<br />M:n::t~~age .1979
<br />(Rev.. 1980)
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Mbt'
<br />a~; described and in consideration of future
<br />aclvan.ces or any oftllaT\ as hereinafter providoo, herel:>y
<br />mc:)~ages and conveys to O'Neill Prcxluction Credit. Association, whose principal office is at
<br />Of~ill, HOltCaunty, Nel:lraska, M::>rtgagee, the following described rE~al property in, .~l
<br />~unty, l~raEllk.a, subject to oil, gas, and mineral rights o.mecl by part.ies other than Mbrtqa-
<br />9~r (a); exist:tng ea.setrents of record reservations in 'United States and' St.ate patents; and 't..ne
<br />right.sof tile public and all highway,s:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Suite Three (3) in Brentwood By-the-Lake Condominium Property
<br />II, in the of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
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<br />IS
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<br />containing acres, J'OOre or less, according to C:Clvernment su~y; together with all the
<br />I:'igbt,titleand interest of ilia l'wbrtga9'r(s) in saUl prop€:u:'ty now owned, or hereafter acquiroo,
<br />ZlLl1dincluding all buildings and iJrprovements now on, or h~reafter placed an said real pr<:perty;
<br />i.ncludi.og alsc~ all water, irrigation, and drainage rights!
<br />
<br />This mortgage is given to secure:
<br />
<br />
<br />(A). A col~:lt.cral note dated by ~rt9agor(s) to ~rt-
<br />gag8e, in the p.rincipal sun of
<br />OOLIARS, plus advances for
<br />flibrtgagee requirai by FeOOr 0.1 Law to stpfX)rt the outstanding
<br />illl3 to the texms of said note and arw collateral agreement, or any instrument taken in ref in-
<br />ancing, extendir.g or renewing said indebtedness, or any .r;>art thereof;
<br />(B) MY fut~ure advances, with interest, which may 00 made iran tiJ1la to time by r-brtgagee, at
<br />its cption, t<::.. to'brtgagor(s), or any of than or their successors in for any purpose in
<br />any a:r'.OlU11t or &'l'OU1'ltS, p,t'O"-Ji.ded, h.c;;;e-v"aI', tJ'1at irrespe<...""t.i.ve of t.."te a.,~t4"lt.. of said as..iv-ances, the
<br />J1~rtg~ lien herein granted shall not ex.ceErl the stfn of One hundr.ed five thousand and no/lOO
<br />_,~-",-"",-,---~---_.,,--_,_-----_,_-----'------DOLIARS, plus advanct~S "for purcnase of Class. B stOC'k'"Oi?
<br />tion ~(!ertifi<::ates of the l-brtg'agee required by Federal Law to sqpp::>rt. the am:lU1lt
<br />t~ . i..nQebtEXlness or the MPunt of an indebt$':lness a:;Jual to the anD\mt of the rrortgage lien,
<br />Wrl1Cb.ver shall be least, plus in~est, which roortgage debt shall l::e payable i.n accordance
<br />w:itht:1,le tenniS of a collatf?..ral note of even dat.e. herEWith, and any other notes or instrll!leots
<br />\lbidl .may te t~a.ken to evidenc~ sudl advances or any r;>art thereof.
<br />
<br />''1hi$ lt1)r'b;JJag6 to be void.lp:)nthe. J?C:lyment in full with. int.e.rest of all cbligations,.
<br />~ fut:Ure,seG."U:t'oo or to 00 secured hereby.
<br />
<br />and ead1 of t:hEm, herooy warrant (s ). that they are of the
<br />that they will defend the title against (ill clainants wha'1saever;
<br />hQnest.e&:l i.n said a:rd cove:nant. and agree \vit,h
<br />
<br />
<br />