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i <br />{1.t ntontL prior to its dae. date the am.uai mortgane insuran:.e p;ernt.laz :I< : uer tt? p c ~.1c such ?iti; r <br />with ±unds to pav such premium to zhe ~ecretarv =,f I-Ious.nga:td r'.5a.; I3ec•e;tlr~n:e-t, ,.u*st:~ ; tt tk.e <br />'`vationai I-housing Elct, as amended. and appli:able f:egulatiotts ihereun:ier::rr <br />1II; Tf and se long as said rote of ever date anti L`tis instrument are t.e'.d h} the Secretary of 1-loos:ns anii <br />tlrbart Bevetopment, a monthly charge !an laeu of a rarcrt~age fnsurence ~r~rrriunrt which sham ce~tn. an <br />aanoun? equal zo one-ztivelfth ( r1~1 cat t;ne-Lair t;/~; per centum of the average autstardira~ balance <br />due on tLe ;tote computed without taking into acct`unt detrnquencies or prepay t.tents; <br />{b~ A sum equal to the ground rents r~ any. next duc_ plus the pr miums that wrll next become due and payable orr <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance cavern~t rite mortgaged prok,erty, pats taxes artd assessments next dur. <br />t>rl the mortgaged p'ropert.}- isrli as °stdr7arF+?d by zTte -tgnrts;agee~ less ail sung already paid thereto divided bv~ rite <br />number of manth-s to elapse before one mt~rtlt prit~r to rite date u°hel? such ground rents. plen;iums, taxes and <br />ass°ssmettts .viii become de1'inquent. suet? sums to be held by ~2ortgagee i'n trust to pay saaia grcwnd rents. pre- <br />mlutrs, taxes and special assessments: anti <br />{c) .'iIl payments mentioned in the iwo preceding subsections o; this laaragraf>lt and all paytnen#s to be rYtade under <br />tine note secured hereby shall be added zogetller, and ttte aggregate amsrunt ihtreaf shad be paid 1`.v the 12ortgagor <br />each month il: a single payment to k>e applied by fife 1So~tgagee to the 1s,llawtrrg t.ertrs r! zhe ardor set tcrth: <br />(T) :aremiuir cltargeF under fife ctrlttru°t st#insurance t.IZL the SE -reia,:y c> ilfrusinr and t .ban I3c~;elt~pntc:rt. <br />ur Ittoa°thly c.haltc i n I;rac u~ rtre~; t, ca,r rrrsttea r ~rre rr atrna), h° ca e r ry be; <br />(Tl} .;round rots. tarns -a.,essrncnts. t tt ant3 : tl ~. ;rag r1 i:aur,tnct_ 1 rcrnams; <br />(1Ti) interest on the note secueef~ lterebv; a~rtc; <br />tl'~' ~ 1}nOrtllaifOn ijt the prlncipat i)I 'ialrt I:tJte. <br />aaty" :itlt'lertC4' :i? the !im(~ir rtt t?i .ill k' StlL? sggreg;tL P7t3r t79 (~ iJay acltt 5.!', ail. L3nh; J, iTta tie UUCS ~"1 ile ~t)1'i- <br />~~;agor prior to t3te titre date t~f tht? next such l avn,u.ldY. t'r~at,titute an !.went ~-sf tlcti'atil. tu:clcr t u~ r tt~rt~:age_ ?~-~~ <br />A9ortgagett r+„a>~ crtile:,=t a "3ate t},Irgt" n,?, t.3 z~xrt~~ _..:,=Its E-i,t 4 : ,' ~~ac t i;,iia?~,gl : ,rf ca. l t~a_t~n~~~nz tttr3rc <br />titan tit't;~mrt ~ # >) t+als in a..,;aas ,o :t;~er th:; extra t ,?; tr~~tlhrect ,:~ ;IrldCn„ cleiirlgicrt k;,rtnes±ts. <br />>. Lati. tE the iratal tsT tht= lra~~ntc tts nt~hde Ity tht~ *I+rilt~a,trar t:ndrr rr ttE' p.zr~a~rttph 'd prt•et•c9ira„= Khali a~rrcrt.d <br />flit <rmtsunir- ctf pttwment,~ cactu2cl!e rnatde hay t,ltt~ tilortP~a=re~r< l~or <9rtrunti rent.. (tere~~~ :.nrt :..-:a..,~mrrni~ «r in.~uratat•e= pre<- <br />rrtinms. ;t:< ttlt, c a.~e~ ntav irt~<, Lucia e~xcc~ss. ,1 t#tt~ iuar°I t~ currc:raz, .tt t{tf:• tiptfe~rl trl' tyre ~it3rl;sel;arr, sh<als`trir +:re~rlit<,d l::s <br />fife ti#urt,nwa_;*ne on ttb~et}ut>ne Itati~tnertt~ to ltt< trl;ult~ #t} the 1ltartrr. ~ctr. arr~ rP~ltmdctl to i)?e ylcrrL~rztr>aar Id, „t:.rt,~<a~f~r, they <br />~nontktl~ }t:uy'tnt~nl,~ inailc bt tht "r9ortg;7t;t7r utadcr ' - ;rl Ir<tr<tt;rt;ph rrec~etitny; stt,atl srtu he ~;ilfticr,tt ~ I t, >;rount= <br />rt:nE, t.ttic~:~ alttd at--~°~-me<nt:~ irl• in~urana~a< prelrtiunt~, <r~ ahk~ rao=P~ msv d'at< ttSat>tt the ~ant.~ :-teals irc~e+rrra~ tlue~ ,artd pap,_ <br />dhlr. t12PIt tit F6 ~ht7rr ~:~l~lr Mall 176?y ti) i-h E' 11ir Ct sr.lLr t't` 2trtk tl It10UriF rt t`d,"t'~-nflC'C ER'f Sr13f lC#' np idtf' a_~t?~tl'I t"S7 C'~, fan i,BT' lkf'?~C}CP <br />tdtl d'd tf' ltilf l'i h32ilr`RTt PI'7f f1t ^^'4r('hi ~;'Unl'1 (1 Lf'iilr~. itAr6 ar:;. i,;:~Ct1 t~1n L< fi)t' In~n['8n7.'b~ (rS"t'S11i Li nkr ~hL311 f}! {,I ;I ~'. It Nf~ ~3.n1' <br />tIRtP ihP t1C3I"t i7il~fl~C ~=13a1I i('!7 CiPr tt) th E' tl: Fi,r 2ti!C'4', Ett :.t i'i'r7 PClap t'P 111C1'S rhP hbrO'~i ~iP+(1 `~ Pik EhP tY4Jl f:" '^:fli`ii t"t 43 17 f?t'0.'h1'. <br />fttlf Ira~otne>rtt «f the etttirr =ncdtPlatt~dtts~~~ ttalrrc~~P<rN,P<d tlt,zrt~b}, thPa litrrt;,ra~,satr -h:ail, sit <•fxnptttin<r, tht~ anttttltt; f~f .~=tlt•.h <br />t t.iekxedness, t-redit to tttc <zccP,auitt of fife l~dortgaeur ~rli lr.a?~~rrte°nt=; s=t,t<l~~ urn~{cr .Ilc~ t~=rtiat°r~.turts of ~;, Pr1 k7 - :t;rzspl't ~` <br />},ci•cot~ athlete tht< ~lnrigtt,~ee htd- ntet bt~t•anlt~ r,iall~.atcrCl tar ita~ Ur thc< we+•rc~tarc ui' 9fuu~it,~r .nd I r' .In ',' '.:::rnt-nt <br />amfl t,~nt 1;alztntt~ rc~m:ainint: In ihf~ (tattd= at<s°nttrulact>t9 under tlts~ proci~ion_ ,;i~ ~1.; .>1 kaatrtr~ratlh '' h .~,'~~ ,.e.,~, <br />~n.ilf Ltc~ tt f3a?i~;ault, nnc;rrr :tats' u6 t1tE prcr~~~s:-uxt~ t:#~ tlti~~ Irur~ ;t:a;,,c iP ~s,.ir:,= in ;t Etui,l.e ~aic~ !ri tltP~~ ,trYr:~~~ ; !~ oeo-.~rrr<i <br />ht<rehy, ur ii' 4.}t<~ "rival°t~itei't° ascrlutm.= iitF~ }arcllat~rt~ irtirc~rati,c° raltt~r tt~P~i<I,uit, vht< 1laart~~ret+t~e~ Thai! ti#r,rk,.. <~t t;a. ait,te r, I' <br />the t•trinrtrencetnta~n of .~.ICIt prrtta~s<tiila;,==-, irr :It tht~ tinw~ tt:t~ a>rtrtrP~rt} =,lhe~rr:r-t ac4tttirt~rl. rtt+~ E..°lea~rr= Ihs>n rrttutat,- <br />irt_= itr tht~ 1'untls atccurnnlatorl untlel' r ; f!1 yrar-:.t~~r Ipn '' t,tr~r•c>rlita~, : - ,: a~ <tl~ t ;ti,ra[n~t tit+< snaeiun,- ril ir;°incrk'}.rt then <br />rcrnt,tining urrpaitl unclt<r ~-atid more. <+sui ~laali k,eogrt,rlti ;afittl-t ~..vt~ p.+4ma<nt, a.hfats l:ats±~ irf~ct~ ItlEt~dr~ rand€rr=:,? <br />ol° Itar:~'raaplt '~, <br />~t. ~slt:l the yt;sigat^ °' ai4E tip Ia~aura Batt,. ,rc~, a stw:rtter+[ t>~tet +tes. trtu it?tar ~craa ur t. <br />n mgrs. ,:„t~. ,ar ,r.rpt:5ition.. t, l; prt tr,a.r,~, h.~, tiot tietr: rtta¢de hcteinheP< +.c. _urtr r., „c3.ntlt cretrf th. son t ~., <br />.a t <br />p~zar the .. Mme. ,anti iha[ the \. _ .:: ,i e. ikl t?rtmrptlc rlci,ser the t #iiciaf receipts tlterci<rr ieti t Fc ~ua' ~~zee. <br />?tte ti`dtrrtgagor stilE ~ . .. ,<rres v.[.i~lt :=;srk a,c ieviet; u?n;n tl e y4o=.'t~sgee~w in~cre~' ~- ,.. r•stitte s:nti ittlnr,3ve- <br />ulents. atttt whi:<1~ nr.;t ire Icy red uptr r thi, rnfor ale t : it ;. der , s cunt 'tuc:F,e' " ur t ra14 tet t},<. c- e t jai rc t is r , i r<tt?I?ait- <br />td by lar>< <altd onlt tt, tFe tr _nt th.ri ,;rch a u .tot nrat~a. Ihas t rttr? rr,trrtuaAS1. c~~clutl:ng. gay ~..,,,.t S..:aN ° ? t•der,ai. <br />imposed,rn L~9orts,t ee. a:nei toil! l~tle the t>tnciu! .ecein! ,hati4ing *uc#t ;+;:intent ustn tae ?a2t~rt -,,:ee. t`ptar_ skis ~,,(ii,r c~i` thic {rn:?er- <br />tclking, tx t!~ the ?~4t i!. agt>r a prohihrteti i~. ;:art lave rn,v, va ter c ~iaing trr tt~ paying th, s~hc>te <rr an?, taor~zit'>n c 1 ;hc <af,a; e- <br />saiti taxes, car upon a he resttizrin~r c;f any `e,t?I t t~~cr'e~ prohinitin~, „te p;:yrnenl t~z ine ~1PIrr agar ~>r any strc°h <a.res. P,r ,: ~u~:h luty <br />r?rdecree preaities thtit any antotntt sin pail hs :he y9tirt •,:wtrr shad 3~t• Credited trr, t;re Wier i,*:tt;e debt. the ~Itrri~*a~ret sn<,1( have <br />the I'ititt zi> ~>,tvz nlnet~_' i91 ~'S~ t°:rittcr7 .^,titscc, ft? the .~u~nr c?9 Ph i, ritt3rlr~t~eJ ;'~rt;ntt~;t.~, rCC(!tiritt~ Pitt t~,a~?nc°?tt e iLf, n ~.i<r~?,.;v <br />debt- It st,ch notit:a be gtvert. t'tte s.aad debt sh€t(f #~ecortte ii:ae. ,~ ryalile ar,u ct~l~eLtabie .rt. Ehc t tt?ir<ttrt,n c,3 slid Winer. cs<I~~s. . <br />Ci- ~ ri sht>u9al he fait trz t',v at ~ turn isr ! cep <tn. ovven nr prov~otfea 1't'rr in this Pa~iort !te. ~'tcn the ~4t r ~-zgec xt tts up- <br />titan. Irtsll pay tzr p,.rfornt the carne ,tnd ail c.rh ;nditure ~+7 tnade shar;l he added t, the pt.nclpal snm .?ea~in#: ern the aho:e note, <br />shall lee secured llerehv„ anti hati beg; nrtere st ~:, the rate set fttrzh in tht ,acid lrtste. utltik laid. <br />i htft: he Lr by <is4IL`nti, t:ansiers .tnti ats over to the 13tr t„ur:;ee, zo he app?led toward t;rt i :rultten! <,t t, e t,uEe :and. <:ti <br />Tunas secr_reci Lerelty in ~. sx =i' a cttia.ult rtt tr c Wert"orratar~c:o e ' r } t r ~h iu'n , at} conclttls)ns t t ns '~t~retgage : r he sale? <br />sauEe, ztll ttlc rents revenues .and int,u,tle to be uzriv~ccl <<trnt ih. ro f.<ertrs ~s during such *altra 4s tfte araortga~tc inuchted- <br />rlas5 steal' r ntai~n unr titl. and rtes: Mort <rge sh ~ i ha e iauwer in Ipprtn <arr'r' u c nt ar a c nt~s it na s desire rtar i1'te ~,t , ose of <br />~epatrin~, said p:~c,n¢se, arra of rerstrrsg +ne sa,ttcartcd uvl:ecting tht, reds. reserrucs rind inCtlme, aal~i IB Wigs pay' uut ut sa;d in- <br />ontes .all expenses of Deptslring sand prenties ttrld ntcessaey ctwntnrisstt;ns anti menses incurred in renEingInd tn:nagsng the <br />;nle rr>d tr# <'oliec',ing rentals ;.heretro nt: the 1>sriance A,.nt<,ining, if ~In}. pct tae applied ttntart! the dic€:Itst Tt- ,tt staid morig°t~~ge <br />tndebteti;ress. <br />k. T'h<it Le ti.~i13'r;eep shy irtg?r:~+:errtent nssx exstin€; ar 9?rreat#ter t.,,czec? s:rn Cabe mvrttra$cd ttt.ape <br />,t„ :nstczed as r .v` be <br />rectal€ed fro m fir ~e ,+:s Barre tt:• iha °origa;;ets against loss 3~i ~i?-€ <ird i.>thcr h<_<<_: cr G<saua`rtirs tired cc.rrtingens:lcs ,,, s4,t'h <br />rronra[a, Intl tt;r ati. t; ;.>erdraas <la rr ?r: reyraired ,`~y the ''vl,;arE ages auu ~x~ill pa i prtrmpli: , when =~e .nv 7 ~ ;iunts cn such <br />test r;n+.e is ctiisatan for prvriTa at ~ ich fta4 not het. made rfercin}aerc4n. Ali sn'rranct ;h rli rye ~ riu~ t~ cr-mplnies ; *~- <br />t~rvvt,~d t-,y .hse ~iar!r,.rQee: Ana the t:...~t_~ iind reneu=sls tnere<if tag?: be Ite?~t tt1 .n~. 't1!°~rtr;agee <tnd t: aye.,..Itcd rhk.rctt) ?.ass <br />t cyab'_e ~Irtu,~~< ht ' a„- v7 ~.,u i;; l~ rnr acctp>,:bie n;? tLe ~Ior' t-at;ee, fn ~~„ant P,rt kr<- `.i,arigagcir it 'I .:it~e ~ araettitate n+ticc ?~s~ <br />na4T to znc '§ c~•r>_ a ., rr >s` an e prate( t:f fos> of nut m .,se prt7ntpiiy hv~ `4 r anti ca_a.s,ce conrp~_.Ay con- <br />eaneti F, i°z .d d ;':, c t# tea al <ke pelrnerlr fur tt~~h Itr~». c.irecrlti t. ~ as ~ t,>.ee:_ n5te:.. t,+ , a th,.- 9,u igt:tc~r <br />n ! ~ ° _. •~ ~ t• . <br />Y, _t' 1 rx. ratRCe ~°ei" : ^G' : ie'iei'Ll * i~t) ~ ~ _ _ [ 7iti i! 1tiU i Cit kit; [C <br />it t ~- . , . it . ,_ i~,,i Ics_-. xy ht nCE tl ?h t ~' i <br />-. it J. t-~ .. ; f _ Lv cE., i- „'1 tn2 :c( ?ft~"G. Ct`Eit_ <br />. i. - _ i. _ _ .... -. .~. _. .. Yi`C'UI::V ~rC1'cbt', <br />` _ ~ ~ ~.- ~ .- -_ ~ -. ~ i ~ ~ it'tl'~~ : tl t'; 1131 <br />j <br />