<br />,, TRUST DEED ~' '~ ~ ~ ~ O A ~'3
<br />THIS TRUST DEED is made this ._28~h _-_- day of __.__,,.~.. December ____._ ___-- , 19 B3 , among the Trustor,
<br />_ Holmes Freight. Lines,_Ina~, a Nebraska CorQoration _ ___ _ -, __~_ {herein."Borrower"3,
<br />NORWES7 BARK tlMAr~IA SDUTH, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION i{herein 'Trustee") and the Beneficiarq„ NORWEST-BANK-OMAHA
<br />SOUTlt; MATfDNA! ASSOCIATION,-anational banking association of 24th & "L" Streets, t~m_aha; Yehraska 5BiQ7 {herein "Lender').-
<br />- .WHEREAS; Bonawer has applied to Lender for one or more locus, letters of credit or other financial accommodations and, may
<br />hereaftes frmm time to-dine apply to Lender for additional loans, letters of eredit and otherfinanciai accommodations in any amount;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, Borrower is, in addition to such other indebtedness from Borrower to Lender as may exist; indebted to Lender in
<br />the priuaoal sum of ~ Ttyo hundred sevent~+ thousand and no1100__------------------Dollars {§ 270,000.00_ __ );
<br />which iadebtedaesa is evidenced by Borrower's promissory Hate dated.._. -. December 28 „______„_ , 18 83' (herein °Nate"t,
<br />papabfe to Lender, or order, wftit interest at YAk1ABLE qb per annum and providing that principal and interest shall be payable:
<br />{ ) in equal installments of _._ __-__- - _ .. __.._. - _-- - _ -- __ __.~ it _-_____-- ),
<br />each, due Ehe _ ____.. day of the.montn rommenring ___. _-_ .~_._ _~ __~ _.~ ___ • Y9 __ srd at
<br />_ ._-.~.___^._._..__.__.~_____. intervals tharea£ter and a final installment due on ___.-__.~-----,-- . 19 _____
<br />- plus say principal remaining unpaid by reason of late installment payments -
<br />{ ) inasinglep ~t~tt ~damm-eeT.--bb¢-p~~d-~-g s tttvv~~,moornttr#t i~9~t~i~ntwshof g4 500 00 each a iomo 1-20-84,
<br />{XX) ~g~d~tome ~ ~e spayaaTe~atid~ad~oet~~n~efr~s~-~3t~alYanTeZ~mo9httttYn~tnh e tin ~- ~ c loin
<br />fld-~~~~ _ _-- _ - - -- _ _ __ _. _.. - - -- - ---^ . -- -_-- ---
<br />WHEREAS. Lendez has required as a condition preeaden*. Eo the 4onimuation andfor extension of any financial accommodations
<br />to Harrower that Harrower execute this Trust need far the purpose of securing .payment of all indebtedness owing by Harrower to
<br />Lender:
<br />Iv()W, THEREFORE, in the context of the foregoing preamble paragraphs, which paragraphs are by this reference specifically
<br />made a rontractual part of this 17ust Deed. and for the purpose of securing, iu such order of priority as Lender may sleet:
<br />(al the repayment of the fndebtednuss evidenced by the Note, and any and all extensions. modifications, substitutions and
<br />renewa}a thereof, whether ar not the inst*uments evidencing such fndebtwfness make reference to this Trust Deed:
<br />fbl the repayment of al3 other sums. with interest thereon, which may heretofore have been or hereafter be advanced by
<br />Lender to Borrower or lkurawer's sueecssar in interest ar l3arrower's successor in title:
<br />{cl the repayment of all other sums, v=ith interest thereon, advanced in aeeardance with this Trust Deed to protect the se~ur-
<br />ity of Ehfs Trust Deed and khe periormaute of the covenants and agreements of Borrawer set forth herein; and
<br />{dl the repayment at any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph `LO hereof,
<br />all of which indebtedness is herein referred to as the "Indebtedness". Borrower does hereby irreve>cably grant and convey to
<br />Trustee, in trust, with power of sale. the fallowing destsihed prapestg hrcated in the County of _. ,tfail____-_._ ___..___._..._.____.
<br />State of Nabraxka:
<br />Lot 22, Wildwoad Subdivision, tiatl County, Nebraska.
<br />which has the address of South Htghxay No. 2B1 {Sauthreest Corner of Elk and Cougar Drivesl, Orand Island ,
<br />tiebrasxa..6BB01 heroin "Yropert} ~3dress""r.
<br />TOtiETHER N'TTA lu all Ehe buldings, rtruKUn» and cthe-r improvements Haw ar hereafter erected on the property, and
<br />{itl all fixtures of every type and dascriptwn new or hereafter found or used upon or appurtenant to the property or any improve-
<br />ment thereon; and {till all additions, atressiens, increases. parts, fittings, accessories, or replacements, substitutions. betterments,
<br />repairs and proeands oC or to any nr alt tf the farugaing; and tiv) ail hereditament-s, easemens_c, appurtenances. rents, issues.
<br />profits, royalties in mitteral, ail and gas rights Haw and hereafter pertatniug to the property or any impnnrenunt ar fixture
<br />thereon loll of the foregoing are hereto called the "Property"t.
<br />BORROWER warrants and covenants that Harrower is iawfu0y seized in foe simple for in the estate hereby conveyedl of the
<br />Properly, has the right and power to convey tits Property, ..hoc ins 1'ruperty is free from liens, security interests and encum-
<br />braoeea iexeept. i[ applicable, as Gfentitied sad desrritaod in paragraph 24 hereufl, and that Horrower wilt warrant and defend GiEle
<br />to thE-Property agamat all claims and demands a=Nether now existittg or hereafter arising, and that ail buildings. improvements
<br />and,Ctttturea now ar hereafter lasted oa the Property xxe or wul he located entirely within the Iwundaries of the Property. The
<br />faregaittg warranties aball survive-the exercise of the puwes of sale herein conferred andr'or foreclosure at this Trust Deed and
<br />shall run with. the Property°.
<br />BOIiRt)WER BLiRTHER-Ct?4}:~~1'S ?hl,l? ~GHEES AS F(3LLCfWv:
<br />1, Payment of Indebusdnesx. Borrower shall promptly pay the Indebtedness when due and aecircding to its terms,
<br />Z, Pa--kcm¢nt of Char-_,~es,.~t~ainst the 1'remisea. Subjuet to appl;cai~le law or to a written xai:•¢r b; ?.ender, Harrower shall pay
<br />t._J
<br />
<br />
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