<br />
<br />and in
<br />or .~~irnent
<br />frCl'l'l said real
<br />to
<br />
<br />054
<br />
<br />.:l.nd to refrain fr(J'1 the C(1T'If1'\.i'tiJslon
<br />not to cut. orrE:~, (::It to b(
<br />and to canmit. or no wast.e
<br />rrothoos of fa rrnin(1
<br />and t.() preee't:Vr'
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />(4) 'Ihatiri the event M:)rtgago.r (s ) fail ( s) to pcty \tA1en due any taxes, rental ",,,,(m
<br />~:my leilses assi9rn1oo as additional security :fot this rrort"gage, liens, judcnmnts, or asses8fl'ent~
<br />laW1fullyasses$$1 agcdn.c;t the prq;>erty hel:'ein rrortgaged, o.I' fail (.$) to maintain
<br />herla:inbefore pt'c)vidErl, ~hrtgagee may make such payrrent or provide SUd1
<br />j~unt(s) paId thE1.\ref()r shall becane a ()f the ind(",btooness sE;.~ured hereby, due and
<br />;imm~~'<iiiate:ly, and shall bear interest: at the (.,"UrrE~nt rate of the ~rtqa.gee at the
<br />l~r't:gagee makes S\lch payrrent.
<br />
<br />That i.n the event ZVbrtgagor (s ) defaul t ( s) in the
<br />the repayr:entof illflY ooditional <;rlvance ( s) made as herein
<br />at the t:iJne W1e:n the saine shall 00 due, or w:i..th res~t to dn) f"Ondition
<br />then, at tJle cption of Mbrtgagee, the entire indebtedness secured herOOy' shall forthwith ~
<br />due and payable" shall bear interest: at the current rate of theM()rtg8gee on the of thE:\
<br />def,2lult, and thE~ r-tJrtgagee may inmediately foreclose this ITPrtgage or pursue any other avail-
<br />,able legal remedy. In the event~ of any action by IVbrtgagee to enforce collection of the rrort-
<br />9age debt, the Mbrtgaq::>r ( s) agree ( s) that any expense incurred to procure or extend a.n abstract
<br />of title shall, W1~ paid by M::>rtgagee, \ becane a part of the debt secured herEby, aooshallbt:
<br />'"" paid by ~brtgagor(s) 'together with all of the taxable costs of sum action.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />(6) That in the event action is brought to foreclose this nnrtgage for all or
<br />t.he debt secured hereby, thefJbrtgagee shall be €mti tleCl to i.nTrI::rliate possession
<br />9a900 premises, lurl the court, o.r a :jooge theroof in vacation, may app:>int a receiver
<br />possession of said poc-emises to collect and receive rents aM profits arising
<br />frcmany rroneys ~l:> coll(.~oo, to pay taxes, provide i.nsurance, make needed
<br />nen1:.s upon the plr~emi.ses, and make any othere:xpendi.tun:~B authorized by the court::
<br />sum remaining after the payment. of such authorized f~ncli.tures upon the
<br />by this riOrtgage..
<br />
<br />
<br />(7) That f(iilure or delay of MJrtgagee ,to exercise any of its rights or
<br />not .be constxua::I las a waiver thereof, that. any act of M:>rb;1agee waiving any
<br />~lortga.gor(s) shalll not 1:J': construed as a v.aiver of any future defaults; t:hat
<br />in the payroont of any notes, installrrents or interest, orin case of pa:ynent
<br />any lien, Judgment, tax, insurance, cost or (:Uq:>ense, said l'o'ortgagee shall havE~
<br />without declarinq the W'holeindebtooness due and payable, to for(.~lose on
<br />specific default for sum s"Ums as are in default and sud1 for(.~"':losw:e
<br />and the land deiscri.be.l herein re sold, subject to the urpaid
<br />and this sha.!1 1 ien for any uq:>aid ba lance .
<br />
<br />
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