<br />$3-'e' ~~U,2rs~ TRUST DEED
<br />TfiISTRUSTDEED,madethis 13th day of January t9 83
<br />be and between:
<br />{A) Lvle Edward Richards and Susan Carol Richards, Husband and Wife
<br />,whether one or more, herein-
<br />aftercatied"Trustor"whose mailing address is 2223 South August, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />and
<br />(B} John A. Wolf
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />addressls 202 West Third Grand Island, Nebraska and
<br />(C} The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />202 West Third Grand Island Nebraska
<br />WITH EvvETu• ThQt Trustor • °idv°rv 'on ^i ~^n Dollar rc1 nM and ^tt±~` ~alY4ble onncit-lnratinn rarwirft
<br />„ ,.,., .,.. „ iW .. ,., ,.,. .. ...... '
<br />whereof Is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the
<br />foUawing described property, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />(11} NORTH, RANGE NINE (9}, 41EST OF THE 6TH
<br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, inciudfng all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, togetherwith aN buildings, fixtur$s, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FQR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of Savantaan Thnutand Dollars ($ LZ,Onn- (10 ),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 1st day of January , t9 8$ ,
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t. WaYraatr 9t TBM. Trustor Is IawlWiy snrtn90t the Proper{y; a nag poop ngtN antl
<br />IAWfUi aUthOrilY l0 Ael! end COnvpY Iha Prop®rtY: IM Property is I: ne and cippr of all
<br />N@A6 a+fd a¢CUTDIBnCas eXCaDt {ien9 npw of raDOrd; aM ?iUSfUr wit: W nnani antl
<br />Ualand the title to the Ftoperty umo Na Trustee and Its suc^..ass anti assipna
<br />f91¢Mr, ape+nel the ClnimII 9f ail perS9rls. Tryalor, at Ira axpertas, will maintain arty
<br />DraaaiYe /M Ilan Of NiII 7Na1 Dtlfl(f a4 a lien upon lha Trua[ WOpertY subject On1Y t0
<br />etWUln9raaaa6 eXtaflAy as 92 hie data hereof, wild caybe tni4lruai Deeq antl eaen
<br />a+pmdrnwH w auDDtamant ittareta, to De Gipd and recorded as • mprtppgp of Ina
<br />TrWtlhip,erty in auDh manner and in such Rlace, artd win rose suM Olhar action ¢s
<br />m the Opiniprl Of Trvetee may 66 rpgr,tred try any pre48nt M future law to Order in
<br />Retract. mamtnN eM prDteFi the {ten Of tn# Trust Opel, as tna arvne meY Dp lrom
<br />tirelT to limn emended orspDpiamentetl.
<br />2 PaYIeMtM W FYtilCiDat end taiMNt TrualOr atu,h punCtvatfY FAY the prenc+pal Ct,
<br />arld lnlYW dn, Sofd DYMniespry note Inciudtnp 8nY advances Sherd?a as Pravgad
<br />fMtetn qn tM tlalN end a4 t[w pipoe antl in iht manner prOridetl ttmrem And will
<br />PVnatt¢eBq pat/O,ih 111 Wreement4 OOndttlafa And RlOw9itm4 9i anT 6tne{ aeCUnty
<br />treatry,riprd pMn m CCneroatiop WAN thta 1<Ma¢Ctrgn.
<br />S. PYatlfaaYYei Nd MaleMeaae M MaDety. Trustor whi nai ow+xmt any waste
<br />uDnR /tM Pt9Dlrty Ind wilt. pt nil ftr±yp, !npiniafn ine aatYN #» 69aa wtlm ana
<br />p9MfSlea and W!N IYleke, irM,t Irma t6 limn, a!1 raRAira, tahew¢I8, rAtaCnmH.fS,
<br />eaatwpa uM b1NNgYNPNde which era reasgne9iy ragva:ed t0 p+arenl waste,
<br />fRt@[11911nC, ivr dMMlpNiti9n M paid Drapm?5'. No bNtdlriq a irnpriyrtnient new Or
<br />harMiltl MaF1W iaR9p 1ha PY9partY &neil m aharatl. 6rnpved 9' demohanad
<br />v4H19Dt F1lealat YMfkWl9pniatttW Betwiieiary.
<br />4. CMte(a--~ PLetaYb.ln rase of easy da-6rntpl ?a a deatru6tron Ot" tiK iwikNrys,
<br />M¢DeYY@rlMriia Dr ReYmnat prd4Mrty ranafnuting earl of ti+p Tryst PrcxpertY. wtmtner
<br />fbalf IOap f8 c0aareld DY 1hAWlrKe M Utn~Wife. FNatUr, At nd ads Gnat and
<br />aYDahy, Wnf priorttAty ranfaa. repair, mD#aGe antl rebu#hl ine carne as naanT as
<br />DTnCiWa~fn~tlII a,ndtHatmkneMelM`I WtM t9auGn ditnepe 6t dentntctkm ar With
<br />avah a9aAYee amt eWvetibne as Truster n+e3' deem aDRr9prratp Drowdfld errcn
<br />i1Ad aHMMipK !,R !rot metVtanY Na6ef+ YfK YalyB and Uhltry Uf sy9h
<br />14td1~flgt, D'nRf9anneah shat Datianat)ty Hem t?+at axgbrp immsdwtalY prra tD
<br />Auat1 MaYge K dpprW,t10i1. Trantpt aheN tb NitilKyf !o YNUWuraamant rtpm itK
<br />T:4nMlptO/he+la5an{OE T1,e Mt J.Inytap,ip pr90ifda raOyirW 9Y iruptae. pVl OnM l6
<br />tTreanlant ~ lb eataai eau ¢TWend,rd uryet thMa pra«rabn
<br />S iwH@f, q TnaNp ht a aurDSxefwn, rt r~if a an ?ntnpa narnsaary m
<br />DraaapyTn!!a uYrgam3aarSavirana, eatma and wMiagae under tot law.a D+ the stela a.
<br />rlakaaayppHtNw,.
<br />G iaaa,WYYY. F±ii iM, a1 i„, wgpnXlr, wia nvMtat;r w=M e+%ute+a a(>DrOvwd by
<br />OeaAwat!'T. nvanTanpa r'st1• r+Teaeet k! t1N in'„lta,awmn4a irl9i Dp^a9aai t':.ae!Ty.
<br />ltrq e~¢r4tt,veatr am . rlv. _
<br />'<+esap 4 dEaenF~c~ aatH~tig. w +~ayp aMFY9lr1 .. & Me4+ant ,gua< {„
<br />IwaRT: W +.•Mrd- a' a,eC¢M S,t .f.. - _., +trxst_ a
<br />aq,pimia Mkn giMar AV +M'¢a MO n,. d:t~r .~¢'xN PY yWtaes3
<br />a~ •~+ae.ar c•T a.. , ,,,sa,. .,. vt. a.r . ,~„b i.- :.
<br />~, .ass, a - ~,,.v-, .. : a,:-a.*'wA~y ~,
<br />r~ee F R: a'sssa Kr9'alla: '~ !H +t .,.~ ?>, .k'M.b O! ;w ••--rraa* :-u $a
<br />'aspxhve partrea- All insurance pouCles maintarrKO pursuant to inia TfuSt Deed
<br />=,nah name TNatae 8iW BeneilGiary as mSyrtala, 88 Shah respectlY0 lnl0reals may
<br />aPDear, arM provide that there 8nai1 bo no cancellation or motlificalion without
<br />lifippn pays Gr10r written notification is Truste4 and Beneimiary. In Ina avant any
<br />POIICy hareuntlar r4 n0t raneWatl on Or pefOrp filfeen days Grlpr l0 1I8 a%piratiOn
<br />Gate. TNStee or Banehcwry may procure such rnaurence and the cost thare9l shall
<br />Ce ¢tlUad to ine loan aecurep Dy Nfa Trust Oe¢d antl shall Dear iniaroat el the
<br />ptaalflr of tM interest rate speciffad tnerem or ine higtmst interest rata authohted
<br />by Ne laws Ot tM State OI NetXaaka. Trustor shaft tlelhar to Benef iclary {ne ariglnef
<br />Datusa of msyrence end renewals iheyeol Or memo copies U} each poitcfa5 and
<br />rerteWals thereU(. FaiWre la furnish msuranca Oy Trustor, or renewals es raqutretl
<br />nereurWer shall, et Ina oplron ai Beneficiary. cOhalnUte a default. A!I unearned
<br />pramlurii3 are tKraby eS9lgned to Truaiee as atldltiOnel SeCUrliy 81n1 a bale and
<br />nreydnDe Of ine Pfoparty Dy the TrvSlae endh ODetaie la ConYey 10 th¢-Ufcnaaef
<br />the Truat9i s interest in and f0 all 6oliGea a! inauranGp vDOn the Truer PrvpertY
<br />' Tuq grid Aseaaaeanb. Trustor Snail pay all taxes antl sFeGla! assessments
<br />wad w aseaased agAlnsi o' due upon top RopanY lM?ore tlefinquency, and whl
<br />Ueifre+ to Beneficiary Geples o Ceipis stiawm9 Faymani of such taxes antl
<br />speGlat asaeaaments. It Beneficiary shall se repuesl, Trustor sprees Hal there snail
<br />be dddetl t0 BHOh panptliC payment required f0 rte made hereundtlf an amUyni
<br />Imated Dy TrUaiee t0 Dp 9LL}ficleni to enable IrVatar IU pay. VI !east 3Q tlay3
<br />belOr@ dFiinquency. ah lama, asa6aameni8 or gNpr pu9lia Cnargea dpairtsi the
<br />TrVSt Property- She Note aOCUrpd bY'h:S Truai Geed, or upon account of ine UeDt or
<br />,he lien pt inia Trust Oesd, togainet wiN Dramium8 let rn ¢nGe requiretl t0 by
<br />pwtlad antler thra Tnist OaeU antl rt !nta+est snail Deap¢yabla to Tru3!Or in
<br />saps,-,t +,tK:aut uDOn Demand Dv rnlntee. T:uato, snau dalwal re rrpalee. sycn
<br />dddnionat Sums yi money a3 dre. neupasafy it make u9 any dettClency rn `nn
<br />3mM1n1a neCeaadry l0 embM TrU41aa IO CAT any of ine faregomg items
<br />9 Addittarlei LIeM. Truster shah maxa An Daymanta pi mtprpat a ~ prinOlp¢I antl
<br />pay+r,pnla at any other Cnarga3, Jaen a.'W axpnnwaa contrIICted 20 by partl t0 any
<br />Ralallnp Uen n9idare Or CtlOr De/1etlciarlaa under pnY prig Teyat CieRd. Mortpeptl Or
<br />other aacurity spreamnM. Dai9ra foe date 1tKy see tHnngwnt and ?O Day any Cihei
<br />Craim Which jeOpei'dIL¢II the aeCUnty prantad hArean.
<br />B FvoMaHan >N 8anetkiery'e Sanarity, Should Trusim fah b make am FAymant
<br />rah rU dA arty ant as hMnn prnr:9pd. W ff any ecliOn m pr@caedmq is GnvrtmpnCatl
<br />wfecn rndtenenY a?f~1n Bnnebefery'e interval in the DrOOMy. mefvctinp, but not
<br />!•nelad ?O, emtrKni M>main, dn49trBncy, e. ranp¢ments 9y prrnep,inga InuWmp a
<br />bpn+rypt ar deca0ani. than Be:wilClry Or Ttusipn Dut wtthOUt nbrtipar+w+ t0 da 39
<br />and vninau( norsee l0 of Uemaf*d oGpn Trtatpe, ird wn,fs+u; taleaaih9 fnratOr SrUm
<br />TnY t-L'ipatwn rKraufaMr, ^ISY ~n+aa! p' dti rna 4a+Tie, and n+eY par. FurCnaaa.
<br />~:'?+teat rT• ^am¢Yamq:A any e~a:vnySra++Ga- Ct:atpp w iven, wht`,-R !n ine rudpament c>f
<br />IeitAe+ aDR9ar4 irA dtle.l ,a:p FrODantY- In a Sind A'+r a:.en F:.rwvra ttw
<br />..i.sp+np 0.`dtaNacrfie< I.x i,l 'Ad!e;..ab+a d , teas w fmtr a9a+MUta
<br />CaY ra ~•ia= #atanM+anta a t entdrY+1
<br />rn>p , w+ ti 4Mn, nn, C „_ ]r+a #ardd c a y _ -
<br />uyrh'".L~v i'r.f W+a s..!r. ;.aY+"*w .k -+e~.n-.: t-v bnru5i.: art
<br />...ne ,: it . pn_, s... t . x =+^s > > e - a..??rn. s x s r.. x M1.fn. .
<br />