<br />83- t~00879 ,
<br />And the said first party hereby expressly covenants and agrees: (1) "Co pay the said Note and interest
<br />in full on the days the same shall severally become due; (2) Neither to commit nor perntit waste on the said
<br />premises, and to put and keep the said real estate, buildings, and improvements in good repair; (3) To pay all
<br />taxes and assessments on the said real estate before delinyueney and until the said Note is fully paid; (4) To
<br />pay all taxes and assessments open this Mortgage and [he debt secured thereby, together with am• other
<br />taxes and assessments which may be levied or assessed, ender the Laws of Nebraska, against the said second
<br />party, or the legal holder of the said Note on account of this indebtedness: (5) To procure, keep in force, and
<br />deliver to the said second party policies of insurance against loss by fire and tornado, in such amounts and
<br />insurance companies as the said second party shall select, and as shall he at all times satisfactory to it, covering
<br />the buildings which now are or may hereafter be erected on the stud premises, making the loss, if an}-. payable
<br />. ~ to the said second party or its assigns, and every such contrtrt of insurance effected by the said parties of the
<br />t~ first part or for their benefit shall be primarily subject to appropriation b}- the safd second pam• for the
<br />' payment of s.1id indebtedness. Failure to so maintain such insurance shall authorise the second party, or its
<br />assigns, at its or their option. to effect and maintain such insures at the expense of the said first party, and
<br />the first party agrees to re ~v all sums so paid, with interest at ~1~rcent, and such sums so paid by the second
<br />party, with interest at 1%~vrcent. shall be secured by this \lortgage; (6) That the said second parY}' or the
<br />owner of the said dote may make such repairs. pay such lases, and pac and remove any lien from the said
<br />premises, upon failure of the first party to do sa and alt ntonevs so advanced with interest at the rate oY DQ 1$
<br />percent per annum thereon, Iron date of pavntent, shall he repaid h}- the said tint party, upon demand, and
<br />shall be secured by this indenture.
<br />And it is further mutually cavc•nantect :uxi agreed tlmt in the event ut the passage, alter the dale of this
<br />\lortgage, of any late deducting anc lien thereon from the value of land far the purpose of taxation. or changing
<br />in anc way the laws nott° in force for the taxation of mortgages or debt, secured by mortgage ur the manner
<br />of the collection of any such taxes, so as to affect this Mortgage, the whole of Use principal sum secured by this
<br />tor[gage, together with the interest due thereon, _,hail, at the option of the slid party of the second part,
<br />tyithout notice, become immediately due and pavab(r-
<br />And the said first parts- further agrees that iE default be mute in the payment of anc of said interest, or
<br />anc part thereof, or of env interest thereon, or of ~aitl \ute, ur :tnv part thereof, ur of anc interest thereon,
<br />or in the performance ui anc of the an~c•n;mn herein annaincYi, then, ur :n auv time thereafter during the
<br />continuance of such deflnilt, the slid-Bute, and nuntevn patd and advanced, sh:dl, at the ett3tion of the legal
<br />holder thereof. become at once due and cullectiblr-, and shall bear interest at thc• rate oi}IA percent per anmun
<br />from the date of default, and this indenture may be iareclosed to ~atisfv the smount of the debt, including
<br />advances, interest, and costs, or the eccuntl Lxtrh•, its succevurs or assigns, star forechtse only as to [he sum
<br />pas[ Clue, without iujttry to this \lortgage, ur the duplacrutrnt ur uupainnem ui the lien thereof.
<br />And in the event of the Eureclosurr ui this 1lortgagr, the maid first pane an-enants and agrees to pa}' the
<br />cost of extendit>a the abstract of title from the date of recording this Mortgage to the date of filing suit, and
<br />upon failure gl,the s.1id first party to du so, ail uwney su advance~t i.y the semnd party shalt bear interest at
<br />the rate of ffi percent per annum thereon and shall tte secured br thi. indenture.
<br />It is further mm~talh' covenautrti and agreed that dte 1>;trty of the second part, its successors sold assigns,
<br />shall at their opuon be subrogatecl to the lieu, although n-leased of record, of an}• prior rucwubnncc. mechanic's,
<br />vendor's, ar other lien wt said premises paid ant ui the pr.xerds of the lean secured hereby.
<br />And it is further agreed that in case uE a default in the p:t}-sleet of the said principal Notr or interest,
<br />or any part thereof, as it shalt stature, ur in .-ase of failure to keep or perform an}• of the covenants ar agreements
<br />contained in this indenture, then the second part}: its successun ur assigns, shall be and is hrrrbe authorized
<br />and empowered to take inuuediate lwisessiun of the slid premises hereby conveyed and all crops thereon, ur
<br />to collect the rents thrreirout, and apply the prucccds thereat to the payments of the debt hereby secured.
<br />As additional and collateral srcurin• for payn;ent at the \ote and indebtedness hereinbefarr described,
<br />the said parties of the first part hereby assign to the saitl party of the second part, it: successors or assigns, all
<br />the profits, revenues, ruya$ies, rights, and benr$ts accruing to theta under all oil, gas. or mineral leases on said
<br />premises. This assignment to terminate and home null and void upon the release of this Jlortgagr.
<br />And it is further agreed that ht case env suit is begun to foreclose this indenatre, the Court in which such
<br />action shall be brought, or any judge of such Court, either in term time or in caattios, is hereby authorized,
<br />ttpan application therrtar, to appoint a kecriver to take possession of the said premises and all crisps therran,
<br />or to collect the rents therefrom, and m do and perform such ether acts as may br requircct by the osier ut
<br />the Court staking the appointment: and the first party hereby consents to the appiiintntrnt vi a t~iceive"r u}wn
<br />the production of this indenture, without other eciclencr.
<br />t1'~tit: ~ "
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