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<br />and. w•ihom demand. span o6 :m:neeuyly n:,e end parame ray T.usmr and enan <br />tzar +nroront at Ina meximuin alinwepix raga: rate provlde0 n <br />Option at Beryltc,0ry w Trustee Porn Suma may OR tldded +o Ha+t':einc~Ipelan3lancR <br />01 any irMSbtednesa SBCUratl hereby an0 snail bear tr;a same mares! as .ucn <br />ineeateansaa and snau be Pavabla rntaolr aver ma,emamng term mnebl <br />Z0. Aaapnmant b Amd. 8epebc+ary sna+i have lea ngnG D rand authornv <br />tlurinp Lne cmhlmtmce jot Hls Trull Deptl to calleCt He rents. rssuas art0 Crcflis of <br />the PrvpertY and of any persona! propsny located tnaraon w•m m wrlhoui tax+ng <br />poeaa68fan 01 iha property dlfeCiBd hBraby, and T U9tar Hereby absolutely and <br />unr.OrWfllmaliy eNtpna all sucn rents, i nova rantl crones tv Ban6flc+ery. <br />BenetiClery, nawemr, tafeby CansePt6 to ins Tru9tOr'S COheCt,On and retanr,pn or <br />fudh rante, tssuN antl DrOntb as iney accrue acrd become aayapla s ong a <br />Truatm ie not, at auto limas, :n delauit wen respxt to paymeri c any <br />IrttlebtedMEa neoufBd hptat)y a in thB perlIXmanCa OI any egMBroanl nBrounder. <br />Upon any auen default, 8enef iciary may at any lime, ennar m parson, OY a;;~ent, or by <br />e rocMNr fa be appointed by a Dort. v,dnaut nOYlCB antl wrlHOUt regent rC <br />adepuaeX of any w urfry for H6 mdabtedness nereny secured, cal enter upon aria <br />take poaNealon of ine Properly or any Dan thereat. sntl in Its awn Hama sue For or <br />O1tMrW1Ee collect Euch rNtE, ia9uBa end proh(s, including ihaae pant due dn0 <br />unpaid, antl apply the soma. leas teats and expen3ss of operation antl ^. o+acbcn, <br />intlutlinq reaEOnmy attorney tees, upon any rnda0tatlneas weaved hareoy'. antl ,n <br />auen order as Bemeflelary iney Cetarm!rn' fbj perform such acts pf span o <br />proteatlon 03 may by neceSBAry C.t pNper l0 Conserve the value Of m0 Property. ;c <br />leave the same Or any part tnereot tar eucn renter (arm. end upon auen condltlons <br />as Its futlgmant iney dletala. Untesa Truafor and B¢nxncoary agree ctnerwise m <br />wrfting, 2ny applieateOn o/ rants. values Or prpfds to any Indapiridnass as urea <br />barony obeli not extend or poetpane the tlu¢ datA ct the :nstal!ment pavmxnla as <br />provldetl in sold promssory note or enanga the amount of suer. :nalanments <br />enteflnQ Upon end idking pOa509aldn of !hB frppBrtY the ca!IeCl,On al sucn ran se <br />IEnpN and profile, end InB eppncetlon therept a5 etore9d,d. shall not warv6 or cure <br />deiau ~ n „rn a.. c, ,,,.~ Ssr . <br />arty tletaw[ o nonce o ,• a pa <br />ircn nollOe-rTNator also aaglgns tar Bxaelmiary, es eturibar 5 only rsY amine <br />pBnartnanCe Of the abligattonS ea :arebv. ail Drepa:tl rr <br />whlGh maynavp bean Or may narpatier pe dapasrteM won sera Trulstar'v(ty any IussBe <br />of the Property. t e the Payment o aria upon Ce'du:t ~n + a <br />pants any pf Ih@ prMisrans n r T alto: na . <br />arW dpPOatts fro He 8eneficlery Denveryo^. wntran n .! irha e <br />reVU or Hp rignia granted Herein ! ant cccucY:np sarC cram ses s <br />be Put}ICient to regatta Para tenant !o Pav sa,rln¢ni !:. Hv Banafrcl Rry •snltr t,;nlnnr <br />nO11Ce. <br />il. t.aaaW PeamlaN, wdMn to Jaya Poet demanc. Trus:ar snau Nrman :n rruprN <br />E xtaduro certitlN t0 ae true, wfbnq !ono e.1 taaaN o1 apace In ere crust <br />Propany then In attest, inctumnp, i stn case: the narrre or the tensors a <br />ocCUpanie, a apecripll0n of Me apace occuplatl by such ynan( antl occupant, me <br />rental payable far Poch space ared sucn dinar Intpmatldn and documanta with <br />reapaet to auen INNa and tmantlae an Ina Trustee mar rapuear <br />Wlthdut the pdo( wnttan coolant of Tn:ptw. Truster Snali nut. d:rec,tty or <br />Irttli(sCtly, wlin rNpeCt to any :Noe dt Speta +n (Ra OascrlDed oram+aes, weather <br />fex;lt leaaa la now Or nerNitEr in axia!ence. fa) accept a parmU soy pre0aymant <br />dlacount or atlmncp reset gayaba therwntlw; iDl cancel w tprmnate ine same, or <br />atCepi any CanosllatiOn, tem(naban or Yurrenoet theropt, ct Oemrr any a m to <br />decor whlCn would entitle ttrp Ip66N InereuSWer !o termindy Or cancel the same'. Ic) <br />emend Or mOdny the aart18 so eE IC retluCtl the lawn InerrYJf t ental payapie <br />[nNmntlar, M ro cnanpe any r6Rpwdl pravla Mfie therein containedr:dl waive any <br />default tMrevntler or MNCh Hereof: ;e} give any no writ » v apOrovar <br />tharsundM M take any Oflter action on connecban tnerewnn. cr awnn a <br />thereunder, WHIM would have the effect of Impalrlnp the value vt tesaur's •ntx alt <br />iharairntlM, on its Property aubiHtt the(eto, or o! impanlr5q ins pOarflpn or mrorNt <br />m tna TNatN Pr eerahclary: or m stn. awign p!eaga. martgRpa a. pinerwr5e <br />dlappee Of, a encumber, lie InarNi In 8ny auen !Ba9B Ur a=:y ranla, ySUN or prolrlb <br />Is6uinp a arlalnp InerNitder <br />tY. Catadamnaaon Ir bite to any pan ai tea Prpaenv dean tie taken m uoncamnanon <br />procaedinpn, by right of eminent domain m aimuu action fir ahvn t>g sold under <br />inter Oi COridemnatlOn, elf awards, dbmARN aria prpceetl6 Arb ttarepq a9atgnad <br />ant ahali pp pattl to 8611alkClery woo ahail apply sUOn awerOn, damapN end <br />procaatls t0 the soma bawrN by Itro That Dpsd, w{th iha excess, 't aay, pa:tl to tM <br />TNMOr. TNator Win prOmPttY. boo wits sue dlY,penca, repHtr, attar and restore the <br />namatmnp pan at tM Trvat Propany to Ile tome nd:iton aubstenvatly Ic the <br />eY{MC trait iha Nma mny ae leonine and a0 as lO .Orantute a cornpa(a and uBabFe <br />unit. <br />13. FWUro AdvatrN. Upon rsquefi or Trustor, 8eryffcfary, at Bmehclery a uptl0n, <br />prey td rsconreyanae O! iha Property tc the Trustor m naxe future aa-rancea to <br />its TNatm- SuM tUNro BdYmCea, won mtaregi thereon, shall !y 1BCUrBd by Ines <br />Trust ONG wnmt evWencad oY promissory notes staunp !hat Sind noted e <br />OecUfed na(aby: Rrovtded Hat al no dine anal) 'n6 a rx pnnetpaf- future <br />adrniw. not Indudinp Hums eaYancea 1- pCl fee SecUrltY, a Lead crsa <br />nutwroa pereml tig0%10} ine original Prirrtlcai amCUnis a6CUreo n6rbbyx <br />u. Aatai8laa CumWtNa. al ramadlN pronaAd In toes That Dead aw dlsnna and <br />cumUiNive t0 any Other right w r6medy under ihla TN3t Dead rn a!fPNed bX taw or <br />aVetN, ant may W ezarclaas MnCUnenfly, indapentlanUy w 3ucCMarmly <br />16. A00alarattelC Ranlatliaa: tSaM. Upon deault by Trwtor m the paymam at any <br />IndabiWrtapi 4'ecured barony w in the pendrmanCB Of dray SpreBment netaurWer, <br />Bmaht4ryauy risalaro HI euma aacured Hereby immaaetety due And payable ay <br />daitvatY tb TrwiN of wnttm deefarotion of default. Tea TnntN ens?' have tot <br />faAaar of NM Of its PrdPenY etW !t 8malkfary deMrea Hs Prlrpeny fa De Gold, tt <br />atoll Oapnst/ with TNatN tRia TMt Clead ant all promissory notN alts docurnents <br />avMMic{nq axpentlitulN aecnlp hereby, and 4neH dMlver W TN9iN, a wrlitm <br />txOtinA d tlefauit ant slactbn Fo Cause IM Prepsriy to t>g so W, antl 1M TNattrt !n <br />lull{ anah Flapan a a11Mbr Notice in ify loin rNUlred Dy few, wniCn 9nM1 bs duly <br />FNd lars~(tl Dy TtuatN= <br />Sa) Afta3 tM {1pN a€ Euth N may bA required by 'saw tottuwtnp lea reCOrO- <br />atwn of saki notlae at detau7t. acrd nOtlae of 06tau:t antl nonce W say Having <br />bRarl pRUn N reguked by law, truatN, wlNOUt demand on ?ruafw. snarl sell <br />the FroFartyan SYro data its M the ling ant state dN{'jrlale0 in Nfd nOnca of <br />Mia. at ptAlle suttmn t0 lea mlPt9aF bidder, Yoe purchaw prtee paYaDb in <br />iavrtui raartaY b} its lmRed nstatN aE iYd time Ot Eea. Tna pPfaOrt eOnducteng <br />its Pant may, aol soy tauN rte daanrs expedNnt, pOatpona tea aa+a from arm <br />to tkaa uatH it Muib N aampleiad antl, m averp even Gam, noEiCe of Roatpono- <br />mane anaR be ptran M punNd deeluttkm ilureo} ray auen person at tM tklea <br />ant Flans fast appWntad for lt» NM; prevldad. tf the rata r5 poetponad Iw <br />haaDar FUn (11 day beyond tM GY den{grated m inn iwtlee of ante, name <br />thaea4l WR tN) Phan m tea Paine manner ae tiW miginai trotke of seta. <br />Tnuew eeeidl alepate Red dadver la ltb Avrctraaar Ma IleOd conveying its <br />PteFMM aoW, part w{ieart mY Pavatanl cr warranty, axpraN. w impNed, Toe <br />radMU to fM 7)ead o! arty n+Atisra a Hna seal{ ip cons{vetvs groat of ine <br />iluitlhdrtMa Uta(Wt. Arty peraWy IlxlUdtrfp f3erWicuty, nay purpniae at tot <br />s4a <br />~ Wttan Tniaut Pieta pualvant M try ppwarf Hereto, try TNETN loth apply hyt <br />aroaaadt of the NN to paynrnt or tea Gx3fp Intl axoemss at aymtlKng ine <br />DoMBI# Nis Mal 5t His aay. t~rsl Nfa lree'mmt Ct fhb TrixKN'a FNa <br />aataMh I+tCwfrN. npF (D Mrtaeld ,. f! 77_ % s/I ttta aatri yr}cb, sod loan tR <br />fns fNma m watxrap+alut{tl to LM prdH thaea itYtaC. <br />(~ A{flal Caysnptne l{aau a;kaarkad in auppatipriFh Sb71t the Pala is oY TNatsa. or <br />itlagN{Pa'roptlr! aY!d M//tlu dNLt uy MfaplWaae toed Nh /i try NM is Ruliwar+l <br />' td ksdtaicl tiraaioiMR,fM Npcaetln sf Nis syuh lx spphRU:a tea cvaaw aiAtaC <br />to tM Payment 9d.' <br />?p Tv`4st of iHYy ivrdyav~a 61 nFM pi'v fetid xt Sw2rs8tttan who axe?tn Gals ant of <br />all'! ~10tlks V a alillYak: <br />RS yaravi t?nin aaW#AB narAay, <br />lap TAB: raAfHteH,#a t.`u?51At aR(aar*YGBr'tY 9nt:iMelfMeans <br />+9 Dulisa antl 0411gatlom 01 TNNN. (al The OullaB end abhpanvnE of"fruatN <br />Snell tin Uatarm:nen sn+aly Uy ihp Bxitipae prWf910ne at t11B TN9t DNtl and TfuflN <br />ahali not f>e !labia exr;epi rot the pvttprrnance of sure tluuee antl obbgehone as are <br />spbcltically w tangy. ne and n :rnp!Ipd co ants or obllpetionp anal) be <br />+mposed open i•ustea: N) No prov+plon of rots True( Deed snail rogulre iNalee to <br />nxp0ml Or risk m3 a ands '. ninerwisb m any tinanclal pbllgatlOn in the <br />pertamanCe or am ^f nl.v dUl:patnarpdndpr. or In ine e%B(ciN m any of Ira fight or <br />powers. u d anah M1aYa gropr:ds for believing loaf Ina repayment Of Such lands or <br />atlegUi[R indBmnitY agfllnat SuCn rl3k br iyDillty IS n01 reeamebty BNUrpd iP II; (d) <br />Trustee may consult won unwl of his o chdoalnp antl the etlvlce Ot each <br />onset snail Ca tun and r;Ompieta authwlTailon and protectlM In the reaped! of <br />any action taken or sufteretl by It hBraundH In gpop faith end roI1bRCe IhBrmn; (tl) <br />Truatpa shell not ba Rabin iCt any ac1Mn taken by Him In good tetN antl <br />Delfevnd py him w De aumdnzad w within fie diacretton or rlgma of powers <br />COnfprled Upon t by loin TNEt Deetl- <br />t T Addllbnel5sturhy Imtrumanfs. Truster, at 1fa expenpe, will execute antl tlellvar <br />to the Trustee. promptly upon demand, eucn security InBtNmente a9 mfly t!e <br />raqulreC by Trustee, In form and aubslance 9atletactory to T(patN. ca+erinp any O} <br />nee Property convpyatl by IMS Trull Deed. wNCh security InatNmenlB shall la <br />ad0ltlonal security for irustvr'a telHfui Darformence Of all Of the terms, aoyenentE <br />eves pontllnons of tn!e truer Uapd, v:e prcmieaory nofea secured hereby, and any <br />Other Bet-U11Iy rnatrum8rtte a aCUted In COnnBCibn Wlth [tile lrenaaClbn. Such <br />~!atrumenis loan Co racOrtlBtl or f119C, and r4reCartlBtl antl retried, 0t Tluattx'a <br />expense. <br />1B Mballanamrs. <br />!a) In [na event any one or more of f..^.s provlelons contalnetl in Nis TNet Used or <br />the pomissory note or any Other 3ecurlty In9lNmmt plven in Connmtim with <br />_,. _ _ 11441 {v <br />nanrorceaby4ln any~~rxspeci rsucn Invaildlry, ulepEllty, or unentoroeablllty <br />snarl, al ine Donor. cf 8en6hctary, not affect any other prwlafvn of Mia Trubt <br />0~etl, but ifils Trun', DBetl anvil bn con4tNed as If ouch InvaiW, Olegai, or <br />unentorceaofe Pron9tor. natl Haver bean conteinetl herein or therein. <br />,bi TRIS Trust DNd shall tx+ conairuatl ecCOrolnq to the lawe of He Stara of <br />NpbrASkd. <br />,CI Tn18 Truel 08p0 snail Ir a to and blrid the Webs Iepa1N8, deviE6ea, <br />admlNSiraWrs, executom. euctessor9 and a9Elgna of the pertlbe heMO. <br />;dl Trustor shall pav s!I lazes yvfad upon tole TNSt Dead or the debt aecura0 <br />hereby. together wtln a other [8x88 or da8e89m8niII which may ba IBV180 <br />against tea Trustee nr Banatlclary or !ha lapel hOlOer of NId promlebary notB <br />an acctunt or ma rnd64tednase evidenced (nareDy. <br />ter whenever u ed Harem, 1 singmar ntmoer snau mclutle ine pmreL the <br />s:nputar, m p, of env gender sha!i N aoptlcable io all geraar9. end iha term <br />_ naHC+arv Vsne1! mciune any payee ': the IrWebtbdnNe herRDy 6acurntl or <br />a yt ana.arh.eranl.wha!oar CV OOerabOn or law or otherwlN. <br />'~9 Sutuavw TNatsa. Benelrc!ary may from umg to pine aubahtute n euccN60r or <br />u4tse named Hereto m scoop hereunder to exeruta iota TNet <br />tWad- Upon au'cryrtppamimanl and wlthOUt convByente 10 the 9ucCeeNr TNn[N, <br />'rip Ib Hall na vRS[atl with al! title. pOwer0. antl duliN contel(etl upon any <br />T:uatea n rein ~• mea o acting n under, Hch sucn apDOlniment antl <br />auDehtullan shalt alrb made Oy wnttpnaingtrunant by eeneticiary, contalninp <br />•piergnca tc tole Trust Dead and Ire piece r! record. wmcn when retarded In Me <br />cfllCe of Na Register of Deatls of the county or counties In which Nltl property 18 <br />srtualee auen ee c-enaunlm tvoo+ dt prober appointment of the nucceNOr TNftee. <br />orepomp power of substltutlon antl the prac8dure theretare ehW rot N <br />zclua!m at tea power and Grxadura Provided for Oy law lot top subStltUtiOn OL a <br />T,vatee or'rruas>as In :ne coca a? tea TNatsa. <br />Zg, FabRaranca by SaMitt{Pry Pr TNatN Mot a Walwr, Any foreDearance Dy <br />BenentlarY Oi Llust6e in a arGamg env ngnt yr remetly nareuntlar, or otMrwlN <br />alfortled try pppitcebla law. snail oat as a wntmr of rn prpClude the exerclN Ot any <br />:tght or rpmevy n9reundxr l,xewfaa, the waiver Dy BaneflClary pr TfUptN of any <br />dateuil of i ruatoi under tn:g Trust Dean shall not ba ONmetl t0 be a waiver a! any <br />dine. cr s`mtlar darauita aubta0uenuy ocauning <br />2t TNatK Not RelNaatl. Eatena!on of (he time for payment ar modflleatlOn Or <br />. onlzatton o+;nt sums svcurnd Cy Ibis Trust Deed prantetl Oy Benaticlary to any <br />ui±ereat o! Trwtor ah81t not Operate to raleaee, in any manner, IM <br />aml!tYa U'i 'nR CnglnRl trust Or or Tru5lOrs SUCGN9Or In Inyreat. 86nBrICiBry anal) <br />n<r( Ge required tC manta p Ocamirvpa apamat eucn suac9eNr or refuN to <br />sno oma to pave ant p: Hiner«isa modcty amoNZation of Nb sums vacated Dy <br />irt1s Trvar L7apo by :salon c! any demand made Dy ine original Trustor end TruaroYs <br />ssCSeasU:a in in!BrBat. <br />2 Ds1au1[. It snau be n aetautf under Hia Deed Of Trust or under any prior <br />?tvrtgape, 11:e iBanbricrary may cu sucn default- and Ina amWnfn BtlYmCed Oy, <br />Pies Pinar cNta eves txpanwE a ~Ha Danenclary In curing auto defnun, with <br />:nroreai at He delau!t reie Contalnap rn H6 Nole secunw Hereby from the time nl <br />me advances m payments annli be adtlad to tea {ndep[BOneae secured ray ihle That <br />Dasd and may tie collected ,nerounCar at any oma after top time Ot Poch advances <br />c DeYmenis snG snail ba dw!nnp 10 be BeCUretl Hereby. <br />28. t'}Ptbn to ForaGws. Upon the occurence bf any default RereundM, Henehclery <br />alt Ham the option ro fOrarloee this Trust 0680 In tHa mHnnar provitled by law for <br />ma >Orec105Ure al mbrtpagaa Pr! mat prOpyrty <br />2a. Touters RIgMa. Alfaanl UalaNt. UnIli any default in the papnent Of <br />:rtCebiedneas nareDy aecureC cn until tnB DrNM of any covenant fieraln contained, <br />me TNaipr, ns succeasora and aaaigna, sfy11 poasNa sno Bnjoy the proponY. antl <br />m tfy rents antl prOllts tneratrom Upon DAYment at 811 EUma Ncurad by chi! <br />Truss Ueed, 68netiCtory ahali rsgUNi TruetN to retamay Ina properly gmt ahail <br />unender ihia Ttuaf Deed and a:l hotN avltl8nalnq indebtedneaa secured by rota <br />troll Oeed to TIU9tN. T:valea anatl raconveY the PtOPerty wltROUt warranty end <br />w:ihaU( cRerpe t re Derdnrt3 'egailY sntillad fherely. The Grwtpe In any <br />'eWnvaYa.^.ap iney err deaLr!G M as -iha p6r50n pr Ppf30na Bottled mpral0," dn0 <br />Ina rpa a tntrx,n a -+attpra o. - a snail be cOnCfualve proof of !tie <br />naa iv r <br />•tu1nM1 ~InEa9 in11ba1 sucn {>eexGn M pet 3on5 5na!i pay a71 cOEW O} roCOrding, ff 8ny, <br />25. AecaMratwn IR Ina EYant of ?raM{N. !:t me Byent eta !Hie to aaitl teat e91Rta is <br />Irarytrroo. or Con:MCted la be trbn9taned. trpm ley underagned for any reason or <br />tT any neaHM w"etso6ver, son 6nnra Drim,;ipai sum and atcNetl Intero6[ anah Ht <br />Ce t:ecanaa sue env pa}a4y a: irro eitchpn o! ine Banafloiary. Fanure fa axerCine <br />t+!!a apron apcau5a rat Irarcptp+ ' i'tta as an . e statN +n one +netancs anatl not <br />cOnltitute a walrvar ar the r:gnt to axarclas He game In the evml of any nubsequenl <br />.avatar <br />Ib. This daaa at that ra lUneur la one dot <br />vxacutad hT TruatOr to ... _ - _._.. TrvatN, <br />aacwrinAaprtnEipa+ndte iw _- _ ___ .- - ... <br />DNtam aNi [fled rix valeta w".M the!aeq+Etar di DMaia anti Ldannflsd N f0llOlN <br /> <br />