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rl"423~ Z~,rTr} t, llSeQ to C6nnel;- ! <br />~~~~~ ~ *iitn °,~>ttt czTOrtgages insured <br />! under the one- to ±our-fancily <br />~ provisions of the National <br />Housing pct. 's <br />"With deferred interest and ascreasing 1 ; ~ <br />wont Itl.y installment s" ~ - °` ~,, ~,~ ~,,~ ; - <br />HIS 4f{}F.~G~!.G£, made and executed this 7th day of January ,~,~_ <br />l9 83 ,by andberween T'nomas L. Peterson and 'Theresa L. Peterson, husband and wife.,. <br />of~ the Caunty~ cif Ball ,and Stage of Nebraska, party e2 the first part, hereinafter stilled <br />the~~foregagc>r.,and Superior Mortgage, Inc, , <br />zt corporation tlrgansted and exi4ting under the law'c of iv'ebra ska <br />parry of the seconc? part, hereinafter called the ;~forteate e, <br />t1~'I"PTL'E551i'1`Fi: ?-hat the vaid't~fortgagt~r, #t7r and ira consideration cai~ rite stmt o? Party Thousand Six rnzndred <br />a d Io l OEI h __ _ ___ _ _ -- __-- I~ofiars {`~ 40, 6G0. a7Q ), paid by the ?tifork- <br />~,agee. ~te rec~ipk «tt u~ttch is itereh , acl~nots^iedgzcl taws Granted ant! S«Irl and by these presents does ?;irant, ~5ar- <br />paiar, Sell, t'curvcy and C'c~ntsrm canto fhe ~4«rtpa~ee. i€s successors sznd ssi~,ns, forever, the`_ol3owing~-ascribed <br />real estake, sittrateti in the s; Uu~nty e?f i3ali ,and State <br />>f Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lot Three (3) except the fiartherly twenty-three (23) feet <br />thereaf, Black Twelve (1.2), Clausen Country 'view F~ddition <br />to the City of Grand Island, 1-Itall County, tiebraska, <br />ctf the Sixth 1'rincip,tl iwlr:ridi,ut, cxtntaainin{; itT ail <br />aatent survc y: <br />~crr„s ,,.cctrdi;t~ tc? C;tsuern- <br />f•(~} H 11 I_ ,~ivt7 `3~dt 1IOP I) tht tremisc ,:hole tics ^bed atith ,all tnc appurtcnanccs thereunto heJ<.>natnt! tsnd attcluding <br />all he.ctinp pluntbin~=and 1i~ht3 t,t lixtu,cs attd eynipntent norP~ nr ~vt.rczafter ~ttiaciteti to war used in caannecdon ~tth ~,.Tid rea{ estate <br />s~ntct rite ~ta~rt~arsee, .tnct ttt it. successors and ;r,srttt. Ie~ret~ca~. the 4ltarti;agaar rt prese n3s ttt, >snd cctvenattts with, the :~Rtertga- <br />;:ct that ttae ~ft>rt_L tttut• has stoou rif,kvt tc -:el~ anct loo x4v saia.t P~rensise. Iht~tC they tare fae~ frtrm Encumhssnce::znd that the <br />"•4tart~agar ~t~iii ,x~arr ant ,and dctend the ~.rme .at,..inst tht kawtu ~.I:cttns a,t ,All persons wht)mseacver; trod the saptl h~€ortga~ttrherc- <br />hg reGngtnsht~s z,ll rtphts cti huntzste< ct. and .ril >rtartitii ri~~hts. either tat latia- car in equity, ttnu tall c>thrr cantrn~ent interests of the <br />'stortyagor izt anti tta tl'ne apace-described prcrtt»e~s, the intentiosz tsein€t tca conuey P.erehy wan absolu2c kitle, in ~fe~e simple, inelua- <br />htp, still rie;hts of he»t,cstcad, ,trail other ri~;ltks and inserests as aforesaid. <br />F'RC)'4`If~t:~,t~ tl.`wi";a5'S, watt these presents are executed wand dchEered upon the to€lowistg conrsikii?ns, to wit: <br />The hitartgtt~or .trees to pray to the '!artp<~3gee, or t7rder, the principal sttm of Fcrty 'L'Ytousarad Six hundred <br />and ~o/IrJ4ths----____..____-- ___-- d)ollar'si``: , <br />---------- ~+t9, 60G. CC <br />w"it€7 rntertst l~resan dalc at 2irc ret.e of~ Twelve pea c~ntutn ( , 2 `-~'°'} per acrrscam tan <br />the unpaeid halanee 3ntd Patti the said principal and interest shwa, be paayable at the olitce of Superior ~tartgaga, Inc . <br />in Grand Islar_d NE . or tt such tither plasa as the htr[der cf <br />tha note cn ay aiesign<ci.e in writir~, in ntat~t~nfy installments c>f <br />~~~ {according to Schedule},~a rrtme~Ct~t~ oty ~~st dray of <br />i'Tarc h . S9 $3 . and on tftc first clay of each ruuatth there€aftes until the pristcipal and in- <br />rere5k ~e PuICg frtaid, except that the gnat pztytttent a~~t6 ;+t'inctpad asks interest, ii nvt staotter Paid, spa}} bar dne arid <br />payable on the iarst c#av of February, 2 Ql3 ; ~.lf acccard~isz~ to the terms of ;~ certain p.omis- <br />scary noteufevenctateherewithexecuteti~bythcsaist?x4urt~at:or. C'Deferrsd i.>zterest shall oe added to tt~e prinei- <br />pal balance utanthly and shall. incCrease t' e n z a1 ha.tance to not mare titan 543 7~S.S5. <br />"1'he !?ifart,agtar in order ntcrre fully tct pr•otacY ttie security ci~ th~~ti7t'cr{~ga~e, agrees: , <br />I. "I`h,at',~ will p:ap the indetatecinas, as itereinbefare prowtdeu'. ~rivile~ta is reserved t.u pay the delat in ct?hate, or in an <br />amttant equal tpope c>r more mtl,tthly payrstents oa #:he principal that are next due crn the mete, can khe »rstiltty of any rrtcsnih <br />t5rior to maturity: FTrovicterl, frowt;vcr, `t'hat twritken sauce taf an intention to exercise such p,ivilet;e is given at least thirky (3@1 <br />days priorAe prepaynaent_ <br />.'.. That, together tt'izh, ward in sesidation #o, khe t.tcsnthly payrrtents tizf renctpal sand interest payable nailer the terms a% the <br />n, c r, a hereby'. the.tvTc?rtg;zgtrr wilt pay to the lvfartgagae, tan the first d=sy of eas~h rtonYhunYil the swill awls is fully Patti, the <br />ft~, ~. „tL -,u;ats: <br />i.~ ~ ,u;,'_ sttt~liia*t3t t<t Itra:tvtr3e zhc: htrid~r la+~re~at with tutzzls zc> pvy tltc ti~xt sttc>rc~abe insurance prer>.siutzt s this <br />~i !ici.. u3r} Oise tttttt Secure+l ltetchV ~.rtc ar1.SZErtrrl, r,; tt rrttstttitly chax;~e jirr Pze~t~~ vt u xrtc~rtgaga~ tra.~trazrrc•v p:,re- <br />~,escz~;rta 6 _ .._ lr; 1;~, tit ~,:-,.,w tyt'+ ~ rrt{,attcl #.'.',~nr 13~viac,p=,a"t~~ ~. ~ Mows: <br />~f.) -~ ... ..., ., . .- .. r ., a[dtt .~. tl' ::._ _. ~_ r .~;c S02rt4Fi rE~Ct BiSltlk*3~ the 2triT- <br />.. .~~ .1~ _ i _... _,_ .. .i..k....,n. ~... ,.~.. ~. ~~ .,:. t31ti 4,:tt1£l$t~l ti7!"'~`+ttit t. s}}t> <br />~_ <br />