<br />~`~ - 000002
<br />to Lender an the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Nate, ar such other date each month as
<br />may be specified by bender, untH the Indebtedness is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds') equal to 1l 12th of the yearly taxes and
<br />assessments which may attain priority over this Trust Deed, and ground rents on the Property. if any, plus 1/12th of the yearly
<br />premium installments for hazard insurance, Pius 1; 12th of the yearly premium installments for morigage insurance, if any, all as
<br />reasonably estimated inftallg and from time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereo#.
<br />The Funds shall he held in an institution, the deposits or accounts of which aze insured or guaranteed by x federal orstate-agency
<br />iincluding Lender if Lender is such an institutionl. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,-insurance p;emfums
<br />and ground rents. Lendet may not charge for so balding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, or verifying and compiling -
<br />said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Harrower interest on the Funds and applicab}e law permits Lender to tnake-such a
<br />charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of the Trust Daed that interest on the Ftmds shall~be paid
<br />to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law requires such interest Lo be paid, Lender shall not be required to
<br />pay Borrower any interest or earnings an the Fonds. tender shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual t.^,caunting of the
<br />Funds showing credits and debits to the Fonda and the parpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds-are pledged as
<br />additianaf security for the Indebtedness secured by this Trust Deed.
<br />U the amount of the Funds held by header, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the-due
<br />dates of taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount requited tc pay said taxes,. assess-
<br />ments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fats due, such excess shall be, at Borrower`s option, either promptly repaid
<br />to Borrower or rreditod to Harrower an monthly installments of Funds. Ii the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall not be
<br />;efficient to oap taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they Pal! due, Harrower shall-pay to-t.enderany
<br />amount necessary to make zap the deficiency within thirty days Pram the date notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting
<br />payment thereof.
<br />i'pvn payment m full of ail In:iebtedress. lxnder shall prnntptly refund to Harrower any Funds held by Lender. If the
<br />Properly is sold urzder the power vi s_aic or the Property is otherwise acquired by lxnder, Lender shall apply, immediately. prior
<br />to the- sale of the Property or its ac:ruisition by lxnder. any funds held by Lender at the time of application as a credit against-
<br />the Indebtedness.
<br />If lxnder excvutes a written waiver of Barrawer:s abligatzans under this paragraph '2. Pwrrawer covenants and agrees to pay,
<br />trefore the same become deitnquent. all taxes :u-sd assessments and all other charges whatsoever levied upon or assessed, placed dr
<br />made against the Praperty_ 15arrawer further agrees, upon wntt.en request 6y Lender. to promptly deliver to Lender all receipts
<br />far the payment of such charges. S3orrowrr iikewtse ati~tees in pay all ±axas, assessments and oilier charges levied upon or
<br />assessed, placed ar made against, or measured F~}~, this "trust feed ar the rerardatian hereof, or the Indebtedness.
<br />;. ,4 IPpication of_Pav,•mencs. Alt payments received t?y f.erder as to any indebtedness ar as to any other debt, liability or
<br />ohtigxt ion awed u, Sxn~ler by &trrower racy he applied by Lender tt, ttte payment of the Indebtedness or fa any such other dobt.
<br />iiabt~itS ar obligation, in any order ar manner at apphcauar, w~nich Lender, ir. its absolute discretion, doems apprnpriate. Unless
<br />otherwise elected h5.:.v~ader, any such payment shall F,e deemed applied first to the payment of any debt, liability or obligation
<br />other ehaa the Nate-
<br />. Charge>: fre.ns. Bcxrower w-iil keep the 1'rnpc+rty free from sti hens oat sutzordiaat.e to this Trust Deed {except. if appli-
<br />cahie, airy 33en €Tes'cribed in paragraph ?St cad upon writinn demand of 7.ender. will promptly par and procure the release of any
<br />lien, whether arising prmr or subsequent to the execution of this Truss Deed. which in env way may, in the judgment of bender,
<br />haE°e priority Duce. ar pant.y with, +rr impair the secunt.y +,f. thts Trust Deed tu+t Eforrow•er need oat discharge any such lien so
<br />tang as Borrower shall agr•er. ir. writink, So peg the ~~biigahan -se,v;x-d br sorb lien ir, x manner acceptable t.o L.ender and shall in
<br />kaod faith contest. such lion by appropnatr legal preeeedings effecti~~.• to prevem the enforcement of the lien and the ),,ss of any
<br />of t3ta I'raperty. idarr«wer w_1i s9uly and punciaai!v pa} soy exlsnng nmrt~;age or lieu idetttitied 6ereinbeiow accora. to its
<br />terms, Receipts e=•nfettruxg pay mrr„-s reauvec9 tinder tuts pexrarreph -i shall bt' pnrmpity iurntahe+j to tender.
<br />5, Hazani Insurataee. 13orrawrr wilt keep the puddings ana other tmpmv€+ments now existing ar hereafter erected an the
<br />i'ruperty mtet~e+S ~}~ tnsnrarce carrtt~~rs sat-~Cacirrrp ur L~~nd.~r ar-lamer tae nc Cire, 't,azarcu includ€'rd in the term "axtanded
<br />coverage` and suct€ c,cher hazards, casuaittas ono ~:mt:ngencies as mar tin. rrquzrad by Lender, in such amounts and for such
<br />periods an map :~i<~ requiresi by t.e:der. The poizcg of insarartee shall Ue n form acceptable to bender. shalt have a replacement
<br />rant rttdarsen.rnc, and shall have &r_w~ payable pros:at, .ns ;r fa.cr c.„' as d sc. fortrt arcepiabie ti, Pander. >ll premiums an insurance
<br />pafictes elicit Ex> pazJ in the manner prrv mlyd wader paragraph '_' i;oree?f ar, tf oat paid ir, such manner, by tiorrawee making
<br />payment, at 4tsst ten ~,li'- days prurr to the due date, dirrcdy to the insurance carrier. Lender shall have the right to hold the
<br />pact tr~ and renew ale thereat and f3.xrawer °rili prompt ~ urnish t~ I "+nde° ail renew-t otucs - t U 1- pair' premum receipts
<br />..^ere, =ed by it. 4n no event x'nah lxnder tv* hz ld responszhie t.?r ;allure w pay for an} ~n>.tr.mc . t,r ~ any loos ,Fr damage arising
<br />out of defect is an;~ }azier;- er aristnK e,ut ut any I.diztre ++f an :n,urar:ee company to pa;• for atn= i€,ss ar damage insured against
<br />or far 3sd err by Ik?rrewer to effe€t the tnsurance required hertanndee. !a the event of it=ss, Borrower u}za!! Bice prampl. notice b}°
<br />retail in ttte insues;ue canter and Lender. lxnder array :.zaitr prwf r;f ,+ss i£ out made prontptl}' or in proper &~rat by L?,:,rrower_
<br />.llt pa[ci ~a a? incur snr.~ ana ;nor .u=d st! refn ntls of ,unearned pry=mium. are hen*b;• assigitud to Lender es additinnai security for
<br />the pxpmeut ,?f the Sndebtednr,,. In ,he e.en[ of i.,:ni#rr's .-xerr,se €~f th€~ pow<x cf sale eonwiaed hencin, ar in the event of
<br />forotlosure, all nght, title and intro st u( fiormwer fn and w :,ng msuranre policy then in force sttatt puss w the purchaser n.
<br />the truster x sale ar Iare4i,~sure >yle.
<br />Linlesa' hander and kicxrawrr otherwise ague to wretmg, in-;ueatzer pren•ceds >halt be applied to restoration ar repair of the
<br />property datzragrd, prowled such resturaUutz ar repair ;a etvmurt:iraiiv eastbte anJ the security at this 1'ru_R Deed is ntrt titerebp
<br />;mpairazf. IT such restoraton +?r re•pazr is not c=eunon+icali~: teasttrle ~.r if the >rv!:rit y= of thts Trust slued would be imparied,
<br />insuraoce prace•a:ds shaft br spylaed to the in:te-knadness, wtth the rxce.++, ff any, paid u, Borrower. [f thr Property is abandoned
<br />by Harrower, or tf Harrower faits w respond to fxitder zs4ttetn thirty ,t?t;l days frart ±he +fatc nattce is mailed by bender to
<br />Borrower that ilia insurance carrier of#ers to settle a c';tim f.±r insurance benefits, Lander is autharited to collect and apply +he
<br />insurance prace€rols, at Ixnder's aptivn, either to restoration ,>r repair of the Property ar to the Indebtedness.
<br />Unless lxnder and Harrower otherwise agree in writing, one such application c>f pea reds tzs Indebtedness shall not extend ar
<br />postpone the >=ae dale of the monthly instalhtzents rrfermd to is paragraphs t and ° hereof ar t:hange tite atnaunt of such install-
<br />meat,;. I!, under paragraph 1', hereof, the Prop:'rty a acquired 6;• t.,-,der, ail right, tit?e and !merest- of Horrawer in and to any
<br />mau,-antc R,.n Rds pay ~ c -~, a result of darnake .a the -ape r-!g }--~~.t - =the _ ie nr aegbisit.~on shai: p:us tv lxnder ;tnd shad hr
<br />applied first w the ct,~s and crxp€nses, anrlue:ittg :,t tcrney ftes, +^eurred :n ra;lacting ouch pcaceeds, than in the manner aad in
<br />tht. arrler provided at paragrapF t': her.a'_
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