,:..;: s;ra]mu. p,} B,~u:,:per n:aA!t;g pu}'meat ',vhen due. directly to the <br />insurance earner. <br />.4It insuranc po!a:rs .Ind rer~ ; .n~ incur, ~~ - : ~: rr ,:: ' ru; ..,..r „ntr i„ 1 ender .;nd ,I:al: r.rrL ale : ,umdard mortgage <br />clause m la.: r:,i and +n trrtn =err ta, ee ., , c..dr~_ f ;,-u. :_ .; >~:: - .nom ;g;n ~,; i;r,id :n: t . "i,--:.-s and renewers thereof, <br />.and &~rarw et sh.s pro :apt4`, f+un:nn :. Londe: ~.. tcnc=+al re. .:,. , ..., ._..crprs cd ; .;id prtnnun;, in the etcm of loss. <br />&rrt,wrr shalt got prarttpt nrt:.c ~ , ;t±r ~osurar,,.c~. ern,: __nd ~t ~r«tre ! eu.t,- :nu'. ota't.c p„:.a of lass it not made pn+mpU}~ <br />6y Borrower. <br />Unless f.cndrr and Bor'rnscr oti;rrw::c acrce u> rrrt;;:g. r :.:..... t,r,,,ri:ds shall h:° appbad to resr,ration or repair of <br />the Prupertp dcmrag-ed. provrded .u.h rcsta; ala.vt .,_ 1spa,r r, ~.. i~,me~.+iVe re:h;c and the ,eeurit} of thn Mortgage u <br />nut ttrcreby hnpnrrrd !f u:ch tot.,r,a;ar; or rrpatr u. art c..orn=n.~~aiic t. a.rtk• „r :t the sec aloe ,~t thn Mortgage would <br />taC tttt}isired, the tnaurancc {sa,aeeds +ha:i he applied to the wms ,u.-::r~:i ; tn:> Mortgage, rs:ut the rites>. ii any. paid <br />to Barrower. tt the Pn,txat is at=.,ncLutrd Ay f3.=r r.;wcr- .u =( Lturrnw er !ante :.- rrsp;.~:e! t:r t coder wrthm it) da}s loon tht <br />data ncsiicc rs .Waded h}° Lender t~~ ff~nrr,.w er that rhr ,ausrsncc barrier ,;!tors !.• ,ertle ., ci:uat for nt>urauce hene6U, Lender <br />u authureud to ~aiiect and apply the :rsstt aa:xc r .ac lids _,t i-.r:H;ct , optron cr[het to reanrr,u ion ,~r re.patr ,+f tht Pfopert}' <br />or to tine sums .(caeca! by rlvs Mortgage_ <br />Untae+ Len~:r nerd Burrcurr nth. n,rse egret en wntmg. any su.n ,,,,pticauon of procctdc [o , nnc~q?;il +ftaii Hat extend <br />ut p~attpune the sine bate of the. manthic mstalimenxs .eitrtrd h::a p;uagr,,phs ! .met 3 bettor o: changt the amount of <br />such mstalfnxan. t( under paragraph ! a hereof the Properts i, aiyu:rcd ,_: L_rnder. alt nght, uric and Interest of Borrower <br />in and in any insurance po!rdes and n; and to the pecceeds (beret( :txttt;ng H~c+n: uamage to the Property prior u, the sale <br />or aulussition shat! pass 30 Lender to die cetera( of the ,urns +c_nmd b} the if ottgagt rnmtutatti}~ poor to such sate or <br />aegteiaitioa <br />6. Ptresenrttion a~ ~iatotenanee of Proper(}; Leunchutds; ('ondaminiwus; Planned Unit F)es rlopmenis. l3orruwer <br />shad keep the Property in gw-sd repair :Hid shalt nut crammer ~-caste or permu impuirnreni ar detnrioranun of the Propeny <br />atxd shaald compty cviih the provisxins ut any tease :t then \1nr,gaga r, an a tca3ch:rid. li (hit .hlattgagt rs r=n a unit in a <br />etsr[datnimuat or a ptanrtetl unit devetcspntent. }3a~ru,werhail perturm nit of Borrow€rs ohlagau~+ns under the dc°ctarauon <br />ar ecsve~anta erratinp or guvcrn3ng rhr, e:mdornutiurre ar planned nau de=ek,pment, the h}-taus and regutauetu of the <br />cCSniforiaintum ur plaarted unit cievra<tpmeau, and c.'c;nsutucatt d-ac ((menu, it a ..ntdorninium ur Manned rant doeciapnrent <br />rt~iC xs-axceutrd-tfy 8~trt#wcx and resot`{t~i r~cther wrth this Murtyake. the covenants .met agrccment, of .uen nder <br />steal bo ittcxarpstiatrrs'f tnYO atx9 shah. amend and supplentcut the eusenants and agtecmcntx of ih~x hlongBg:= a. a the rider <br />lucre. a ptu4 trzr,iaf. <br />3, ]Mtro3nyipµ ~ leataAtr's 5asarky. IF Bortx:wcr Fads to perfc~m she covenants and agracntcnts vntatncd ;tt bus <br />Mcarlja~C. cx :I arty aGti4n z.r prtw•c~dwg es eumisttnt:crl uhmtt mutrrtad'i 4' else( is Lender`s ,utcrr,t to ihr- Propene, <br />itaeltaden~, teat at:?d Itmi3~d 1tt. xt3ticsent ckrttaeu, +n~ccrlvittco~. c:-aPc rnior.x-lac-nt_ er net=ar,gements ar {•rtk'sedings ,rrvulcsng a <br />k~is3tt3tF*f tar ~deaxasnt, rhea C.trxirr at I cndei's +aptivtr. ((Earn ixsu.e to Uvu Rtwk~r. citay uwke err~lt ap}'~arances. ilishnnc >nch <br />aortae atsA Lalit stub xctxsrt a>< th nc~.rsutry us-prut~r 3_ertder's mt>"rcal..ncluatrnp, hat trsu Ittnired 60. dttthua!,erta-nt of <br />rta~e -_' 'Ytr~r~ , -...-~ nerd catty u(uui the Przrpitty to trxa*t rep-s',rs tt i:ts the :`ext+ u- s ta.,::sag ~ inaur::n:t a. . <br />tru~ef~a~~ ;- .,.,:r.r,y, +bc itsau sey[}aed ~~ then biatr~-fie. ( as art„ r`ay 1tr t:€rmrun„ ruq,r_rcat t.: ntainC -,• :.tch <br />dvs4Vr.'trs~t- '4n ~; , =at,i s~ ts(tNi ~_ Efes~ t~tatrernxak 4ryr s#;C#; i,tsfyvaar~.. .ter -tro ;arcs ;as <<.. c~ta ~:. ,n. r Ira; r.,xer~+ nerd <br />