<br />83. VQ~~~a~~
<br />immediately prior to the casualty. In the event of foreclosure of this
<br />Mortgage or other transfer of title to the property covered hereby in
<br />extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right, title and
<br />interest of the Mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall
<br />pass to the purchaser or grantee.
<br />5. To carry and maintain such liability and indemnity insurance
<br />(including, but without limitation to water damage and the so-called assumed
<br />and contractual liability coverage) as may be required from time to time by
<br />the Mortgagee in forms, amounu and with companies satisfactory to the
<br />Mortgagor. Certificates of such insurance premiums prepaid shall be
<br />deposited with the Mortgagee and shall contain provision for ten (10) days
<br />notiu to the Mortgagee prior to any modification or cancellation thereof.
<br />6. That no building ar other improvement on the premises shat! be
<br />altered, removed or demolished nor shall any fixtures or appliances on, in or
<br />about said buildings or improvements ba severed, removed, sold or mortgaged
<br />without th• consent of Mortgagee and, in the event of the demolition or destruc-
<br />tion in wttol• ar in part of any of the fixtures, chattels or articles or personal
<br />property covered hereby, the same shall be replaced promptly by similar fixtures,
<br />chattels and articles of personal property at least in quality artd condition as
<br />those replarad, free from any security interest in or encumbrance thsreoft or
<br />reservation of tftie thereto; to permit, commit or suffer no waste, impairment
<br />or deterioration of said mortgaged property or any part thereof; to keep and
<br />maintain said premises, and every part thereof, with buildings, fixtures,
<br />machinery and appurtensnces in thorough repair and condition; to affect such
<br />repairs as Mortgsgor may reasortabiy require and from Ume M time make ail
<br />needful and proper replacements sa that said buildings, fixtures, machinery
<br />and appurtenances wiVi at all times be in first class condition, fit and proper
<br />for th• respective purposes for which they wars ariginaily-erected or installed;
<br />to comply with ail statutes, orders, requirements or decrees relating to said
<br />premises by any Federal State or MuAicipal authority; to observe and comply
<br />with all cortditlons and requirements necessary to preserve and extend any and
<br />all rights, licenses, permits (including, but not limited to, zoning variances,
<br />special exceptions and nonconforming uses), privileges, franchises and conces-
<br />sions which are applicable to the said premises or which have been granted to
<br />or contracted for by Mortgagor in conneciian with any existing or presently
<br />corttamplated use of said premises; and to permit Mortgagee or its agents, at
<br />ail reasonable times, to enter upon and inspect the mortgaged property.
<br />7. That the Mortgagor will not voluntarily create, or permit to be
<br />created or filed against the property subject to this .Mortgage, an.y mortgage
<br />Tien or outer lien (other than the lien of nondelinquent real estate taxes or
<br />assessments) or liens inferior or superior to the lien of this Mortgage without
<br />the prior writLert consent of Mortgagee, which consent shall not be unreesonabfy
<br />withheld, and further, that it will keep and maintain the same free from the
<br />Usim of all persons supplying labor or materials whiU~ will enter into the
<br />construction or repair of any and all buildings now being erected, ar which
<br />hereafter may be erected, on said premises, notwithstanding by wham such
<br />lobar or materials may have been contracted, and on the failure of the
<br />Mertaaanr tG perform these covenants, or any part thereof, thereupon the
<br />principal and all arrears of interest shaft, aL the option of the Mortgagee, or
<br />any holder of the Nats secured by the Mortgage, become due and payable,
<br />anything contained therein Lo the contrary notwithstanding. in the event
<br />thrt any person supplying labor or materials as aforesaid shall file any such
<br />Uaim, the Mortgagor shall net be deemed to be in default hereunder if
<br />(a) Mortgagor shall,'at Mortgagor's own cast and expense, within thirty (30)
<br />days after notice of such claim, either cause the same CD be cancelled or
<br />discharged of record by bonding or otherwise; ar (b) that Mortgagor shall
<br />haw the right to contest the validity or amount of any such Bien or claimed
<br />Lien if, within thirty (30) days after notiu Mortgagor shall give Mortgagee
<br />