<br />(i) mt;ndt prior t.? tfs du=s date fhe annual tr.<srtgavr in>urrnce peer!+;urn in ~.+rder to prov+.de such holder
<br />with F'urds to pay such- premium to the Secmtary of HflUSinq and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />Natitntal Hottsitfg Act; as amended, and applicdhle Regulations thereunder, ter
<br />(Tl) - if attd sa long as-said note et' even date and'this instrument are !tall by ttte Secretary of Housing and
<br />urban #)evelapment, a tnonthty charge r`ire ti2rr c¢f u rncrrrgage inszrraraee faremkam/ which shall be in an
<br />amount-equal' to cane-txwlfth (?/l2) of ane=half #_112) nee ceneutn c+f the average outstanding balance
<br />due as the note contpu?ed without raking isuea acaunt daluequencF:~s or urepaytnents;
<br />(b) fi sum ecluat to the ground rent>, il' any: next dun, plus tier: pr rrinznu tttaz will nett become due and payable un
<br />palici~s of tee acid other 7taaatd insurance ctwering the ton-tzaged prr?e-tp _ plus raaees and assessments next due'
<br />ais the ntcrrfgay*ed property {e71 as es-'.'rrzatcr~ by N=r S' r~rp~~e; iea~ nit Dui r eirrady PaSd therefor dishded 6y the
<br />netnther of months tea elapse be fora one mrnrth pr~srrr t+: the date u~hezt sash pn;und rents. premiums, taxes and
<br />.assessments wdt treeame dehrquenf, such Burns f.a be- }tell by 4l=+rirzsgee t„ trust to pay said ground tents; pre-
<br />-.t)ttunrs. taxes and speoial asssessmenu; and
<br />(c) Alt payments mentioned in the two preceding stahsectians of tltis•paragrair): n€i all payments to ire made under
<br />the nete:~cur_ed hereby shalt ne adlad z,;E beer, and tl'r atgre~ate amc~unz therer,f,halE be said 6v the Mortgagor
<br />each rrtbnth in~a singlepayment to be applied b}•' the (,#ortc~ee to the fr;tlawzng items ir, the order set forth:
<br />(T~ premhrn charges under, the ririt:ae*. of insttra~<cc~ ..,;;~• tt;_ rx,. reiatti .~f Fir;using and li=ban Development,
<br />` or mr-rrthly charge rfrf"t•'c'ia rtf morrgagr ursunxrt- c z-r!E:ur{+ ~ 1:rc lase may be; -
<br />tlt) = g-~wEnd teals. taxes. asussment,, f;re,a nl rrtitcr E<,:r:,t:l ursurarice car`rtrtunts;
<br />{lll) rnterst an the Harr secured herzhy: and
<br />(lV) amarttzattono{theprinctpaluf~,~d,-,oEe.
<br />Any det'iciency-in,~~ amuzittteof n}~ Barn ,.~,,_..~ga ,.,- _-`-. -.. shaft, unicsy~znade'gu~SiCby the More
<br />gag+~r~{rtinrra thn:due~ta oS ttte.:a:xa such#ra}rntent. ~:ratstt*_firte gu-e4: nz ::{ drEautz un.?er this mortgage. 'I"he
<br />Marigagce may ealIect a "late charge" not fo excet~i ?+rr, cents ta#;) far each dollar (5f) ofeaeh payment more
<br />than tlfzeen (3 S) da,°s in aacars to ~mrar thv txtta ax~r:~e ~3s~„I~~. ~ ;rt ;:~n,iYinss deh;tque>kt'paytn.uts.
<br />::_ That it f6e ttizai t,f the puvmrats madr~ hr t e .k=rtea;;nr ur:d¢-.* .~ part~rdph '? prec€odinQ .hall exceed
<br />ffie€ame=of payment= actuali} mtufe it; this >lnrr~a;zr'r• t, . _n+uari rent. t:rr.ea:nnd-arse: smenta or in~uratx-e pre-
<br />miume,, as Ehe case may 6e. <uch cicc=tis. if d,~• roar iti ct:rrent. at the. irfxsrltt of the 31c¢E:gskgoe; shalt be credited bT
<br />the ditxigagee on ~u6seyat+at patments ut tst~ made= by z:re ti<prtn:~e:r, cer rr~funded EE the iloragagor_ Ef- however, the
<br />monthfv payments made br the lorct;ayor oader ~ ~ ~,{ tnrapr:rl?h ~ Prr°rersrrzu she! na~t be sufficierv to oac ground
<br />rr#<t, taxers surd a,~ses.~mcnt~ ar insuraEtce premtum~. a- the .~~ r~ n~a3 bc.:,!sen tt;e~ same shalt become due and pap•-
<br />ahle, Uten the blortgagur shill) pay to Uze +iurt~:Ega+e sn: arrtr¢usu notes=arp to mtrke up the deficienct, on or hofore
<br />the data: when payment of such gnsund rents. t:zse~. a-.~e~cment> nr tn~urance premiums shell be doe. If at any-
<br />time the'iMrtgagor =hall icvtder to the ylortgaa<ec•, in :arsernfanE t=with the provi~ionx +,f Ehe ante sr+cured hereby,
<br />fill paymimt of the entire indeht4rdnr=>_ rPpre•=cnt.a~d t1,~re=hi-, ihi• !ton,>s~cu_= >},a?!, in computing the amount of such
<br />indrbtedness~ emdit to ttte arctnznt o[ the R#ottgagor alt lyasr?senis m_rdc uuacr the proeisicars cal ia,,' of paragraph 2
<br />hemof tehich the )Iortragee has nut heeeme trbiigated tc; pat t,= the y~cretarv of !lousing ,:nd Urban Development
<br />and arty' hxlanca remaining in the fund srcumn,atcd under 4+i+• pn;r i~ion- =+f ~ ~~ of pttrt;;raph_' 3zernui', if there
<br />~-It~;ft Liefxutt under :ur}~ of uzr prass~ir,n~ , i ttu~ mnrt~as?.- €~~>u'un~ +n :r pssLlsc ssle of t}te premistrs e•ot~ered
<br />htrre4»i yr tf-~ik'~rtes>~ :n•quire~ihtt.Pr.rl;c.rzt „the•r,.t~ t -r u,~i-s_i.:. zh.~ itorE~.>4t't~ .ha4l spp-}: af.the',tituY?:ef
<br />the cnmment~ement ul such proceet~hnP,<. „r st the tore rho p;•,p,•;tt t- ,;thorn i,r• ;rr-qusrcrd, the balance then remain-
<br />itiK in the funds accumulated und.•r ~ ~ of par-4+*,rxph 3 prerrd¢n~, a- ., ~ r,•drz aatst the amount of principa{ than
<br />remaining unpaid under said nrtr, and Thai; (=ralred~ ;tdju~t ,rn; t- . --.-ut~ :rh~i~lr ~}tali Erarr irr-en nscdt~ uztder;o;
<br />of paragraph 'd.
<br />3. That the ~te+rtga~r+r N-sti Par g€o:u.d rent>_ t.;ar- .s..e,•=t;ens.. •.+c,ze; r.,trs. e:nd other goeernmrntal or ^mnieipai
<br />charges liar>. tx irnponztiun±. {r~r .: hi:ii prrca4sv=t its, rrrt i;een made ttcre.nixforr, , €rd in default thereof the Mattgagee may
<br />pay the >ame-:md that the 1{ortgagur urlf pnmptty uristirr t}tc arnczs! r_.etpt, there, i! to zhr iirxtgagee-
<br />i- The i~fortgagar wilt n&} al! tasee wnre2r atey tx• itrt.~d ul,crrr lire #c:riweer-• zrrtere+t let iaiti real estate and improve-
<br />ments, and whrcb m,ty tee Ieti'ied upretr tor. 3nor<u.rgr . r ere ac~z - --utru itrrr~c fiwi uzzly to the meta that such zs not prohibit-
<br />ed h} law and only to the r,~tent that .uttr Kzh rat maf.r thr• !, .,, ,.uri.,a,-,, hit esr3udrrg our inarrnr tax. Slate w }=ederal.
<br />impose) on;<1.±rigagae. and sill 61e the all t° .:e<rip - u~rng. -n rarnrt rt -rth the ~lartgagee. Cpon uirrlatitrn ttthis under-
<br />taking. err if the iirrn~agrv t. Prohihdrd h? .un isw ar.w ,=r he~afze¢ err,uug ft.mr paying the whole orany portion ref the afore-
<br />siiid taxes. ur upon ttzr rrnlenng of any :Dort der re. n+=,i,shrrmg rue p..y:-r,m a+c tiro 4Axtgagur r+r anp loch tote>, rx ii such Jaw
<br />or decree prociden that am amount ,o past: h. Ehe ar>rg,r.;.=r <n;,lE he crrdnc,t ore the mortgage debt, the hlorts;anee .hall har'e
<br />ihr right to give ninety days written nt+nx u. the oruter of ihr nsr+ztgage,i prenusc±, zrauirirg the puysrrcnt ui the montage
<br />debt. If such notice he ur*en, the k+id debt ,h:dt lre~r~rme due, puyai;Ir ask! eoiircuhlc at the e.rprration of stsid ninatr d.ty±.
<br />h That shgyt4tihP;fail ur-pa~;any~Sgnf~~x f:pap ecru-urovgnantprurrderi t#ar #ntttisaA,lnrtg~t_~on the ltortgager. at iti op-
<br />tion. may Pay ctrapeefsrftn tlEr same, attd utLaLpegdifutea au to;#de.hail ~+e added a! tlrr,prtt)cigai_xam rrw•ing on the shove Hate.
<br />shrill be .etured heraFey. sad shall l+car in?erect at the raze .et torzh~in the ±airi note. unfit paid- `
<br />'Chat he hereby assigns, tr:ursfar> and set, ,rrzr to the 'liar~a€ae. to hr aPt+ired tcsazd the payment of the mac and aI}
<br />sums secured hereby to .ace of a default in :he pzrfrrmancr of a¢at cr, the trrrna .+nd .,,nduirms of dru ltaritage r the ;aid
<br />note, ail the rents, cer roues and tncoms tc, he deriree; fn+m ?he mv: tgatrd prerz;sses during such ante as the m;3r fguge~inlebted-
<br />¢rcss shad amain unps~~nti the MuctEsges 8tlali have gltwet zcr.trpp,rint arfv,agtnEarr-agents it may desire far the purpose of
<br />repAEftflg said-premises and of-rentittg,Nx ttss?e .,Hai cuI'srctink the rent., zes-rnue. sari zarome, and it may pay taut of said in-
<br />rwmts ail expenses of repairing said premises acrd nectssary romnrissrons and exi>znses incurred in renting and managing the
<br />saint and-aE u~t+ziacting rentals the€efram; the twtlarrce rrnzatnmg, sf any _ rr be appSiad toward the dis:,hargr of said mortgage
<br />inn€55:; :. ~- -- -
<br />it. Tftat.he-will }:eep the imprpvamenrs nr>w rst.ung or itt°reafiet errcted ern lire utortgggetf.#}{aj>c;zy, jnsEEECd as may be
<br />requ'ued frtam time t+a ame by the Llrarzhatce :egznat fuss b4 $rr ;rod .ul!ar h,¢rarl usiualziri ancC"ctrn5ngeizcic> in such
<br />aifl6uMa ~arkl for-saehpttluds as may= C+e requireEl by Ehe filrrrtgag°ee .,old win Pay protag+tiy. when r#ua, any premium. oft ouch
<br />itt~itaeiCt-}$Efulsi4Sn ~fi Y parttn@-nt-crf whiefi has not been rg3µtss hgY~trtt?zirxe- 4!? inrurance shalt he caused in companies np-
<br />psovad b} the h#crrrtger soil the pa's;cita ;end rraeccas theree=i .haft he ht>i,1 #aa ;he 33r,rtkagoe .ard hoer ;a[Earhaii thereto hrsa
<br />payab~ clavices in Ea~tE~:~¢ fr~~au-c~r;;{rk tt, dre~riut,ea-- i~datant gt;lpsa.+kiattgagrrr wzU gr.c smmerlusta nttice by
<br />t-t~ ilEC iicttg~ee_ w°ha may eeake pr xrf ref i.ess ., acct ms.ae p .rnzgtiy h ~lr3nga~or, and each imuraaec company cnn-
<br />+:+fitaed is horehyl:ttE(itrKS7ed Brad dareited tr> make parrrsent for +ueh 3osr direetiv five the 4#ortgagtt instead of ro the 44artgagar
<br />amt-the ~t ^._vq~ee go~n,!'r. azkf t~q in~~u.Pruvi~#a,.ucts€ty paEi, tht~rma~bc :y,ph~i~'thta r~ic~t#tttt#~ at tf !ERA either
<br />tti;ttC_trd : lion of the srrdebt'w#tErt~.rv s~t:riCs'i#Ya' zrl'thle rttiTit~attn9E~prxt}'rta4z zfxhe~puaperty dttitta#e4d.aaes~at#i,pf #rn-eclo-
<br />s;att: ni zb:a mrrrtg:tge EN' nthtr }tan&feecrf tsar tct Ehctih.p#gag,ed E+resprrEt i~a e ttra ~.,rn't;rtrr?zt uf,tJfia; itzdehtednesw secured hereby,
<br />atf ri~t;t- zr.;: 4s,E ;;ttprest of ihr 3lrxtpe}Ytt in and W a6)~ inSUrattir t>tia'se<rnr n .. c +h~E? pass t,+ the purchasez~ rn' grssntee.
<br />`r i }tat ~~+ .r,ti,icttainaf artd aai#atr;aal .C~uritp fc.r the {>a4 mint rat ihr Wort 1. -crrhed ~znd .+li su t , to ix~:-omc sue under Etas
<br />rrHH r~:r}+a ttsc ?.4.gtga?ta.t here~hy ea3ignc €rr tEh A#raHlprgir:rr rd~~,~,rt~iitc,~tavCtme4 irap.urtvt, right, aa.k hrrref}eb ~JrYditEg Rr ihr
<br />?iltuz,~,ra.,u wry-pig any aav ~; t,tl and ~,as l,as; .u. ,bed pretri~~~. tssEhl#~;rrtrh, t, rr.c.re sou rz•'iespt :<rr She same ynd apply
<br />Yhtu+ tE+;# lstrr¢}rr~ss a-s a•eSi tsria?rrstr af-Etz def, :U tn;Hr>xrc~:6ttarrs>tt tfai r7f~r?€,akr^. ~ettt ihtr ;41+trtgag&a m:ty dcnsanci, Bur
<br />tc*? daft! rR4#3eir at¢k ~,<ys ~yrrrents m;~rt ilue neat parpur €. ~..;: , hn.i nr,t ,~ ;ey,;ii..,i -, .,, d,- tai. a+ssgnment r= ztr rcrm¢nata
<br />itts:tatr3t nnli :aairi >,..*~ ink an ;eirss~ ~=r Blau te;srzt~ye.~.
<br />¢dt3ir itrra37ti }9.793
<br />