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-- _ _ ~-- <br />$~-• uu0839 <br />and, wnMUt demand, anon ee Immediately auB and payabe by r•usrp, and anon <br />beer miaregt at iha m¢hrwm,ay wabie regal rata womdM. nowevar, oral xi me <br />option of eiirpppiatyyrla~rjy{~Euch sums may M added tome printlpal balMCe <br />al any indMtetlnBae aeCUred hBrBby and Snail Mar the same rnmr991 a9 sucn <br />InOebtMnBe9 and anal) M payable ralatrlY over the remaining term tngreor <br />1g. Afalgnmanf a Rants. Beneficiary mall have the ngn;, power and aulMrlty <br />during [he eontinuance lot this Trust Deed to couact the rants. is and profits of <br />ine Property antl of any personal property located !Mrenn wire oar wrttrpui raking <br />possession Of me property affected neraby, and TNStor narMy absotutety and <br />unCOfbittonalty 8861gne 31i gUCn rents, r anU pmtifa iG BBnettGlary <br />Beneilclary, however. hereby con98nts to ine Trustor'e collgcUnn and retention of <br />SUCK reni3, i5aUe8 and profits es tMy accrue aM become payable so long as <br />TtU9mr 19 not, al such times, rn default w~M rOSpecl to payment of any <br />Irbebtedneaa 9ecurptl nereDV Or in Ina oerfprmance of enY agreement Mreuntler <br />UPM any sUCh default, Beneficiary may at any hme, either in parson. by agent. or by <br />a r@celvBr to M appointed by a court. wnnouf nohce ana w+rnout regard to the <br />atlepuecy of any a0curity for iM intlentMness hereby SBCUrea, la! enter upon antl <br />take OossBasbn of the Property or any past Ihereol, and in Its own name sue for or <br />OtMrnMe eOllect sucn nrtt9, IseVes and profits, including those past due and <br />unpaid, and apply iM Same, leas coats and gzpenses of operation and c011eCt1oH, <br />ineluding roasonabM atiomay fees, upon any mdebtetlngsa aecuretl neraby. and Ir. <br />Bute oroBr as BenetiClary may tlelermine: (bi partorm such acts at mpair c• <br />prolaCilM as Tay M necessary Or propef to conserve the value or IDe. Property; (C) <br />lea« tM same w any van thereof ter sucn rental, term, era upon sucn commons <br />se Ile judgement may tlictate. Unless Trustor antl Beneficiary ogee otherw+ae rn <br />willing. any application at rents, Is or profits to any intleatoyness securer] <br />neraby snah not extend or poatpona me due data Of the rnstallmenl payments as <br />plOVldetl .,, said promissory note or change me amount of sucn ingtaiimen*,5. Tne <br />enrering upon ana taking posaessfon of tM Property the collection Oi sorb rents. <br />IaaUea antl profits. antl tM epptiGatlOn IMrepf as amreSaitl. snah n0* wawa or Gur@ <br />am aeMwt or nonce or Deleon nerebnagr. p nyandate any as done pnraYam ro <br />sucn notice. TNator atso'essign5 to BenefECiary, a looney seaunty tar tM <br />performance of iM obllgatlons securan neraby art Orepard rents and ail m <br />wnleh may nave been pr may Mreatt@r be Ceposrtep wrm Bard Trustor by any le>see <br />of [M Property, iv a a ine ASymMi of enY rent. and upon default in <br />perfonnanca of enY of the pro s MreOf T osier agrees !a ants <br />and deposits to the Benellclary, Dehvsry of wnrmn notice of Droe B netipary's <br />exerds0 of me rights grantM Mrarn. ie any tenon: occupying said Fremrses snarl <br />M sufgalent to reoune card tenant to par ram rem to IDe Benencrery until runner <br />notice. <br />n. t.....d Piam4aa wnnm m days aner demand. TNator span moron to Trp9tae <br />0 actrotluM Gertntetl t0 Da tNe. selling forte ail lease! o specs !n the i <br />Property teen In enact, Including, rn 0e. Ire n of :tie tenants antl <br />OCGYpantl. a daaCrfptbn OI tM space occUpie6 dY sucn tandnl and v[cu0ani, Ino <br />rental payabb for aueh space antl aueh aner mtormailon antl aacuments won <br />respect to auto lea«s and tenenpiea as tM Trustee may request <br />Withwl tM poor wnftan oneent of Trust«, Trustor Shall nat. dlre^nY or <br />IndlroCiN, wlm r«pact to any Incas or apace m ine aeacntlM pramraes. wMtner <br />«ch INae Ie now Or Mreaner rn @x191Bnce: {a) accept Or Dermn any prepayment. <br />tllacount Or edYance not payable therountler; 10) cancel Or terminate inn same, or <br />aCUYpt My carbBllatlOn, termination Ur surrender tMreOt, o rmli enY avant tc <br />occYrwMM WwberttltM the feSeBa [Mreuntlar to tertnlnate or encei me seine: ICl <br />amend a modiry ms same ao as to reduce me term thereof, [M remar Dayaoie <br />ttiaraurber, or to change any renewal rraYisrona inarom cammned rdl wawa any <br />Oahult tMreuntler or Dr«cn maraok rot give am cooaem. w r aPPNrai <br />itiMauMK IX take any OtMr action :n GOnnaCtlpn iMfeWlin, o wlm a laab« <br />tttarsuridsr, white would nave iM enact of Impairing me vawe W lessor a overeat <br />tMrauNNr, on tM Property aubjaet IMreto, Or of rmPairin9 tM DpsNOn w mbrasi <br />of tM TNaf« Or BaMiklary; or (fl Bah, Aaeip^. pledge, mortgage oiharwisa <br />dlspoae Ot, Or MCUmbpt, its Inleresl In any sucn r«« or My 1enu. Issues a proilt9 <br />iswing or arrornp Iherwrrdsr. <br />t2 Ciadamnallon. If title to any part 01 inn Property snail ce taxnn .n condmm~auon <br />proGeedlrege, by dpM of eminent danAtn or similar ac Uan. dr snah M sOW under <br />MtMt Of crorbemrtatbn, alt awards. damages antl prxaeds are neretry ns5lgne6 <br />and obeli M Cold to BMenclery wn0 anvil apP1Y sucn awards. namegas and <br />propeda to tM wins aecurM by the Trust DaeC. wrm inn exta9a, i! any, paid to iM <br />TNStor. TruatN will prampUY, aM wire sus Uilipence. report, attar and resmre IM <br />temainfrp pars OI tM TNSL PraperlY to its rorrtayr Gondrtion suDStanbauy to the <br />extent tMi tM same may M teealble Artd 30 as to tOns[itute a complete and usabM <br />uMl <br />t3. fitYlra AdraM«. Upon regY@ei m TNatpl, BenBftClary, a! BBnehCwry'a opton, <br />prior to recanveyartce at tM Property la tM Trualor, may make LuturO earantes to <br />LM TNbior. sucn Ivtun advartcea, won. inter«I ltwreon, snah M aecurBd by tins <br />Trual Dead wMn aWdenceC by promlesprv natea atatlng iMY sa notes a <br />eecurM neraby; provWetl that at na hme snah ine secureU p+!nClpai. i <br />tuhancwa, not Intruding s s advancW io vro[ect the s uNy. erc6eg3 one <br />Mndrad portent (1 W sal o! tM origlnsi pnricrpal amounts 9pCUred neraby <br />}!, tlalaaNM CwwMtl«. All rOmB01« Vrov:oW in ihra Trust Dag: are diatmC! antl <br />cYmulatiw l0 any Ol(wr H9M Or remapy under flea Trust Deed or Altordea oy nor m <br />putty, and rMy W a«rcisW cOncurrentiy, YrbeparbMtlY a wGCe«lvaly <br />ti Aaaalantlon; RariWMa; SOM. Upon deMUn QY TNSIVr in IM payment of any <br />IfWabWtiMa ascutad MrabY or in iM psrlamancs of any aptaemsnt Mrwnder, <br />iMtaflctary may 61ota[S all sum3 McWed hereby immatllately dos a/M pAy¢bta br <br />dMn'arY to TNaIM Ot wnitM daciaration OI default. TM TNaf« MUI tore IM <br />poWM OI saM O) tM wop«ty aM 11 S¢Mflclary deair« tM Property IO N orb, it <br />atolldywaR WIIn TNatae UM TNaf Deb alb Ali prOmfieOry nut« aM tlOCUmdnla <br />«Itlarlclttg «pabltW« aKUrrb neraby, aM atoll dNivar ro TNaf«, a wrsttan <br />rq[loa of Oafwh aM sMCtkm l0 cause LM Property IO a. ap:d, aM tM TNSI« ir. <br />Wm atoll prapua a almilar Noika In lM form rpulratl OY law, When MaN M tluly <br />RMO for taGO1d DY TnN1M <br />tat Albr iM lapse a! wcn time ae may M rpuir¢tl DY taw tpllowing the record. <br />atbn V! MW nOtilV Ot deMYlt. orb rrotlOS Of datwEl orb natip of gala Mring <br />bean pivan as raguiratl by law. Trust«, witMUt tlarnarA Oei TNator. snsu aeh <br />iM Property M iM data a+b at tM lima and pieta deNpMted m saltl nati~ tit <br />«M. ai iwD{k suclbn t0 tM hlgMSt blpder, tM purbna« p+ka Payable rn <br />lawful ritoMy o11M UMlad Stat« at iM time OI gala TM paean Carbucurrg <br />tM aaM m.y, IOr airy C¢Y« M d«ms expetliMt, pOatppne iM aria nom time <br />to Ihna antl! it !Mtl M eromplatBd and, to arery sucn ease. rrat;ce at pastppna <br />nMnt obeli W gtveh dY DUINk decoration tneiaat by wch parwn at tM pine <br />and pMU Last appatntM for iM a¢iq r+arbed ri tM sale is pwtponad for <br />longer thaA tt) dry Dgyprb LM ear d«Ignatad :n 1M nonce of «is, ~oncp <br />tiiarwt Matt ba ptvM M iM cams man«r as tM origlnai rwhta of sale. <br />TnnHa ]Mtl exacuh ana ONhvM to tM purcMaer nn iyes6 Cw,vaYmp iM <br />PraPaRy aaN, trot wnMYt MY cnvHran9 a wuraNr, express, or implnd. TM <br />radtiiM In tM D«0 Ot MY maltata a forte ana)1 M Conciusiva Praot Yf !M <br />buthtraln«s iMraol. ARY parson, tru:elbing Wnffictary_ ma} pufCnapa at IM <br />aaM <br />~ Wean TNatN WM putduant to iM itbwala teerein, tM TNSt« aMh arF'Y tM <br />proceada df tM Dale io paymMi W tM cost: and a pM«e of axerc:airp iM <br />aDwe of aaM and of tM «M, tM paytMni of tM TNStes'a F«a <br />acirgiitr rnGUrratl. as i0 aaceatl .._. ~. _. ..56 Or tM said price. orb tMn tp <br />tM itama M aYDiNUagraptt tGt M!M Order IDari atatpd, <br />ine Afbr OaYaW iM frame ag.cnwd m auDpatagrsgn tW It LM can a by tNata, c: <br />tIN Propel pnirrt aM i)StNr nwM W lOrotilO¢Yro irb seta If tM aaM !a Punuarti <br />10 jrldiGiN tOrartoaurw tea prpaitti OI «M llnati iV apPfired In tM Orel. etata0 <br />10 tM par+++M+pF: <br />ffytY Goat of enY a.barfGe 9f IoM t#VNred an tw+vnpcftOn wn auCn faro antl ~.P <br />arty tavsrwa ataerrRa <br />tR} Anwma gwnaR:rad nary, <br />gig TM ramau.dar.s N%y. l0 iif~ Mn:pgaili se:[.itw ftvgrptu <br />to Dutlea Mtl Obllgetlona Oi TNaf«. rat Tne dWlgs and obligellorvt of TruAtae <br />anell M Ueta/mingd 9Clgly by tntM avpna3 prOVisi0n5 DI ihB Trust D00tl Mtl Trustee <br />Shoff n01 De IlabVe emapt for Intl parlprmanc0 of auto dudes and o011gatiOna as ere <br />speclhcaliy set forth narein, and no ImpUed COVOnent3 or ObllpatlOPe shall be <br />Imposed upon Trus!ea: m) 4o provision of this Trust Deetl Sn011 repulre Trustee f0 <br />expend or risk nls own funds, nr aiherwlse Incur any tlnanCial oDligenon In me <br />performance of any of Its duties herBUMOr, or in Me ezercisa of any of its right Or <br />powers, 1112 snail have grounds for Dellavlny teat me repayment at such tondo or <br />adequate Indemnity egalnet sucn risk cr llebliny la not reasonably aeauretl to It; (C) <br />Trustee may c, suit wdh c neat Of his own chooslnB antl the advice of such <br />counsel snail De full and complete aumorizatfOn and protectbn In the respect of <br />any actbn taken or su HereO by n nereuntler In gpotl faith end reliance thereon; (d) <br />Truate0 shalt oat Oe liable far any action taken by elm In goOtl teith antl <br />bsUeved Dy mm to M authorized or witNn the dbcretlon ar rlphta al powero <br />conferred upon if by IM1ia Trust Dead <br />ty. AQtliilMai Sarnrdry InatNmMM. TNStor et its ezpBnee, will ezacute end tleliver <br />to the Trustee, promptly upon Uemantl, such 9000nty In9(rdmBnta 89 may M <br />redulred Dy Trustee, in form one 9uDetence satlafactory to TNet«, covering any of <br />log Property conveyed ny Ibis TN9t DeM. WDich 6eCUrity In3tmmBnt6 shell M <br />etlditlonai security for Trustor's talmtui peHOrmanca of en at the terms, Covenants <br />and CoMlnions of this Trust Deed, the promissory natea securetl hereby, Mtl any <br />pt Mr aaaDdty Inawmgm5 grecDied m GonneGUOn who mu trenaacuM. race <br />Instruments mall De recorded or tiled, antl re-reCOrttetl and rellied, at TNetor'a <br />@zvens@ <br />`9. MIaeNlatNara <br />(el In the evOnt any One Or more of ine provlaiOna cOnfalnM to MM That DBed Or <br />tM pNmissOry note ar any CLher aeeurlty IDatNmBnt given In Cg1lneGllM with <br />tMS tnnaectton snarl lOr any r aeon M heitl to (» InvalW, Illegal or <br />enforcaeOle in any raspecf, sucn Inve110ity, tlMpality, or Unan}orcMblllty <br />sMll, et the option of Beneflclary, oat effect any other provlakn of IMO That <br />Dead, out m:s truer Dead anali M COnalNetl ee If such invalid, Iliepal. or <br />unentorcOADle provision natl never bean cantalnetl Mrarn Or tlreroln. <br />iDl TM1ia crust Deetl sna11 M conatNed eccortling to the laws Of Lha State of <br />Nebraska <br />Ic! Tnls Trust Geed snail Inure to antl Olnd the helm, Iegateee, tlevlaeea, <br />aaminlstrotors, ezecutore, successor antl aasigna of the paRlea heroto. <br />lot Trustor sMll pay ail taxes levied upon thlp 'I N$t Deetl ar the debt aeCUred <br />. ereoy, together wHn a v other texas or assasamenta white may M Mvletl <br />against the Trustee or Berreficlary ar tM lapel holder of saltl promissory note <br />.,n acv,.unt et the Indebtedness Bvltleneed tMreby. <br />te. wMnever uaetl nararn, ma emgunr number shit Inclutle ine pturei, tea <br />singular, ine use of any garbler shall M aDPlieable t0 all gentlero, sntllM term <br />8snehciary" roan Include any pay« of the IntlBbtetlness h0roby eecu(ed Or <br />env innafer ineraol. wnatMr by operation Of law ar alherwl3e. <br />tg. $upp«p TNN«. BenOfltlAry may from time t0 flora auMiltuta a aUCCasaOr Of <br />soon m any TNSt« names nereln Or acUnp herounrMr 20 execute this TNet <br />Deetl. Upon auto aPDplnlmBnt and wi\MUt COnveyanca LO ine eUGCeaeOr TNatee, <br />ine tatter snap Da vaste0 with ail bile, powers, Md tlull« rnnhmW upM any <br />Trustee n mad o echng Mreuntler. Each sucn appOlniment antl <br />wtrnihution enau aM nude Dy wrfaen Instrument by BMeffclary, crontalnlnp <br />reference to this Trual Deetl ana Ira place of record, which wMn recorMd In tM <br />offKn of tM Reglaiar o! Daeda of the county or countba In which Bald property is <br />arlWtatl anal] M GOnClUaive proof Of proper appOmtment O} LM wCpeaaOr TrwIM. <br />Tne foregoing power of aubelitutfnn and tM procedure tMroloro shalt not M <br />exciuaive of iM power and procedure Rrorbed lOr by law far tM aubstllutlon OI a <br />i mat« Or TNStees In the DMCe of LM That«. <br />10. FerMarorwe M tSMNktary or TNAM Not • WaNw. Any }orobeannce by <br />Bane{IClary Or TrUaf« in exerClainp any rigor or rprMtly MreuMx, Or Piherwi« <br />atiOMetl Dy apptlnabM law, anaii not M a waiver of a Droclutle the exerct« OI any <br />ngm or remedy Mroutber. Uxewisa, ine waiver by Berteiklary a TNaiM Ot any <br />aetauit at Trustor under fora rruat Geed sMg not be deemed to M a waNSr of any <br />Omar or slmUAr datauHS suDaeauer:hy occurring. <br />11. TNator Nat RaMaaa6 Extanaion of tM hme for payment or matlltleatbn or <br />rxatbn of me wins secured by mi9 TNSi Dried granted Dy BBneiiclary to My <br />succ«aor Irt inter«i Of Trualor sMg oat opante to ref««, In any manner, tM <br />namliry Pt tM arigtnai irus;or « Truator's Saccenaor In Intaregt. Benenclary atoll <br />rot M regvire0 to commence proceedinga agalnri wen aucceeeor or rotu« to <br />eatarb ume for paymM! or a:Mrwrsa mnafty amorttzetlon of the soma aecurad by <br />tins TfV9S teed by sawn of dry demand made Dy tM OnpiMi TNStor antl TNatOYB <br />wtcesaors rn interest. <br />22 DalaYn. If mare sM0 pa a aatawt under mrs Deed of trust or under any prior <br />mo,tgage, tea canebc~ary may Cara auto MtaUi( orb iha amwnis atl«n,;ed by. <br />end other casts •na azpenaea of tea beneficiary to curing auto tlehult, with <br />innreai at tM default rata contalnad In iM Note «cured neraby from iM Ume Of <br />ins aawncea cr paymMta atoll M added to SM IMwlBtlnaaa sacuretl by tMa Trust <br />Dead AM may M collected Hereunder at My bore after IM time of wcA atlvanCee <br />Or peymeMB antl atoll M d«mad 10 M BeCU(ed neraby. <br />13 Option to ForaUoN. Upon ine otcuranCe of any tlelault nenuntler, BenetlGMry <br />atoll Mre the oplWn to torectose tNS Trust Deetl In iha manner providetl by law for <br />iM tvremosure of mongegea an real property. <br />,a TNalora Rigtrla, Absent ONaUIt Un1i1 any det¢ult In the paymMt at <br />!n68bleUrlaes hereby aecurna Or untillM OrBdCM1 OI any GOVanant Mrarn cOnidlnetl, <br />iM TNator, it! suCCe53ora ana eff5rgna !hail pOSSeaa antl MjnY tM Property, end <br />w LM rents anC proofs iMrelrom UpM DeymBnt of eh sums aecurw by IhM <br />Trust Deed, Benetielary seat: request iruat« to reconveY tM Property and aMl! <br />utrender lh13 That Dees and al: notes avIdOHCinp Indebtetlnees 9BCYrBO by Lola <br />Truai D«d t0 Trust«. T uatee 5ndil reCanrey the DrOpBrty witMUt wananfy AM <br />wfiMUl cnargB tc % Ga:sOn5 iBy`elly eHhtled IMro[O. TM DrMt« In any <br />r@cpnveynnta :nay W aasu IbaU as the Careen or persona enhtletl 1Mrolo;' aM <br />iM rec:itAla tMrern at any mettBr9 Or Moth 9na11 M COnCluliv0 Ciao} Of IM <br />hutnfulneas iMragl. Such parson pr persona sMli Day all costs of recording, II any. <br />:5. AceeMntlon m iM E«nt a1 Tnnaiar. in iha eranl IM titre t0 said real aerate la <br />lranatarraC. o anirat:ed to ce Us•tate^ed, rose: [M undarslgnatl for any reason or <br />DY any mein xtcwnalsparer. the entire prfrtcipal sum and accruatl mrerost anal] AI <br />Ce DaCCrhB due ana FAyapia at tea Otaatr6n Of IM B@netiGlary. Falmro to a%erGi6e <br />CphCn MceuYa G' transtar .~ s above ataleC :n one inStAnGe anali not <br />nstltute a waiver of Fna rlgnl ro ern+eise the same in [tie event al Any suOSBguanl <br />rangier <br />aaTh:adarlp>hYal:a;~mt: taanadate0 _ _ 51~L~~_-- <br />«acuttw by Truata::c .]OAN A WOLF, ._ _ _. TrYat <br />e.a,rirg.IXl,~~a:rxa.ICN 1q,241,,gQ <br />Dptta!a end fitaa Irv rpcCra wr:` :M Heg,aur Vr Dtl9da aw bennlled ae tptWwt. <br />vc~Gu'K~Hy~ N9< 8'-OUlt3:~6 I~iLkll QY <br />`?()~f82 <br />