&. lrt the event said property is sold at a jt€diciad foreclosure sate or pursuant to the Hower of a sale fiereinabove
<br />granted, and th,e proeeeds are not sufficient io pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrument and e~~idenc-
<br />ed by said promissory note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgement for the amount cif the
<br />tleffctertcy tivithaut re~garci rn a~praisement.
<br />7, In the event t:he mortgagor fails to pay any fedexad, state, or local tax assesment, income tax or other tax lien,
<br />charge, fee or other expense charged against the property the mortgagee is hereby authorised at its option to pay
<br />the same. Any sums so paid by the mortgagee sdzall be added tc> and became a part of the principal amount vf' the
<br />indebtedness evddence<l by said note, subject to td~re same t:errns and conditions. df tdre mortgagor shad( pay and
<br />discharge the indebtedness evidenced by said. promissory note, and shad3 pay such sums and shall discharge. old
<br />taxes and hens and the costs, fees, and expenses of rttadcing, enforcing, and cxecuting this mortgage, then this
<br />mortgage shalt be cancelled and surrendered.
<br />8. The eavena~nts herein contained shall. bind and Che benefits and advantages shall inure to the respective successors
<br />and assigns of the l~rarties hereto. tVhenever used, the singular number shall include the pdaral, the plural the
<br />sineuiar, attd trite use. i?f any gender shall inchrde old (;enders.
<br />'~, Vo tivaiver of any covenant herein or «f" the obligation secured dtereby shall at any time thereafter be held to be a
<br />w~ai+~°~r of the tz:rms 9;iereof sir c~t~ the alotc securztd hertbv,
<br />1tk. A tiudicial (leer(^c, (order, or ;audgement holding any provision or portion trf this inst.rumt=nt invalid or unenforce~
<br />:tlhle .hall not in :attrr ti~rt}° in-thair or tarecduae the crate>rcernem crf ehe remaining provisions or portions of this
<br />Ettstrtttnen? .
<br />tl, .~ptv +~~riRtett t€.rii~°~ t~± t,~• ....~;1 ter thr ~~;~~rt,.t~,c?r l7t~s~_..iut tea ~th~ d+rrr~;~,icanti cat this in>trument shall he addre~,scd
<br />.,
<br />s~~ .,=~rt~ats:~trr tt Sara 'VE
<br />gray ~+~r;tten ~7^.~ ..___.,.____. .,__._ _....__ _._.. .,._,_..
<br />_~ _. ._ ~ ==red ; otr~e to be rssued ~o the tnur _;a~~cc ~fiald
<br />108 •~ta'
<br />~. .s.~;,.,.. •±°;. i,:, ~;:~.._~. . ~ ~~ -: .z 3, ?'.t~ 3rax ?i~pE~, c,rand Island, ?vE cs~2
<br />l~ :i,>t~g,,. ~t?ttr;t~~~s„ .;,~ ,,,::e~~r trr~ .'~,e'CUte~+a thss tnstruntent and the rnartg<tszee has accepted delivery tal
<br />r
<br />I~wt~l1 >, C~lc3t~r~~
<br />F
<br />l~wr~tat~.i ~ktttl ~lrlrir;raci .as tl>c ~?:+.~c°.ti.c:.rot ttt4 =~alloltintz tiv'tncascs.
<br />...E , ~ . ~ d,~lcid Apprcapriate 1, ~ raou lodgement?
<br />`s`li;~,"Cd t)l~ *:C::13C2~r~;Sl~r1 ~ Before rnc, a qualified Votary 1'ubdic, personally appeared ....___._______
<br />ss, ilow~7.~ c~._~ldham and t~iary A. Oldham
<br />i~nttwrn to rno to be identic.ad person or p~rson~ who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the axe uutan
<br />thert=of tt~ be _w.~,~~ah~:i`._.m voluntary act and deed.
<br />1h'itness my hand and *Jotari<tl ~;ead on ___Janua__~_ r?' __? ,~ , d9 _ ~~
<br />.. ,l~
<br />~,,
<br />_____... i ~ ~ ~.,
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<br />w ~~IIR ~~R pK ~{, i~Io~ry ~ub11C
<br />°vi}~ t`ommissian E,tpf_ res~~ .~~~,_ ~ ;:%'-` _, 19 °`r ~ .
<br />~,
<br />S"lf'ATE fJF VEBF:ASKA ~ Before me a qualified ~+lotary Public, personally appeared. __.~___Ym__
<br />ss. _ _. ..e._._.
<br />C:r~i3NTY C?F ^ ? President of `TM~__~~.___.___.._....._~_--_-___._~._
<br />a corpt>ration, knoNrn to me to tae the President and. dentscal person w•ho signed. the foregoing nstrumen€, oral
<br />a+ knn~,~ ~ectged'the etecutic~n tdtereof to be }rs voluntary act and deed as Brach officer and the voluntary act and deed. of
<br />laic! corE oratias' an~3 . i,at its corporate seal. 4vas afl`ixed zhereta by its authrrr it.y.
<br />'~iiin:,s trzy hand .and Notarial Seal on _.._._.,,___.__,~._._. n ._.__.__.._____e, I9 .~.._~_~.
<br />h~
<br />Votary lxtihdii'
<br />~ ~ ,; . ,
<br />