d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its Successors
<br />or assigns, mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any additions,
<br />improvements, or betterments made to the property° hereinabove described and al} property acquired by it after
<br />the date hereof (all in form satisfactory to mortgagee), Fttthermore, should mortgagor fail to care any default
<br />in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument, mortgagor here-
<br />by agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such default, but mortgagee is not obi#gated to do so; and such advances
<br />shall. become part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, subject to the same terms and conditions.
<br />e. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in 1'ttll farce and effect during any postponement or
<br />extension of the time of the pa}anent of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory Hate or Hates, or any
<br />part thereof secured hereby.
<br />f. To continuously maintain hazard insurance, of" such type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />may from time to time require on the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and will pay promptly
<br />when due any premiums therefor. All insurance shalt be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />policies 2lnd renewals thereof shalt be held #ay mortgagee and }rave attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor
<br />of and in form acceptable to the tnartgagee. In event of loss, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing
<br />to mortgagee, and mortgagee map make proof of loss if not made promptly tsy mortgagor, and each insurance
<br />company concerned is hereby authorired and directed to make payment far such loss directly to mortgagee
<br />instead of to m<>rtgagor rind mortgagee iointly, and the insurance proceeds, or zany part tltercuf, Enay be applied
<br />by a7tort~;agee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or
<br />repair tsf the property damaged ar destroyed. In evem of f~oreclcasure cif this mortgage, nr ether transfer of title
<br />to said property in extinguishment tat the indchtedne~s scoured hereby, all right, title, and interest sit" the
<br />mc>rti;aeor ill and to :u[y ins[tranci pa9icies then in t°cuoo 5haf1 pass t<~ the ptrr:~lrascr t?r mortgagee car, ;lt the
<br />csption t~rP the tna7ttgar~.l~a, Inaar he s[arrcnClcretl fc'r ;t rcfttncl.
<br />g. T`ca kc~'p adl buildings Ktn~i ether ir:9pro~etrlt:r.ts can ,aid properry in grand repair and ~onditicalt,; to
<br />petRUt, ~+ttlR1n]dt, or ti4atler nt'a w;i$±;•. ~~`Irp`alrn7et?t, :iei~`r?a"stroll tat tiald property or oily part t#rere{af; rtt the etierlt
<br />rat" 'atlttt~e tat ths: rnoric.;gtar tcl keep the ?urldtnc~ r~:a ,;lid prerraisrs and ihcase erected can yard premases, car
<br />inlproainRCrti~ ,'hcrcc~i . ., _„otl tpait, ths° tirr7r[,:;r,;rr• 'ray in.t~.r tiu~h ~c,~arrj• ~ts itr its discrt^tia~n it tnav dorm
<br />rlc~~s~trr~' '~Jt ';iC j"4ai~ict i~tC+traatr~)n tlltrt",d~:, .il:i7 the 1'tilf aml't7nt :~i :at'tl `ttlf~ Cverr4 `~ti';~tl p:!'.tl:~~li w;h;~)1 lk~
<br />trnmec#aat~.°?~° i:~.,t .,all p.,~:Eble; zlnd sltrail l~r ~ct:atretl i,'. the fern cif tt.,~ ~ r, t~.~.;4.
<br />!, ... 4tiell.ant.l r31'a' C7~¢a!~ ttr ~'.;,. `i }1". ...., tC..t i`Y St '~:_ I ~ " -~"t'~, .'~! I [:. ..3~ a'il'. Piet[
<br />.. .,, r,"~^.~,. rta tire" 11."'.'. ., ;L :.,,:•.~ .i•'i„l~' ~t ,ci; .~; ~c:E. .sic ~,' .•'~C. ,:n.: i.~l~t~r, „ia; rne~rtd
<br />.r arc%. ns~p ,1B3d ~ ~.li, .,>,;, .. .au~ ,_. ., ~ ... ...,tut _ .iii ;~c-.._ .~ ,l ,,. ..~ :,; .,r(tr ..I
<br />fit?t' ~on-
<br />.. .,:aa~rl w~,i 13n~:Mn~. Yl',.~3~~.Cte~ x,f 2 ,'ir-i:.. .'~. ~ ...,.. ..,.._, _ ~ .>lEt`.~_t ~. :a
<br />-' pt.'nlr~ts.
<br />its Ilr?$ r><:07t a t~~i:'t; a?~ `,fsr '''~c rcarl a?f ~~..~;.: ~ai?II }:J 4'S ~: ,?tt}t1t, I'tF l+ .. ~.,.I S1's. (1f .C'Ir1 Kl',,'~, t,,r
<br />~tllas9.tnptal.h+' "s'C" :in'~ ` ~„~. .~,f7i1:!? 'i°.C 3~ritt~'dl c:cstt~nt ~sf Ilsiu u.„t ,t;;c.
<br />~~ a .: c1 i,;. ., i.a.:~:.;c ~ ,~,;, l."., ~. t.~,..~,;ti .~,r.cfernnztti+:at .. ;9rh(i ':~~• cif ur 9tir,ttr4~ a,~:~: c,f =.1tc
<br />`1'?,'!iE .3fia: . ..i .. ,.i .'1ti tai . ., .,°~~ ~ , , ,
<br />:ta~. .I,. :r,) 'L') ar~i ;~~ t,i., ;r~'cc', ~f~, r.... 1'~t~l~, 't~„,ame t~
<br />'a:!~;, ~t.. ,. .ia'1-I.CI°; , .~ .., ..1.. 'I~i': C:f,l (.'~ ~ . it"'. Il
<br />- t7i' .9C. .~!l,. ~"• .3L,iL :IlCu, '~iS '4+.13Y1C° Cpl t17G
<br />n~tt;f^ .k t' t(1 C1C"~ttS: „nci :7k#?~t' ~,:1:1,~' d. ,4 -,..I34., iflCtCt` i ii. ~. ,'(r;i; f:;,n'3 any' ~.,, ..'soli{,
<br />) <~ tnortgagc~ar ~h<tll #`ravt the ragtu tea irtnert the niurttiaged lsrcna~scs %it any rc,tti~,tcat?ir< tame..
<br />! :~> ;~,^[1,,~ uit#s the pros;isiolts a>f zany lcare it thts'a9ottga~;e P~ c>n Et lcasehc~ld, if thrs'a4or[,,rcc ~~ :+n a
<br />unit its s ~c~~sdc~ilsinnium ter a planned t.enit development, 13orttawer shall per#'<arm all xaf l'3orrouei°~~ ,,lali;eatit~r~
<br />undCt tltr ~it6`lalCatton i>r ~riiti'lnant5 ~rC!atEn)'`* t)r }?4?k'Crnin(L t11C ~C7ndUInlnlR.Em tar pl3nnE;i# lrrflt !3C~'i:Itap'11~fli,t~'~"
<br />by-laws aEnd regulations of the eondomitaium or planned unit development, and constituent documents.
<br />~, l?efault inn any of the covenants or conditions of this instrument or of the note c7r loan ageement secured Hereby
<br />shall terminate the mortgagor's right toy, possession, use, and enjoymetu of the property. at the option of the
<br />mortgagee or assigns (it being agreed that the mortgagor shall have such right until default). Upon any .such
<br />default, the mortgagee shall becotn"e the owner of all of the rents and profits securing after default as security fear
<br />the indebtedness secured hereby, with the right to enter upon said property for the purpose of collecting such
<br />rents and profits. This instrument shall operate as an assignment of any rentals on said property to that extent.
<br />3. if the mortgagor defaults, and fails to snake any payments when due or to conform to and comply with any of
<br />the conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage or the notes which it secures, then the entire principal
<br />sum and accruerd interest shall at once become due and payable, and draw * per cent (35 • ~ Rio) interest
<br />thereafter until ~aaid at the. election of .the mortgagee; and this mortgage may thereupon be foreclosed immediately
<br />fcii• the. whole oaf lire indebtedness hereby secured, including the cost of extending the abstract of title frtam the
<br />date of this mor¢gage to the tithe of eommen:cing such suit. *Fifteen and One/Half
<br />4 Ill rho even[ of a foreclosure or default: as provided, herein, the mottgag~ shall at once be entftled to the pos-
<br />~cssi~n ~ ~E, stnc# enjoyment of the-.real estate aforesaid and to the rent, issues, royalties, and pratits thereof,
<br />~ fraol rite accrusrg of such r.'ght~ and during thepeudency of foreclosure proceedings and such possessions, cac.,
<br />'"~~ ;halt at ont:e tie uelia~ered to the ~Ir;rtgagee upon request, upon failure such delivery of such possession may be
<br />eni,~rc~d L,: etc c ~~:~nee, ~y ara} p;rr~l>r,ate i:~gal proceedings;,inclucling areceiver for rite property.
<br />S. 7 he ;,rc~ cis 9 ;:;~' ~.,lc ,>s satu ~r~t~ r~:L, i accord~.n~~e ,,? ,th the preceding .paragraphs shall be applied first to
<br />y~%i )' is - ,.JfiCS :3 ,u ~3:ped >:.t. a? a.L is?~_ .t~ ~_'~,:~4t~i.~~ .Ci:etS !?y ~t~"tC.-Cn£)rttSageU fQ~rth~' pi7rpt35~ i.~t pl'.Ot~A;t'.7di& C3r..
<br />rr[ain~~a~ntrig s:~ ic' r op_ t,, ti_^ ~•rcia, ~~[, ~~i. ,,,de~'. +~.-ress seoused hereby, ;zed thirdly, to,pa}~ airy surplhs«r
<br />'xcesv c- r t n st-~r ~:,, >,-;u,r~ti ,ctli;' a '_~i ~';a~reto.
<br />