<br />83--aab~l,
<br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE, CHARGF,: Even though I do not have to pay more man the regular scheduled monthly payrrtent, I havethe tight
<br />to prepaydhewh6le aitiduat dvWhgtti ypu'in full at any timeor in part from~£ime to time. if the lending institution or bank that buys my contract computes the finance charge
<br />dal ty. 1 knew my financetlia a will bs less if 1 make hn early payment, and it will be higher if I pay late; i also [ncogniu that any necessatjt adjustment to rpy total finance
<br />charge will be retletttd in mynal bier; i also know that the amounts shawn.on the reverse side for the Finance Charge, Total of Payments, and the Total Sale Price are esti-
<br />mates based:on the sssurripQon'tlidt you will receive each of the payments exactly on its Clue dart: and I know that there will be no refund £f I prepay because there is nothing
<br />to refilnd if i-aril charged un a'dat`ip+lixsiSt If the lending institution or bank does not compute the finance chazge.daily, and if I prepay the whole amount, you will refun
<br />to me the unearned pcmtton of the finance charge tinterest) by the a[:coun[ing procedure known as the actuarial method; and the amount of myy rebate will be figured on the
<br />scheduled domes and amounts of my monthly payment and not on the actual dates and amounts of the prepayments that I pay to you. i know trier a refund of less than $1..110
<br />will not be~rrade: `~~. - -
<br />(tr) I wilt aril shouldread, in detail, the separate "LIMT'fSD WARRANri"' which aceampaniesthis contract. it ezp£ainstheconditians and circumstances in which
<br />the mannfae£ueed produces wilt Cc repaired or replaced: t takenotice of the limitations nn the warranty, and 1 particularly recognize that any implies warranty which applies
<br />to the goods lists only as long a' the warranty or service convact. -
<br />SPECIAI:-ORDER GOODS: / knowthat you have-measured my house and its openings so that ytiu can make the products to fit my particular house. I take notice the[ the
<br />goods that are manufactured for my speei8c house probably will no[ t'rt any other houses, acid under such conditions, (know that [cannot cancel this contracrat _anY time
<br />after the period oftime-given to me, by law, in which to cancer. Afterrhat legal petted of time: l know that 1 have thtvbtigation to pay you in foil dte atraantowed~ '
<br />OBLfGATIONS PERTAINING TO MY RF.Ai, FCTATF,: ! . I promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured foratleasfg096dfitsreplBEertrcnf value
<br />by buying a fire and extended coverage insurance policy. The insurance company must be approved by you, and rho policy must have astandttid trust deedbeneficiaryctarue
<br />whtch says that you are to ht id if there is a loss. The insurance company must agree that it will not cancel my policy without first telling you (authorize-the insurance
<br />company to pay you directly fo any loss. You can choose to use [his insurance payment to either repay any amounts I owe you orio repair my house.~2: I also promise tllai
<br />i wit! not arrow anyone else to place any liens an my real estate without your written ptmtissinn. 3. I promise to pay ail taxes, assessments and other charges on my real estate
<br />when due. 4. I promise to timely make alt payments nn my prior 3aans secured by my real estate, I also promise that i will not extend, renew or change prior towns witltewt -
<br />yourwritten petmrssian. 5. If 1 do nut insure my house or fulfil! my other obligators to my rtffi estate, then you can do it for me if you wage (but yOU do upthave to): I~you
<br />do pay any of these obligations for me. I agree to pay you back on demand plus interest at an anneal rate three percentage points (3%i) greater than the aniwal peneentt~a0gg~C
<br />rate shown ore the reverse side. Umil t pay you back, these amounts will be added to my debt to you which is secured by my real estate acrd house: I know that ifyou ileetde
<br />to buy insurance for me that you da not have to abtnin env homeowner or liabititn insurance.
<br />SALE OF MY HOUSE: 1 promise met to sett, lease or give my house to anyone una£ 1 hsve tally repsid my debt [o you, or, until [obtain your written pettrussion. If I would
<br />submit tv you someone m take war this contract, 1 agree that you may review their r~ualifications. tf you approve them, you can charge me a service fee forchanging records.
<br />y'aucana~soinereasetiaeimeaxstrateonthiscontractM~asmuchasthetawallows;rfywdo.youagreenottaholdrotrespnnsibleforthisdebt. -
<br />DEFAUI.T: I wit l be indefault under this contract if: _,
<br />1 I don't make a payrnem when due: or -
<br />_- 1 break say promise 1 made [o yew m this contract: or
<br />?. Something else happens which causes you to believe m gocul faith chat 1 do not intend to pay coo a, promised; or
<br />-£ I defaultan any obligations for which I ate using my fiome as collateral; or
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens vomnghts, if am•, in rt.
<br />tF I AM I'1 DEFAULT: My house nine real estate can be sold by you to pay my debt to you. Before my house is sold, y'ou will do everything that the Inw tegrtites. Aayone
<br />can purchase my house and real estate at the sale, including you. and, you can erve the purchaser a Tivstee's Dted without any warranties. However„;roe agt'ye,that you
<br />will net sell my house--sad real estateif f pay alt ovenlue payments anti correct any default Ixfore the sale. Or, }'ou have the right to sue me amt foreclose Ihtscontract as
<br />if it was a mortgage. tf you hits an aUOtney to asstu you w sell my house, or, to cut nee, ar, to protect your rights, 1 egret to pay you for your reasonabb attorneys' fees
<br />a»dforotherrelatedezpensissuchasmartcY~ts,titlesearches'andmoneyyouexpendedtoprotectmyhouse. -
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose mat +o enforce any of the rights under this cuntracr as after as we want without bring them. Or, we can delay enforcing any~of the rights-'
<br />w~ithaut losing them. We cxn aIw use any rights now or in rot future given+o us by law. ~ -
<br />DELAYS: I kmaw that you will use your best efforts to install the praiutts I am purchasing on my House. Cut t also understand that en some situations you map eticountu
<br />delays the+:ur ceased by urikes. wexither coriduwns, delays you have m ohtatninF mnteriak, or Zoe other rcaams that err heyand your control. 1 understand that you will
<br />iwt be ha61r for such delays.
<br />ARBITRATION: If t have a depute ur cixim with you coticemuig the yuanuty, quality or perfii[mattct of the prefaces, I understand that my dispute may be submitted t0
<br />and staled according to the intdiation-arbaration pro rani that may hoot devehaped in my community or ray tht Iocd Better Business Bateau. t alsoknow that any decision
<br />made by an arbitrator(s) would tae entered tit [he coon ~aving jurisdiction over rot atW yt>u.
<br />SALVAGE VALUE: I kmrw that rot windows, wexidwork, amt cxher mntenats that Cavr robe trnwved by you for this muaHation have III salvage value. When you re-
<br />movethem, you can hoot them for whatever pur7wse you wan+.
<br />SPEI;IAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of w.mt of the pnx£ucis that }ou sail, t understand +ha[ sn special situanons that your RegiooatOffitt may Gave to review
<br />and accept this cunuact. I also umftratand thst this salt attuned in my home reel that you and £ mac not have had all the correct mformauon important to this transactfou
<br />at raurtingtnips; i give you my consent W carrot xny otavious eneis that ma} ha-.t cccurrrd when thtbtaaks in this contract were completed.
<br />i'.VYALID PR()V'LSION~: It am provuwn of this c,mtract vioixtes the law and is unrnfanrable, the rest of the wntract will be valid. If any part of this contract requires
<br />pay nxtu of more interest than the Inw pennir,,, then yea will only have the right w aaliett I'nxn me the arrxwM of interest which the law allows you to collect.
<br />COMPLETENESS OF TINS ('ONTRACT: 1 canrrot revoke the trust that 1 hsve created by this cantrtict. 7Ttfs comract can only be changed if both you and rot egret in
<br />writing.
<br />The following notice ben ~ s to my attention the rights that I have even when this convact a said to a financial institution or a batik, and t should notice that the impor-
<br />uuux of tins pmvisidt is stt'essed~ its nppeararw:e in ten point, bold fav~r type'
<br />
<br />
<br />