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<br />...~ fl 7~~ NOTICE <br />ThFs,credit nontract finances a purchase. Afh legal Hghta-which the'8uysrhas agsinst the Seller argilttg <br />Out ot~#his transaQNon; lrtaiuding 8ii olafms airtt:titlten~as,~.e~ also vsitd sgalnst any~hoider of this contract. <br />The right to recover money irartt ttis holder under tall provielon is limited to -the smounrt paid by=the -buyer <br />under this-t~r~of. ~. <br />A claim k a_ lagalty valid i'esson for suing the Seller, A defense is a feysily'valltl resson for. note psyMg <br />.. the Seller. A hotcler Is anyone trying to t:oltect`fo-, the purchase. <br />~[NSURA.aj~EECANCr~-LAS'ION=ir-Ihaaenesluestrd9nsuxa inthispurohsse.fmaycanl•+eivuofiregnestforinsnrance~fwanyreasSncvktun$ftean~{-1§~dsysfromthe <br />date of this contract bl' ~o~fy"tag you ortlie holder of this contraetin writing. 1 know that the cancellation of my coverage wilttie•ptrgnged with the insurance comer(s) wd± <br />- afulirefundofrriypremmm(s)togetherwi[tteppticabkFnartcechatgewiiibeeretli[edtothiscontract. - - <br />PLEASEitIOTE:'tffhave uestedinsueanceinthispurchase,IwilFreceivewithinihirty{3D)daysace[tificateofipsuta>Kemorefultydeacnb~ngtheinsuraocccovemge.e <br />I know the[ if there is c~ict in the coverage or the language of the certificate of insurancb and the fo(lowhig Nodce elf Propostd Insurance that i amcovered only to.' <br />iheex'tentstaipdiaibef~oii~irg'NadcaofPmposedTnsurancc.Isisokmivthstltiaveiusurancec'averagadnlpifl7tavspcencliargedforit. -.. <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />1 take notiea~thateit6er Credit Life or Credit Accidem and Hasith Insurance„ or boat, will be applfcabk to this Sales Contract tilt the reverse side only-if 1 have chosen <br />it bysi~t»ngtherequestforsuchinsttrance.Thisinsurancewillonlyrnverdtapersonsigningthe ttestatthecostfoceachtypeof':inenreticashown.Sub}ecttoacce <br />by the. rnsyrance company, the insurance will fie effective as of today and will continue only for the number of months after dte effective daip:egttal to the aam6er of <br />montfi7y paymehts, i understand that this partiCUtar insurance ma not provide coverage for my last few Qayments, and that during that period of fiirie f will riot have any <br />insurance covet~ge. AII-benefits and proceeds of the [nstnanee will tx paid to you or to a fmanetal institution fir a bank if n hales the Saks Contract to the eaten[ of its' <br />interests and any balance will6e (rayable to me. The initisl'amount of CYedit Lrfe Insurance is [lie amounttequired to repay theTotal ofPayments;'theteafav,.thoinsuranca- <br />decreases bythe amonntofeach monthly paytnent on ascheduled 3Dday basis:-if I am jointly obligated on the Sales Contract with a Co-Buytt atxiivehave botirsig"Heel the_. <br />retluest for Credit Life Insuiance_ death bei[efits wilCbe pavabk only with rospect m the first ax of us to die:~Sult~t to exclusions; eliminations or~aitin$ ptfiod statbd - <br />inthe insurance policy oc certificate, Credit Aceidanrand Health insurance a forthe benefit amaumof 1/30th of each month's payment foreachday thatfiamtotallydisabkd- <br />due ro aninjury orsickruss while Lowe any payment to you; however, I understand that I have to be vented frail[ xrorkingdttn tti such total disatii#ity for[r[tte,•t6an fo~~-- <br />teen.(i4) consecutive days~bafore the insuianca benefit-is paid.back to the fast day of my total d' ility. f also know that I cannot obWn K.t- <br />amover b5 years ofage tatay,and i alaaknow that the htsunnce coverage ptrovided to ttce tray contahta mar<imntn atnouot of coveragewhkh wW-ootpayp~trottae <br />cases, the entire atnoant that I owe you. Due to the maximum amount of coverage stated in the insurance policy, I know thatanyunpaid amount in excess of _ tosura[tne <br />coverage wilt still 6ava to be paid. If the Sales Contrast is prepaid in full prior to the last payment date, any uneamW fasttraace premfumswi116e refunded to me q[ thelnan- <br />nei)irescriLvsd by taw . Within thtrty S30) days; t wilt rccetve the ceriificate of insurance more fully describing my insurance. coverage. If the insolence is [tot aceapted by <br />the insurance company,l will receive a refund of[he insurance premiums [have paid. _ - -- - _ <br />BUYER:T'ltanexttwoparagtaphscontainwarrantiesroVativetathissalegivenbyusmthefinanciaiinstSmtionorbantcinorduforittobuythiseon[tact.-.- <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF DEED:OF T~~T AND INSTA~(tMENT SA § CONTRAST <br />tr(}R L'ALUE RECElV ED, Seller hereby sells, assigns, conveys, transkrs attd delivers ro i <br />(.4ssigaea) all of its ripht5 title attd inunst in and to the Deed of Tnust and Instaltmem Safes Contract, togetherwith ail lens existingt~ " cure its payfnam, arldthe ptopEfty <br />enwmberal hemby. Assignee as hereby substituted as Baneticiary under the Deed of Trust provisions of this COritiael. Seller werratt sort nepreseots; (1) @ has the tight t0 <br />maltcffirs ~Gd~) Allstaiements and figures in this contract atel in the Boyar`s statement aR materially true and cotreet; (3) This conttactamse from the tioaa fide <br />saleof the goodsand services desccfbed ttetrin: (4) The cashdown payir[ent shovm in this Contract was actually paid by Sayer alai nopart of said downpA7ttnent was;kiaaad <br />-directly or tndireCUy _bySetkr to Buyer; (5) Each Buyer is Iagalty competent to.cotttraCi; (6) This c[mtract is not and wtll trot be sub)ect to any claim, dafensa, detnsnd or <br />right of otfset; t , } The execurion of this contract and t underlying sales transaction giving rise thereto did not violate any federal or state law; drrecuve, rufaor tegulatfon <br />now in eCfoct; (g) In the event that this contract or the underlying sales transmtion is subtect to a right of rescission or Cancellation by the Buyaq such remission or cancella- <br />tionperiod has expired and neither the sale nor this contract has been cancdted or rrscimled. THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SELLER WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br />- tN TESTIMONY WHEREOR, the undersigr~d is a»~aufhgnud reprc~'~_.'t/y~five of the Seller and has signed below on behalf of the Seiler on this <br />day of - ~--_ -- "~ •. - s .14~-.'. <br />The foregoing murument w:e< arknowtedged bet'ore me on _. ~- _ ~ PACE$~TTER PRODUCTS, INCA (Satlar) , <br />~~ <br />---- --- ~s'V --- 't~_ By _.., ~,-1 t`~'`-. t_Gr .~~-r~~ ~_G-c. <br />/ ' .~~, <br />oy the authorized agent of Setkr who s tom-: •~' '~~"' .' ~ t"_ ~ ~, <br />Mycemmissionexpires: ~ ~ staf6bttti~gr-~N~iiWae. ~ ~ <br />,tESSiE G OM,aOVV ~.(~. <br />t ` <br />' 1.~,:'`~r"'atr6p'i1K-1LtlNYYt-.~ \cx bii.. ... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />