<br />f
<br />(Nebraska )
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 16th
<br />between Loyd A. Loehr sad Judith A. Loehr, husband and wife,
<br />of the Cotutty of Sall and State of vebraska, party of the first part, and
<br />the iSIETROPOLITAV LIFE INSliRANCE CO DIPANY, a corporation of the State of New York, with its
<br />principal office located at 1 Madison Avenue, Vew York, V. Z'., party of the second part,
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of
<br />~>:mv F1VE `I"HOLTSA~: -i~ollars
<br />83-.• Op0878
<br />day of February. , 19 $3
<br />($ 75,000.00 ), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is herehc acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain.
<br />` sell, convey, and confirm to the said park of the second uari and its assignts, the following-described real estate,
<br />*~ i! in the County of Sail and State of V ebraska, to wit
<br />The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and all that part of the Northeast
<br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter lying South of the Southerly right-of-way lice.
<br />of Interstate Highway more particularly described is Deed recorded in Eook 135.
<br />at Page 511, ALL in Section 35, Township 10 North, Range 11 West of the Sixth
<br />Principal Meridian.
<br />It is agreed that all irrigation pumps, electric motors, engines, pipes, sprinklers,
<br />and all other irrigation equipment connected therewith now or hereafter placed or
<br />installed on said premises together with all water and watering rights of every
<br />kind and description shall be construed as affixed to and a part of the real estate
<br />haxeinabova deecribed and aub3ect to all of the provisions of this Mortgage.
<br />The Note scoured by this Mortgage is further secured by a Financing Statement and
<br />Security Agreement of even date herewith, covering personal property as described in
<br />said Finanoing Statement and Security Agreement.
<br />The Note secured hereby expressly provides that the holder thereof may at its option
<br />change or ad3ust the interest rates sat forth therein.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances thereto belonging or in :uq•wise apper-
<br />taining, including any right of homestead and every contiugent right or estate therein, unto the said 1>itrty of the
<br />second part, and its assigns forever : the intention being to romry au absolute title in tee to the said premises.
<br />And the said party of the first part hereby caven.Tnts that they are iaivfuliy seized of the said premises and
<br />have good right to cnnce}- the same; that the said premises are free :uxl dear ut all incumbrauces; and that
<br />they will warrant and defend the saute against the lawful claims o! all persons whomsoever.
<br />PRQVIDED, HOWEVER, That if the said parn~ of the first pazt shall pay, or cause to,be paid, to the
<br />said party of the second part, or its assigns, the awn of
<br />- .. FIYS THOtT$AtIA -iJoilars.
<br />in insialtzxmts, the flea! fnstalgttent due..._,. J~._ 1.:..2~,~-..----•
<br />with interest_themon, in lawful money of the !'hired tittttrs, with exchan};e cut the City ut i~ew fork, ~vhiclt
<br />shall be legs! tettd~rr for the payntent of ail debts and dttes, public and private, at the tithe of 1>:ty uteut, according
<br />to th6 tutor and et~cct of the Prantissorv tiotr executed h} the ~tid party of the first part, ticariug even il:ue
<br />liexew~ith, ante tehgll Ixrfonn all and-singular the coveaauts herein cetntaineti ; then the esctte hereby };rantttil shall
<br />ecaae, attd this, ikiorigagG shall l+rt.•cittte uuil tool void, and }K released at the ex}x~ttac of tlltr _,aic~•}~rl}^ of the
<br />first part, +
<br />