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TRUST DEED 83--U~O$3 <br />it:: -. ... .. <br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this 4th day of FEBRUARY , tg 83 , <br />Y be and between: <br />(A) .CAROL ll- PuTGE A SINGLE PERSON IN HER OWN RIGHT <br />whether one or more, herein- <br />after called "Trustor" whose matting address is CAIRO NEBRASKA <br />and <br />(B) TORN- A W6T F <br />ATTORNEY AT LAW as "Trustee" whose mailing <br />addresais P 0 BOX 428 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 and <br />(C) FIRST SAVINGS COMPANY <br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is <br />P. 0. BOX 1566, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 <br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable-consideration receipt <br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with powerof sale;-the <br />following described property, situated in HALL County, Nebraska: <br />LOTS ONE (1) AND TWO (2) BLOCK FIFTEEN (15) LN ORIGINAL TOWN OF CAIRO, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and <br />dower, together with ail buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the <br />foregoing, together wJth said property are herein referred to as the "Property." <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each a reement and covenant of Trustor herein contained <br />and the payment of the principal sum oil N , ~ H EIGL~'oUars (S 29.842.80 ), <br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the r~ s1t~lnterest thereon which may hereafter be paid <br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according <br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at <br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner <br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 4th day of FEBRUARY , tg 93 <br />Trustor and Benefiiciary covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Warrant' W TNN. TNeIOr is lawfully seized of ma Property; it has good right aM <br />IaW(uI iutnMity b sell eM convey IM Property: ins Property +s free and dear dl alt <br />ilerte sold oncumtuancea except Ilans noW of record; and Trustor wiu warrant aM <br />tlaform IM tltb to tM Property unto IM Trustee and Its auct6esom and assigns <br />toreYx, agalnat iM Cillms Ot all peraon$. Trgsbr, at it3 Oxpense, W 111 mNnialn arW <br />preferve tM lien of tine Trust Deetl as a Ifen upon iM Trust Properly 8uojxt only to <br />encpmbrancsa axlatinp as OI the tlete Mreof, will cause this Trust DeeO, and each <br />amuMment a suppiemenl tiM(QIO, to De filed and recorded as s matpaga of tM <br />Tnrft Property In such manner antl In such plac0. and will take such other a<IWn as <br />in the opinion o£ Tmatae may be requlretl Dy any present a future law in order to <br />peAoct, mafntaln alto protect IM ilea of ihl9 Treat Dead, as tM same may Da irpm <br />tWy totims amentled or auDPiemented. <br />2 Payrttwtt W PAtralpal alto IafoMl Trustor stwi punciwlly pay tM pnrxipai pl, <br />and Ittbreat On, saW Promissory opts inclareing any atlvances thereto as provided <br />IvWn un Itte pates aM at iM DIACe arW in tM manner provided therein n+tl will <br />punctually poytoon all egreementa, carWtttons arw! provisions pt any ottrer seturity <br />Instrument OWen in connection with this transaction. <br />3. PnalrYallan a£Yd Malntenanee of Propaaty. Trustor Win not commit any waste <br />upon tM.Preps7ty and wpi, at ill limas, maintain the same In good ortler ana <br />catdryWn and wlp nulls, tram time to time, all repifrs, rerrewak, raplaCemer.ts. <br />addliWna antl Improremenis whicA are reasonably rpWred to prevam waste. <br />WWlmtea4 or dstartpratlgr of saw Property. No QuiMinp or ImWOVament rww ro <br />tterMtlK e(egiW trpon tM PrdDerrY atratf be altered. rermved or tlernNished <br />without tM pridcwdltonconsent of Beneficiary, <br />•. OatMyli b feopstly, to use o/ any damage t0. a destruction of, trro buildings, <br />frtiprovaeteYits or perepdal property Conatitutirtg part of tM Trust Property, wMihet <br />etlph bN 1s Covered DY {naWante Or OiherWise, Trustor, ai i13 sofa coat ind <br />aitpalras, Wg prpmpty rRetOr0. repel*, replace and retrW W foe same ea hearty as <br />P+ae£kaWe loth owMllton trttmed£atsg prior to suth damage ar tlesiru<tion or Witn <br />tech tMngoa end ailera£tona as 7ryalor may deem kPprOprSete provltled Such <br />Gnapgea and alieratknf dd rat nlatariNiy tesaen iM value and utigiy nt 5uch <br />Mt~NRflge. nnprdYengrtts and personality from chat exiahng immetlbiafy prWr to <br />such damage a daWUWn. Trustor Nun De enntWd to reimbursement nom tM <br />TttlOtM tdiM exlMt W tM net ineurarrta preceede racNVed by TyElea, but only to <br />tM a:ten4 bt lM aCtgat bpm OxpenQetl 1tMK In7a prOWfkn. <br />1. fiQlpbraN TrYHaM1 if TNNpr h a cwpdrauon. ii win Oo NE imnps necesaa:Y to <br />ptoearva £ta+mporeb aawtenco, Ngnta and prrwbga9 antler the taws of the atnie pr <br />ha iritprlx,rattpn. <br />a PMYIar,P-. Truatnr, al n{ gpana9. W(a mB~ntAtn w+tD 4felp+wa aRMOVed Dy <br />tdVUetlGery, Wauea,tpe won r<eRaN ip tM imptovem<nta a+.d persnnN prpG+rtY. <br />odmriQUting 1M ta,oPertY againff Was by hrs. ugMn+ng, ro.nadn, and other pant <br />pdvered ay'atandaW eYtandeo oprNaga nMOr3<manf. In an am<nmt equii in +i <br />ieiYt ono nuridndpeecerr! of >MM tun eaplata"ani vacua iMrpOt, ono insurance <br />spates} aucn otrw MaarM aM In loon Mbp+} a3 td eudtOmarity °x„!ed try pwMra <br />and aparaiaa M etmrtar Pr:.3bhaA xnd as BehNtclary .may ragti;*q for c*. <br />ttrdytflon TYaater wM comply with awn ptrxar •age.+rN*werta as rJanef£t1arY man <br />limn lhne t0 Foy redueaF toe EM prhvtdfnOn Ny +r+a4r#.ntd nt r!+e tnFarp3t p! ln# <br />respective Dertlea Atl inwrar,te policies malmairbtl Dureuartt io this Treat Geed <br />sM1i nema Tmatee arM 9ensliciary as inauretls, ss their respective Inlara9b may <br />appear, antl provide that there nMll De no cancellation or modlfkatlon witltput <br />hitaen days prior written noHifcattpn to Truatea and Bonetlclery. In tM swat any <br />polky tlerauntlar is not renewed on or Delore tfttem Jaya prior to its explrellon <br />date, Trustee or 9anefkiary may procure such Inaurenco and 1M cant thereof atoll <br />be adtlatl to tM loop aewred Dy tMS treat Deetl erM atoll bear Inleraat at the <br />greater of tM Interest reb apecihetl 1Mrein or Ins hipnast Interest rob aNhphzad <br />by the laws of IM State of Nebraska. Trustor shalt dallYer to Beneliclary 4M onglnal <br />poiiclea of imurartce and ranewela Mereot or memo toplea of such polWlea and <br />rsrrewais iMreof. Falluro to lumhh insurance by Trustor, or renewals as required <br />tWraumfer sMll, at the option of Berreflciary, conatitule a default. Ail unaarnatl <br />premiums are hereby assigned to TruateO as eddilipnel seCUrily erM a axle antl <br />meyance of tM PropgrlY by lM Truslea shaO operate to Convey b the purchaser <br />tM Trustor's Interest in aM to all pOlkies of insurance upon 7heTmst Property. <br />T Taxes antl Auotamenb. Trustor sMn pay NI taxes antl special assessments <br />levied or a5583sed against or tlue upon the Property Mtora tleinquency, arW will <br />deliver to Beneirciary Copies pl recelpls snowing peymant of such taxes anO <br />epecrel assessments. II98neFClary shall so request. Trustor agrees ttxal IMre sMll <br />be atldetl tO each periptlic payment requued 10 !R made neraunder an amount <br />estimated by Trustee to M suiticient M enable Trustor to pay, at least 30 days <br />Oefore deurpuency, all taxes, assessmems or ocher public Charges against ins <br />Trust Property, the Nota SeCUretl by'hi5 Trust Dees, or upon accqunt Ot tM tlebt ar <br />ins flan of this Trust D8e4 totiethar wish premiums for insurance required 10 be <br />proridetl under this Trust Dead antl no Interest shalt tre payable Io TruSlor in <br />respect thereof. Upon demand Dy Trustee, 7ruSlor shell deliver to Trustee such <br />8tldltWrtai soma W moo@Y a neC859ary 70 make uD 8ny dellCleOCy in Me <br />amounts necessary fO enable Trustee to pay any of IM foregoing items. <br />B Additional LNna. Trustor shell make all payments of interest antl prtncipal and <br />payments of any other cnerge5. tees, and expenses <ontrecled tp ba paitl to any <br />existirp IWn holders or poor benaflciartea under any prbr Treat Deed, Mortgage or <br />other sscuNtY egreemenL before IM date tMY era delinquent antl tp RSY any other <br />claim Whifn leDpaidtZea ins 3000tity grehtetl Mfein. <br />9. Proteehon or leM/kbry'a saeunty_ Should Trustor tali b make any payment, <br />felt M tlo any eCi ap Mrefn providetl, or II 8ny nCilpn M prpceeOirp Ia COmmenCed <br />which mabriaitY alto<ts BenNlOfary'a intergt m [M Pray&'ty, in<luding, but not <br />limned to, cminMt domaW, 7ndOtrencY. arra;>gemanta or prOCaedinga Involving a <br />Dmkmpi or daCedenL Then ttenaflfiary pr TluNee bul wgMut oblitNilnn to do 90, <br />and wNhout notice to pe demand upon Trustor, and witnour rNsasing Trusror tram <br />any ObligailOn Mreuntler may mike Or QO top same. and may pay, porches@. <br />cpniR3t p pCmprpmi3<any tuxumbranCe, cnerga pr Ilan, which m Me lodgement Ol <br />attn<r eppeara tD Aibtt said Prppv.rtY; in aX@,<f51ng dnY 3ti:.'n now<ra the <br />ganariC+a:y ar TlUpipp may irKw any Ilabiinp amt expend wMlevar amcum5, <br />ln<iudrng OtaP+:labmgnt9 et roaapnaDl! atlOlr!NY'S 'eAa. wntcn :n inNr eD@O'UI@ <br />daCRttOn, mdY b na n she event that T ester a C procure <br />du.xn<# =r. iG par ta.anq ann apac.a! ass#ssments e+ to any 'cw an13 se <br />axLaf~ng Cs pr.« u neldara ¢. DarnnC+erle3 ins Bxnati.,a+y Quay r•'-.u,Ure 34C'n <br />aH2Ya dnd+~akarFUrPi ;)aY+^anie An 6nmsanCU'.ad ,7r ar4M+><T@:1 Fl t£an<rh'lary <br />,H Teuatei ix a,^xe£aw'e «!tn the ACV+Ma+=r9 <.+ iniR trust Qeev' are a#c s+=ta! net@by <br />