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<br />MORTGAGE <br />r <br />$3-'TIC~O'72'~ <br />This fi orm is used in conrtec- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />under the one to four-family <br />provisions of the * National <br />Housing Act. <br />06137415 <br />TH1SMt)RTCsAGE.madeandexecutedihis 15th day of Fabttaaty ,A.D. <br />I4-$3° ;bvattdbetween' Douglas D. Axfotd and Cieo Etna G. Axford, husband -and wife <br />and Charles E. Baasch and Janice K. 8aasch, husband and wife. <br />of the Gountyof 'Ball ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called <br />the Mattgagot-,and . , <br />GOlQtERCIAL FLDRRAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION <br />a eorpaiation organized and existing under the taws of Nebraska <br />partyuf thasecand part, hereinafter caned the Mnrtgagee. <br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of FORTY FOUR THOUSAND <br />and,-00/100 Dollars tr 44,QOfl.00 ~, paid by the Mort- <br />gagee;-. the rectipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents- does Grant; `Sar- <br />gain, Se11, Convey- and C:anhrm untn the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the fotbwing-dest:ritted <br />real estate, situated in the County of Hall ,and State <br />of Nebraska, to wit: 268 Sassth Kimball, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br />L.ot fihirteen (13), in Black Two (2), of Axt and Hagge"s <br />Addition to the Citq of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TO HA\`E ANO `fl} HGI_D the premrse abase described, wt±h a3t the appurtenances [hereunto belonging and including <br />all heating. plumbing and lighting fixtwes ~+nJ rkuipment now r,r hrreafttr attached to ar used in rnnnection with said real estate <br />unto eht Mortt;aget, and to its successors and assitms, tnrever fhe Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Mortga- <br />gee, that the Mortgagor has good right ur sell aad convey said premises: that they are free from encumbrance; and that the <br />Mortgagor Witt warrant and defend the same against the lawful itaims of ;d} persons whomsoever: and the said Martgagorhere- <br />by rtlirxtuishes all righK of homestead- and ail martial rights, either in 3au~ or inequity, and all other contingent interests of the <br />Mortgagor in and to the ttbovcdescribed premisas, the rn[entic:n Being tv convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, includ- <br />inga3krighis of homestead, and utlttr rt$3tts and interest, a. aforesaid. <br />f RO\'[DED;ILWAYS, and thrux {+rr.rnt.: re ese~utcd and deh4rred upon the faltawing~arrditions, to wit: <br />'The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the htartgat~e. or order. the pritntpal sum of FORTY FOUR THOUSAND <br />and 00/i00 txltarx tS 44,000.00 <br />with interest from date at Uit rate otTWELVE and 00/ 100 per centunt ( 12.000 ~~,) per annum on <br />the unpaid balaMr umil paid. 'fhe said prinxipal and interest shall be payable at the office of <br />Cosnetcial Federal Savings b Loan Asaociatian <br />in. Osaha, Nebraska or at such a g s the holder of <br />the note may desigrtate in writing, in monthly instalimenri al FOUR HUNDRED FIFT~C TWO an~~6~~ <br />t)olhtrs i5 452.76 1, commencing on the first day of <br />retest art full April `~? 83, a fu an the Sts[ day of cactt utoteth thereafter until the principal and in- <br />y pant, except that ttrz final Ikzyntent ~~. prir[:ipai and imerest, if not sooner paid, shall be due and <br />payable on :ht first day of :Hatch, 2013 ; .dl according to the terms of acertain promis- <br />wry nateof even date herewith extcuttd by tfic acid Motgagor. <br />The M~gagar in order titan fatty to pntttct the security of tttis. Mortgage, agrees; <br />[. Thin htwiff pay thin ittdt3.ttrdness. as herein3tefure pravide,d. f'rivikge is reserved to pay the deb[ in whole, or in an <br />amount squat tt+ane or more rauutldy pa>nttnts on rht principal that are next due an the Hate, an the first day of any month <br />prior ttt ntat~ity. ir#artided, ut4avery That written mui>.~ ref an intention w extrcise such prtvdege is given at least thirty f3U) <br />days prior to,prepaymtat~ <br />7. That. faget(Stt s*ith, attd in add~titm tu, the atonthly paymenu of pnncipa3 and interest payable umitr tht terms of the <br />trots steurtvd hereby, iht Mortgagor u==131 pay w the Mortgagee. ~ on the flr~si day of esch month untl the sai21 Hate is fatly paid,. the <br />fotiovtittg bums; <br />is3 ,truount sttt3s, tp ptrwnde lftt ttcttxttr boreal wtth tuttds tr+ pay the next tnort~gt in3nrarieP prtnuum if this <br />instrtutptat seat the rwta xcunn;t hareby are insnrad, of a nwuN[ly sharer Fin fietr uJ°e rnvrtg~gc~ irtwrnrtce prr- <br />rniurrt~ tf they sethekt sty the Secretary of llouvngand lhhsn ltevt3apnattt, ax tirllcsws: <br />€it. tf xu #ong~ Held rme of tzs~t dart and tltia 4trakruet9artt are m±;ured to ate rettrsared atufct r# ~- pta- <br />vtstana[ of r#te `+tat%rtttst tfttusbtR Act, an attuautit xutfi.^xent sir sccutnuiate in tht hands of thtlr~z;r. ~ rate <br />~~ eta w.;t t a-'tat >,rt,~ts Bear. tn+ wes~.+ner; riarw+v .a;attitwctsv ~t"f` IITF, t}F ti F:HRA$ <br />.. .. ~_., 4",~ r+t5i1a32143iwt t8-T31 <br />